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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8392735 No.8392735 [Reply] [Original]

god damn this is good

>> No.8392745

Why does the cup say aids?

>> No.8392827

thats an L dipshit

you should try the MCChicken. It is literally THE BEST fast food sandwich.

>> No.8392851
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Is that a Quarter Pounder with cheese, large hot fries and an ice cold Coca Cola?

>> No.8392862

My man. Just finished eating a medium Big Mac meal myself. Can't beat that sauce.

>> No.8392907
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The only McDonalds near me has an exclusively black staff and I fucking hate it. Ruins my fucking meal. If there isn't a non-nigger keeping an eye on them they will fuck with your food and even the middle aged black manager won't give a fuck. It won't even be blatant stuff, like spit in your sandwhich, they'll like rub your patty on the ground so you get 100% of the gross, but unless you see them do it there's no way to prove anything. Fuckin niggers ruining my McDonalds.

>> No.8392910

Fucking niggers ruin everything, anon. Not just McDonald's. My condolences though.

>> No.8392922
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Thanks friend. Fully automated McDonalds can't come soon enough.

>> No.8393280
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>> No.8393290

You should try burger king, there was some guy going around saying they don't let black people touch your food.
They even have ice cream

>> No.8393315

not for me

>> No.8393318
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I didn't see that on the menu, what is it?

>> No.8393351

a meal fit for a king

>> No.8393955

>$8 for mostly fries and soda
>High probability of constipation
>guarantee of mcdonalds smelling farts

Where the fuck do I sign up senpai?

>> No.8394236

>Seven and a half fucking dollars for that.

I could buy a pound of potatoes and an entire chicken for that price at Publix.


Why the hell do people buy this overpriced shit? Please don't say convenience, since there is something more to it.

>> No.8394241
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>> No.8394317

Autists are just as bad. I got rotten lettuce and old brown goober chicken and a half litre of BBQ sauce on one of my chicken mcwraps. It pissed me off so much because when I saw the pot bellied autist cook drop the bag down for the window man to give to me I knew he put no effort in. The bastard. I got a refund.

>> No.8394349

Hi. Ex-McD's employee here.
The cook doesn't hand off the bag to the windowmaid.

>> No.8394362

Can confirm, usually its the runner that does that. Unless they were busy and you bitched about your food or they needed you too.

Hopefully I didn't fuck anyones sandwiches up but I was pretty lazy when I worked there and probably put too much sauce on the snack wraps, probably didn't assemble the sandwiches as good as I could have, left the meats in longer then the shitty 10 minute timer we had said to, and if you got a McWrap I usually just threw a bunch of random shit on it because who the fuck orders a steamed, soggy tortilla with vinegar, ranch, cucumbers and fried chicken on it. The only good part about working overnight was that I could make a mcdouble without pickles or mustard and throw a fried egg ontop of the meat and be full for 7 hours.

>> No.8394366


What kind of chicken? Rotisserie Publix Chicken is like 8$ where I'm at in Florida.

>> No.8394367

>unironically liking mcdonalds

Jesus fucking christ. I supposed the board is "Food & Cooking" and not "Palette and Taste".

>> No.8394374
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That word again, /ck/.

>> No.8394397

If they don't compliment flame shirts, I'm not interested.

>> No.8394531

free aids with every meal

>> No.8394539

>this is good
>7.40 buys a decent steak
>oil, salt, pepper and 3 mins each side in the pan


>> No.8394551

>three minutes
that steak better be thicker than my dick

>> No.8394623

>No grubby teenagers touching my food
>Every meal made in exactly the same way
1. Please
2. When?

>> No.8394625

Itt 7.50 for a burger and shit tier fries

> Supermarket, 500g lean beef/pork mince 2.50
> 2 Sweet potato .70
> Tomato, onion and lettuce - 1.12
> Cheese, free, in the house
> Pack of fresh made burger buns - 1.00
> Sauces and seasoning - Free, already in the house
> 1 bottle of craft beer - 1.20
> Desert, Poached pears 1.00 (3 pears, honey and spices in the house)

7.52 for my dinner tonight, inspired by this thread;

2 Homemade burgers with onion tomato and lettuce with sweet potato fries. With a bottle of proper beer and a nice desert.

Honestly annon start buying real food you'll be surprised how cheap stuff can be, the above gave me leftover mince, lettuce and onion. Along with the spare burger buns and obviously the cheese, sauces and spices.

>> No.8394628

I am much more sophisticated than you, pleb cretin I bet your favourite pizzeta topping is "pepperoni" which is not even a real thing; it's a made up American "food" item that has industrial textile chemicals in it. How does it feel to be so inferior and living on your minimum wage salary while I pull big bucks at an oil drilling firm as a corporate big shot and can dine out at 5 * restaurants on a nightly basis paying hundreds of dollars for meals you could not even imagine your dreams because of that small pea sized brain of yours? Do you even have the ability to dream? Ha. I spent $2300 on a bottle of red wine for my friends and I last night, what did you do? Probably watch cartoons and jerked off to them, loser.

>> No.8394641

>5* restaurants
No such thing.

>> No.8394913

That's the problem with McDonald's, it's priced higher than practically all the competition while being lower quality. I don't know how they get away with it

>> No.8394920

Excellent memeing my friend, only the freshest pasta will do.

>> No.8394922

>go to mcdonalds for breakfast, thinking I can eat like a king for 5-6 bucks.
>get 1 egg and cheese mcmuffin and 1 hashbrown

Burger King is the new cheap ass fast food burger. I can get 20 nuggets and 2 burgers for the same price. McDonald's cater to the nig market, then raise prices? How fucking stupid.

>> No.8394928 [DELETED] 



>> No.8394947


I barely ever eat fast food as I don't want to eat food that blacks have touched, simply because there's no way they practise basic hand hygiene.

>> No.8394977

Yes but my time is much more valuable than to stand in a kitchen for 30 minutes cooking.

>> No.8395144

Kill yourself repulsive avatarcunt.

>> No.8395176

>they'll like rub your patty on the ground
w-what ;_;

>> No.8395183

>calls that a meal
You eat like a woman.

>> No.8395191

McDonald's is considered a blue chip stock for a reason. They know how to business.

>> No.8395513

I genuinely try to not be racist, but fast food employees make it seriously difficult
40 year old has-been black ladies are the scum of the customer service universe.

>> No.8395526

Why would anyone try to not be racist?

>> No.8395529

I want to be a good person

>> No.8395648

Because it defines you mentally as a retard.