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File: 39 KB, 419x281, espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8366678 No.8366678 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious about your French press method.

What I do for a single cup

>Coarse grind
>1:16 ratio (16 grams coffee/ 250ml water)
>Boil water, let it sit so it goes down to around 92-94*
>Pour all of the water
>At 1min. break the crust on top and stir it up a little
>Let is sit for another 3min.

I can't notice any difference between letting it bloom for 30sec before pouring the rest of the water or not.

>> No.8366697
File: 67 KB, 640x587, skertonvsminimill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I fuck up for picking the Mini mill over the Skerton.

I heard the spring in the mini makes for more consistent grind.

>> No.8366730
File: 1.82 MB, 3010x2000, audiophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to let it bloom for 32 seconds. Those two seconds make all the difference

>> No.8366741

I have an auto-grind programmable coffee maker because I couldn't deal with a Freedom Press in the morning. 4 minute steep though is pretty standard.

>> No.8366750

What kind? Those seem a bit on the pricey end.
And yeah a press in the morning before work is a bit much, I just make espresso then.

>> No.8366766

Cuisinart Grind & Brew 12-Cup, worth the price. Best part is setting it up at night for the following morning. That coffee smell permeates my whole apartment before I'm even out of bed.

I don't hate on french pressers, I used to be one but gave my away to a friend...but an auto-grind is the boss.

>> No.8366778

Oh, it's a drip machine. Thought you meant an automatic espresso, those are up there in price as far as I know.
Still, auto-grind into a pot must be awesome. Having it freshly grounded is half the battle.

>> No.8366796

I don't bother with espresso drinks because I'm lactose intolerant and drink my coffee black. I buy mild/medium beans for maximum caffeine content.

>> No.8366887

I start by washing my press in warm water before carefully placing in the appropriate recycling bin, because I am ecologically conscious.

Then I use my $4 Melitta pour over to make a better cup of coffee with less fussing around

>> No.8366897

So how long does it take to pore the water?

>> No.8366908
File: 134 KB, 1125x1500, 81SAY1dpNQL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What coffee maker would you guys recommend for the 60-120 price range? Looking to upgrade my old Mr. Coffee.
Doesn't need to have an auto-grinder.

I'm looking at these two right now:



Having the water heater would be nice for teas but I'm just trying to get the best tasting coffee for the cost.

>> No.8367308

I personally feel that blooming for french presses isnt necessary.

Cause the idea behind blooming is to release the gases so that more even extraction can occur. And with pourovers that makes sense because the water is only contacting the grounds for a few secs before dropping into the cup.

But for french presses, the grounds are completely immersed for the whole brewing duration. I wouldnt bother unless you find that the crust formed is lifting too much coffee above the surface of the water. Which could happen with coffee roasted within the past few days.

>> No.8367329

I use a 100 year old Arcade Crystal crank grinder and a Cafe Gaggia espresso machine and I'm still often disappointed. I need to replace my thermostats.

>> No.8367382

Aw hellllllll no.
>At 1min. break the crust on top and stir it up a little
NO - Do not do this. If you want, you can add 50% water, wait 30 sec to 1 min, stir and add 50% water
>Let is sit for another 3min.
OK - 4:00 minutes total brewing time
NO - take a spoon and remove (skim) all of the grounds at the top. This helps in avoiding overextraction and bits of crap in your pour.

Then plunge and pour all coffee. Don't leave it in the carafe.

PROTIP - If you're not using a burr grinder, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8367409 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1310x1032, Folgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is the Folgers K-Cup, the best fast coffee brew

>> No.8367413

I would recommend that you throw that crap in the trash and try a french press, pour-over or aeropress.

Drip coffee is the trailer trash of coffee makers, prone to overextraction (bitter taste that makes your tongue swell). The only way to combat this is to use a shit ton of grounds.

>> No.8367618


5 seconds to wet the grounds, 5 seconds to wait and 20-25 seconds to fill the basket.

45-60 seconds to clear the filter

5 seconds to toss the filter/contents and rinse and stow away

>> No.8367625

Water boils at 88 celsius faggot
t. biotechnician

>> No.8367626

What kind of kettle do you use?

>> No.8367648

I have a french press and baritza encore at work.

For 1 Cup: Grind 35g of fresh roasted beans at the "30" setting on the baritza encore and boil water. Pour in 350 g water in. Stir the pot, place lid on, and push the grounds down to submerge. Steep for 5 minutes (long, but i like it that way). Press and pour.

I usually get a fresh roasted blend from whole foods. Not fancy, but generally smoother and more drinkable than specialty roasters.

>> No.8367656

the kind you buy for $11 at Target or whatever. the little whistle top broke off and that made me sad

>> No.8367723


My family has had pic related for about 5 years now. It's served us well for making coffee and tea, but I wouldn't say it makes amazing tasting coffee or anything.

>> No.8367732
File: 67 KB, 265x239, 1466368137514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 tbsp of fine grind
9oz boiling water poured over
stir down the floaters and foam
5 mins

>> No.8367778

Two cups of 1:20 on coffee drinking days.

18g of coarse ground coffee, 355ml of water.

I always sleep great.

>> No.8368425

I have heard about removing the grounds at the top, I'll try it
Damn that's a lot of coffee

>> No.8368432


>> No.8368600
File: 167 KB, 376x328, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>french press
>1:25 ratio (20g coffee/ 500ml water)
>boil water till the steam starts to sting
>during winter, boil water to 212F because it's fucking cold out
>pour water
>swish grounds and water slurry vigorously until brown foam comes up
>wait 3 minutes and press
>pour and add 1/2 tbsp of cream

>> No.8369021

If my drip machine coffee is coming out too acidic, does that mean I'm over-extracting it?

>> No.8369027

Under. Either that or you are using a lighter roast. Go darker if you dont like acidic coffee.

>> No.8369030
File: 352 KB, 585x758, 2016-12-07 18.09.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you espresso-anon with that ridiculously expensive grinder and manual espresso machine, these beans make amazing espresso!

Trying to get grind settings and brew time correct now but it is still a fine cup. Any suggestions on how to do this without drinking a lot of espresso in a short period of time?

>> No.8369031

Eh, it's a "medium" roast. Should I try a finer grind? I'm already using like two tbsp of beans for 1.5 cups of water

>> No.8369041

Im not sure if your ratios are right cause i do them by weight. 1:14 - 1:16 water to grounds depending on your perference.

But if you are within that range and its still acidic. Either go finer ground size, or get a darker roast. Most people are accustomed to full city.

>> No.8369064

Just poured myself a cup brewed with a finer grind, tastes much nicer but still acidic which I guess it's just the way this roast is. Good thing I also got myself a dark roast bag.
Thanks for your help.

>> No.8369108

No worries. Most of us would be kind of geared towards darker roasts because thats what most coffee houses and even instant coffee uses. But give it time and you may grow to like the med to light roasts. Cause thats where you start tasting distinctive fruitiness and complexity.

>> No.8369115

Is there a difference between the taste of an aeropress coffee and a french press coffee?

>> No.8369118

Yeah I guess.

>> No.8369852
File: 267 KB, 800x409, basic-roast-levels-e1376909735515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree with this anon.
For me dark roast coffee beans are the same as dark toasted bread or super well done steak, they are burned.
How tasty is piece of dark burned toast bread.
How tasty is burned steak. All the flavours are gone.
Medium roasted coffee beans in my opinion reveal much more flavours than dark roast.

Most coffee beans are roasted to dark because they are of lesser quality and have not much of flavours in them so medium roast will taste very flat,
so the industry trick is to roasted dark and you get that "illusion" of flavour.

I did experimented with dark and medium roast 100% Arabica beans and definitely medium roast was the most pleasing.
You can roast green beans yourself to medium and dark and taste the difference see if you like it dark or medium.
Roasting coffee beans in your own kitchen just to experiment is so easy and fun, and the smell is pleasantly intoxicating.

Also I was told that lighter roast beans retain more caffeine in them.
I'm going to try "blond roast" one day, but from my one time testing at Starbucks it was too flat.
I have to do that at home and experiment with the same beans roasted to blond and medium just to taste the difference in flavours.
The level of caffein is almost impossible to check at home just by drinking without special analysis.

Here is very interesting article.

Use All Five Senses To Determine Degree of Roast.

>> No.8369859

Light Roast Best Roast for drinking coffee black.

Medium or Dark for mixing with cream, sugar, etc.

>> No.8369872

Medium - Dark is a better "after dinner" coffee since they have less caffeine content. Light is the better morning coffee because it jacks your shit up.

I drink all my coffee black.

>> No.8369890

Depending on how you measure/weigh your coffee it could have more or less. But the difference is a couple of milligrams, which you aren't likely to notice.

>> No.8369918

Here’s a list featuring 10 differences between the two coffee species:

The most commonly known: Taste. Often Robusta has its taste described as burnt tires or rubbery, which… sounds disgusting (can you imagine one of our taste swatches on the front page being a burnt tire?).
Why the bad taste?
One reason that the taste isn't as good for Robusta is that it has more caffeine compared to Arabica. Which may sound like a positive thing but caffeine carries a bitter taste which makes it an unpleasant drink.
In fact the Robusta bean has 2.7% caffeine content, almost double the 1.5% of Arabica.

