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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8370887 No.8370887 [Reply] [Original]

Which pleb food tastes do you have?

I like the soft mushy fries more than the crispy ones, I like overcooked almost mushy broccoli, I enjoy ketchup on steak. I also really like mashed potatoes made from the box.

>> No.8370912

I definitely have a couple of shameful foods that I only eat when no one else is around. Mainly stuff from my childhood that gives me the feels.
>canned green beans slathered in butter and lemon pepper seasoning
>white bread sandwich with mustard, ham, american cheese, and iceberg lettuce
>Bugles filled with the godawful spray cheese, like little cornucopias of trash food

>> No.8370931

I've noticed that good cooks and chefs are the first people to get something microwaveable out of the freezer when home and hungry.

Fucking dude just cooked for 14 hours, give the man a hot pocket.

>> No.8371562


>> No.8371762

I like pasta that's dried out a bit

>> No.8371770

I like microwaving cheddar cheese sprinkled with that dried 'parmasan' on top of pasta.
It's pretty pleb but the mixture of oily pasta and chewy fried cheese tastes great.

>> No.8371809

>Bugles filled with the godawful spray cheese
this sounds delicious and horrifying at the same time

>> No.8371946

I like my broccoli the same way OP. Can never get the steam time right but it always tirns out okay.

I like cottage cheese with olive oil and black pepper. Tastes fucking delicious. Oh, and just about any meat cold. Steak, pork, chicken, shrimp. Love cold meat, especially leftovers

>> No.8371978

Anyone ever had a walking taco? You rip open a bag of Fritos, pour chili over them (crap from a can like Hormel or Wolf), then add cheese and other fixings and eat it with a spoon. Even Bourdain can't hate them.

>> No.8371983

>walking taco

That's a Frito salad you fucking idiot.

>> No.8371987

There's a couple different names for them I think. I always see it as frito pie in the midwest and walking taco in the southwest.

>> No.8371990

ranch on pizza crusts

ketchup on meatloaf

I haven't had a microwave for years so when I get the chance I like shitty burritos and hotpockets and garbage like that

slim jims, or those two in one cheese + beef stick things at gas stations

broccoli with Velveeta cheese sauce

penne pasta and jarred alfredo sauce

overpriced grocery store seafood salad

annies white cheddar shells and cheese

i'll get a craving for chef boyarde a few times a year

>> No.8371998

Pasta with mayo.

>> No.8373284

>little cornucopias of trash food
Strangely poetic.

>> No.8373289

I like hamburger helper. Or just Kraft mac with ground beef and some spices.

>> No.8374561

deviled ham sandwich with mayo on sliced bread

>> No.8375113

Patrician tier

>> No.8375725

Brussel sprouts boiled til yellow and pungent.

>> No.8375734

I leave instant ramen on the heat until the soup has almost completely boiled away and mix in grated cheese and barbecue sauce.

Don't look at me, the shame burns

>> No.8375747

who cares, walking taco is 100% a better name for it.

>> No.8375784

Dipping white bread in ketchup and eating it

>> No.8375849

I like to use way too much salt.
I prefer stale bread and chips.
I don't care for animal fats so my favorite meat is chicken breast.

>> No.8375997
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>> No.8376015

>pleb food tastes
Hot dogs
Beans and rice
Fried egg on top of anything
Fries dipped in mayo
Fried onions as a side dish

>> No.8376104

beans and rice are delicious you fucking disgusting cunt die in a hole

>> No.8376166

jack's pizza
peanut butter, jelly, and cool ranch dorito sandwich

>> No.8376174

southeast texas fag here and we call it frito pie

>> No.8376185

is the pbj+cool ranch dorito any good

>> No.8376212

ketchup fried rice

>> No.8376252

>fries dipped in mayo

And what exactly is wrong with this?
Two whole countries have their national identity built upon fries and mayo

>> No.8376263

I love both of these things. But they are pretty pleb. That's the point of this thread.