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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8342101 No.8342101 [Reply] [Original]

oi m8 i am getting dickered with a bunch of cats and gonna cook a steak or something, join me and lets fuck some shit up!

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along, pickle-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

>> No.8342106


>post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

Nothing wrong with your cat blog, anon, but you shouldn't be encouraging people to post OC in a general when there's 200 fast food and meme threads...

>> No.8342108


>> No.8342115

He's saying OC and cook-alongs shouldn't be contained to one thread, which i'm pretty sure isn't OP's intention.

>> No.8342124
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some people don't like to make threads anon, their OC would be appreciated in this thread, and if they do make a cook along thread they are welcome to promote it ITT

yes I encourage anybody to make a cook along, i always monitor OC threads no matter the quality and participate when I can

pic is from a place called chula's, it's basically a hooters with hoodrats
>yes i had a burger and chili chz dog fite me

>> No.8342135


Pretty much this.


Yeah, I understand if some people don't wan't to make their own threads; I just think it would be better if everyone did, so there was at least the illusion of some kind of balance on the board between actual food and cooking and garbage threads.

Wasn't trying to call you out or anything. I usually at least am lurking your threads, if not sometimes posting in them.

>> No.8342162
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no problem m8, just wanted to make it clear im not trying to hog all the OC for this thread, i just dont want any potential OC to go to waste

potato vodka anon should def keep making threads shit was cash

gonna do some dishes and let this steak warm up a bit, I am not usaually a fan of NY strips but I was in cheap mode and this looked kinda fatty so did it

>> No.8342181
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/r/eddit is around the corner to the left!

For me it's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8342396
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ok steaks gettin room temp, just puttin some smoked serrano sea salt on it, will add a bit of pepper when the steaks almost done

>> No.8342415 [DELETED] 
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If i ever see your cat, im going to let my dog maul it

>> No.8342425
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you are so edgy i could have used you to cut these sprouts m8

>> No.8342439
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so these dirty bastard beers are potent as fug

was gonna make some of my go-to mexican elotes corn shit but somehow I have no corn in the apt, on further inspection i found me this here carrot and google tells me i can make it work

>> No.8342468

Funny buzzword

Wish i could buy you some reddit gold

>> No.8342474

Get rekt, faggot.

>> No.8342478
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>> No.8342519

OP, don't let this dick-infested man-matress shitpost your thread onto oblivion.

>> No.8342536
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no worries bro the only reason i havent been posting as much recently is cuz ive been working 60+ hour weeks lately, not a lot of time to cook or anything else, if i wasnt ready for some shitposting i wouldnt be on the 4chins

>> No.8342546

Does your cat always jump on the counter when you're cooking? If so, then that's cute

>> No.8342556
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naw when i get groceries she gets all antsy and i put her there and take her pic, sometimes i have to put her there and pretend to take her pic just to calm her jimmies

bout to start stuff but in the middle of this post i almost started a fire gimme a minute

>> No.8342658
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got caught up in the heat of the moment and forgot to take pics srry

>> No.8342662
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was good, would have been better if it was a ribeye

>> No.8342683

>in the middle of this post i almost started a fire


>> No.8342693

Did you pan fry it or bake it or what? Genuinely curious. For some reason when i cook steaks any other way other than bbq they always turn out horribly and i dont know what im doing wrong.

Good thread OP nice to see some cats and some oc.

>> No.8342706

Not Op but I'm a huge proponent of the reverse sear method, never fails for me. Oven on a very low heat for 15 minutes then 20-30 secs either side in a hot pan

>> No.8342710

Thanks senpai, will try this today

>> No.8342717
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So I had this for dinner the other night at a restaurant in town. Does this qualify for fine dining? Have any of you tried cooking a whole fish like this before?

>> No.8342718

Step one draw a circle

Step two draw the rest of the fucking owl

>> No.8342722

Very low heat is the key, gas mark 1/2, around 80c and whatever that is in farenheit.

