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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 526 KB, 540x527, echPuTe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8346054 No.8346054 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck??

>> No.8346055

Was this the 70s? If so I hope they never come back.

>> No.8346066

Muh pap still eats this

>> No.8346073
File: 595 KB, 1577x1243, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly it was the Gastronomic Dark Ages.
At least they gave us fondue to go along with ALL the aspics.

>> No.8346113
File: 179 KB, 1536x1114, every fucking week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, CONSUME PRODUCT and make it a tradition!

>> No.8346269

My mom once made on of those for a theme party.
I had the honor to try it and it tastes just as bad as it looks.

>> No.8346351
File: 83 KB, 540x540, woofles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom did something wrong, then. Or you let the look go to your head and effect the taste. Aspics are genuinely delicious when made properly.

>> No.8346387

that made me laugh more than it should and I probably let the look go to my head. There was nothing particularly bad in there, it just looked really, really not good.

>> No.8347756

I would eat that.

But only with good fish-sticks.

Fish-sticks rice & sweet-sour pinaple sauce.

>> No.8347760

Early 1960s. People in the southern US still eat peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches, though

>> No.8347765

Maybe I should buy those if I can get them.

>> No.8347772

No the fuck we don't. Fuck off yank.

>> No.8347786

this, I live in georgia and I've never seen even the most backwoods fucker eat that. The wost i've seen was a ketchup, miracle whip, and balogna sandwich

>> No.8347787

I think it's a /ck/ may-may. I've seen a few posts saying "people in the south still do this." And it's always some unheard of thing. I live in Georgia and I've never seen anyone eat mayo+peanut butter, eat a stomach, eat a cellar door, mainline Visine, and whatever else.

>> No.8347791

that was weird. Sup nigga.

>> No.8347800

Alabama here my negros. Yah I've seen the ketchup on lunch sandwich done by one guy but that's about it.

>> No.8348308

That's not a properly made aspic, though. Aspics are savory, that's just a bunch of bits in jellied sugar.

>> No.8348348

I feel like these kinds of dishes were usually served at the kind of party where you had to leave your keys in a fishbowl.

>> No.8348358

That pic lead to a pretty great thread on /b/ a while back

>> No.8348378

It's like some fat cats in conference rooms kept yelling at creative to somehow make consumers use their products every day in everything and anything possible. Jello powder? Have kids add that shit to Orange Juice and call it an Orange Jello!

>> No.8348405

yes, pb & mayo is a thing; people eat this. I eat this with banana slices on it.

the key is to use a very small amount of mayo, like a scraping across one slice of the bread, and a normal amount of peanut butter.

any more mayo than that and, agreed, it's disgusting.

>> No.8348408

also Duke's mayo onry.

hellmannsfags gtfo.

>> No.8348467

my grandma used to make this for me and i agree on the small amount of mayo, but also its supposed to be miracle whip not mayo. for the tangy taste!

>> No.8348570

>peanut butter and mayonnaise

Ugh they were really reaching back then weren't they?

>> No.8348714 [DELETED] 

People in the Southern U.S are a terrible example of human progress. Reading and writing is still something many cannot do there. They still have sex within there families. I doubt they would be able to solve basic mathematical equations.

>> No.8348745 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 960x641, vyCxVDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just uneducated. Don't be mean. They can't read this, so just post a picture for them. I think we are done making fun of these idiots. Every time they turn around they suck another dick.

>> No.8348785

As a kid, my mom occasionally fed me peanut butter, mayonnaise, and lettuce sandwiches which she said her mom made for her as a kid.
I hadn't had one in nearly 20 years and decided to try it out on a whim.
It was absolutely vomitous.

>> No.8348805

I see that backpack technology has improved greatly

>> No.8348852
File: 117 KB, 646x484, for_me_its_the_mcchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the mcchicken

>> No.8348863 [DELETED] 

>letting a niglet into your restaurant
surely, not progress.

>> No.8348875 [DELETED] 

the picture was for you

>> No.8348896

Bullfuckingshit we do.

>> No.8348898 [DELETED] 

>every time they turn around they suck another dick.

proof .>>8348863

>> No.8348904
File: 589 KB, 926x1113, 1481109570386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant black bars

>> No.8348906

I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.8348916

It's better with hibachi sauce aka yum-yum sauce

>> No.8348983

The first food I ever made for myself when I was ~ 5 years old was a sandwich with all my favorite foods at the time on it.

It was white bread, peanut butter, mustard, american cheese, and sweet pickles.

I still like it and make it maybe once every 5-10 years or so.... I don't think I'll ever try adding mayo though.

>> No.8349013
