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8382444 No.8382444 [Reply] [Original]

List of top 40 sandwhiches. This is an objectively correct list

>> No.8382453

Also has anyone tried a bocodillo? Sounds interesting

>> No.8382467
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For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8382470

This better not be in order. Reuben at #17 is the least close thing from objective.

>> No.8382478

Spicy chicken from wendys is the better and best fast food chicken sandwhich to be honest

>> No.8382487

Almost correct except #1 spot makes little sense
>Reuben at #17 is the least close thing from objective.
also this

>> No.8382530
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>> No.8382533


>> No.8382552

>cuban sandwhich isnt even on there
>a hot brown isnt even a sandwhich. Objectively shit list.

>> No.8382773

Cuban is number 13

>> No.8382787

Meatball subs are disgusting. Italian food is awful.

>> No.8382799

it's nice but it's not exactly groundbreaking

>> No.8382808

It's fantastic, probably in my top 5. Problem is you have to get one in Spain, unless you know where to source jamón iberico where you live

>> No.8382829

>"bang mi"
>"croique monsieur"
>"croque madame"
>"jambon bear"
>"Monty Chriso"
>"falafel peter"

Why are food infographic-niggers such irredeemable foreign foodie aficionados?

>> No.8382853

>first two sandwiches used pig-disgusting American cheese

Slam dunked that list into the trash.

>> No.8382860

>food republic
>established (what vaguely looks like ) 2016 or 2010.

>top 5 including meme Vietcong sandwhiches
>not including a poboy

Yeah I can tell this is from some sort of cultureless land.

>> No.8382867

So they just rub a sliced tomato on the inside of the bread?

>> No.8382876

>rankings based on 40 survey results
>literally all meme sandwiches

>> No.8382884

Poboy's number 19. Did you even look at the list?

>> No.8382887

>cultureless land

So it was produced in the US?

>> No.8382893

That's a good list. I'd leave out the pulled pork, Thanksgiving and PB+J, and replace the cheesesteak with a roast pork, but otherwise I can get with that list.
If you can get good Spanish ham this isn't difficult (you can substitute prosciutto in a pinch). Take a shitty white bread hero roll, drizzle one side with olive oil and put ham slices on it. On the other side put a little fresh tomato puree. Put the two together and you're there. Ideally you'd have this for breakfast alongside a cafe con leche made with scalded milk.

>> No.8382909

Number 19 is too low. Also they don't understand what a poboy is.

It isnt specifically seafood. The list is dumb.

>> No.8382919

True. But while a hot sausage po boy is the ultimate drunk food, the fried cat or oyster would be the god tier versions of the sandwich.

And the muffuletta is missing from this list - a serious omission.

>> No.8382938

>No burger/cheeseburger
> 2 Pieces of bread with cucumber makes the list

>> No.8382943

>15 croque monsier
>16 croque madame
Are they implying a fried egg makes a sandwich worse?

>> No.8382956


>all these pretentious morons

>> No.8382963

>meme sandwich
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8382996

That's kinda funny, because I almost always go for a Croque Madame over a Monsieur.

>> No.8383012

This muffuletta over a po boy anyday. Also no mention of the polish boy which I think is different enough. Sauerkraut, polish sausage, french fries and (hopefully mustard based) bbq sauce on a long roll

>> No.8383030

That sounds amazing

>> No.8383033

I can understand thanksgiving but pulled pork and pb&j are fucking classics

Good call on the roast pork but there are so many other options to substitute it with, it's not like you can only have one philly sandwhich

>> No.8383075
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>pulled pork and pb&j are fucking classics
They are classics, but they lean sweet, and to me sugar ruins sandwiches. Come to think of it I's ditch the Monte Christo for the same reason. Replace it with pic related.

>> No.8383094

>bagel and lox rank 31

fucking dropped

>> No.8383095

go back under your rock

>> No.8383099

>No pastrami or corned beef.