Lipid & Sugar content: As mentioned here, Arabica contains almost 60% more lipids and almost twice the concentration of sugar than Robusta.
This factor also probably has a big impact on why we prefer the taste of Arabica.
From a price perspective, green beans of Robusta is about half the price of Arabica green beans on the commodity market. (Robusta vs. Arabica)

Robusta is easier to tend to on the farm, has a higher yield and is less sensitive to insects - the extra caffeine is a chemical defense for the coffee seed as the quantity in the Robusta is toxic to bugs.

>> No.8369933

In fact the Robusta bean has 2.7% caffeine content, almost double the 1.5% of Arabica.

>> No.8369953

>between the two coffee species

>> No.8369957


>> No.8370155

Can somebody recommend a decent dark roast I can order off amazon?
Doesn't have to be crazy or anything, just a simple stocking stuffer for christmas.

>> No.8370920

interesting factoid

Starbucks’ coffee is actually usually arabica, not robusta! It’s bitter because their coffee is essentially exclusively a dark roast, which is achieved by roasting (burning) the beans longer.
They do this because they buy the low end arabica from whomever sells it cheaply (possibly with some good stuff in there),
mix it all together, and burning the beans gives it a more consistent flavor (even if that flavor is burnt).

FYI: This is usually why brands will have a dark roast. A dark roast usually isn’t very good and, more often than not, is ruining the coffee.

>> No.8370953
File: 383 KB, 800x428, Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 5.10.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Differences between Arabica and Robusta Coffee.


picture/ Arabica on the left Robusta on the right

>> No.8372560
File: 153 KB, 1500x1290, 81MqGSDbntL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: I have a decent DeLonghi espresso machine and I'm looking for an upgrade for Christmas. There's a Breville machine on my works break room and I learned to use the non pressurized filter and proper grinding /tamping to pull a nice shot.
Is the Breville a good buy? If not recommend other options.

>> No.8372738

I don't know what your budget is but I would go to a Gaggia Classic personally If I wanted to upgrade to a non-pressurized filter.

>> No.8372746

Just to add, hope you have a good grinder in any case for a non-pressurized portafilter.

>> No.8372793

I see. My budget is about $600. Like I said the grinder worked fine for that machine and was able to do proper shots with the non pressurized filter.

>> No.8372881

I've been happy with my Saeco Via Venezia


>> No.8374329
File: 98 KB, 507x768, 01WMT-sidebar-popup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at this please

>> No.8374334

Manual filter coffee with a mesh screen is fine, it's most of the automatic machines that are garbage.

>> No.8374339

The arabica/robustia quality meme was a hoax forced onto the American public by coffee canneries like Yuban. Tons of great blends use robusta.

Starbucks uses dark roasts because that was what was popular twenty years ago before Americans really had a coffee vocabulary. Tastes have moved on, even Starbucks is peddling medium-lights roasts for certain products these days.

>> No.8375062

it's an OK consumer grade machine. and if you've used it already and are happy with the results why not get one. you don't need our blessing, be an adult

>> No.8375988

I've been using the Mini for about 3 years now and it's really a solid mill. Probably the best for its price. The only thing bothering me is that it just takes too fucking long. Grinding the amount needed for a double espresso takes around 5 minutes.

>> No.8376002

I'm not kidding but the side benefit is the hand/arm exercise especially if you can switch hands.

>> No.8376096

They're both absolute shit. You fucked up by not saving up for a Feldgrind instead.

>> No.8377574

Guys I have this craving when making coffee in stove top espresso. I like to grind into the coffee some black pepper and sprinkle some cinnamon.
How much black pepper, maybe 1/4 of flat teaspoon and same amount of cinnamon.
I just like the hit I get from them drinking my brew.
Please don't hate me for it.

>> No.8377687

OK so personally I drink drip coffee but I decided to pick up a french press for my parents for Christmas. Thing is that I'm kind of poor so I only dropped $30 on it. Is it worth keeping or should I return it and get them something better?

>> No.8377693

e means Fahrenheit m8

>> No.8377737

post a picture or link to it,model brand, but for $30 I think you can get a decent unit

>> No.8377741
File: 21 KB, 311x460, 999999-0535416B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a trudeau maison
Couldnt find much reviews but what I did was positive

>> No.8377748

here I found this for $37US doing quick google search
The Best French Press Coffee Maker.


>> No.8377798 [DELETED] 

Looks like descent model, you can check your local coffee roasting shop if you have one where you live,
thing with french press is that the seal between the glass and the movable screen part should be very tight so the coffee grinds don't escape into the liquid section and the screen is of good quality.
So maybe few dollars more can get bit better model. Coffee makers like those will last many years so is wort it to add few more dollars and get reputable proven model.
Nothing fancy from design point but good quality materials and assembly.
Maybe do some research and read reviews and if you can add few more bucks and get something that has lot's of great reviews.

Looks that the link I posted has good selection with professional reviews, if you cannot order via internet maybe you can pick up one of their recommended model in your price range in your town after you return the one you bought.

It's nice of you to buy such practical gift for your parents.

Good luck anon.

>> No.8377806

Great thanks for the help! Theres a little coffee place not too far from me so I'll check them out for a better model. Happy holidays!

>> No.8377810


Looks like descent model, you can check your local coffee roasting shop if you have one where you live,
thing with french press is that the seal between the glass and the movable screen part should be very tight so the coffee grinds don't escape into the liquid section and the screen is of good quality.
So maybe few dollars more can get bit better model. Coffee makers like those will last many years so is wort it to add few more dollars and get reputable proven model.
Nothing fancy from design point but good quality materials and assembly.
Maybe do some research and read reviews and if you can add few more bucks and get something that has lot's of great reviews.

Looks that the link I posted has good selection with professional reviews, if you cannot order via internet maybe you can pick up one of their recommended model in your price range in your town after you return the one you bought.

It's nice of you to buy such practical gift for your parents.

Good luck anon.

>> No.8377886

Merry Christmas to you too anon.

I found and posted this link >>8374329 and because of the info there I will be switching from my fancy stove top espresso maker to a french press as well.
I have one now but is not that great,some of the coffee grinds escape into the clear coffee section so I will be buying different model.
With french press you have to make sure that coffee grinds are not too fine, the model you will buy will give you the instructions as to the size of the grind for it, it's more less the same for all french press makers.

You (and your parents) might like to read few articles on french press coffee makers, like this link,

3 Common Mistakes People Make When Brewing French Press Coffee.

French Press Brew Guide.

Just don't get discouraged from the volume of information, you read it once and you will know for the life time and will enjoy your coffee more taking advantage not only from it's caffeine blast
but also from it's voluble essential oils (that get trapped in the paper filter machines and thrown away).
French press gets you to enjoy all of the goodies in coffee but it needs bit different brewing method, not as simple and quick as paper filters but much more beneficial.

Hope you will like it.

>> No.8377980

I had that Cuisinart in pic related. It worked alright, but French presses are so much better. Plus, the water heating function to the right doesn't work as well as you think it would.

>> No.8377993

what model of french press do you own anon

>> No.8378192
File: 21 KB, 500x500, French-Press-coffee-makers-machines-Bodum-Chambord-8-cup-French-Press-Coffee-Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my shitty every morning routine:

>Put some tap water in the kettle to boil
>Clean out press of previous days coffee slury
>Scoop out about 25 grams of coffee beans from my coffee container (I don't bother measuring exactly much anymore. Close enough is just fine).
>grind with the grinder on the right (>>8366697) to whatever coarseness it's set to currently (I haven't changed it in probably 2.5-3 years now)
>Dump grounds into press
>Once the kettle is screaming at me I dump it in the press too
>Stir the grounds/water for 30 seconds while putting 5 minutes on a timer
>Plunge to below water level for 4:30
>Once the timer goes off plunge completely and pour off into mug

Mmm, coffee.

>> No.8378224

you guys are autismo

>> No.8378236

kill yourself retard

>> No.8378355

why you think so anon, because we talk coffee or there is other reason for your opinion of us :)

>> No.8378363
File: 18 KB, 355x348, 71kcK6mMFVL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the aeropress just a meme or doe it actually work better than a regular french press? I got my dad one a few years ago and he uses it at work all the time. He made me a cup once and I remember it being damn smooth and great, but I'm guessing you could achieve the same on a regular press with the right grind.

>> No.8378415

It's sorta like a french press for a single cup.

The quality really isn't all that different except you get less grit with an aeropress filter.

>> No.8378449
File: 48 KB, 631x768, 41neKF3R7dL._SX409_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon sounds like you enjoying your coffee press, would you please share what brand do you have.
I was exchanging info with this anon
and was reading reviews on couple of models, one was this:
SterlingPro Double Wall Stainless Steel French Coffee Press, 1 Liter (picture attached),


it has 1822 reviews and few hundred I briefly looked at are very positive, of course there are few problems but nothing significant overall.