>> No.8342727
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Have it that way all the time here in Thailand. Except when it's cooked in the oven with lime juice, chilli and garlic, or stuffed with lemongrass.

>> No.8342735

All the time, fantastic barbecue dish. People are scared a bit of whole fish I think, but it's really no effort at all, you can even get your fish monger to do all the gutting work for you.

>> No.8342757

The thumbnail for this steak almost looks like the US without New England.

>> No.8344082 [DELETED] 
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Holy fuck op. People were worried about you.

There was even a thread speculating you had been arrested for smoking the ganja or evicted because you had so many cats.


Thank god you and Patti are back

>> No.8344111

How do you go about eating something like this? The bones are still in right? Do you eat the skin? The face?

>> No.8344132 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 20161206_112424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate in my car for the first time

Usually I explicitly forbid anything but water in my car but that subway was in the ghetto and was full of niggers and I left my soul snatcher at work

Turkey, American cheese, lettuce, pickles, banana peppers, and mayo.

The perfect fast food sandwich

>> No.8344216

Hey OP, pet your puss-puss, plz.

>> No.8344288

Will post my heavy dieting food tomorrow.
It will look delicious I promise

>> No.8344500
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Who /cookoff4tomorrow/ here?
Found some pork loin in the freezer, thawed it and fried it with ginger and coriander. Cooked some brown calrose rice and garlic veggies up for tonight and tomorrow. Will season the dish with chili pepper, habenero.

>> No.8344723

Yup, bones still in and head still on. Thais are rubbish at butchery and prepping fish - no nice sanitised boneless fillets here. I was allergic to fish as a kid but have grown out it now, so never had much experience of eating unless it was canned tuna or salmon. Seafood was OK.
So, because they have their fish whole, (but obvs. guts removed) Thais are very experienced (unlike me) at working their spoon under the flesh to lift of the meat from the bones. OK, you might get a few smaller bones with it, but I got used to that. They will eat the cheeks (they say the meat is sweeter and it is) and my wife will even break open the head to eat the brain. There's not a lot left of a fish when a Thai gets their hands on it.
Like I said, no sanitised Western ways for them. I'll have to take some photos at the local big market and post them here so you get the idea.

>> No.8344732

> American cheese


>> No.8344743

That looks good. I love stir-fried mixed veggies, despite being a big meat-eater. Put a glug of oyster sauce and mushroom soy sauce in there too. Makes a big difference.

>> No.8344753

it's not cute, it's filthy

>> No.8344813

I miss having a pet around when I cook
I miss having pet period ;_;

>> No.8344847

I'm on a calorie deficit, other wise I'd sauce it up. Preferably I'd fry the rice with some nuts and an egg.

>> No.8345034
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It is fucking cold and snowing tonight and will through tomorrow.

Since I have some shrimp I need to use, gonna make some Gulf Coast seafood gumbo. Missing tomatoes, those go in there too.

Kitty is camera shy today.

Drinking an amazing Belgian I look forward to every year, Corsendonk

>> No.8345194
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Pain in the ass prep, worth the taste though. Keep shrimp shells. If you have heads, even better. Save them.

Kitty lingers now that the sweet smell of shrimp is in the air.

>> No.8345236

You can put it in your bum senpai

>> No.8345249

That's a good steak anon

>> No.8345263
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Almost forgot to remove the poop shoot. Hate this part.

>> No.8345325
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Sauté shells in butter and a dash of salt. Then bring to a boil in a quart or a bit more of water. Lower to simmer for 20 mins.

Start that labor of love--the roux. Have to get it to a caramel color.

>> No.8345382
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Sauté the Holy trifecta of Creole (celery, onion, green bell pepper).

Roux still going...and going...probably for another 30 mins

>> No.8345446
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Halfway there...like I said, it is a process

>> No.8345478
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>> No.8345542
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>> No.8345589 [DELETED] 

I can't tell if you have woman's hands or not

>> No.8345606

i didnt know u bang screw. hell yeah playa

>> No.8345650


All I can think of now. Thanks.
Almost there with the roux, takes forever. Is usage of flour in sauce bases affected by altitude like it is with baking?

