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File: 18 KB, 400x400, 227b03584d7c50656554519f06fcde50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8358212 No.8358212 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Christmas candies / chocolates / snacks you like

Starting with GOAT

>> No.8358249

cordials are fucking groce dude

>> No.8358274


I didn't ask for your opinion except to post what you like. No one cares if you don't like what I like. That's what an opinion is.

>> No.8358285

you said cordial cherries are the Greatest Of All Time, completely undermining mine or anyone else's opinion. they're shit m8.

>> No.8358295


Please continue to not post Christmas foods you like, it really helps the thread

And it's GOAT for me. Not for you, jesus christ

>> No.8358335
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I like to try as many as possible every year. But there are so many, and they're not cheap. And I have to eat them all too.

I bought seashells this week. And some filled gingerbread hearts.

>> No.8358344
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>People having opinions different than my own invalidates my opinion.

Jesus fucking christ, sincerely, have you considered killing yourself?

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.8359020
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These fuckers

>> No.8359045

chocolate orange
candy cane
marshmellow "snowmen"
does hot chocolate count

>> No.8359198
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>> No.8359218

Those look delicious. You must tell me more; what are they called, and what's in them?

>> No.8359234


The Cherry Cola and Blueberry ones are miles above the regular cordials.


This is what I came to post. Good taste, anon.

>> No.8359271

I have not seen the Cherry Cola or Blueberry ones before. Are they new or is it because I just don't go out looking for those? I posted the petits fours but sometimes I get cordials also. I only like the cordials with the clear syrup inside though, not the thick white creme ones like what's inside a Cadbury egg.

>> No.8359287
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They're been expanding the brand the past couple of years. About two or three years ago they introduced the cordial blueberries, then the year after the cherry cola, and this year I think they released French vanilla. But I haven't tried those to tell you my feelings on them.

>> No.8359288
File: 14 KB, 470x298, Dominosteine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are from germany and are called "Dominosteine" which means 'Domino stones' translated. They are filled with fruit jelly, marzipan & gingerbread and are covered in dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate.

>> No.8359291

Interesting. Thanks. I may go see if I can find some today just to try them out. Mostly the blueberry one is what I want to try.

>> No.8359732

Last year I got a few boxes of Queen Anne's cherry cordials and they were smashed to bits. The trays and boxes were fine but the candies were hard to salvage. Though they still are the best cordials on the market if you can get them intact.

>> No.8359742

French vanilla is amazing, I like the cherry cola but it's strong enough to be overwhelming. You can only eat one every few hours instead of the whole box at once like regular cordials.

>> No.8359757
File: 45 KB, 640x434, hood golden eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't Christmas without eggnog

>> No.8359780

>No yule log
>No gingerbread men or house
>No Christmas sugar cookies in the shape of Christmas trees, snowmen, santa, reindeer, snowflakes, etc.
Is this a Christmas thread or a Queen Anne's advertisement?

>> No.8359783

I am so excited to head home for Christmas this year. My aunt in a super nice area in Manhattan always send us the best petits fours. I'm so fucking ready for christmas it hurts.

>> No.8359829
File: 12 KB, 385x262, Chocolate-Peanut-Butter-Bonbons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanut butter bonbons have always been the #1 staple of Christmas for my family.

>> No.8359878

Eggnog chugging contest should be a holiday sport.

>> No.8359904

There is something like that in the city close to me where everyone dresses up like Santa and goes bar hopping.

>> No.8359943

These are the goddamn best. Eating them right now.

>> No.8359964

>Not sure if American

>> No.8360020
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>> No.8360023
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>> No.8360132

I am.

>> No.8360329

What are those? I've never seen them before.

>> No.8360338

Pic fucking related. Just picked up the spekulatiuscreme sandwhich cookies from the local Polish market (which also has a lot of German imports).

second runner up: shortbread cookies

>> No.8360342
File: 77 KB, 1024x489, 3-Windmill-Cookies-und-Speku-Pretzel-1024x489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8360591

What is this

>> No.8360601

Looks like some of the stuff passed out during Dutch Christmas. Spice cookies, I think mallowcreams, and gum drops??