I like the idea that this press has double filtration screen for cleaner brew.
Most french presses have single screen.

I would love to read your opinion on the model you have.


>> No.8378484

I have one and it works great, takes like 15 seconds to make a cup, and it's way easier to clean than a french press.

>> No.8378514

Aeropress vs French Press - Pros and Cons you Need to Know.

>> No.8378522
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, french-press-plunge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 Tips for Making Better French Press Coffee.

>> No.8378561

Is that text on the Chambourds a sticker? I want that style of French Press but I don't want to have a ton of text on the glass.

>> No.8378562 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 800x495, Espro_P3_Features_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I found so called Cadillac of french press coffee makers.

Espro Press P5 - French Press Coffee Press with Thick & Durable SCHOTT Duran glass.


French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWQXc2acBk4

>> No.8378565

Should I get an eight cup or a 12 cup press?

>> No.8378569 [DELETED] 

I think the Youtube link didn't registered properly in previous post.


>> No.8378577

For how many people will you be making coffee will be the answer, also would you like to make extra coffee for later,
but with french press you need to transfer ready made coffee from the press to the carafe in order to separate coffee liquid from the coffee grinds, otherwise coffee brewing will continue and after few hours you will get super strong bitter brew.
So maybe smaller press will be better and you make coffee twice daily if needed.

Is it just for yourself or for more people in the household.

>> No.8378586
File: 193 KB, 800x495, Espro_P3_Features_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I found so called Cadillac of french coffee presses.

Espro Press P5 - French Press Coffee Press with Thick & Durable SCHOTT Duran glass.


French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe.

>> No.8378593

Here is a review from CoffeeGeek of Espro French Press.


>> No.8378603
File: 81 KB, 1024x684, French-Press-Coffee-Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is important video to watch before you buy french press coffee maker.

"Should I Use A French Press Coffeemaker?"

>> No.8378610

Do you use paper filter or metal filter in your aeropress, and what model/brand it is.

>> No.8378619
File: 648 KB, 1657x1617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of the metal filter, kind of defeats the object.
The paper filters are cheap as hell anyway.

>> No.8378628

The reason I like the idea of metal filter is that it let's the coffee oil to go through like in the french press where the paper filter blocks oils same as in drip coffee makers.

Why you didn't like the metal filter?

>> No.8378642

Just prefer the taste from the paper filters.
Might be something to do with acidity, dunno really.

>> No.8378649

This guy puts bit different unorthodox twist to making coffee with french press.

The Ultimate French Press Technique.

The difference in his method is that after original standard 4 minutes of waiting for the coffee to brew normally at that time you press the plunger down,
but his is proposing more waiting time up to 5-7 minutes more after first 4 minutes, but first you need to stir it up and scoop up the coffee crust that is left on the top and wait 5-7 minutes.
Watch it if you interested.

>> No.8378665

OK,thanks for that.
Yes, perhaps metal they use is not that good quality SS as in french press and it affects the taste.

>> No.8378673
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>> No.8378693
File: 162 KB, 1200x953, Espro-press-instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main difference in this model french press ESPRO Press over other models is the construction of the filter. There are some other differences as well, but filter is the major difference.

So the price is higher as well.

>> No.8378697

Container of cawfee, get to the worksite

>> No.8378714
File: 53 KB, 768x768, Espro+Press+P3+with+coffee+and+tea+filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On their web site here, http://espro.ca/ , they have pictures of 3 different styles of finish for home use, two styles german made specialty glass and one style in solid Stainless Steel all available in two sizes 18 oz and 32 oz, and they also have Travel press.

>> No.8378746

I'll easily drink a 12 cup press within an hour or so.

>> No.8378749

Anon please if this thread will exist let know how your search went if you found better model.
If this thread gets deleted maybe you can start new one,
I would love to know how your project went since I stir up your purchase choice I'm hoping that I didn't create more hassle for you.

As I posted here >>8378449 this model "SterlingPro Double Wall Stainless Steel French Coffee Press, 1 Liter" from this web site https://www.yourbestdigs.com/reviews/best-french-press/
has lot's of great reviews and is priced very reasonably on Amazon from $79 on sale for $36.

Wonder what selection they have in that coffee shop near your place.

Good luck with it.

>> No.8378904


what do you drink, anon?

>> No.8378920

Locally sourced, fair trade, organic semen

>> No.8378931


Is it bad that I really enjoy drip Community coffee more than anything else?

>> No.8379060
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Hi anon, sorry for the late reply. We wont be giving it a go until Christmas morning but if this thread is still up ill let you'll know how it went. If not im sure another coffee thread will be up by then

>> No.8379144

French Press aside, post Aeropress recopies!

I just want to know for how long he lets it sit before plunging, damn it.

>> No.8379178

Post your favorite mug/cup.

>> No.8379179
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It's more efficient, brews quicker.

Using only 10 - 14g of fine grounds will still result in a damn good cup, diluted or not.

The grounds get stuck to the metal filters too.

>> No.8379188
File: 8 KB, 233x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luigi Bormioli Caffeino for my espresso. Hand made Italian glass, good shit.

>> No.8379227
File: 36 KB, 700x467, IMG_1408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but extra wire mesh on amazon
>dissemble plunger
>reassemble as follows: metal base, wire mesh, paper filter, 2nd wire mesh
>remove the unneeded paper
>pic related
>grind 25 g of fresh beans
>boil filtered water to 185 to 195 f (hotter water, more bitter I've found)
>pour 350 into press
>use plunger to fully submerge all grounds ~1 cm from surface of water, do this slowly
>wait 3 mins and 30 secs (the more time, the more bitter it will be)
>immediately pour out contents into serving pitcher

Paper filter removes oils and sediment; removing contents from press is important as leaving it will eventually burn grounds and result in overexteacted shit cup.

>> No.8379334
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my IKEA set

>> No.8379593

Fuck do you live mate? Even when I was at 6k feet it boiled at 93. You in the fuckin Himalayas?

>> No.8379598

I'd like one without any plastic in the filter basket

>> No.8379685

So, let's assume I don't have enough money to frivolously buy decent whole bean coffee during my weekly grocery run tomorrow morning, but am in possession of two coupons, both offering a discount of $1.50, one for Community Coffee and the other for McCafe.

Which is preferable?

>> No.8379735

Is glass a better material for French presses than stainless steel?

>> No.8379914

Yes, but porcelain is the best

>> No.8379993
File: 155 KB, 768x768, Espro+Press+P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon looks like all filter baskets in the "Espro Press" line of french press coffee makers are made out of plastic even in all metal pitcher models (as well as in glass models),
but I'm sure that this plastic is of a very high food/pharmaceutical grade quality that in no way it would release anything 'plastic' into the coffee.
Besides water temperature is not high enough to effect that plastic. Look for example at plastic handles in some stove duch ovens that can withstand very high temps inside the oven.

And I'm sure the high end company like Espro Press is using highest grade plastic possible, from what I read the Espro Press is made partially in China and partially in Canada.
I'm not sure tho witch parts are made where.

I personally wouldn't be concerned about that plastic affecting the coffee taste or posing health hazard.

If you insist that there is no plastic in the filtering parts the "flat types of filters" (opposed to "filter basket" in the Espro Press) in french press models you would have to look at this type french press models with "flat" filter made out of all metal/Stainless Steel.
>>8378449 SterlingPro Double Wall Stainless Steel French Coffee Press, 1 Liter (picture attached),
or other brands.

Hope that this answers your question

>> No.8380154 [DELETED] 

I don't think that there is any significant effect that Stainless Steel would have on the taste of the coffee, maybe a bit first couple if times you used (but good washing before first use will take care of any residue).
From my reading of I guess few hounded of different french press makers i never come upon complains that SS is affecting coffee taste,
(maybe in a very very cheap models the SS would be of a very low quality and it could affect the taste since there are different grades of SS), but in the med grade and in the high grade presses they use high quality medical grade SS.

As to the glass pitchers you have to remember that there are different types of glass used, some can brake easier than others, even tho all of them are made out of thermo type of glass.

But for example if you read on the "Espro Press" web here, http://espro.ca/how-it-works/ , they use quite different glass made by Scott-Duran in Germany that is 40% thicker than most glass pitchers that is not only tougher (especially for washing) but also holds the temperature for much longer, and you can see your brew.. (so you can look at your coffee brewing and fap to it, lol)

I'm considering to purchase "Espro Press" 18oz and I might get the glass model, but with glass model you have to take it out from the glass pitcher out from the holding 'frame' and with the all SS all is one unit.
You can see the cleaning tips in this video here:
French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe.

French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe

The cleaning tip starts at around 9:05
The other advantage of the Espro Press models is that you don't have to transfer brewed coffee to a different carafe,because after the brewing process is done after you press the filter all the way down the brewed coffee liquid is separated from the coffee grinds..(watch it at 7:30)

>> No.8380201

I've got a Bodum, not a Chambord, granted, but the text is screen-printed, so I'd bet it's like that on all of them..

