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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8375682 No.8375682 [Reply] [Original]

Explain curry to a yank who has never had any.

>> No.8375686

p good

>> No.8375695

Meat+gravy eaten with rice. Indians eat it with their hands. Sometimes spicy

>> No.8375701

this is a surprisingly accurate yet simple description for an american

>> No.8375711


I make this recipe from time to time. Curry is kind of medicinal, kind of comfort food. Almost like chicken noodle soup in a way. But strongly aromatic. The closest thing we have spice-wise in America is probably chili.

Mexican food is better.

>> No.8375718

>Mexican food is better

>> No.8375723

Heavily spiced, rich, buttery and aromatic. Varying levels of heat, but always spicy in flavour.

>> No.8375727

OP here, I grew up eating Mexican food, and I am relatively good at handling spice, but when most of those around me bring up curry, they tell me it gave them lava-like diarrhea. I can imagine the spices are more intense than what is found in Mexican food, but is this typical or just a stereotype?

>> No.8375729

>Mexican food is better
nah desu

>> No.8375732

Not always meat.

But basically can be vegetable gravy + rice is the main property. Usually couple different spices are used.

Incredible amount of variety given that India is a huge place. Literally 1000+ different curries easily

>> No.8375733

You'll be fine. Your friends are weak.

>> No.8375736

Maybe their bodies are not able to process Indian foods properly? Could be spices or chilli or others.

This guy is right. I've eaten mexican/indian/american/french/etc. Indian food is one of the richest (atleast as a vegetarian).

>> No.8375742

>Explain curry
Smells and tastes like unwashed dirty socks and people who eat that crap stink to high heaven and does fuck nothing to them in terms of health benefits.
Just look at east indians, they eat this shit by the pounds each day and they still get sick and they die and they age fast,look at their faces, they look like shit and they stink very bad from eating that crap.
Ever rode a taxi with east indian curry junkie.
Fuck this stinky culinary invention.

>> No.8375745

Meat or vegetables (or both) in a gravy-like sauce (or lightly sauced), made from different combinations of spices and liquids, usually served with rice or flatbread, and condiments called chutneys. Delicious, some are very spicy, some are mildly spicy, some are creamy and mild.

>> No.8375751

You know that thick kind of diarrhea that really burns your butthole?

>> No.8375756

its really good but usually makes me shit worse than taco bell. basically its what i eat when i really just want my asshole to hurt for a day or two

>> No.8375758

I hate when east coast fags call any type of sauce "gravy", fucking worthless.

>> No.8375764

>i eat when i really just want my asshole to hurt for a day or two
Are you fucking gay or what? Fuk what a massive pervert

>> No.8375769

>Indians eat it with their hands.

Indians are also uncultured swine. That's nothing new.

>> No.8375777

I've been eating curry for 20 years and only experienced explosive shits from horrible cheap take-away places

Never once had it from curry cooked at home

So basically same experience as any other food, only explosive shits from horrible cheap take-away places

I don't understand this "curry gives you the shits" meme

Is it cause all these cunts only ever eat shit cheap take-away curry

>> No.8375786

Thick, spiced stew.

The sauce is usually based on a sort of vegetable stock with lots of onion and tomato, with ginger and garlic. The main spices are coriander, cumin, cardamom, pepper, cloves, cinnamon and bay. The oil used is ghee, which is clarified butter.

It's very rich and fantastic after a few drinks. I suspect the shits people get are just because it's quite fatty and they're not used to having a large amount of vegetable matter and beer bubbling away.

>> No.8375796

I got shits just by reading about it. Fuck this delicacy

>> No.8375802

>it's quite fatty
Fatty/rich in flavor/thickness.

I only eat Indian food once or twice a month, cause even though its super delicious, eating daily would make me fat fast(I've tried eating 2 a week and it was making me gain weight).

>> No.8375814

It's a stew with Indian spices in.

