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8383163 No.8383163 [Reply] [Original]

Chicken marinated with home made habanero / lime sauce overnight. Grilled on open flame.

Toppings: red onions, red cabbage, yellow tomatoes

Sauce: home made fermented cactus/habanero sauce.

>> No.8383170


Four thumbs down from Mexico. Cabbage on a taco? No.

Too much habanero will over power everything.

>> No.8383176

8/10 m8 mind posting the /habanero sauces?

>> No.8383197

>cabbage on a taco
I eat tacos with cabbage every week. I am from Mexico

>> No.8383199

I'm sure it tastes just fine but that just doesn't look appetizing to me for some reason. I don't know if it's the colors or what but something just doesn't look right. Like a sad birthday party. But again I'm sure it tastes good so my opinion is only that.

>> No.8383200

>fermented cactus/habanero sauce
what the literal fuck

this whole dish seems like numale check out my complex taste

yet you have a tall boy so I'm conflicted

>> No.8383201

>corona ingenieros

>> No.8383209

its because chicken is boring as fuck and only good if braised in a sauce

>> No.8383211


>> No.8383212


Cactus & habanero- go out to the desert and grab a few cactus paddles (in in El Paso, so they are unlimited). Knock the spines off, then carve out all the little spine follicles (this part is very hard, wear thick gloves). Once there is zero traces of spines, cut the paddles into strips and soak in fresh water for a few hours to remove the slime. Don't remove all the slime - some slime helps with the consistency of the hot sauce.

Once the cactus strips are done soaking, cut them into smaller strips or cubes. Take an equal weight of Habanero peppers and half them or cut them into rings (wear rubber gloves for this). Put the peppers and the cactus into salt water brine in a mason jar for about a week. Read up on lacto fermenting, it's easy.

Once they've fermented for 1 - 2 weeks, purée the pickled cactus and habanero peppers, and add brine to the mixture until it is a nice viscuous fluid.

Place in hot sauce bottle until funnel.

Best hot sauce you'll ever taste.

>> No.8383215

So just nopales and habanero ?
Thanks m8 going to the mercado right now

>> No.8383219

Nopales or whatever cactus is available. PADDLE cacti. Watch out for peyote and San Pedro cacti, don't use those for this.

>> No.8383243

Lime & habanero-

Cut limes into quarters. Pack with salt, store overnight. This draws out the bitterness from the pith. Rinse them off in the morning.

Pack the limes in a mason jar with habenero and salt in layers- limes, a little salt, habanero, a little salt, limes, a little salt, etc. keep doing this until the jar is full and lack them very tight with a rod or something.

The packing should force liquid out of the chiles and limes so everything should be submerged. If it's not, juice left over limes until it's covered.

This one needs to ferment for at least a month. The lime rinds must break down and become soft for the sauce.

Once the lime rinds are soft and pickled, puree the entire jar. Add lime juice until the mixture is a viscuous liquid.

Very spicy and sour. Great for fish tacos.

Very important: if you don't draw out the bitterness from the limes by salting and rinsing the night before, this sauce will be very bitter.

>> No.8383246

>homemade habanero

>> No.8383250

looks lonely af :(

that's why I don't eat in my dining room.

>> No.8383337

>taco with a flour tortilla

>> No.8383345

>faggot who thinks tacos only come in multi layered corn tortillas

>> No.8383447

Faggot who lives in a flyover state with no authentic Mexican restaurants

>> No.8383457
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 14156457_207288923020806_449535509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a burrito you fucking faggot. I'd throw it in the trash.

>> No.8383507


it's not a taco it's a burrito though

>> No.8383516

>shitty chopping job on the veggies
>dry chicken or whatever the fuck that is
>no rice, no beans, no potatoes, nothing at all?
>no red sauce, green sauce, or anything besides hot?
0/10 consider taco bell next time, it would be gourmet in comparison to that hot garbage

>> No.8383716

a taco is a burrito you dumbfuck. a burrito derives from a taco. just like fried tacos are tacos

>> No.8383742

Every point is valid except for beer, and because of that you gain automatic fag status.

>> No.8383743

>rate my taco
Said the faggot.

Well son ... boneless chicken breast 0_10 its not only chicken its that much worse ots boneless chicken breast, what shit

You can make tacos out of chicken but you need to start with whole grilled chicken even though chicken tacos are only sold to Anglos or outsiders

Rate taco is 3 with lettuce wrap being a 1 and rice filled taco a 2 this chicken shit is hardly and better.

>> No.8383749

burrito has flour tortilla

>> No.8383769

A for effort OP. I'd be interested in your habanero sauce recipe.

However chicken breast was a mistake, assembling your taco on the dining table was a mistake.

>> No.8383847

Its a taco with a flour tortilla

>> No.8383851

that's what i said bitch

>> No.8383919

a burrito = taco

>> No.8383945

Looks tasty OP would eat but I would put some melted sharp cheese on it too

>> No.8383996

Burritos generally have rice in them and overall include more ingredients than tacos do. There's also the fact that their tortillas are larger and they are folded differently.

>> No.8384039


>> No.8384135
File: 246 KB, 1280x960, tacosarabes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats an americanized burrito. Mexican burritos are just a wrapper flour tortilla with the stew

its as much of a taco as the taco arabe from puebla

>> No.8385633
File: 657 KB, 1410x2265, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best tacos in the world apparentally.
Not 100% convinced but at least they use corn tortillas.

>> No.8386506
File: 57 KB, 390x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry friend, that is not a taco. These are my home made tacos, salsas, and tortillas.