>> No.8380234

I don't think that there is any significant effect that Stainless Steel would have on the taste of the coffee, maybe a bit first couple if times you used (but good washing before first use will take care of any residue).
From my reading of I guess few hounded of different french press makers I never come upon complains that SS is affecting coffee taste,
(maybe in a very very cheap models the SS would be of a very low quality and it could affect the taste since there are different grades of SS),
but in the medium grade and in the high grade presses they use high quality medical grade SS.

As to the glass pitchers you have to remember that there are different types of glass used, some can brake easier than others, even tho all of them are made out of thermo type of glass.

But for example if you read on the "Espro Press" web here, http://espro.ca/how-it-works/ , they use quite different glass made by Scott-Duran in Germany that is 40% thicker than most glass pitchers that is not only tougher
(especially for washing) but also holds the temperature for much longer, and you can see your brew.. (so you can look at your coffee brewing and fap to it, lol)

I'm considering to purchase "Espro Press" 18oz and I might get the glass model, but with glass model you have to take it out from the glass pitcher out from the holding 'frame' and with the all SS model all is one unit.
You can see the cleaning tips in this video here:
French Press Review - Espro P5 with Thick & Durable Schott-Duran Glass Carafe.

The cleaning tip starts at around 9:05
The other advantage of the Espro Press models is that you don't have to transfer brewed coffee to a different carafe,because after the brewing process is done after
you press the filter all the way down the brewed coffee liquid is separated from the coffee grinds..(watch it at 7:30)

>> No.8380296

Great, Thx

I'm reading and posting here whole bunch of stuff on different french press makers to confuse everybody (including myself) even more lol
But I hope it will help someone to have better understanding about different models.

Would be nice if MODS can keep this thread going for few days so we can learn and exchange more ideas.

Cheers guys..

>> No.8380344

Just one more link , here are reviews of the Espro Press from their web site by various reputable reviewers,magazines etc.


>> No.8380351

you sound like a marketer

>> No.8380399

No, not at all anon , I just got excited since I'm also looking for a new french press as I stated here in this thread >>8377886
>I found and posted this link >>8374329 (You) and because of the info there I will be switching from my fancy stove top espresso maker to a french press as well.
>I have one now but is not that great,some of the coffee grinds escape into the clear coffee section so I will be buying different model.

So I got into the research and though by sharing here will save others lot's of time searching the net in case they are also thinking of buying french press.
No, I'm not associated with any of the coffee makers.

>> No.8380557

What does it say, anyway?

>> No.8380765

Probably measuring levels and brewing or safety,cleaning instructions.

>> No.8381378
File: 20 KB, 305x500, Chambord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too fancy - just a Bodum Chambord. The filter works great, and it can keep coffee warm for a good amount of time.

>> No.8381433


>> No.8381989

>slightly underfill mug with milk
>pour into saucepan on low heat
>mix insta coffee with bit of boiling water
>pour in hot milk
wow amazing

sometimes just
>boiling water + instant

not hard, my friends

>> No.8382816

You make your coffee on the pan? Has my reading comprehension hit american levels or am I being memed?

>> No.8382985

Is it worth it? I have a 3 cup 15$ press but I feel the filter is crap, way too much gunk.

>> No.8383065

if I understand correctly, he heats the milk, then makes the instant coffee, then pours the hot milk into the coffee. Sometimes he doesn't use milk.

I don't know why he bothered mentioning the stove since it's mostly irrelevant.

>> No.8383508

Currently using a Bodum Chambord 8 cup press and the aforementioned grinder.

>> No.8383687

I've had it for years, and the filter has yet to fail me. I'd say go for it.

>> No.8384343

The filter isn't crap, your grinder is

>> No.8384364

Someone spoonfeed a retard, what's the TOTAL amount of time it takes to brew coffee using a french press? Assume I already have hot/boiling water on hand.

>> No.8384401

How strong do you like your coffee? It's usually said to be three to four minutes; I like to wait five or six because I like my coffee stronger.

>> No.8384736

I'm in the market for a good coffee machine. Using a pod machine at the moment and while it's easy to use, obviously the coffee it makes isn't the best. Ideally I'd like a fully automatic espresso machine to retain the one button ease of use I have now but they run into the thousands of dollars (Australian). Any advice for a cheap, but reliable espresso machine?

>> No.8384741

>Any advice for a cheap, but reliable espresso machine?

>> No.8384745

I'd like to get an Aeropress for work, largely because it seems compact. Any pre-ground coffee that is worth a damn? I would prefer not to have to grind the coffee at my desk, seems disruptive.

I prefer lighter to medium roasts, for what it's worth.

>> No.8384750

what kind of work environment expects you to boil water at your desk?

>> No.8384752

Buy fresh whole bean and grind them for a weeks worth or two at a time. Take fresh grounds to work.

>> No.8384798

Espressoforge is the only new option. Espressoforge or Caravel if you're ok with buying used off Italian ebay and doing rewiring. Then a Feldgrind for grinding. Cheapest good setup I can think of that doesn't require getting stupidly lucky on craigslist.

>> No.8384853

I got a $25 starbucks gift card in a gift exchange and I don't like their coffee milkshakes.

Can I get them to make me verdana blend brewed coffee every time I go in?
Because it's honestly the only thing I like that they make.

>> No.8385595

I will tell you a secret.
Next time you are at Star$ucks ask them.

>> No.8385608
File: 45 KB, 768x1024, EspressoForge pump..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not that cheap.
Espresso Forge v2.1 From: $250.00 US

>> No.8385614

You can just buy coffee beans.

>> No.8385621

That's incredibly cheap for an espresso machine. The next cheapest brand new high quality machine is $1,000 more (Astra Pro / Breville Dual Boiler tier). Everything in between is either shit or can only be bought used.

>> No.8385659
File: 239 KB, 334x334, bialetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just make it a double if I'm on my own.

Makes perfect espresso every time

>> No.8385732

'cept how it's not espresso.

>> No.8385840

They both are, desu. My Hario is coming soon, hope its a little better then my off the shelf burr grinder.

>> No.8385844

really good image

>> No.8385876

im a raging caffeine addict, and alcoholic.
i am two days into abstaining from both
my head hurts from the caffeine
and i have some unpleasant tremors in my hands
wot du?

>> No.8385880

>Any advice for a cheap
>The next cheapest brand new high quality machine is $1,000
Make up your mind please,and next time don't start saying "cheap" but give your price range that way is more relevant

>> No.8385968

$250 is cheap in comparison to basically all other machines capable of consistently high quality espresso. As far as actual espresso goes, it's cheap.

I could also recommend getting a busted Pavoni for under $100 and fixing it up, but I'd have to know the person is handy enough to not get themselves electrocuted.

>> No.8385989

"When you're going through hell, keep going."

>> No.8386012

I'm finding that espresso no matter from what machine lucks the wider flavour-taste than french press.
Here is why.
Water/steam in espresso machine has very short contact with coffee it passes so quickly and doesn't have time to extract those aromatic oils like water in french press does.

I like drinking espresso coffee don't get me wrong, but from my experimentation I feel I'm getting more wider range of flavours from french press.
Amount of aromatic oils floating on top in the cup from fr-press is definitely more than from espresso machine.

And other difference is that fr-press coffee has more caffeine in it than espresso, again that is because of shorter contact of water/steam in espresso machines than in fr-press.
But sometimes more caffeine is not that desirable.

Apples and oranges I guess

>> No.8386026

>put kettle on
>bag of ground coffee
>put spoon of ground coffee in cafetiere
>put a couple cm of cold water in cafetiere and slightly shake so coffee mixes
>pour boiled water into cafetiere
>stir coffee, leave for like 5 minutes
>press it down, if there's any resistance leave it for a minute longer
>pour coffee
>drink black

>> No.8386051

5 minutes? Alton Brown says over 3 and it gets bitter

>> No.8386062

Alton Brown is a tv producer not a chef.
What would he know?

>> No.8386063

read my post and watch that video, this guy has bitt different take on it >>8378649

>> No.8386091
File: 72 KB, 800x599, 3-drip-grind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and pay attention at 1:40, what he says about how to grind the coffee, to 'medium coarse' grind not to 'super coarse' see in attached picture and read this article,
"Coffee Grind Chart"

>> No.8386165

Espresso is a different drink than brewed coffee.

Brew does tend to be (but isn't always, there are some wild coffeeshot style espresso methods) a wider representation of a coffee. Espresso is usually a tighter more intense representation. Sometimes the focus is different too. Sometimes it's a totally different set of flavor notes.

Personally I like both, but tend to prefer espresso.

>> No.8386168

Anyone know if this stuff is any good?

>> No.8386189
File: 39 KB, 800x532, holder-filled-with-fresh-ground-espresso-coffee-isolated-macro-closeup-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you anon on that, I do too like espresso.
I was just thinking now after reading your post and referring to my post about fr-press >>8386012 if it would make difference (for the better, for more oils extraction)
if you can first pour some hot water on the espresso coffee holder to pr-soak the coffee for let's say 30 or 60 seconds and then run steam through it,
if that would help to "open up" the coffee to release more oils and more flavours.

