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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 680x453, 7d1e51704bbf2b860e0e0b8cc528c3bd_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8379502 No.8379502 [Reply] [Original]


Thoughts on this hipster shit?

>> No.8379508

Useless decorative tier item. Would not buy.

>> No.8379513


Less durable than a simple steel knife, and the one legitimate advantage, lower weight, isn't actually something I want in a knife. I like me some heft.

Maybe if you're a prep cook in a hipster restaurant?

>> No.8379517

>carbon steel

Patina, patina everywhere

>> No.8379527

Tons of potential for rust and rot... how do you clean these without destroying them over time?

>> No.8379556


Watch the fucking video. My god, i want to curbstomp this insufferable cunt.

...he also sounds like the raped boy from Shrek Is Love, Shrek is Life

>> No.8379568

This. There's absolutely no reason for it. And because of wood's tendency to hold onto moisture, the carbon blade might end up prematurely rusted.

I guess it looks cool, but that's probably the most pointless knife innovation I've ever seen, and that's including stupid survivalist outdoor knife gimmicks.

>> No.8379572

Say HELLOOOOOO to bacteria.

>> No.8379654

Carbon steel is the only good knife steel.

Too bad the wood handle is fucking retarded.

>> No.8379672

I like wooden style magnet blocks, I have one, but those knives look like shit. Kill it with fire.

>> No.8379708

I would buy one, mainly because of asthetics

>> No.8379775

The wood has natural bacterial resistance.
The issue would be the retention of moisture like >>8379568 said.

>> No.8379779

>a turk and a German nu-male

God I love our time

>> No.8379786


That and it's going to hold bacteria. Looks like a cross-contamination disaster to me.

>> No.8380006


In their pitch they only show the knife at work once, slicing carrots.

During a knife infomercial they usually show the knife Cutting things. Even the shitty miracle blader show the knife cutting through cans and shit.

This guy spent most of the time carressing the fucking knife.

What possible advantage does a wooden knife have over a traditional knife?

Did they address the potential splintering of the knife?

Wood warps when exposed to moisture, what if anything did they do to the wood to prevent?

I dont know why but this product makes me angry.

>> No.8380021 [DELETED] 

I was getting ready to rant about a shitty idea but I see you misused the word "hipster"

You're worse than the people you're complaining about, oxygen thief
Same goes for you

>> No.8380093

It just feels good, man

>> No.8380158

>Certain usage of words is worse than creating an unusually stupid and idiotic idea
Sure thing, hipster.

>> No.8380197

>the first wooden chef knife

People have been preparing food for something like 15,000 years.

If no one is using a wooden knife until 2016, there's probably a reason why.

>> No.8380206


are there anti-kickstarters where you can fund the prevention of such things to exist?

>> No.8380473
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my god, i wish

>> No.8380585
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They couldnt muster up a chef to say they used it and it was good.

>> No.8380602


This dogshit costs $169, a globe knife doesn't even cost that much!

>> No.8380692
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>> No.8380866

Start a kickstarter for it.

>> No.8380907 [DELETED] 

>Carbon steel is the only good knife steel.
lol no

>> No.8380909

>The wood has natural bacterial resistance.
no such thing.

>> No.8380917 [DELETED] 

Yeah, plants clearly don't produce antimicrobial compounds and possess innate defense processes against fungi and bacteria.

>> No.8381010

I doubt wood does, but honey definitely does.

>> No.8381029

>prep cook in a restaurant
anyplace with a functioning health department would shut that shit down

>> No.8381031

VG10 is shit. All stainless is shit. Nothing but carbon steel is worthwhile unless it's a dedicated lemon cutting knife.

>> No.8381037

so does crude oil, what's your point

>> No.8381078

>The wood has natural bacterial resistance.

so does fucking metal

>> No.8381081

>In their pitch they only show the knife at work once, slicing carrots.
>During a knife infomercial they usually show the knife Cutting things.

Leftists aren't concerned with a thing actually working, it's why they're leftists.

>> No.8381106

Hi. This board is for discussing food and cooking.

You seem to be projecting your political beliefs onto a product that has no intrinsic political value. While I'm sure that these guys are leftists (as they are young men starting a kickstarter, they fit the demographic), the item being sold and the discussion about it is by and large apolitical in nature.

Please keep political discussion to /pol/, or at least to threads relevant to political discourse.

If we all do our part, we can all make 4chan a better place.


>> No.8381159 [DELETED] 
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Not him but people aren't as stupid as you think they are. After all, they managed to vote in Trump instead of Hillary :^)

>> No.8381220

This product pisses me off as a home cook and as an industrial designer.

Its design for the sake of it. I can bet you this thing spawned from a sketch that he thought "looked pretty sweet". And he started justifying the benefits by shoving in obscure meme words about how the wood is antibacterial. Its people like him that destroyed words like "rustic", "artisan" and "patina".