>> No.8345658
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Dammit, pic related. Needs to be just a bit darker.

Thank God I don't work tomorrow. Both because this is taking so long and it is snowing really hard atm.

>> No.8345662 [DELETED] 
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lol I remember that one

>> No.8345752
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Smelling nutty now, the sweet spot between perfect and burned to ruin. Bout to add it to the veggies. Sautéed the okra and tomatoes to add. Then put it and the sauté base into the shrimp broth.

>> No.8345813
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>> No.8345816
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A tad light in color, but it smells right so I'm gonna go with it. Added some hot sauce and a bit more Cajun seasoning.

>> No.8345828
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Switched to whiskey. This stuff is amazing, and you can only buy bottles from this barrel from one local liquor store.

>> No.8345864
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Gotta add that filé in the last half hour or simmering. Isn't the same without.

>> No.8345940

This is completely off topic, but how did you get your cat to chill out when you're cooking?

My kitten (5 months old) is a big climber. He loves stomping all over my kitchen counter and stove when I'm cooking. For now, I'm putting him in his carrier so he can chill and watch me cook safely. When will he calm the fuck down?

>> No.8345956
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Done. Tastes amazing, better than it looks. Though u suppose that's any gumbo.

>> No.8345961 [DELETED] 

Fuck that looks good.

I've never had gumbo.

I really want to go to Louisiana before I die

>> No.8345992


Gumbo is pretty easy to make wherever you live, anon. The only ingredients that might be difficult to find are okra/file and andouille.

I've only been to Louisiana once (my pops is from there - not OP, btw - and makes gumbo and jambalaya all the time), and the one thing I always wanted to try is a real muffuletta, which seems difficult to replicate.

>> No.8346862 [DELETED] 
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Making some mac and cheese.

Got hit in the balls for the first time on my adult life last night and just want to drink the shame and embarrassment away for the rest of the day

>> No.8347595

You can definitely make it, just don't get impatient. #1 way novice gumbo makers screw up. It takes forever, but is worth it. And easy if you just follow recipes.

As you can see from the weather I posted, I'm definitely nowhere near Nawlins. But I still found the same brand of Filé out here.

>> No.8347617

He will in a year or two. If you want a calm cat you do not want a young cat.

>> No.8348779

i was heating up my skillet and got sidetracked, them dirty bastards got me a bit crunk

i used my cast iron skillet, havent had the time to get my propane tanks filled in a while, i like the skillet except it get my apt kinda smokey cuz my exhaust fan is potatoes

id say it is fine dining judging by them fancy pants city boy salt and pepper shakers, i never get fish like that because i feel like id have bones in every bite

i know it was not very educational srry

i choose my meat based on shape and nothing else:)

lol no worries, ive just been working like a madman, i wasnt gonna make another thread till after xmas but i had some free time so fuck it, im glad some of you care tho lol thx

true story my first car was a 1989 toyota corolla and I discovered it had a whole colony of ants in it once on my way to a camping trip with a cake in the backseat almost crashed that bitch, you are on thin ice m8 be careful

2 steps ahead m80

sounds good, is there something going on today i wasnt aware of?

m8 if you have room go adopt a kitter, there are cute little kittys being put down every day or even adopt an older cat they need love too

this thread isnt all about what u want m8

thx friend

m8 i probably have one of the most extensive digital screwed and chopped/houston/tx rap collection in existence, like i seriously have a problem its time consuming but i love it

absolute madman

Patti is a attention whore and loves it, my oldest cat wants nothing to do with these types of shenanigens, and giblet the kitter is going to be a problem soon, ill probably need a squirt gun for her shes batshit insane

that looks so dank, i used have relations with a cajun and her grandma made some friggin gr8 food, especially gumbo, never made it but i may need to try it

>> No.8348796
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pls explain this ball hitting scenario, hope it was accidental that shits part of life

pic related is from last week after a 13 hour shift lay off

will cook soon

>> No.8349094
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doing a small pile of dishes and getting str8 dickered m8s then will be putting these tomatillos to use

>> No.8349343
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so i took the husks off and washed the sticky shit off, put em on a pan with some peppers onions and a grip of 'lic and imma stone cold stun that kunt right under the broiler on high until it starts to blister and flip it yada yada

>> No.8349364
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salsa/enchilada sauce is the name of the game

>> No.8349896 [DELETED] 

How did it taste?