I don't have steam espresso maker, just the stove top, but I will ask the barista next time I'm in coffee shop.
I will try with my stove top, but that's not real espresso anyhow

>> No.8386215

Just a little note btw, real espresso makers do not pass steam through the coffee. Just hot water under pressure.

>> No.8386232

o yes you correct anon, I'm bad
the milk get's the steam for frothing

>> No.8386241

Common misconception. I blame those cheap machines that are basically rearranged bastardized moka pots that do use steam.

>> No.8386258

Anon do you own real espresso machine?
I you do, would you care to do this experiment and report if there is a difference in taste >>8386189

>> No.8386274

Thoughts on this grinder? It comes well reviewed.

JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder | Conical Burr Mill for Precision Brewing | Brushed Stainless Steel https://www.amazon.com/dp/B013R3Q7B2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_MGewybA0WTNFD

>> No.8386282

I actuall do something similar with the machine instead of pouring on top.

I hold a slow pull with light pressure for a given time before the main pull. I use a manual lever, but you can do it on some (but not all) pump machines too.

It's called preinfusion, and it makes a big difference. I do anywhere from 0sec to 60sec, depending on the coffee.

It's not just subjective either, it's significantly more extracted by my refractometer readings.

Garbage. Will take you about five minutes to grind and it won't be even. Save up for a Feldgrind or Lido.

>> No.8386289

>$150 - $175 for a grinder

Okay man I'm pretty snobby and believe in high quality stuff but is it really that big of a difference? I can't see it being much different.

>> No.8386296

Huge. I started on a Porlex, similar to that one you linked, it's a total waste of money. The Lido or Feldgrind is easily ten times better in the cup and twenty times faster to use.

And it's built to outlast your grandkids grandkids, definitely a buy it for life item.

>> No.8386297

Also thoughts on the Hario Skerton?

>> No.8386299

Cool thanks. I'll probably save up then. I have plenty of money but can't justify it to myself with student loans to pay and other things more important.

>> No.8386302

Equally garbage.

Feldgrind/Lido is really the cheapest good grinder.

Encore is decentish for cheaper, but it's more finnicky, more potential to fail, worse alignment and grind quality, more mess, and more grind retention. But it's ultimately a decent grinder, and the cheapest decent one.

>> No.8386304

>It's called preinfusion, and it makes a big difference. I do anywhere from 0sec to 60sec, depending on the coffee.
>It's not just subjective either, it's significantly more extracted by my refractometer readings.
Aha, that confirms my so called findings between french press longer water contact and my stove top espresso maker.

Thanks for that anon, that restores my excitement in getting real espresso machine.

>> No.8386307

Thanks again. Guess I'll stick with the pre-ground from happycoffeemug for now.

>> No.8386322

Make sure yours is capable of preinfusion if you do. Lots of them, especially cheaper ones, are not.

>> No.8386332
File: 105 KB, 277x409, IMG_2831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thought on this Gaggia MDF grinder? Thinking of getting It and later in pairing it with a Gaggia Classic

>> No.8386351
File: 35 KB, 768x768, melitta-80395-burr-16-5-oz-whole-bean-kitchen-hopper-coffee-grinder-17-settings_752694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if those manual models have adjustable settings but in my opinion adjustable settings are the must in coffee grinder.

I use electric bore type grinder (nothing special) Hamilton Beach model like in the picture and it works super (I have no complains) and is not that expensive.
I'm not sure what much better $200 or $300 grinder will do, it will perhaps lats longer.
This one has many settings and stops automatically when grinding is done.

Melitta Burr Coffee Grinder | 80395

>> No.8386368

He has a culinary degree

>> No.8386439

Aha, OK thanks for that tip.
But if I go for model that does not have that option I will do it the way I explained here >>8386189 ,it should give similar or the same effect I think if I pour hot water on it and wait 15-60 seconds.

Another interesting thing is notice how for the french press they say not to pour boiling water on coffee (to wait up to 30 seconds) that it will somehow be bad for the final result, but with espresso it's OK to use very hot water.

I wonder if the french press suggestion is real in that case, the guy it this video is saying no to pay attention to that "30 sec rule" and just pour it as soon as the water starts boiling.

I'm noticing that with coffee making techniques is the same as with making beef stakes, or other cuts of meats, some say to rest it after is done others say that is BS.

I read several articles and watched several videos and read university studies and looks like resting meat to greatly or even mediocrely improve the taste/flavour of cocked meat is just a myth.
For example the juice loss is like only tea or table spoon depends on the size of the meat if you cut it right after is done.
And the temperature loss is too great to exchange for some other "mysterious improvements" happening inside of the hot piece of meat with it's juices.
I rather eat warm meat not wait 5-10 minutes

So maybe waiting 30 sec for boiling water to cool before pouring over coffee in fr-press is the same BS ?.

I don't know...

>> No.8386445

cooked of course , not cocked meat lol

>> No.8386483

It's ok eneugh, but there's better for the price. Lido E will blow it out of the water for less money. Pharos even more so, for only a little more.

That grinder is utter garbage. Worse than the skerton by a mile. The burrs are incapable of a consistent grind. And yes, the manual models are adjustable. Burrs absolutely need to be well designed and to have absolutely zero wiggle room.

Pouring water on it will only have the effect of a huge fucking mess. The puck needs to be tightly compacted when the pressure hits it.

Also boiling water is perfectly fine for french press, often preferred even. And espresso is almost always 200f or lower. Not that you can't use 210+ if dialed in for it.

>> No.8386533
File: 180 KB, 1280x855, ESPRO-travel-press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That grinder is utter garbage. Worse than the skerton by a mile. The burrs are incapable of a consistent grind. And yes, the manual models are adjustable. Burrs absolutely need to be well designed and to have absolutely zero wiggle room.
haha, Well I agree with you on those points, but for fr-press in medium grind or for my stove top espresso type maker in fine grind it does OK job, (good enough).

If I get real (med-entry model) real espresso machine I will buy better grinder for sure.
From watching videos I think I will get semi-espresso machine over the automatic one, or I might go for the manual >>8385608

Not sure yet, I'm also thinking about staying with the french press type and to buy this model
>>8378586 Espro Press glass model or travel model Espro Press like in the picture for one cup at the time since I drink only one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon so to have bigger Esprp Press 18oz is too big for my needs.

I might get espresso machine electric or manual for my afternoon/evening coffee fix tho.

Espro Travel Coffee Press Overview.

I appreciate your input very much, Thanks anon.
Learning quite a bit here

>> No.8386574

For those who also might consider the Espro Press Travel model I found this video review

Espro Travel Press | Crew Review.

>> No.8386581
File: 2.72 MB, 404x720, ONeill_365_Activate_Surf_Legging.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8386596


Antonin Dvorak - New World Symphony (Full)

>> No.8386606

BTW, I have no freaking idea what that anon who posted this >>8366730 had in mind and how he related this to coffee.
Maybe the asshole will chime in and explains that to us

>> No.8386646
File: 32 KB, 600x600, Espresso coffee, Gelato and Liquor .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the reason I might get real espresso machine,the only thing missing from that picture is a doobie :)

>> No.8386712
File: 101 KB, 576x768, EspressoForge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Espresso Forge v2.1
I was doing more reading on this manual type Espresso Forge v2.1 unit but it's getting very pricy for this type of espresso manual model.

It starts at $250 US + $35 for Stainless Pressure Gauge + $65 +$4 Cafelat Silicone Gasket and? not sure about shipping

It is tho hand-made in the USA,looks like a very solid quality build and I like the simplicity of it's use,especially for one shot espresso,
but for that price I will look for electric semi automatic model.

Any suggestions what you anons have in $200-$300 range that you are happy with and would recommend.
Since I will only use once per day and I don't drink lattes (so no milk frosting option needed) I don't want to invest in higher end unit.

I will do net search and will read reviews watch youtube but like to hear from real time users.

Thanks so much

>> No.8386729

>+ $65
missed this item
Tripod Ring Stand – $65.00

All those adds-on are not included, only the pump for $250 is, it will work buy it self but the stand and Stainless Pressure Gauge is good to have in my opinion.

>> No.8386737

>Being so obsessed by brown bean stew that you'll pay hundreds of dollars of some bits of metal


>> No.8386748

> Infowars
>Alex Jones's favorite coffee
Go back to your containment board


>> No.8386753

Well , obsessed?? hmm
I wan't to explore options so I get decent value for the amount of money I'm willing to spend on it,
I can easily put $500 but in my case I don't see the need for it.

>pay hundreds of dollars of some bits of metal
it has some plastic parts as well so I think it represents really good and unusually unique deal.
I agree with you, if it was only metal I would also consider that pure rip off, but having plastic in it is the game changer for me, (considering today's oil prices) :)

>> No.8386794

Fuck off non-patriot

>> No.8386822

Everyone gets it but you. Id explain it bu I dont have the time, sorry newfriend.