Pass on this whole fucking thread. You bring us shame.


>> No.8383105

>he doesnt realize the other 50% of the list are all american sandwiches

>> No.8383113

Theres a reuben on that list u silly :)

>> No.8383115

>no hotdog

>> No.8383127

>no hamburger

>> No.8383139

A real pulled pork sandwich uses a vinegar based sauce, and isn't sweet.

>> No.8383166

Actually bocadillo means just a plain sandwich here in Spain. Its fantastic but because of its simplicity you have to nail the ingredients, and you will probably have to shell out a lot of money to get decent jamon iberico in USA. Also a good EVOO is very important

>> No.8383223


>> No.8384592

no Montreal Smoked meat?

>> No.8384595

>banh mi that high

>> No.8384664

In a perfect world, yes.

>> No.8384733

Where is hamburger at?

>> No.8384742

>BLT being behind the Vietcong mi and pulled pork
>Lox being that low
Horsecockery I say.

>> No.8384780

Monte Cristo and French Dip are the best ones, and anyone who disagrees is a faggot.

>> No.8384787


Also no smorgasbrod, and zero with rye bread. Also no middle-eastern sandwhiches, nordic ones, or eastern european ones. Only few with any kind of decent cheese.

100% trash americentric list. Most examples could be improved by ladling on buckets of cum, to hide the cardboard taste.

>> No.8384802

How about the worst ones? Can we all agree that broodje kroket takes the cake?

>> No.8384824

Reuben is on rye you Syri-cock gargling eurotard.

>> No.8384832

>google it
>says on rye
>pictures of it
>bread like 30%rye flour tops

Right, when I said rye bread I actually meant, you know, bread made out of rye. :^)

>> No.8384847

Just ignore murican shitposters. They cant even tell cheese from orange bile, they will never appreciate glorious ruisleipä.

>> No.8384848

>No francesinha

Did you even try?

>> No.8384849

You must live somewhere they make shitty banh mi. In Houston it's easily the best sandwich in town if you go to the right spots.

>> No.8384857

>no gabagool


But seriously this is a pretty good list. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I've had every sandwich on here except for one.

>> No.8384866

>No medianochi or pan-bagnat.
>Like 80% american or americanized sandwhiches.
>contains utter shit

A 2/10 list atmost, desu.

>> No.8384872

Under a loose definition of "rye".

I know the concept of bread with flavour is foreign to you, but that is just another reason why the list is shit.

>> No.8384876

Not a single caviar sandwhich. I am not even mad. That list transcends being shit and turns into a parody pf americanized infographics everywhere.

>> No.8384892

>No buffalo chicken
>Vegeshit falafel over lamb

Otherwise it's not irredeemable

>> No.8384893


I understand what you're getting at, but marble rye is still technically rye.

>> No.8384912

Only in 'murica, rest of the world refers to them as "mixed grain", because they contain, well, a mix of grains.

>> No.8384915
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Nice trips

Seeing the bahn mi up in the top ten agrees with me

Seeing it in the top 5 puts a smile on my face

>> No.8384917

It is what muricans eatso they can pretend to be cultured and say they ate rye bread. It is as bad of a mockery of actual rye bread as 'murican "cheese products" are of cheddar or roguefort.

>> No.8384918

Falafel is delicious you faggot, stop being a fedora

>> No.8384925

And sushi "is technically a sandwhich", bcause rice is grain. :^)

>> No.8384935

I agree. A shit sandwich like that shouldnt even be on the list

>> No.8384960


>> No.8384994

Hot dog is #1 sangwich

>> No.8385004

>no burrito
Really bad list

>> No.8385006

i dont understand why you microwave meal eating troglodytes come to this board

>> No.8385392

As an Australian this list confuses the shit out of me.

Over hear, if it isn't in sliced bread of some kind, it's not a sandwich. If it is in a roll, it's a fucking roll.