>> No.8381270


>In their pitch they only show the knife at work once, slicing carrots.
They show it slicing other things further down the page. Still just vegetables, though.

>This guy spent most of the time carressing the fucking knife.
>implying you don't wanna stroke that wood

>What possible advantage does a wooden knife have over a traditional knife?
The only thing they seem to be focusing on as an advantage is how much less metal is needed in the construction, making it more "renewable." Something something "anitbacterial wood tanning."

>Did they address the potential splintering of the knife?
Not really except that it's made of some wood that's super hard, and they performed undisclosed laboratory stress tests.

>Wood warps when exposed to moisture, what if anything did they do to the wood to prevent?
Pressure infused with linseed oil.

>I dont know why but this product makes me angry.
Because you have to scroll further down the page and read words to have your questions vaguely answered, rather than having it presented in a video? Really, though, there's no real reason to buy one except for its looks.

I'm most concerned about the bonding process they've come up with that's supposed to hold the metal to the wood.

>> No.8381276 [DELETED] 

>VG10 is shit. All stainless is shit. Nothing but carbon steel is worthwhile unless it's a dedicated lemon cutting knife.
I have an SV30 chef's knife that beats any carbon steel knife I've tried.

>> No.8381280 [DELETED] 

Someone asked about bacteria issues, the wood used has antimicrobial properties, and you two get butthurt.

>> No.8381297

>antimicrobial properties
Not good enough to be food safe.

>> No.8381313

Are you under the impression that patina is a bad thing?

>> No.8381354 [DELETED] 

Perhaps you should run a humidifier filled with bleach in your home if you are so concerned about bacteria. Or you should go to the doctor, because you either have mental illness or a poorly functioning immune system.

For everyone else, wooden surfaces are not death traps.

>> No.8381472

This thing should be $30 at most. It's a simple design, and it should be much cheaper since it uses such little steel. Probably works fine for the average home kitchen, but will still be outlasted and outperformed by any carbon or stainless steel
Knife made in the last 100 years.

>> No.8381482

Yet it's priced to be $300 because of stupid hipsters. the 169 euros for the pre-order is touted to be over 40% off regular retail.

>> No.8381495

Wood is no longer a plant you idiot
The same reason why living animal do not decompose

>> No.8381536

>Still just vegetables, though.
because cutting meat isn't attractive in a marketing video, not enough color and no snap

it's marketed to be knife that can be cleaned with just hot water, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of food safety issues with wood and meat

>I'm most concerned about the bonding process they've come up with that's supposed to hold the metal to the wood.
If you pause at 1:22, it looks like a dado joint. The blade caps onto the wood and is fastened with epoxy to be "seamless".

All the testimonials and positives of the knife boils down to "it's a sharp knife". A knife is supposed to be sharp and keep its edge. It's not some amazing feat that the knife is sharp. Just means that they didn't use absolute junk metal. There are no advantages to using wood other than it should be cheaper because there's more metal to go around.

>> No.8381544 [DELETED] 

>Wood is no longer a plant you idiot
lol sure

I guess tannins, lignins, terpenes, etc. disappear once the wood loses its plant-ness.

>> No.8381579


If you vacuum impregnate the wood with boiled linseed oil and heat it up a bit it will essentially be stabilized wood. Just using linseed oil rather than the standard thermoset resin because they want to market it to green faggots.

Stabilized wood doesn't care about water and isn't porous.

>> No.8381583

I feel like water would seep into the wood and eventually cause the back of the blade to rust or wood to rot

>> No.8381820

So you obviously know nothing about wood. There's a reason why woods have different uses. You use red wood outside in wet environments because its composition is very rot resistant. Same goes for most other hardwoods to some extent or another. But you use pine indoors because it rots really quickly if it isn't treated. Wood has a very diverse things and has very diverse uses. There's also a ton of things you can do to wood to treat/preserve it both naturally and chemically.

Stick to making grilled cheese, moron.

>> No.8381920

It wooden work.

>> No.8381988

>claims to be wooden knife
>it's not completely made of wood


>> No.8382162

Well then I guess you aint tried any of the good carbon steel knives

>> No.8382216

why are solid metal knives so hard to find?

i can only ever find ones with shitty chinese plastic handles
have you ever taken one of those plastic handles off of an old knife or fork?
it's like pure pus in there

>> No.8382225
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>nu-male ranting on and on about irrelevant shit

>> No.8382226

Would not buy. If you do not dry it off properly then you get black fungus spots in the wood..

>> No.8382238

Because you're looking in the wrong places at the wrong price point.

>> No.8382243

That's why people have to dry off their boats every time they use them.
If only there was a way to make wood resistant to fungus and rotting.

>> No.8382277

Let's take a material that's nonreactive, durable, and easy to sanitize and replace it with a reactive material that's easy to damage and difficult to sanitize.