>> No.8386837 [DELETED] 

That's OK dubs, I will live in ignorance and innocence of not knowing,it might be some vile stuff tho. lol

>> No.8386845

That's OK dubs, I will live in ignorance and innocence of not knowing,it might be some vile stuff tho. lol

>> No.8386928
File: 39 KB, 768x768, Braun KM 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use electric bore type grinder (nothing special) Hamilton Beach model like in the picture
So after you guys give me shit for that Hamilton Beach grinder I took out from my pantry another grinder that I have sitting BRAUN KM 30 model (like in the picture),
still nothing special,but I think this BRAUN model grinds better and also has adjustable settings.

>> No.8386955

here is something funny I've read about it just now from reviews on CoffeGeek,..

Bottom Line: Very simply: If you want good coffee don't buy this grinder.

Bottom Line: It beats putting your beans in a bag of rocks and backing over them. Just.

but other comments are better lol

>> No.8387010

Same here, what's your 'I Iike my coffee like I like my women' joke?

>> No.8387017

I went to this Italian place a few months ago that do special coffees. But they were quite smooth and creamy, while still being completely black like coffee should look.

How did they achieve this? I've struggled to find anything about it before and using search engines for something like this is almost impossible.

>> No.8387124

I'm buying this machine tommorrow. Seems like a pretty good set up for someone new to espresso, with the integrated grinder and all. I'll let you know how it goes

>> No.8387143

>Breville machine
how much is it where you are

>> No.8387151

Anyone have a pastebin?

>> No.8387159

anon, I mean I don't need to know of course where you are,just how much the model you are getting costs.

>> No.8387218

$700 Australian

>> No.8387244

>$700 Australian
Thanks mate,
hmmm, so around $500 US
yes, reviews are good on them

>> No.8387475

A car is bits of metal too mate

>> No.8387812

No, there is definitely a reason why people like to use it

Because it makes good single serve coffee

>> No.8387821

do you have comparison if it's better than french press, or if not better then how would you describe the difference if you know

>> No.8387831
File: 10 KB, 250x185, IMG_0864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8387841

I want to make turkish coffee but I dont have a grinder
What brand can I buy thats finely ground enough to make turkish coffee like a non pleb?
Im a burger btw

>> No.8387845

go to local coffee shop or better yet to local coffee roasting house and buy it there,
they will grind it for you and if it's a roasting house you will get nice freshly roasted coffee, much better what you buy in the stores

>> No.8388098

I will tell you tomorrow

>> No.8388136
File: 308 KB, 957x1500, 1467612778072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.8388322


>> No.8388458

It is pretty vile and I would not wish it upon my worst enemies. Stay pure.

>> No.8388634

So why exactly should I splurge on a pour over instead of getting the cheap, 4 cup glass one at Walmart?

Those 5 dollar Vietnamese pour overs make good cups of coffee, what would paying a lot for a different style of pour over give me?

>> No.8388834

V60 worth it or should I stick to my Aeropress? I mean they are cheap but eh.

>> No.8388896

anon,I personally never had that one but from what it looks on the bag it should be good coffee.
For me 100% Arabica medium roast full body is my type of coffee.
Theory amongst coffee snobs is that the best Arabica comes from Ethiopia (place where coffee on Earth originated) but there are other countries the also grow good Arabica beans.
I personally would give a try, unless I read not so enthusiastic reviews on it on the net.

And while Arabica coffee beans are considered to be the smoothest amongst coffee beans there are of course various quality levels of Arabica beans.
This one it says is SUPREMO so in theory it should be of better quality than just average Arabica beans.
See if you can find any reviews on it.

That's my take on it for what it's worth.

>> No.8388990

what's your take on Aeropress, are you not so happy with it and considering buying V60 coffee maker?

>> No.8389002

I like the coffee it produces, the process is a bit tedious to me rather then enjoyable tho.

>> No.8389052

I see.I'm thinking about getting Aeropress.
From what I watched on youtube the A-press should give better cup of coffee than just basic drip device,
because of the pressure in A-press I think it adds to extra 'extraction' from the coffee grounds.
But this is just my thinking, no actual testing of both methods.
If you do get V60 please post results compared to your A-press.
I'm just watching video on the glass model of V60, I would preffer glass over plastic if I had a choice, not that I think plastic could affect coffee taste
I just like the glass idea better even tho you have to be more careful with it over the plastc model.
Also I saw they have solid ceramic models of V60.



>> No.8389071

Seriously, why is it all espresso fags and French press fags in these threads?

10-Cup Chemex
Unbleached paper filters
Barzata Virtuoso ginder at 26 setting
Fresh locally roasted organic fair trade beans
16.666666667:1 ratio
Bonavita electric temperature controlled goose-neck kettle
Water starts at 204f
3 time the coffee weight in water for pre-infusion for 30 seconds
3 minutes total for pour
Brew complete by 5:00

>> No.8389089

>10-Cup Chemex
this is nothing special, just your drip type of coffee maker.

Espresso and french press are "adding" different taste flavour to the coffee brewed because of different physics in extracting.

Some people just like plain brown water that drip method gives, other people like to get more from the coffee beans than just brown coffee water.

Seriously, why is it the drip method fag is in these threads?

>> No.8389092


We'll, except for the precise temperature control, pre-infusion, and carefully controlled grind saturation it's exactly like drip.


>> No.8389098

I will add this so maybe you will understand this espresso and fr-press better.

Some of us like the idea of retaining very beneficial aromatic oils in the brewed coffee liquid.
And both methods espresso and fr-press do that.
Drip method using paper filter prevents those oils from 'entering' your brew,oils are being stopped by the paper filter.
That's the main reason, at least for me.

So anon don't get all pissy about us, we have valid point in our search.
Maybe you should expand your thinking horizont

>> No.8389133


As if I don't own an Espro Press currently and didn't used to own a San Marco one group espresso machine and San Marco grinder.

Some of us prefer the cleaner, brighter cup of pour over methods. And if you think calling FP and espresso fags fags is pissy, then you need to go back to plebbit, newfriend

>> No.8389160

>Some of us prefer the cleaner, brighter cup of pour over methods.
GREAT fucking GREAT.
So now stop shitting on those of us who don't like what you like.

You have your reasons and we have our reasons.
I never read here anybody being so pussy pissy about drip method and about those who like it.
But you are running around here harassing everybody and acting pissy because we discuss fr-press and espresso methods.

Go and drink your cleaner brighter cup of brown water and STFU
Why you harassing us over this.

Let others exchange ideas if they chose to do so, newfriend

>> No.8389194

This is great thread
Lot's to learn here
Keep it on guys

>> No.8389203
File: 962 KB, 1851x1851, Autism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200+ post thread about coffee
>Where 99% of the posts have been about FP or espresso
>A single post about pour over
>Causes you to have a complete melt-down

Literally actually seek help from a mental health professional.

>> No.8389283

sip and spit

>> No.8389436

>"is it good?"
>"no it's GARBAGE!"

>> No.8389445

holy shit this is awful quality. 2 inch thick audio cables are still beyond overkill though

>> No.8389630

but hurt homo detected

>> No.8389684

I just bought Aeropress, will make coffee in 4-5 hours, will post my observations.

The drip coffee faggot,
that will give you enough time to hide so you don't get but hurt and have pissy tantrum when I come back in few hours to post about it.

>> No.8390139

Not that anon, but an aero press and a french press are pretty identical. The main difference is that an aero press is going to have less grit, and less oil.

>> No.8390234

I'm this anon >>8389684, just got home,
and I will be making coffee with my new Aeropress in an hour or so.
I will make one cup of coffee using paper filter that A-press has, to compare with metal filter /screen, but my main focus and testing is to use stainless steel filter/screen that is also included with A-press.

From talking with the girl at the coffee roasting house she said that she uses at home and works great for her.

So by the theory SS filter will let more oils than paper filter, should be similar to fr-press I think.

I will post later.
Hey you, drip coffee freak,
get ready to read my wall of text soon on superiority of non paper filter coffee making devices over paper filter brown water making devices. lol

>> No.8390346
File: 81 KB, 532x800, vario3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get an espresso machine, but I heard you need a really good burr grinder to make the most of it. I have a Capresso Infinity right now, but would I need something like the Vario to get the consistency I need?

>> No.8391755

Depends. Will your future espresso machine have a pressurized portafilter or not? If yes then don't worry about spending too much on a burr grinder, if no then you want a good quality one, yes.
Baratza Encore is in the low-ish end price wise but I think it's enough for a modest drinker

>> No.8391763

Nit picky post incoming.
Glass coffee container on the kitchen counter yes or no? Direct sunlight won't hit the jar

>> No.8391877 [DELETED] 

>Baratza Encore is in the low-ish end price wise but I think it's enough for a modest drinker
As much as I'm open minded to the fact that you pay for the quality of your equipment but I'm having really hard fucking time
to grasp the concept that for home use $800 or as much as 1200 coffee grinder will do much better job than $150 grinder (as in the case of Baratza Encore), or other models at $250.

