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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 250x150, CompanyLogos_le cordon bleu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8397346 No.8397346 [Reply] [Original]

anyone on /ck/ go here, or any culinary school? I really wanna apply but I'm getting a bunch of mixed reviews... so I'm on 4chan looking for a straight opinion

>> No.8397352

Le Cordon Bleu locations vary widely in quality. Most of them are terrible. Culinary school in general is a terrible idea unless you know for sure what you want to do; don't even consider it unless you've worked the line for at least a couple years first and know you want to go full career.

>> No.8397970

How old are you?

Culinary schools are shutting down everywhere because they are too expensive. And they don't teach you shit. But a certificate is nice and it gets you hired more places. I got to a completely 100% free culinary school. Room and board, classes, text books, everything is no cost.

Do not waste your money on a bull shit school filled with entitled assholes who all want to be on food network like it means something.

>> No.8397981


San Francisco coming in

We laugh at LCB. Similar to coding bootcamps.

If you like food, it'll show. We hire people who know how to cook not pretentious fags who go to LCB.

FFS, just look at the LCB in Hell's Kitchen and ho they fare.

>> No.8397988

Personally I think paying for Culinary school, or at least paying as much as it costs is a waste of money. Those schools will teach things, but the important shit like sense of urgency is something you learn on the job. People from schools are usually too fucking slow.

>> No.8397990

>People from schools are usually too fucking slow.

That's not a criticism of the school, that's simply a lack of real-world experience. That can happen whether someone went to cooking school or not.

>> No.8398001

>anyone on /ck/ go here, or any culinary school?
You mean pretensions school for cooking autists?
No, because I only cook for myself.

>> No.8398012

Then it's more if the attitudes. Students typically have this smugness about them, they don't have a tolerance for criticism and are usually In,their phones instead if working and they definitely don't know how to clean as you go. It feels likes these schools are just coddling them because mummy and daddy are paying tuitiom. They come out the other end feeling entitled to job a and thinking brain a master chef is all about playing and pictures for Instagram than actually working for it.

>> No.8398071

Try a smaller culinary school. They all are scams, but Le cordon bleu is even more of a scam

>> No.8398086

I went to Oregon culinary institute.
The teachers were a bunch of old fucks who were stuck in the 1980's.
It helped me get an internship at a James Beard award winning restaurant though.
I still owe 17 grand in student loans, and I don't even work in a kitchen because they all pay shitty. I put up computer displays at stores and sell laptops in Walmart. Live the dream

>> No.8398100

Culinary schools in the US are really a mixed bag. They're all for profit institutions, so they obviously focus on getting you in, getting themselves paid, and then forgetting about you when you're done.
I've heard from some chefs that they're useless since the graduates come out with only knowledge of theory and no practical kitchen experience (can't handle a knife with any speed).
Nothing beats real kitchen experience that comes from working your way up from the line.

>> No.8398171

I went to culinary school and all it got me was a cocaine problem and an arm full of shitty tattoos.

>> No.8398634

Hey Dude Im actually Attending LCB paris right now.

Heres a brief rundown on how it goes; ill answer any questions.

When your applying or going in they have fantastic communication and costumer service ,near immediate responses and very very accomodating.
Once youre in, youre fucked.
The support vanishes allmost inmediately and you have to fight to get shit done. Communication is so poor youre more likely to learn from events and extra stuff from some rando at school than from the school itself.
Ingredients are comonly missing from clases and the schedules make no sense.

Theres 2 types of clases a 3 hour demo in which a chef cooks 2 meals and you take notes and a 3 hour practical in which you cook one of the recepies. Each grade has arround 20-25 cooked recepies.
Practical chefs give dont give you enough feedback to really push your flavors to the nest level.
You do get the chance to easily get an internship in a french restaurant when youre done and ive seen 4 guys go to work in starred restaurants inmmediately afterwards.

Im not a going to become a chef, so there is no issue for me. But id look for something more proefessionally geared.

