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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 700x699, boiled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8361572 No.8361572 [Reply] [Original]

How long does /ck/ boil their eggs for?

9 is best for me, anything over 10 is ruined.

>> No.8361620

13 minutes

>> No.8361625

31 minutes

>> No.8361627

5-6 for me.
Don't like hard boiled eggs unless I'm going to cook them into a gravy, indian style.

>> No.8361631

At least a HR

>> No.8361635

6 Minutes is perfect for me

>> No.8361637

13 honestly. I find gooey yolk disgusting. I like scrambled eggs a big runny though

>> No.8362041

Steaming them takes the same time and gives better results.

>> No.8362058

If I want yolk to still be liquid then 4 min. If whole solid then more than 5

>> No.8362101
File: 49 KB, 620x405, MTI4OTg5NjgwNDAxMTcyNDkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If the yoke has any of that sulfuric tasting grey shit I feed it right to the doggos

>> No.8362104

if your eggs have sulfur still in 'em, that means you didn't soak them long enough in ice water after


>> No.8362119

What would that even look like?

>> No.8362127

10 minutes after the water comes to a boil is about perfect. Im like you and dont like runny yolks but also hate that dark ring it gets when boiled to long.

>> No.8362149


>> No.8362162

Girl at work only eats them when its cooked green

>> No.8362175

7min is literally the perfect egg

>> No.8362518

I like hard boiled eggs but soft boiled eggs are better. I fucking suck at making them though. Seriously, I can never get it right.

>> No.8362523

No longer or shorter than 7, the coolest single digit number and the coincidentally best single digit number when it comes to cooking chicken gametes

>> No.8362528

4-5 minutes is the only correct answer. The yolk should be runny.

>> No.8362530

That's ridiculous
You're asking for salmonella and to get egg all over your shirt

>> No.8362532

I don't live in a third world country.

>> No.8362537

Are you from africa or something?

>> No.8362579


> Not mentioning whether out of fridge or room temp.

Please be more specific when it comes to egg preparations.

Room temp. or frige temp. in OP pic?

>> No.8362587

10 minutes, then I eat them cold the next day with salt.

>> No.8362593

eat eggs for over 30 years now and never got salmonellae. you the kind of faggot who order steak well done?

>> No.8362897

>chicken gametes
Underrated post. Had a giggle.

>> No.8363065

6 to eat directly and I usually make like 5 and leave the ones I don't eat in there for another 4.

Eggslices on bread are pretty good.

>> No.8363071

sleep tight porker

>> No.8363072

15 minutes or so

>> No.8363075

will post today

>> No.8363304

I never count minutes because I always forgot to look at clock at start.
Just kinda feel it until they start to smell or crack.

>> No.8363345

>Eggslices on bread are pretty good.
Having this now. Especially delicious on toast with salty butter.

>> No.8363348

However long it takes for the cold water with the eggs in it to boil

>> No.8363350


>> No.8363360

It depends.

If you are having dippy eggs and soldiers, the 3 minutes.

But for sandwiches and pickling, the 13+ mins.

>> No.8363514
File: 63 KB, 600x608, 1427389478740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you cook a 7 minutes egg for breakfast just to find out you already cooked it the day before and it is now harder than diamonds.

>> No.8363574

Has someone here expirence in making onsen tamago? I tried it twice today and both turned not as planed. First i tried 15 min and opend it directly and the second time 10 min and let it rest in ice water. The second one was harder as te first one

>> No.8363592

17 minutes

>> No.8363869
File: 37 KB, 720x540, YWvmohI[1][1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8363872

saved for future maymay

>> No.8363884

This is why I only eat organic eggs from free range organic chicken fed with organic Siberian tiger manure. Anything else is unacceptable.

>> No.8363901

>he east scat eggs
That explains a few things.

>> No.8363907

Bullshittery aside. Why do Organic eggs always taste worse than let's free-range eggs?.

It's especially noticeable when tasting the yolk. Does this come from a different type of food?

>> No.8363919
File: 33 KB, 546x640, chicken-egg-timer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right is overcooked, it's not that its GMO its that you can't use a fucking kitchen timer.

>> No.8363922

>kitchen timer
People who aren't senile actually use those?

>> No.8363946

Thank you Anon, what would we have don without you.