I'm mean what ? are we talking that $800 or $1200 grinder will do so much better job grinding coffee beans that on nano particles level the grounded coffee is becoming some miracle shit giving you superior testing coffee.

I think that those things are going in the insane direction.
What's the difference in grounded coffee by those machines with such big price difference since coffee beans are grounded to such small size that you have to use magnifying glass to see it's shape.

>> No.8391882

>Baratza Encore is in the low-ish end price wise but I think it's enough for a modest drinker

(not meant to criticize your post anon just an observation)
As much as I'm open minded to the fact that you pay for the quality of your equipment but I'm having really hard fucking time
to grasp the concept that for home use $800 or as much as 1200 coffee grinder will do much better job than $150 grinder (as in the case of Baratza Encore), or other models at $250.

I mean what ? are we talking that $800 or $1200 grinder will do so much better job grinding coffee beans that on nano particles level the grounded coffee is becoming some miracle shit giving you superior testing coffee.

I think that those things are going in the insane direction.
What's the difference in grounded coffee by those machines with such big price difference since coffee beans are grounded to such small size that you have to use magnifying glass to see it's shape.

>> No.8391903

That's all fine until you realize that the Vario the original anon was talking about is around $460 and that's one of the best home grinders you can get, IMO.

Sadly my pallet is nowhere good enough or have I tried the same quality coffee grinded with a 150$ then with a 1200$ grinder to tell the difference, the experts do say there is one so who am I to say otherwise.

>> No.8391917

And just to add this is like most things when you go in the high end spectrum. What is the difference between 800$ and a 1200$ headphone? How big is the difference really? I hope As long as there are people willing to spend the money, there always be a market for it.

Hope /hpg/ doesn't see this.

>> No.8391921

>the experts do say there is one so who am I to say otherwise.
Yes experts do say that but when you asked them to describe the reason for that difference in coffee being so much better they start talking in circles.
I think is just BIG BS.

I understand that there are few bells and whistles that contribute to the higher price but the talk of some exotic materials (like specialty ceramic bore) to produce better cup of coffee is so freaking insane.

>> No.8391923

>Hope /hpg/ doesn't see this.

>> No.8391961


What's that little Timmy? A hobby with no objective criteria to measure success is filled with snake oil peddlers trying to make a buck off the kinds of gullible dumb fucks who spend $2000+ on him espresso set ups to pull less than 6 shots a day?


Next you'll tell me that those $400 cable risers for speaker cables cost 1$ to source in China?!

>> No.8391982
File: 200 KB, 370x227, kopi luwak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or that coffee that was eaten by some fucking ugly looking rat and after come out from from it's ass with all other poop is worth fucking $500/pund

>> No.8392010

I'm very surprised that there are no fucking farms with those ugly looking rats being forced fed low quality coffee beans and collected from it's shit and sold to fucking coffee snobs.

Here is your business idea to start in the New Year.
Rat's Shitting Coffee Beans Farm LTD.

>> No.8392071

Am I suppose to get a Bodum if I want a french press? Like what the fuck, why is that all I see on the videos?

>> No.8392087
File: 86 KB, 576x768, Baratza Encore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did an experiment.
Yesterday I bought coffee beans (couple of different varieties 1lb each) from local roasting house
and I asked them to grind me 1/8 of a lb to the size to be used in my new Aeropress so I have the size sample to grind at home on my cheap $70 BRAUN grinder,see picture of it here >>8386928

and I dialled my grinder to get the same size, and I look at it under magnifying glass.
Fuck me if you can see the fucking difference , NO WAY, (maybe you could see it under high power lab equipment),
from the roasting house industrial grinding machine that probably cost ?? $2000 or $3000 (I don't know for sure, just guessing).

Honestly man, I was thinking to buy from them also this model that they said is good entry machine Baratza Encore $180 US, but I'm going to stick with my old BRAUN at $70 US.

>> No.8392115

If I didn't have coffee grinder I probably would buy this Baratza Encore $180 US, but I would not buy anything that cost more than $200 (max $250 US for some stupid probably never to be used at home bells and whistles), or for bit better parts quality.
But to pay $800 or $1200 for home use coffee grinder is insane in my opinion.

>> No.8392116


It's pretty much the standard brand. I don't know why you wouldn't want one either: they're good quality and reasonably priced.

>> No.8392123
File: 744 KB, 2048x1529, My old setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayum, I used to have that exact coffee maker. It was fantastic until the hot water tank began to leak all over my counter.

It was fantastic to have hot water to throw into yeast dough, and of course for tea and shit.

>> No.8392138

I agree with you.
The BODUM or the Espro Press glass 18 oz. >>8378586
They pretty much in the same price range, the Espro Press might be few $$ more especially if is solid stainless steel model.

>> No.8392170

Am I suppose to worry about my cheap ass burr grinder as long as I keep pulling 23-25s double shots?

>> No.8392182

>23-25s double shots
what that means 23-25s ?

>> No.8392191

It takes me 25sec to pull a 60ml double shot of espresso.

>> No.8392195
File: 23 KB, 396x360, 1479549124323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8392208

I would do this, go to a coffee shop buy 1/2 lb of beans and ask them to grind you 1/4 lb of them to the size you need (and use in your coffee machine)
and at home grind rest of your coffee beans on your grinder set to match what the coffee shop did and see if you can tell the difference.

I didn't with my BRAUN.
Maybe you will with yours, (if you have very shitty grinder) but if is decent burr machine it should be OK, me thinks.
What brand/model you have if you don't mind me asking

>> No.8392215
File: 108 KB, 1304x1500, 81wR2oJysPL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'm looking at the Smart Grinder Pro.
Price is good, has a lot of options and 70 settings.

If anyone has it or has any experience with it please share.

>> No.8392217

I really really hope that you will die this Christmas Season so you will stop harassing people on 4chan you disgusting piece of human turd.

>> No.8392222

I have a modified (grinds much finer then stock) Delonghi KG79

>> No.8392230

>70 settings.
wow, why person would need so many
is there 70 different types of coffee to grind coffee beans in 70 different sizes

>> No.8392234

aaa, OK

>> No.8392238


>> No.8392242

It's not that many.
In any case, a 7 in the settings for one type of bean might be good for espresso while other needs a 4. Same with french press grind, some will want a 60, some 70.
>is there 70 different types of coffee to grind coffee beans in 70 different sizes
In short, yes.

More options are not a bad thing!

>> No.8392258

>More options are not a bad thing!
I guess you right, but do people really change settings to be 2 microns different for different coffee beans. lol

I guess some do

>> No.8392266

For espresso, absolutely.

70 settings total isn't anywhere near enough. You need that many just in the espresso range.

>> No.8392305

fucking Jackstar fucking disgusting homo

>> No.8392310


ITT: People too clueless to even comprehend setting their grinder based on how extracted their coffee turns out.

>> No.8392345

Care to explain?

>> No.8392372
File: 71 KB, 800x688, Use-a-hot-straw-with-your-hot-beverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /straws/ here?
I've been thinking of getting a new one but I wouldn't want to invest in anything unless it's an improvement from this model. Any advice?

>> No.8392396

Daily reminder
that replying to stupid posts will encourage stupid posters to post more stupid posts.
If you don't reply to stupid useless posts stupid posters will get discouraged.

>> No.8392407

Yes, there are stupid posts and funny posts.
Most morons think that they are funny but in reality they are just plain boring lame stupid.

To post funny posts requires high IQ level to post stupid posts no IQ is need it at all.

>> No.8392930

Straws are for children.

>> No.8392932

that's what he actually is
you can tell by his posts

>> No.8392933

what the.... so you have a straw that prevents burning your mouth but you couple it with a lid.... that keeps heat in.... thats some female shit right there.

>> No.8392942

I'm still experimenting with my new coffee brewing gadget Aeropress, drinking insane amounts of coffee.
Will post later on few comments, tho I know nobody gives a shit :)

>> No.8392991

BTW, I don't understand this
but I drank so much coffee since yesterday and had good 8 hour sleep and had three coups of coffee this morning
doing the testing and THE whole day today I'm feeling very sleepy, WTF

>> No.8393453

There are. It's awful for them because coffee berries aren't it's primary diet.

Also, the only people originally drinking that coffee were the poor people around that area that were allowed to take those beans because they were covered in shit.

Some snobs who wanted to drink what the poor locals drank had some and decided that since it didn't taste like shit, he could sell it to idiots who don't know what they're doing for a huge profit.

>> No.8393832

breville makes consumer grade shit. buy a vario preciso is you're making espresso, or a baratza encore if you're doing anything less

>> No.8393852

what's there to fucking explain? do you need an explaination of why anyone would need 70 different types of screw drivers or sockets? in a broader sense a different class of tool for different occasion (turkish, espresso, percolator, french press, drip) and within those classes different levels of precision to account for different need (believe it or not the same 'bag of coffee' may need different precision of grinding depending on it's age among other factors including the humidity at the time of grinding). just because you have no need for such precision simply means you lack the experience or awareness just as you would be perplexed at an electronics technician need for keeping 70 different screw drivers

>> No.8393879


I know someone who is already seriously addicted to coffee who is the same. They literally need coffee to be able to sleep. Dependence is weird.