I remember a place (I think it was in LV) that had crispy cream cheeseburgers

Never tried one

>> No.8349950

alright lads
i made a vegan chilli
i put navy beans in it
and decided to put in loads of thinly sliced, cooked potato
topped with nutritional yeast
it is very spicy
and extremely comfy.
it is satisfying my cravings and making losing weight nice and easy

>> No.8350817

srry yall having issues posting will continue after work hopefully

the concept is pretty good ive had good ones, the frozen walmart one was shit but i was dead tired

>> No.8350980

I eagerly await the finished salsa. I've done this several times and always comes out a little too chunky for my tastes. Is adding water in while blending a necessity? How you do?

>> No.8351096

Glad to see you're back OP.

>> No.8352563
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sounds decent id try it m8


the consistency kind of depends on what type of salsa youre making, this uses tomatillos and theyre juicy enough that it comes out good imo, i use rick bayless' roasted tomatillo salsa recipe, i can also modify it slightly afterwards to make a salsa verde enchilada sauce, which is in my plans if i get to it

decent blender might help too

>> No.8352750
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is good

>> No.8352832 [DELETED] 

looks gud

>> No.8352842
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Pretty good, eh? For Walmart meme food at least.

>> No.8352878
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thx its pretty much taco truck tier which is what i was shooting for

frozen whitecastle was better imo but ill eat whatever when hungry enough

so i also broke down a chicken lastnight

>> No.8352893
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gonna pop the breasts in the oven a while bone-in to make some eazy peezy shredded chicken, will probablt freeze the rest of the bird

>> No.8352931
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> so i also broke down a chicken last night

Hi, Gordanon

>> No.8352947
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alright this is the chickin i ate a little lastnight and gave some to Giblet and put everything in the fridge, will use it for an easy dinner after work later

>> No.8352954 [DELETED] 


>> No.8352955 [DELETED] 

OP you sure eat a lot of birds

Your not a nigger are ya?

>> No.8353005


>> No.8353285 [DELETED] 

frigg off ricky

>> No.8354407

Fucking perfect.

>> No.8354488

Fuck you and your dead mother right in the ass.


>> No.8355178

And your drugged up father, fuck him too.

>> No.8355817
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made the enchiladas, pretty simple i am probably not rick bayless

ceasar salad might be a mexican dish so made it too

>> No.8356081


>> No.8357123 [DELETED] 
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That looks good af m8.

What do you do for a living op? Are you a cook? How did you learn?

I've live alone for several years and am JUST now starting to learn at 28.

>> No.8357155

> White bread, very neat, no strewn vegetables or at least anything coming out sides of bread. 3 topping subs from Subway, anon?
> Doesn't eat in car.

Autism /bro/? Is that you?

>> No.8358641
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will post some pics from today

did some couch hunting with a few friends then we hit buffalo bayou brewery had like 100 beers cuz all these normies on a tour bus gave us a ton of tokens, ate stuff from a waffle food truck, this was a chicken and waffle sandwich with thunder sauce we also had thunder waffle fries

>> No.8358642
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that was wrong pic that was from los cucos where we finished the evening

pic is waffle stuff

>> No.8358653
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after getting thoroughly dickered we went to a place some people told us about called Eureka Heights Brew Co, where we drank more beers and ate at another truck, these were korean fries

>> No.8358656
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goddamn mutherfucking grilled donut stuffed with french toast this thing gave me beetus but so good

>> No.8358671
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then we each got a 3 pack of these "growlers" to go, they actually can the beer right in front of you in these giant 32oz cans, shit is dank

then we went and chilled and had mexican food from first pic, everything was good i must pass out now

>> No.8359728

do want

>> No.8360943
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Looking breddy fucken awesome rbn

Please explain this to me OP. Is this just french fries with bulgogi(?), hibachi dressing(?), shredded colby & jack, cilantro & ketchup.