>> No.8375816

>Ranjeep said, satisfied with his harsh takedown of the Canadian poster. However, due to his diet of grease and spices, he had to shit for the 11th time this day. He quickly ran to his favorite window (his only window) in his 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololoarashabad, stood on a plastic crate he found floating in the river, and shoved his rear end out the window.

Hardly before his sequined pink pants cleared the way, his hairless cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of his mothers saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Ranjeep sighed, and wiped the excess feces from his anus and cleaned his hand with a quick wipe on the inside of the window pane. "Good enough", he thought. Little did he know, the thread he replied to was quickly filling with comments…

>> No.8375826
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>> No.8375833

Indians call them gravies in their translations as well

they don't strictly speaking use their hands on the curry, they have chappati breads to pick the curry up with
mainly a north India thing, too

>> No.8375839
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Better to shit in the street than shart in the mart.
It's hard to believe Americans are a tier below Indians.

>> No.8375859

they just ate curry I bet you, fucking gross american pigs.
how come Walmart is allowing them to remain in the store, it's health hazard for fucks sake

>> No.8376045

It's a widespread problem. If they threw them out they'd have no customers.

>> No.8376054

Hush Pajeet,

This behavior in America is ridiculed by 99.999% of Americans and only 0.00001% do it....

In India/Shitistan, 99.999% of people happily shit in the street, wipe their ass with their hand, then "clean" it by smearing it on a wall

>> No.8376069

>wipe their ass with their hand, then "clean" it by smearing it on a wall
on the Taj Mahal wall?

>> No.8376093

Nice stats but they do not tally with my experience of the average American shopper.
Especially in Walmart.

>> No.8376101

if you ever wanted to shoot flames out your ass, curry is the most delicious way to do it.

but >>8375777 is also correct too. cheap indian food will give you the shits. but when I make homemade curry, or when I go to the one nice indian place in town, I never seem to get curry shits no matter how spicy the food is.

>> No.8376111

man now I'm really hungry for curry. I would even eat cheap takeout and risk thermonuclear shits for it at this point. I'd make it myself but my wok cracked because it's cheap.

one day I will be desensitized enough to browse this board without getting hungry.

>> No.8376115

You're the dumbass shopping at Walmart staring at people.

>> No.8376189

who the fuck makes curry in a wok?

>> No.8376202

>what is balti?

>> No.8376207

>Indians are also uncultured swine.

More culture than Amerifats.

>> No.8376208



Though your point stands, you can cook curry in just about any sort of a vessel.

>> No.8376287
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Coincidentally, northern India is considered cultured - the home of higher castes, "whiter" Indians, more wealth and Bollywood.

The more south you go, the more disgusting it becomes.

>> No.8376297

Great food that 90% of people you meet cant cook properly.

>> No.8376330

Meat and vegetables with lots of spices

>> No.8376514

If curry is blindingly hot its probably an english creation.

>> No.8376857

t. whitey white butt boy mad because delicate boyhole is more adept to service bbc than enjoy delicious curry

>> No.8376874
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It's not called a wok, it's called a Kadai, but it's the same concept as a wok.

>> No.8376931
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>> No.8377205

You have to go back, Pajeet.

>> No.8377208


Whats the difference between americans and cheese?

>if you leave the cheese for 200 years it grows a culture.

>> No.8377282

kek. Because it's true.

t. Amerifat

>> No.8377295

That's not a spice issue, it's a hygiene issue.

>> No.8377315

I wasn't aware letting muslims fuck your wife was considered culture

>> No.8377322


>implying implications

Calm down billy-bob. have a Budd light and shoot something.

>> No.8377325

not him but fuck you drinking beer and shooting guns is fun

>> No.8377328



Oh you do make me chortle so.

>> No.8377348

t. dreams of having even an animu wife one day.

>> No.8377368

On making beer on that big of a scale it is very difficult to have a solid cinsistent flavor. bud heavys are pretty solid all day drinking beers I'm not gonna drink Ipa s all day in the hot sun. Fuck that I'm grabbing a bud or pbr most likely

>> No.8377372

It's dank af and wicked aromatic. I prefer thai Currys with coconut milk. My favorite is probably the massaman curry which is their take on sand nigger food

>> No.8377388

>The more south you go, the more disgusting it becomes.