The spice cookies and the way santa looks is what made me think that.

>> No.8360614
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>> No.8360629
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>> No.8360633

Why does this look like Lucky Charms marshmallows in dry dog food

>> No.8360635
File: 85 KB, 550x425, low-fat-gingerbread-men-550x425[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically love these, also those sugar cookies with the sprinkles

>> No.8360640

I always felt like I was one of the only people who hated these gooey things. Biting into one feels like a demented Christmas elf blowing a load against the roof of your mouth. No thanks.

>> No.8360667

Sounds like you're still in the closet my friend.

>> No.8360687
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>> No.8360691

Pebernodder, flæsk og juleskum

>> No.8360727
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sounds delicious

>> No.8361278

This. Love the English toffee one as well

>> No.8361354

7/10 kek

>> No.8361371

my bro wraps a real orange and packages this as a joke every year. its an inside joke


>> No.8361389
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don't know if I like them yet but picked up these

>> No.8361394
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x2560, 1211161320a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.8361438

Christmas diner in a can.

>> No.8361452

fuck man. my mom's side of the family is pretty danish, I can't wait to go home. damn that shit is simple and tasty

>> No.8362228
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Wish I could taste these again
they dont sell them in uk

>> No.8362417

[Christmas foam]

Well then

>> No.8362421

These are Guylian chocolates, specifically seashells. They are dank as fuck cocoakino.

>> No.8362429

what the fuck?
>oh no, me lucky charms are changin'
>orange popes
>white something-or-others
>yellow negresses
>pink anuses
>gumdrops for some fucking reason
part of a complete breakfast!

>> No.8362839

Theres something about terrys chocolate orange that makes me want to vomit

>> No.8362944

This guy gets it

>> No.8364253
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 0001121200062_P693401_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw these at the Dollar General today.

Apparently, they haven't changed their can design since 1952.

>> No.8364417


What is a "filled" candy?

>> No.8364422

The candies are filled

>> No.8364452

Thank you for that absolutely astute revelation

>> No.8364473
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>> No.8364482
File: 104 KB, 580x580, Milk-Chocolate-Covered-Rasberry-Jelly-Sticks-im-1304731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the master race.

>> No.8364544

sugar, flour, and soybean oil with flashy packaging is not food

>> No.8364555
File: 385 KB, 1600x1067, pandoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out about Pandoro cakes last year. They taste fucking amazing and I hate that they're only sold at Christmas. I'll have to try making my own.

>> No.8364571

I see panettones all over the place, never seen this one.

I'm intrigued by these boxed cakes though. I have a hard time imagining they aren't dry as shit like every other packaged cookie and biscuit.

>> No.8364584
File: 882 KB, 1013x559, Dontfuckup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to get my grandma these every year before she died. Shed always save a bunch for my sister n I. Thanks for making me feel OP you faggot

>> No.8364592

A real Quebecers treat

>> No.8364593
File: 234 KB, 400x400, cella's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cella's best, Queen Anne a shit

>> No.8364594

They are a little dry, I wouldn't eat it without cream. But they have a nice texture and a pretty unique taste.
The one I bought a Coles (Australia) was only $8 and weighed about 750g. Pretty good value if you ask me.

>> No.8364932
File: 139 KB, 800x525, Panettone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm intrigued by these boxed cakes though.
Don't buy a Pandoro, it's way too dry and tastes like sand. Panettone is the superior choice.

>> No.8364942
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>> No.8365085

Aren't these those perfumed cakes? Those are terrible.

>> No.8365139

What's terrible is your inability to use Google.

>> No.8365143

some brands are absolute shit, but panettone is the best of all I tasted.

>> No.8365149

Maybe I just had some of a bad one, then. All I remember is eating a bite of it and every fiber of my being saying "this is poison."

>> No.8365166

They're dry. Slice thin and eat with a bit of butter and they're pretty good. You can also make french toast with it.

>> No.8365168

I made bread an butter pudding with one once. Was pretty good.

>> No.8365183


My room mate had a dog that ate an entire box of these. They went right through the poor thing like greased grass through a slick goose. Almost completely undigested too. Chunks of red cherry and brown shit EVERYWHERE.