Were these actual hombreans? Is such a thing even possible?

Happy Sunday you drunken mugs

>> No.8360952


youre gonna get toxoplasmosis my man

>> No.8361053

What is that restaurant?

>> No.8362434
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thx, i do a laborous job cooking is just a little hobby, ive worked as a waiter for 5+ years in the past tho, just start trying to make and perfect a recipe for something you like to eat and go from there, i started with cheese burgers

im not gonna lie we were a bit tipsy the meat was like brisket kinda it was all really good:)

Chulas, its like a mexican hooters with giant "tubos" of beer

>> No.8362444
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so i got work early in the morning but fuck it i took a nap earlier gettin dickered and making little lamb chops they are cute as fuck, making a simple marinade of evoo, garlic and chopped rosemary

>> No.8362490
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so luckily i did this a bit earlier, finishing some dishes bout to get the shit poppin

>> No.8362502

certainly you're new.

>> No.8362556
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>> No.8362557
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oh yeah

>> No.8362563
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>> No.8362576

I never worried about removing the shit, it doesn't affect the taste in any way. Are you some sort of pussy anon?

>> No.8362598


I love how the little one is still confused by the camera.

>> No.8362629
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>> No.8362634
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>> No.8362644
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>> No.8362646
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tried it with mint jelly because people say youre suppose to, i do not see the appeal really but was pretty good overall

>> No.8362654

how do you potatoes like those

>> No.8362659

What's that beer like, is it anything like Stella?

>> No.8362683 [DELETED] 


>> No.8362786

Mint sauce with lamb is better when it's something like a leg that has been roasted for a few hours. If it's, medium or medium rare than the meat is already quite sweet so it doesn't work as well.

>> No.8362816

Grab some leftover boiled potatoes from the fridge, cut them up, and pan fry with a bit of butter. Add salt to taste.

>> No.8363240
File: 998 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAHHHHG! My dude... Finally!

I've been missing Smug Pattis face from my life and I was worried you had abandoned this place for good. Glad to see you're around and have not forsaken us.

Just know I'm always lurkin ur threads, but now ima have to whip some shit together to post here since this place has gone to utter fast food meme shit lately.

>kitty was all static and had a napkin stuck to her back driving her crazy

>> No.8364202

Majestic af

>> No.8364513

Fried fish pretty common outside Burgerland. Why are you so isolated?

>> No.8364575



>> No.8365352

That's mean bro

>> No.8366039

working like a mad kunt this week fellas so if the thread dies ill make a new one when i get a chance if it stays alive ill cook something first chance i get

>> No.8366443
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_132642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making some chicken and shrimp gumbo today m8s

In my slow cooker I might add

>catto is too fat to get up on the counter

>> No.8366446 [DELETED] 


>> No.8366515

Calm down buddy. We all have bad days.

>> No.8366521
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_133836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the chicken, shrimp, and celery were not in the last pic

>> No.8366528

Was the budtender that sold you that wax a female? Nice flirt if so. Wait, they don't have budtenders in Tejas.

>> No.8366547
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_134608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she was.

I'm not OP. I live in Michigan

Everything in for 6 hours on low. Then the shrimp the last 5-10 minutes

>> No.8366551

My bad, didn't notice you were not OP. Go get her number!

>> No.8366576

>wanting to eat da poo poo

Whereabouts, buddy? Ann Arbor here.

>> No.8366598
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_135712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't very hot jobin. Looked about 35-40 too. Probably has a couple kids

No shit lol.


I love ann arbor for night entertainment. Way safer then Detroit

>catto getting fatter in real time

>> No.8366726

Cute kitty. I'm here for college but I'm planning on sticking around afterward for a while. Only gripe is the fucking housing market.