>> No.8393893

As much sense as you are making anon there is one factor that many coffee snobs overlook (including you, no offence please).
The deciding factor in having 70 settings in coffee grinder is the geometrical positioning of the coffee grains.

Let me explain.
Considering the oval or bit round shape of the coffee beans they can take different geometrical placement inside of the coffee grinder in relation to the grinding bore,
and careful precise dialling of the settings will assure proper grind in correspondence to the geometrical placement of the coffee bean inside of the grinding machine and the latitude at witch the coffee bean was grown.

Therefore having 70 settings is not that unusual and actually very helpful in obtaining great tasting cup of coffee.

>> No.8393902
File: 21 KB, 255x150, 1455723886642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8393909

uneducated always refused science and called geniuses many different names
same way you are acting you poor uneducated pleb

>> No.8393928

I drink one cup of coffee a day when I'm at work. French press on the weekends with the wife.

^This is $40 and it makes my mornings so much easier. Brews the beans at 198 F (I could be off by a bit) and makes exactly one mug. Best purchase I've made to-date.

>> No.8393930

I was wrong it's 200 F but same difference whatever

>> No.8394012

Percolator masterrace reporting in

>> No.8394028
File: 48 KB, 1024x1024, Coffee Percolator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Percolator masterrace
I would actually call it Lost Civilization, lol, but welcome to the Club mate.
Nice that you are proud of your obsolete technology that to be fair it was quite impressive many decades ago :)

>> No.8394048

I just use the italian style ones. No idea if the coffee from you pic would taste different.
Is the taste noticeably different between percolation and french press?

>> No.8394088
File: 451 KB, 1711x917, Presto Stainless Steel Coffee Maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just use the italian style ones
I'm not sure if I'm familiar with those models, unless they are called different.
Is it possible that you can post photo/link from the web of model you have.

Here is very good explanation of the differences.
Your ancient technology is not that bad my friend, the only thing I have/had with them that many models were made out of aluminium as the one I posted picture of it before,
but they were/are also available in stainless steel.


The French Press vs. Coffee Percolator – The Differences Explained.

>> No.8394125
File: 47 KB, 768x768, Vev-Vigano-Vespress-Oro-4-cup-Stainless-Steel-Stovetop-Espresso-Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just use the italian style ones
So the Italian style you are talking about could be the so called "stove top espresso" same as the one I have now but is not aluminum as most if them are, but is made out of Stainless Steel (see picture included)

>> No.8394129
File: 43 KB, 768x768, Stove Top Espresso Makers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aluminum as most if them are,
aluminum as most OF them are,

>> No.8394130
File: 12 KB, 225x225, mK28DWDX12WGR1nRXLIz0pQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this. Mine just makes the one cup of coffee. Pretty easy to use imo

>> No.8394135

I'm pretty lazy, even though I only ever use my press for two-to-four people (it's a big press).

Coarse grind, usually of a darker roast

Eyeballed to roughly 12mm in the bottom of the press

Boiled water, let sit for 30s or so, poured about a quarter way

Swirl the press

Rest of the water

Lid on, plunger pressed down just until all of the grinds are submerged

After 4 mins or so, plunge the rest of the way and serve. Any remaining liquid in the carafe goes into an ice-cube tray for use in the cold black bitterness I sip during the work week.

>> No.8394140
File: 34 KB, 800x597, percolator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha we posted almost at the same time, just 22 seconds a'part

Yes that's it, I also have the one cup model as in this picture >>8394125

The Percolator Coffee Maker is bit different in sense that in our "machines" boiling water moves upwards and hits the grinded coffee from the bottom,
in Percolator "machines" boiling water moves upwards and hits the grinded coffee from the top, like in this picture.
They make very nice cup of coffee.

>> No.8394191
File: 70 KB, 640x479, stamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might pick up from a friend used in excellent shape Percolator machine and experiment with it.
I drunk coffee from them many times before but at that time I was not paying attention to the methods and coffee beans used.
The difference between our models and Percolator is that in our makers water passes from the bottom and has very quick contact with the coffee grinds,
in the Percolator water comes from the top and has longer contact with coffee and drops down therefore extracting more flavours and caffeine.

Some assholes collect post stamps,
other assholes are preoccupied with coffee making devices.
Thank God I'm not boring stamp collector :)

>> No.8394251
File: 41 KB, 450x450, SILVIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scored a second hand Rancilio Silvia on the cheap ($260). So hyped to own it, totally made my Christmas. Now I just need to save up for a decent grinder (currently have a Breville Dose Control Pro, which is meh at best)

>> No.8394272

>(currently have a Breville Dose Control Pro, which is meh at best)
Anon if you are not silly trolling with your description of your very descent grinder do this test >>8392208
and maybe you will find out that your grinder is not that bad.

>> No.8394294

it's fine when it works but consistency is the key. and struggling to get consistent results with this grinder has been a bitch and a half in the 3 months i've owned it (use it twice a day at least). some days it will give me good shots, and others i will run through half a bag of beans in frustration (clogged/slow/non-existent pulls is the most common issue). this grinder simply does not like the fresh locally roasted and very oily beans i use. i frequently have to disassemble the hopper and pull out the top burr and poke around inside the grind chamber with a bbq skewer to dislodge jams. there's a reason this thing sells for $130

>> No.8394540

bs'ing much or just a bitt

>> No.8394633


Jesus Christ you dumb fuck, first of all you should not be determining your grind setting based on what some minimum wage chuckefuck at the coffee shop tells you.

You are supposed to set your grind based how whether the coffee is coming out under extracted, correctly extracted, or over extracted using your chosen brewing method, you inveterate pleb.

Secondly, EVEN IF his grinder could match some random bullshit example of an "espresso grind", that would be totally meaningless since espresso making is so sensitive to grind setting that adjustments smaller than you could visually identify can be the difference between total shit espresso and sugar floating crema perfection.

Thirdly, since espresso extraction is affected so strongly by minute changes in grind size, atmospheric humidity, air temperature and barometric pressure, an espresso grinder needs to be adjustable in minute, precisely spaced increments to be able to be correctly adjusted to account for those variations.

Finally to sum up: You are the most clueless pretend coffee snob special needs retarded dumb fuck know nothing I've ever seen on the internet and should never open your mouth about the subject of coffee EVER AGAIN.

>> No.8394647

This is gonna be my new coffee thread copypasta now.

>> No.8394658
File: 85 KB, 697x683, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deconstructed coffee

If your coffee isn't served in a test tube, you're an absolute pleb

>> No.8394680

Hey you clueless floor cleaner, let me explain
bit of science when it comes to grinding coffee beans,
so here it goes, every day in the morning I take reading of barometrical and subsonic atmospheric pressure combining with market fluctuations based on historical
and futuristic data corresponding to the local prognosis that the collected data becomes unreliable.

>> No.8394708


Very funny, but that would actually still be wrong.

Grind setting should be determined based on the extraction level of the coffee, and only change if the coffee starts coming out over or under extracted.

For example, if you are targeting 25 second shots on an espresso machine, your grind setting needs to be initially set to achieve this target and only needs to be changed if the shots start taking less than 20s or more than 30s (for example).

With a pour-over this is judged based on how long it takes to add the water and how long the brewing process takes to complete.

On a French Press taste alone has to be used as a guide since it's and immersion method.

>> No.8394915
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap everything but I like it

>> No.8395033

CHEMEX, 1-3 Cups for $21.23

Worth it?

>> No.8395184

whatever you say dude. breville makes second rate trash

>> No.8395258

it's all in the bean my man

>> No.8395320

Their Breville Dual Boiler is actually pretty great performance wise. Not so durable, but performs excellently. Not even just for the price.

Their grinders are pretty meh for espresso though.

>> No.8395958
File: 569 KB, 1024x680, delicious-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had long and rough night yesterday, if you care you can read it in this thread: 8390912
Poached Eggs Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)22:44:10 No.8390912


but I'm going to make coffee now with my new AeroPress and report back in couple of hours how it works for me.

>> No.8396077


Nice blog, you enormous faggot. Go choke on a dick.

>> No.8396124

>Go choke on a dick.
I'm not a disgusting homo like you are so you go and suck dicks you stupid Sage cunt having pissy brake down.
I hope you will read my future posts and will get triggered and have more pissy episodes you snowflake

>> No.8396843

What is the amount of coffee for the baseline of 30s-60ml for a pull? At the moment I'm doing it with 16g because crappy small portafilter. Usually I'm at 25s actually

>> No.8397035
File: 92 KB, 800x371, Coffee_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anons,
but I can not post my reflections on my new coffee making device tonight,
but I will post them for sure tomorrow

I was just testing too much of the 3 brandies today :)