That's just like America

>> No.8377400

If the purpose is to drink heavily all day, yeah... Bud, Coors, even Canadian. Provided I have good company, lots of activity (shooting things, cooking things, playing music), good food, and 12h give or take, I can crush a 24 to myself.

That's like a once a year thing. The rest of the year it'll be new beers, homebrews, "real" pilsners/lagers, bitters, stouts, local whatevers, maybe some interspersed servings of liquor or the odd girly drink one of my friends thinks it'll be funny to buy me.

It's not that I hate American "Pilsner", it's that it's TOO clean. I drink everything else because I like it. I drink Bud to get fucked up.

Why the hell are we talking about this in a curry thread?

Kingfisher and chicken tikka - enjoy.

>> No.8377532

> the more US south, the more disgusting

True. I challenge anyone with an open mind to come down here and decide for themsevles, if you can avoid being shot.

>> No.8378232

>onion puree
was looking like baby food part of the plan?

>> No.8378808

The gentle curry mumblings of the narrator are tripping me out.

>> No.8378810

Friendly reminder that if you think rice is an integral part of curry you're doing it wrong.
Naan is the only way.

>> No.8379138

kadai ghost

>> No.8379156

i love this pasta wish i had saved the pic

>> No.8379175
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poo in loo amirite guise

>> No.8379191

This is only because the majority of North Americans eat like garbage and get maybe two servings of vegetables a day
Their bodies are completely unaccustomed to fibre.

Curry is heavy on the vegetables so it's heavy on fibre. So fatass and unhealthy Americans eat some curry and end up eating more servings of vegetables than they're used to, meaning they get a blast of fibre. When you get blasted with fibre you shit like crazy unless your body is accustomed to it.

So anyone who cries about diarrhea after Taco Bell/Indian food/ethnic food in general they're really just revealing how fucking awful their digestive systems and diets are.

>> No.8379287

>Why the hell are we talking about this in a curry thread?
Curry after a bevvy session is a classic.

>> No.8379296

I'm making some butter chicken curry now atm. Nice to see a curry thread on /ck/ after I got done throwing it into the crockpot.

>> No.8379304

Was gonna order some curry but they changed the minimum for delivery from $15 to $25 so fuck em

>> No.8379308

Do they eat all of the gravy in those bowls? Looks like way too much sauce

>> No.8379340
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>> No.8379345
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It is fairly good stuff if you make it yourself, if you dont however it is nearly always terrible as most of the ingredients are expensive enough that people either dont add them or add a small amount and call it good.

>> No.8379349
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>> No.8379357


>> No.8379561

Indian food is great. Just do not eat every time. Its full of oil and a lot of heavy cream. Plus, it is spicy. If you are bulking up and lifting weights, curry with rice/naan will get you gainz fast. Anyways, curry tastes really good. Go to an authentic indian place and order their curry with naan. SOOO GOOD!

>> No.8379574

>Though your point stands, you can cook curry in just about any sort of a vessel.

Show's how fucking stupid /ck/ is.....I took your advice and tried cooking it in a used milk jug and the fucker caught on fire

>> No.8379608


>> No.8379639


I fix.


>> No.8379668

Yeah there's a lot of culture growing under their infected fingernails for sure

>> No.8379719

Easy curry recipe:

Grind 6-8 cloves of garlic, one onion, as little / much fresh chilli peppers and one and a half inches of ginger to a paste.

Chop two onions and fry in plenty of sunflower oil until brown /caramelised. Add paste, fry for a bit. Add one teaspoon of ground cumin, two teaspoons of ground coriander seed, one teaspoon of turmeric and sweet paprika each. Mix well. Add meat, fry for a bit, and one can of chopped tomatoes. Add some more water and let it simmer until the meat is done.

You can also marinate your meat beforehand if you're so inclined.