>> No.8367065
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_165325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea the market is shit right now everywhere.

Coming along well lads. Smells amazing

>> No.8367318
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_181650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that was good.

Opened my sinuses right up

>> No.8367323
File: 3.11 MB, 4032x3024, 20161213_181656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8368461

looks pretty good

>> No.8369010

are slow cookers worth it? Or should I just get a pressure cooker?

>> No.8369037 [DELETED] 

I am too afraid of one malfunctioning and being covered in shrapnel.

Slow cookers are 25 dollars you jew

>> No.8369071

not in britbongistan

also it was a legit question as I can do the same shit in a e-wok...

not eat a snickers you also turn into a diva faggot... and let someone else tell me if slow cookers are worth it or pressure cookers

>> No.8369233

There is nothing a slow cooker can do that a pressure cooker cant do better. except price.

I will buy a nice pressure cooker eventually, but for now the 25 dollar slow cooker is handy.

>> No.8369254

why event post, didn't cook shit

>> No.8369269
File: 160 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_20161214_160637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so im trying for a more traditional spaget boloknese. first lets start from my shopping

ground beef up is goin to the ragu bolognese..

the chicken on the right i washed the shitty premade marinade off and put some spices. gonna freeze it and do thai style chicken in a few days.

left is 1 kg turkey. i wanna try to make one myself cos during xmas im not cooking so just a test. i marinated it and gonna oven it tomorrow perhaps.

>> No.8369276

Patti is a nice cat

>> No.8369288
File: 151 KB, 1000x1333, drinksss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the drink there is my favourite daquiri and one beer. i think it suits cooking. lower right is the 1kg turkey in a marinade bag. and some ragu elements there,

>> No.8369297
File: 149 KB, 1000x1333, garlics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower right i threw in the ragu sauce, everything else i will fry with the ground beef once the ragu is done simmering for a few hours. normally i dont use carrot cos i hate it in bolognese but im willing to experiment this time. normally i cook my bolognese in half hour about. this time im letting the ragu simmer for 3 hours.

>> No.8369325
File: 191 KB, 1000x1333, ragu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ragu aka tomatosauce i put abit salt and some calf fondue for taste. i will continue in one hour and 30 minutes when the ragu is almost done. gonna fry the ground beef and then throw in the ragu for one hour about.

>> No.8369374

Why not just add it now so you have less work?

>> No.8369386

i normally do that but i wanna see if ragu tastes different/stronger by not adding it too early.

>> No.8369410

>Plate too small for the fish
>Dry looking beans
>Entire course covered by the fish, can't see what im eating
>Garnished with a lemon tossed on top at random and some chopped bell pepper

Fine dining? No

>> No.8369591
File: 227 KB, 1000x1333, groundbeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooking the ground beef with the veggies

>> No.8369602
File: 187 KB, 1000x1333, ragubeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added the beef to ragu. also added a splash of mil cos somewhere was recomended. improves color and taste

>> No.8369606
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cooked spagetti and added cheese

>> No.8369619
File: 199 KB, 1150x1533, doned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty fucking tasty. best ive done so far. very ricjh flavour, the cheese overwhelms abit. should make a big batch and freeze it so you can just fry the beef and boil spaghetti for a quicker food.

>> No.8369817

>the cheese overwhelms abit
i'm not even surprised, the first thing i thought when looking at
was "that's a fuckload of cheese"

>> No.8369858
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I made falafel
I wish I could get another cat

>> No.8371406

that fish looks like it was dropped in sand

>> No.8371545

I bought some babyback ribs for dinner tonight.
How should I cook them? I've only cooked ribs twice before and want to try some different methods.

>> No.8371769
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Looks pretty good

>> No.8372522

do you have a sous vide?

>> No.8374413

OP dont leav us

>> No.8374431


>> No.8375422

I fucking love falafel.

>> No.8376895


>> No.8378845


>> No.8379759
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have not abandoned you m8, been working like crazy, picked up a minor injury and my motorbike has fallen victim to a hate crime, might not cook later but will at least post some pics its my only day off and i plan on getting into some shenanigans.