Modern ships are made of aluminum. Wooden ships need to have their parts regularly replaced as they're corroded by marine life.

>> No.8382320

You go know people do dry off their small wooden boats every time they finish using them, right?

And fuckhuge old wooden ships were regularly repaired.

>> No.8382349
File: 17 KB, 500x500, ikea-knivset-delar__0448596_PE598262_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8382866

epoxy or a wax sealant

>> No.8382872

>guyz the wood is like still antibacterial after we treated the shit out it
>this won't turn into a slippery suicide knife in a normal kitchen
>no worries it won't stain or anything
>the shitty glue we use to stick that poor piece of metal on won't separate within a month we sware
>200 bux please

>> No.8382882

Best knives I've ever tried

>> No.8382890

>$200 for a piece of wood

And that's at a lower price point because Kickstarter.

I mean, they LOOK cool, but what's really the point? Sustainability? A good metal knife will last a lifetime. The quarter inch of carbon steel won't.

>> No.8382907
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just looking at that image is giving me arthritis

>> No.8382945 [DELETED] 

>it's like pure pus in there
you mean like bacteria colonies?

>> No.8383070

Yup, big part of the advantage of carbon steel is the sharpenability. That's straight up gone past the first couple decades with this.

>> No.8383076

I have only this to say in favor of this trainwreck:

it is the most un-weebly knife possible, so it is something of an antidote to the muh grorious nippon folded gorillion times cancer

>> No.8383123


2 part epoxy actually forms chemical bonds with steel, if they put the plastic handle on right it's never coming off.

>> No.8383125

I want to know what people contributed real money to this cringe shit.
Seriously, hack this site and reveal the names of the donors. They deserve to be publicly shamed. The reasons are too numerous to list.

>> No.8383134

175 people bought 179 of their lower cost knives

1 idiot bought a 1,190 euro knife, likely a family friend

>> No.8384157

It's pretty, would probably make a nice gift, but it's not exactly the most practical thing. I expect it would fall apart after regular use.

>> No.8384241


>> No.8384245

Fantastic idea.

>> No.8384249

Huh... fair enough and respectable.

... but he's not wrong.

>> No.8384439

Please, IKEA knives are to blunt that you don't even need to be ID'd to buy one in the UK

>> No.8384544

Thanks for the laughs anon

>> No.8384574 [DELETED] 

>Please, IKEA knives are to blunt that you don't even need to be ID'd to buy one in the UK
>you don't even need to be ID'd to buy one in the UK

>> No.8384593

Mate, I'm basically a full on tankie and I think this shit is ass-retarded.

>> No.8384596

It's like something that fantasy elves would use.

Japan is real life fantasy elves.

>> No.8385553

Skid is what your hand will do when you touch that piece of shit with wet hands.

>> No.8385758

>hipster shit

>> No.8385797

..Wait, you need to show ID to buy kitchen knives in the UK?
Keep in mind the suggestion was to a guy having problems with gremlins in the hollows of his cheap chinese plastic shit.
Those knives are great if you're on a budget.

>> No.8386312
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>> No.8386433

as a german,
i don´t.

>> No.8386455

This. It's the iKnife

>> No.8386569

>It's an organic, wooden knife guys!
>But we still made the blade metal lol
Then what's the fucking point of it being wood then?

>> No.8386583

Because they save a negligible amount of water.

>> No.8386901

im just imagining the blade falling off

>> No.8388960

>Ecologically sustainable

Anyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention to these matters knows that wood isn't an ecologically sustainable resource. Perhaps, if it was bamboo...

This doesn't make me angry, it's just more stupid hipster crap. At this point that just background noise. But, kudos to them for finding yet another way to build a substantially inferior product and being able to charge more for it than superior traditional products.

>> No.8389094
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Blow it out your ass

>> No.8389430

>this is a wooden knife!
>except for the one thing that makes a knife a knife, the blade

Why even bother

>> No.8389451

>buy one for my mom
>she uses it for years
>washing dishes one day
>knife is there by accident
>edge separates from wood
>goes right in my mom's wrist
>she freaks out and pulls it out
>bleeds out before an ambulance can get there
>wooden knife killed my mom
no thanks

>> No.8389473

can we take a moment to appreciate the impact of stupid TV shows and house flippers and garage salers and so on that decided every fucking thing has to be distressed and vintage looking and shit? like holy shit, someone might want new stuff that looks new, or old-looking stuff that is actually old

>> No.8389524

nothing more than a novelty, I'll stick with my normal kitchen knives

>> No.8389537

you don't respect wood do you?

>> No.8391050


>ecologically sustainable
wtf this is so fucking stupid
the whole video is just

>> No.8391070


Why do right idiots have to relate everything to politics? This knife is retarded and I'm relatively liberal. Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.8391072


Kek, should make this a pasta and rid us of the poltards