However, going by the standards of the list, banh mi should be much higher, maybe 3, after burger and kebab. Also doro watt roll should be there.

>> No.8385445

Tuna melt and Egg Salad belong at the top, if you're not a fatfuck 'tard

>> No.8386424

Number one and two are retarded as fuck but good list overall

>> No.8386436
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>8: Lobster Roll - Lobster, Mayonnaise, Celery

I don't know what food republic is but they can all fucking die in a fire.

>> No.8386451

Bitch please falafel should be close to top

>> No.8386459

>BLT above turkey club

Why? Turkey club is just the same thing but better

>> No.8386470

>banh mi that high

>> No.8386487

You've clearly never had banh mi have you? It's fucking delicious.

>> No.8386568

This list is an eagleland superweapon. It is so confusing to people outside that cultural bubble, that they will be confused for days after seeing it.

>> No.8386579

>no bologna sandwich on shitty white bread

This list sucks

>> No.8386613

All of you suck at reading. Bologna is on the list u fucktard

>> No.8386625

It's "okay", it's absolutely nowhere near top of the list.

>> No.8386627

Number 35 baybay. I regret calling u a fucktard im sorry

>> No.8386656

Cuban sandwiches originate in Florida you mongoloid

>> No.8386760

Shit up shit skin falafel taste like ass and has the texture of sand

>> No.8386797

>i have a little babby palate

Also, gyro is on the list, and 99% of the time gyro has lamb.

>> No.8387185

I was excited to find out what sort of sandwich this was you liar

>> No.8387222

That Memeing memes to meme the meme meme is Memeing memes buy meme the meme meme Meme.


>> No.8387237

>grilled cheese #2
you might as well put fucking toast sandwich in there

>> No.8387261

>no pork roll, egg & cheese

>> No.8387270

Lmao no it doesnt you fat fuck

Not enough meat to suck on?

>> No.8387307

No one eats 100% rye bread because it's any good, they eat it because they can't grow wheat in the two months of summer they get in their country.

>> No.8387406

>croque madame ranked below croque monsieur
Shit list tbqh.

>> No.8387589
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>pb+j that low
Also they forgot one

>> No.8388618


>> No.8388635

Buffalo chicken is a variation of the classic fried chicken sandwich dont be so dense.

>> No.8388938


list more reflective of widespread sandwiches than of sandwich quality. Local specialties downplayed. Cuban sandwich too low. Bagel with lox at 31. Shut it down, the goyem know.

>> No.8389008

I agree with this list for the most part (except nothing is in the right order), but pb&j should be replaced with pb&pickle, and the tonkatsu sandwich should be replaced by a schnitzel sandwich, which is similar, but better by 100%.

>> No.8389066

I dont get why you call it liverwurst. I would understand "liver sausage" or "Leberwurst" but liverwurst just makes no sense to me.

>> No.8389153
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A hamburger is NOT a sandwich.

>> No.8389167

>grilled cheese
>actually fried instead of grilled

>> No.8389184

>grilled cheese sandwich
>the sandwich receives the grilling, not the cheese

>> No.8389210


It's a filling between two pieces a bread, thus it's clearly a subset of sandwiches.


"grilled" is diner slang. The flat-top where food is cooked is known as a "plancha grill", or just plain "grill" in slang.

>> No.8389325

>cucumber sandwich
british cuisine, everyone

>> No.8389357
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>egg salad higher than roast beef
Opinion discarded

>> No.8389373 [DELETED] 

>no meatloaf sandwich
>no tuna sandwich
>no pb/j
>no blt
>not even a burger
>buncha furriner sandwiches

in the trash

>> No.8389751

>That filename
Fuck you, I didn't need my sides anyway

>> No.8390579

I'm addicted to peanut butter and banana sandwiches with a little bit of honey

>> No.8390649

I don't think the ranking mean anything, they probably just asked 40 different people what their favorite sandwich was.