>> No.8398729

This. I worked for a Chef who attended the one in Vegas...he said it was totally not worth it both from a knowledge standpoint and the debt you graduate with...like 50k.

He also did say the one thing he did get out of it, though, was serious knife skills.

>> No.8398737

I went to cuckinary school and got sick knife skills, then I did too many drugs in kitchens and lost my skills

>> No.8398742

t. Anthony Bourdain

>> No.8398790
File: 161 KB, 620x559, 1482085385705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting in culinary school right now eating family meal, bouta start slangin
ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies

>> No.8398880

I'm thinking about doing the cook program at a community college and getting a job working on an oil rig. The program costs about 4k, including rent and living expenses. Another 2k to get the marine safety training. The job starts at 60k a year, 3 weeks on and 3 off. Does anyone see a problem with that? Cooking is the only thing that I am really good at.

>> No.8398884

Do it anon

>> No.8398890

They'll pass your little twink ass around like the oil rig whore that you are

>> No.8398896

It's a solid gig if you can land a job. It's tough to get on a rig though honestly. I was a roughneck for a few years after I got out of the military. I got tired of having to look for work over and over though, and went back to school. Before one job is done you pretty much have to have another lined up. Even with experience it's a hard job to land sometimes. That's for a position with multiple openings as well. Cook, radio operator, and other positions like that are even harder to get sometimes. Just a heads up.

>> No.8398903

My only worry is that they drug test and I am a serious marijuana user. It's kind of ironic because there are a lot of coke heads working on oil rigs, because coke flushes out of your system in 24 hours, while harmless weed smokers get fired because that shit stays in your blood for a long time. I wouldn't smoke on the job, but I would be blazing my brains out on my time off which is enough to get you shit canned.

>> No.8398949

Stop being a degenerate drug addict, it's holding you back

>> No.8398986


>> No.8399001

Wrong anon shit dick.

Basically see the above post. If you can't drop weed in order to gain employment and move on with your life, then you aren't going to get hired anyway.

And in my relatively short career on oil rigs I knew very few people who did hard drugs. The ones who did didn't ever last long. Guys drink like fucking fish on their time off, and quite a few do smoke weed in between jobs, but they aren't such lazy, adolescent faggots that they can't go months or years in between smoking pot to make money and work.

The long and short of this conversation really is that without experience cooking somewhere else you aren't likely to come out of "school" and land a job on a rig. And it sounds like if you do, you're too immature and weed obsessed to really follow through.

>> No.8399005

Explain how I am a dumbass?
I'm giving you advice that will help your future, faggot

>> No.8399008

You replied to the wrong anon, dipshit

>> No.8399010

Kek sorry
Stop being a degenerate drug addict, it's holding you back

>> No.8399013

Fuck you, cunt

>> No.8399016

No big thing anon.

>> No.8399018

K I'm sorry I called you names, anon

>> No.8399067

I already know I will have a job, I have a connection who owns a catering company that services oil rigs. Also, kindly fuck off with your condescending attitude towards pot, I'm not some 420 blaze it faggot, but I do smoke weed because it keeps me sane, everyone else in my family is the same way and we are all hardworking, productive, responsible people.

>> No.8399072


>> No.8399240

>go tens of thousands of dollars in debt
>learn some valuable info that would take 10 years of kitchen experience
>make $15/h

Take business courses instead and work in a kitchen part time. What separates most chef's from line cooks isn't raw skill in the kitchen, but administrative and leadership skills. That's how you make more.

>> No.8399565

I have smoked marijuana and still do occasionally, but if you are worried about holding down a good job because you like to smoke pot, then you are an immature dipshit. I don't think negatively of people who smoke pot at all. I do think negatively of people who can't control their vice of choice and allow it to dictate their jobs and other aspects of their lives.

I hope you do get the job and hold it down, but it is a difficult job to get into even with connections. Also, be prepared to probably hate a specific dish you enjoy. There will probably be at least thing you'll make routinely and you will start hating it.