>> No.8380169
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just got some msg for my new low sodium diet

how do you guys use it? like just sprinkle it on some steamed veggies or what?

>> No.8381747

I'm too lazy to read the whole thread if you've mentioned it, but what part of texas are you from?

>> No.8382688

dat H


>> No.8383090
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20161218_135913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Hut today.

Been drunk since friday. Feelsgoodman

>> No.8383179 [DELETED] 

This guy I used to work with would drive around with a car seat in his car because he drank lean so often he needed better excuses for the police when he would get pulled over and the whole backseat was baby bottles lol

>> No.8383189

Shit's amazing. I use about 3/4 tsp per pound of meat and 1/2 tsp per pound of veggies

>> No.8383194

>picked up a minor injury and my motorbike has fallen victim to a hate crime

Wut hapend dood? Also I thought you parked that bitch in your apartment how'd someone violate it?

>> No.8383252

I'm trying to judge you, but all I've had to eat today is marzipan and Kraft mac and cheese, so I guess I can't. Good lord it's cold.

>> No.8383667

I live in Canton, youre pretty close to me

>> No.8383706

H.E.B? Check.
Lone Star potatos? Check.
Shitty beer? Check.

Yep, you from Texas.

>> No.8384967

>drive around with a car seat in his car
you w0t?

>> No.8385579

crushed part of my hand at work but didnt break anything, then someone backed over my motorbike in the parking lot, had to order a bunch of parts luckily its a cheap bike to work on

>> No.8385823

i think your cats dying dude

>> No.8387621

this actually looks really good

>> No.8387652

Which part of houston do you live in faggot and why do you say m8 and dickered like some yuropoor

>> No.8387676

cute kot

>> No.8387711

>no ketchup
>not well done

>> No.8387982

>OP is a good cook, has cats, rides motorbikes and enjoys a good drinking session
marry me senpai

>> No.8389118
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x2560, 1220161108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got chinese buffet to go

rice is on the bottom in case I triggered any ricefags with this image

>> No.8389126

Actually I'm more triggered by you getting rice with noodles.

>> No.8389147
File: 828 KB, 1280x720, 20161201_113453_797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the noodles started mixing with the rice so next time I'll have to separate them with some general tso which is good mixed with the rice

also confirmed my suspicion that I eat more than enough to get my money worth by just sitting down and eating there

I had already eaten a pretty big breakfast of pasta w/sauce, broccoli, 3 chicken wings and half a chicken bake, so I was afraid to blow the 9 bucks and not eat enough

>> No.8389727

Its fucked up that you at like that for breakfast but chicken bakes are good so whatever.

>> No.8389734

why do you have that diseased dick-licking animal right up on the counter with your food bro?

>> No.8390330
File: 263 KB, 808x1078, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a recipe for garlic parmesan potatoes and decided to add chicken thighs. The marinade is olive oil, garlic, shallots, herbs. I added lemon juice to see what would happen.

>> No.8390338
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Browned the chicken before putting it in.

>> No.8390344
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Forgot to take a pic with the chicken, but it's in there. Yes, I'm using shitty bagged parmesan, because I'm a filthy animal. I poured in some of the IPA I'm drinking for shits and giggles.

>> No.8391068
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Took about 5 hours, longer than I expected, because the potatoes were being stubborn. I realized I had some celery in the fridge and tossed it in an hour ago. Turned out really well.

>> No.8391097
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great scott giant fucking dildo carrots!

>> No.8391099

looks like shit faggot how it taste?

>> No.8391114

Of course it looks like shit it's a stew. Tastes amazing.

>> No.8391119

Dildo carrots are my favorite. You'd better be putting those Harbibo snakes in whatever you're making.