You can also add whichever veggies you like (bell peppers, fresh tomato, cauliflower, mushrooms, etc.), and top it with cilantro / coriander leaf before serving.

Goes well with a naan, roti, or basmati rice.

Recipe /base is from my friend who is punjabi.

>> No.8379743
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Paint huffers will never not be funny.

>> No.8380543

Wrong. Bollywood is set in Bombay which is central though the language is Hindi from the north. The high castes are distributed equally in the north and south. The stereotype is of the uncultured north and the weird south. No one thinks the south is uncultured even if they hate it. The fairer skin thing is true of course as with any non African tropical country, the further you go from the equator the whiter the people look.

The state with the highest hdi and tourism is the southern tip of India, Kerala (great to visit but wouldn't live there cause it's a communist hellhole that's been islamifying)

Food wise Punjabi and awadhi of the north and konkani and malabari of the south are equally good imo and I wouldn't write off any regional cuisine of India even if I don't like the people of that region (except maybe Gujaratis, fuck putting sugar in dal)

>> No.8380670


Pussy faggot

>> No.8380700


usually some cumin

sometimes it has other spices


lentils/lamb/chicken/beef/whatever protein

put it on some starchy stuff like rice, nan bread, potatos, whatever.

>> No.8380707

Have an Indian roommate. He doesn't eat curry all the time, but plenty of his cooking methods involve the same liquid/saucy spicy technique. I can hear his shits from my room. They sound liquidy.

>> No.8380715

It's the cumin. That shit stinks up everything. They probably use too much of it.

>captcha: images that look romantic
>wtf, food looks romantic though...

>> No.8380720

indian stew

>> No.8380724


Post the /pol/ screencap of the Indian dude explaining how many shits he and his father have had in a week.

>> No.8380730

>he's never gone to walmart to shit his pants, take them off in the change room, replace with clean clothes from walmart, and walk out leaving your stinky shitty clothes in the kids section

I literally don't go to walmart for anything else.

>> No.8380742

It depends how thick. Some curry's are runny and would be shit on naan bread.

>> No.8380753

Can confirm. Living with an Indian, who also happens to be a punjab (I guess Canada is filled with them or something). He grinds that shit up every day and frys onins in oil, stinking up the entire house to the point where my eyes are watering in my room, across the house from the kitchen. He shits liquid too. I wouldn't recommend his diet.

>> No.8380786


As an englishman in southern UK (i.e near all the seaports) certain public travel serives after all these years are still known as the curry express due to the large quantity of indians using said services early in the morning. Actually while not being in London the area I live in has quite a diverse population with a notable bangladeshi community that nobody knows about unless you go looking.

Does mean i've had some wicked bangladeshi cuisine from street vendors on market day. Does remind me to go down to a few local ethic cafes and whatnot to try the food jsut cos. There is a turkish place nearby that has good reviews and sounds tasty but I just need to pluck up the courage to go to now that I have the disposable income.

>> No.8381004

I love curries, both Indian & thai.

If you are even slightly adventurous you should try and Indian buffet and see what you think. Many serve fresh Naan with the meal and are easily worth the $10. Any major US city will have some decent Indian restaurants

>> No.8381016

I make this once a week and im a blue collar white dude. Its very easy to make. Play the video.


>> No.8381019

Oh yeah, I throw in 3-4 jalapenos and a couple serrano peppers and more cayenne. That recipe isnt spicy at all.

>> No.8381026

The reason most Indian shitskins smell like shit. Seriously, go to any place that has a lot of indians and while it's raining. It smells like dead bodies.

>> No.8381132

There's a small opening in the barbed wire of your containment board, /pol/tard. Hurry back. Your butt buddies miss you.

>> No.8381138


Compared to what, the smell fof taco bell and McDonalds?

>wholesome american shart in the mart

>> No.8381161

I've noticed this. Just assumed like other brown people that they didn't bathe.
Meanwhile this faggot cuck can go back to plebbit. It's a real issue.

>> No.8381506

Curry is simply a gravy / sauce. Period.