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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 580x285, a-pile-of-fresh-turmeric-roots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8353475 No.8353475 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you use turmeric, and for what?
I think its great for giving some color, but taste wise.. not so much.

>> No.8353505

it has an odd taste, which takes some getting used to. Kind of a spicy earthy flavor. Great for curries

>> No.8353534

I like golden milk as an alternative to hot chocolate

Make turmeric paste by cooking turmeric in water until the desired thickness/aroma is achieved. You can store this for months in the fridge
Add to milk and simmer until homogeneous
Remove from heat and add a splash of sesame oil

Underrated imo

>> No.8353539

I use it like Chef John uses Cayenne. It's the closest thing I have to a secret ingredient.

>> No.8353543

Try an indonesian/javanese specialty; Make tea with freshly ground turmeric and good quality honey. The sugar will enhance the flavor of turmeric so your abused taste buds can explore it. It's a remedy for stomach virus so make sure you chase it with some pro-biotic food/drink.

>> No.8353548

I use it in Indian curries and various Thai dishes. The fresh root has a LOT more flavor than the dry spice does.

>> No.8353550

Absolutely everything.

>> No.8353556

that's because you always used the three year old powdered crap from walmart and never even tried the fresh root, innit

>> No.8353564
File: 407 KB, 500x205, tumblr_mjqm1x8JAR1rvadkmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

>> No.8353760

I am a Brit . . . .I love curries (most Brits do)

I can guarantee that nobody in this thread has ever used fresh Turmeric.

Typical of /ck/

>> No.8353795
File: 879 KB, 2112x1410, IMG_1756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can guarantee that nobody in this thread has ever used fresh Turmeric.

Really now....

You know that not all of us are idiots here, right? That's why we're telling you to throw away that flavorless dust and get the actual root.

>> No.8353797

I can guarantee no one in this thread until now grows their own turmeric. Top that britbongalong.

>> No.8353806

I am an actual tyrmeric root, who learned to type on the interwebz

>> No.8353815

SEAnon here. Suck my junglemonkey dick.

>> No.8353819

You are just being stupid.
I have lost count of the threads here, where it's quite apparent that nobody has had (or made) the real thing, this thread is a typical example . . . .If anybody here has ever dealt with real fresh Turmeric . . .they would know what I mean.

>inb4 tales of use copied from the internet.

>> No.8353824

I come from the timeline where "turmeric" was "tumeric"

Ask me anything

>> No.8353840

Have you considered a career as a dildo?

>> No.8353870

Wrong. I do really grow my own turmeric as well as ginger and galangal, to which it is very similar in cultivation. And, I'm an amerifat living in the US south. My wager is you don't even know what galangal is.

>inb4 you look up on the web and see "Thai ginger".

Your post is exactly why so many amerifats consider britfags to be insufferably arrogant cunts.

>> No.8353885

>My wager is you don't even know what galangal is.
I have used Galangal probably before you were born . . . I'm not joking!

I will restate my case . . .. I bet you have NEVER in your life used fresh Turmeric.

I am being 100% serious here. - What is the advantage of fresh over dried?

>> No.8353912

>I bet you have NEVER in your life used fresh Turmeric.

Yet someone already cockslapped you by posting their fresh turmeric higher in the thread.

>>What is the advantage of fresh over dried?
Turmeric loses its flavor very very quickly once it's dried & ground up. Fresh is MUCH more flavorful.

>> No.8353921

Its color lasts forever on your fingers?

>> No.8353926

>Yet someone already cockslapped you by posting their fresh turmeric higher in the thread.
Samefagging is obvious.

You lie . . . .you have no idea what you are talking about - TWAT!

This poster has an understanding.

>> No.8353928

>NEVER in your life used fresh Turmeric.

No, fuckwad, I just grow it in the garden because it's a pretty plant. I can't compare it to dry, though, because I've never had dry. The flavor of fresh is a very earthy, gingerish kind of heat.

>> No.8353932

You lie.

>> No.8353936 [DELETED] 

I'm keeping my clues away from him ;3

>> No.8353954

Fuck off britfag. I do grow it and use it. You got cockslapped by someone higher in the thread and assblasted by me, and like an girlish fagbitch, can't admit it.

>> No.8353974

Your just samefagging your own comments.

I have seen this so many times on /ck/ ever since somebody drops a bomb . . .like >>8353921 did . . .ther will be loads of comments to support this but it's funny that nobody mentioned it before..

You talk bullshit, you have never grown it or used it., other wise you would have mentioned it before.

Why tell lies?

>> No.8353986


>> No.8353990

>comma before and

>> No.8353993


>> No.8354000

op here. lets talk about the funny root, not how we spell.

>> No.8354001

>would have mentioned it before.

Oh, I guess it couldn't be because I just got on the thread when I posted the first growing post, could it, dumbfuck?

I'm through with you now. You're just being a dick to try and assuage your humiliation.

>> No.8354012

>make up stories
>get called out
>finds excuse to run away
Don't tell lies . . .it's not nice.

>> No.8354021

After dropping my bomb I can also tell you that quality powdered turmeric makes you reconsider grinding it by hand.

>> No.8354027

I mean grinding fresh turmeric root by hand.

>> No.8354054

that is not fresh. It is vac-packed. That's like saying frozen is fresh.

>> No.8354065

Not the upset guys from above, but does anyone know that turmeric comes in two quality grades?

>> No.8354235

I love /ck/...when you see people arguing in the internet over whether they had fresh turmeric or not, it really puts things in perspective.

>> No.8356151
File: 9 KB, 318x159, turd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like turd-meric

>> No.8356154

Someone said if my turds looked like that I should see a doctor.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8356157

I put a quarter teaspoon each day anywhere it fits.

>> No.8356158

>grows their own turmeric.
It's easy? How long till its good to earn?

>> No.8356201

>this cancerous way of writing
Holy shit Pajeet fuck off

>> No.8356222

We just got a few healthy looking rhizomes from the grocery and planted them in a rich composted soil in the spring and harvested a good bunch a few weeks ago. Saved some to replant next year. They have a tropical looking foliage so they're attractive plants too. They can't tolerate frost, though, so you have to bring them inside in the winter in temperate climates.