>> No.8363964

does everyone's mom own that chicken timer

>> No.8363969

Mine sure does. It broke and stopped ringing at some point. I bought her a new one yet she does still use the old one.

She's also schizophrenic. :[

>> No.8364023

why would you share that information in this context

does she talk to the chicken?

>> No.8364035

I want a kitchen timer, no one will get me one. need about three. have so much going on. don't want to sit in kitchen. :P

>> No.8364046

>9 minutes
>Great some carrot
>Add spoon of light mayo
Pure bliss

>> No.8364055

I don't eat eggs because they're bad for you

>> No.8364058

Hello again.

>> No.8364067


>> No.8364075


this and 8 mode reporting for duty

>> No.8364078



>> No.8364083

Electric Pressure cookers are great for Soft and Hardboiled. Makes it idiot proof and really easy to peel.

>> No.8364096

One of you autists surely tried to sous-vide cook an egg right?

>> No.8364097

yes. what do you wish to know?

>> No.8364098

>t. fool

>> No.8364104


>> No.8364533

I do this:
-Water and splash of olive oil in pot and healthy dash of salt
-Roiling boil
-9 minutes on stove
-10 minutes off stove with cover
-drown in running cold water for a long minute and begin peeling.

After finding out about this method I have perfect hard boiled yolks every time. The olive oil I swear helps peel the shell and it also gives a very feint flavor to the eggs. If you're eggs always turned out shitty because of the shell or cause the yolk was way too hard, give this way a real shot.

>> No.8365857


>> No.8366311

I remember boiling eggs when I was like 8 ish, and my egg yolks came out chewy. Not crumbly, not raw (from what I could tell), and I remember them tasting phenomenal then. How long should I cook them to get it like that?

>> No.8366327

6-7 minutes if eating by itself.

9-10 minutes if using for egg salad or smorrebrod with egg and shrimps.

>> No.8366858

5-6 ideal but I always mess it up.
Last time I tried in boiling water for eight minutes but parts of the whites were still liquid and it fell apart on opening. I was so confused. Could have been air pressure or something idk.

>dippy eggs and soldiers
My man.
Best memory is this with some ham beans and black pudding in the morning after staying up all night at a sleepover as a kid.

>> No.8367780

I dont see a picture faggot

>> No.8367792
File: 378 KB, 1365x1275, eggboiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask the machine

>> No.8367806

Two hours in a vinegar solution on a low boil.

>> No.8367813

>Letting your eggs get to room temp.
You know that is the same thing as letting raw chicken sit out, right?

>> No.8367839


>> No.8367844

5-7 usually

>> No.8367851

that's more to do with the freshness of the egg I believe. the fresher the egg the more bouncy/chewy the yolk.

>> No.8367854

>eggs in cold water
>heat to boiling
>shut off and leave on stove for 10 minutes
That's the way to go. Gives you a LOT more room for error.

>> No.8367861

>Bring water to light boil.
>Crack eggs and gently drop them in the water.
>Cook for 10 minutes.
>Take them off heat.
>Leave them in water for 20 minutes and rinse in cold water.

>> No.8367868

No, it's not.

>> No.8367872

Eggs come from chickens, chicken at room temp is bad news.

>> No.8367878


Also makes it harder to peel.


>> No.8368074

Same, if I wanted runny yolks I'd just make a fried egg.

>> No.8368435

What the fuck

I always do 7 minutes and the always come looking like the 13 minute one in OP' pic

>> No.8368975

you're a moron

>> No.8369218

He's wrong in the comparison, but he's right in the judgement. There's a reason we keep eggs in fridges, anon.

>> No.8370169

my mom does this
they're almost rock hard

>> No.8370177

what is cell phone

>> No.8370235


>> No.8370269

I steam them for 7 minutes.

Good amount of runny yolk to dip toast in while still having a little bit of nearly cooked gel yolk for variety, perfect.

>> No.8370397

It's grate, you tard

>> No.8370512

No one slow cooks their eggs overnight in a bath of water with onion skins, an orange and a couple bananas?

>> No.8370547

11-13 in a steamer, comes out slightly less done than in the pic for those values

>> No.8370592

thought i was the only one

>> No.8370597

Place in boiling water, take off of heat, let stand for 11-13 min. The reason that some get the discoloration is generally due to boiling them for so long. So I simply avoid that by only bringing it to a boil.

>> No.8370659

13 minutes for deviled eggs, amirite?