Besides making it shit everywhere, didn't seem to hurt him. My guess is that these things are so low on chocolate content that it doesn't even hurt dogs to eat it.

I find these to be disgusting both before and after the incident.

>> No.8365371
File: 1.04 MB, 3264x2448, Stollen_1725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for stollen
>0 found

What the fuck are you niggers doing.

>> No.8365400
File: 80 KB, 500x500, Fazer_Grona_Kulor_500g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8365431

Little Debbie Christmas tree cakes

>> No.8365446
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Mein negger

>> No.8365462
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Cant have Christmas without peppermint chocolates.

>> No.8365493
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They look so cute!

>> No.8365580

Those are pretty nasty tho. Good housewarming gift for the in laws though

>> No.8365708

It's cut wrong

>> No.8365953
File: 40 KB, 500x500, small-large-jesmona-original-black-bullets-tins-sweets-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside faggots

also do these cherry chocolates have booze in them? They look just like Cherry Liquors you get in the UK. I fucking love them.
Oh, and York Fruits.
I have the tastes of an old man

>> No.8365957


>> No.8365962

the dark chocolate oranges are Christmas treat kino

>> No.8366068

is that zwarte piet there in the turban? heh

>> No.8366166

I was gonna make a thread about these fuckers, using the exact same image. But I decided to check the catalog..

>> No.8366223
File: 126 KB, 610x457, zimtsterne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends dont like Stollen
>90% of my nutrition in December comes from inhaling Stollen with coffee
I'd like to add motherfucking cinnamon star cookies

>> No.8366258

Sorry op but the best ones are the ones filled with vodka

>> No.8366335
File: 10 KB, 311x207, spekulatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends dont like Stollen
Time for new friends with better taste...
Also Spekulatius is GOAT too.

>> No.8366375
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I dont like how it makes me feel like a pig-disgusting slob when I eat it on some buttered white bread
I mean who the fuck even came up with putting a cookie on bread and why is it so good

>> No.8366496


>> No.8367514

>when I eat it on some buttered white bread

I can't find anything about this. Is it really a thing?

Are you talking about that spread/paste, or just actual cookies on bread?

>> No.8367978
File: 168 KB, 535x341, Marzipanbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're disgusting

>> No.8368043
File: 1.26 MB, 1700x899, little-debbie-christmas-tree-cakes-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cakes taste best in Christmas tree form

>> No.8368150

These are a bit hit and miss for me, some brands are disgusting but the good ones are among my favorite sweets.

>> No.8368300


>> No.8368304

I can't stand chocolate or sweets in general, but those things are fucking amazing.

>> No.8368362


guylian..i think

>> No.8368609
File: 367 KB, 1000x667, ditzum-blog_20150905-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual cookies on bread
possibly the most hedonistic, degenerate thing I eat regularly

>> No.8368657

This is some degeneracy I can get behind, desu.

>> No.8368691

Literally not a race of people.

>> No.8369494

I know I'm really late to this thread, but I want to thank you for posting this picture OP. My last grandfather died around this time a year ago. He used to buy me these for birthdays and christmas, easter, and sometimes whenever every year. These and lemon drops were the one candy bond me and my grandpa shared and while he did give my cousins other things, this gift was exclusive to us. I'll never be able to eat these again without thinking of that beautiful old man and may he rest in peace.

>> No.8371119

This stuff is also crazy calorie dense for the price.
You get about thrice the mileage, you would get from Nissin Ramen packets. (Comparing german store prices and 21-pack of ramen)

And do not even get me started on the ones with extra butter.

>> No.8371176

what kind of bread?

>> No.8371964

in that pic apparently brown bread
though they mention growing up with eating it on pumpernickel while my family always ate it on white bread
Guess it depends on how filling or sweet you want it and whether you dunk the cookies in tea before putting them on bread or if you drink tea alongside it

>> No.8372193

RIP fitz

>> No.8372196

For me, Christmas time is family time. The happiness memories I had as a child was going to McDonald with my family.

For me it is the Junior Chicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8372201
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, 243563424252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