>> No.8391128
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>Harbibo snakes
Ill be putting those in my body, its for a recipe i found called the beetus

it does look like slop but id eat it, probably tastes pretty good

i am making an easy pot roast, Im doing good to squeeze a home cooked meal out right now, in the last month ive only made sandwiches and hot dogs plus eating out, another 2-3 weeks and ill be cooking more

>> No.8391526
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>> No.8391586

That looks like a load of shit and bet it tasted like it too. Bro, simple is always better. Were you actually going for Sloppy Joe's on pasta or ragu? It is was Sloppy Joe's then, well done. But a meat ragu needs a bit more finesse to truly appreciate it.

>> No.8392085
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>> No.8392100
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now kinda weak seared it but fuck it, put this in last night should be done pretty soon

>> No.8392113
File: 1.84 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161221_022312201-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get shwifty

>> No.8392726
File: 847 KB, 1280x720, 20161221_105257_212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went back and tore that chinese place up with a vengeance

>> No.8392728
File: 828 KB, 1280x720, 20161221_110824_379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had another bowl of hot a sour and then tried the wonton soup which was pretty good

>> No.8392740
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1920, 1221161209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved enough room for a jelly filled, lemon filled, and chocolate cake with glaze

>> No.8392755

>to the left
that's a penis
>to the right
that's a butthole
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8392989
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20161221_18_08_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some butternut squash and andouille soup. it would have been better if i had baked the squash instead of steaming it, but it's still pretty good. it has a good consistancy. I'd give it a B-. It'll be better next time.

>red stripe is shit

I know I just like drinking out of the tiny bottles sometimes

>> No.8393439
File: 2.32 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161221_143043540-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is still need to make gravy and sides

>> No.8393441

Looks good. I might have to make a pot roast soon...

>> No.8393591

That looks pretty good, I can't lie. The closest thing near me is Panda Express.

>> No.8395058
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20161222_123305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the new big box meal

>> No.8395062
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 20161222_123310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste like absolute shit.

Way too crunchy and taste like eating a 3 day old cheesy gordita crunch

>> No.8395078 [DELETED] 


I would bet my Christmas bonus you are over 300lbs

>> No.8395079

That looks fucking good

I'm so hungry

>> No.8395091

Never heard of bang screw before, got any recommendations?

>> No.8395093

I want your cat pham

>> No.8395592
File: 1.37 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161221_145008949-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw is what you call it if it was remixed by DJ Screw, if it wasn't by DJ Screw it's screwed and chopped, chopped not slopped, SLABBED or another variation, bang or bangin is is referring to bumpin it in your trunk, subwoofers etc.






heres some stuff

finish dropping these pics of the potroast srry my schedule is a bit too hectic right now

>> No.8395597
File: 2.06 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161221_152011715-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using the meat juice for the gravy, I make this dish like my mom made it so it might not be fancy but its probably my fav comfort food meal

pretty much just season the juices with salt and pepper, reduce it a bit and thicken it with some cornstarch, still a bit thinner than id like but taste was on point

>> No.8395599
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>> No.8395610

Looks good.

>> No.8395734

Noice. 9/10.

>> No.8396417
File: 1.97 MB, 3801x2850, IMG_20161222_203424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin snakes

Excellent Haribo choice OP

>> No.8396486

Doing God's work


The struggle is real. I always rue making roux, but goddamnit cornstarch is a bitch.

>> No.8396504

Is it better to make roux with cornstarch or flour?

>> No.8396760

someones jealous of the popular kids

>> No.8396829

Never stop mate i love your threads, one of the last stands of good content on /ck.

>> No.8396870

no you

>> No.8396882

Flour for sure, cornstarch will turn your roux to glue if you're not careful

>> No.8397004
File: 2.17 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161222_161021731-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so gonna make some nuggers

>> No.8397013
File: 2.17 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161222_153209406-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new kitter bed has a certificate of approval by Dr. Giblers

>> No.8397016
File: 2.03 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161222_161837915-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making the marinade which will also be my wet dredge stuff

this was one voluptuous chicken no kidding

>> No.8397026
File: 1.98 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161222_162329610-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now gonna let this marinade for many hours, but lucky you, i did all this earlier before i went to work so these nuggas should be down2clown ya heard

>> No.8397319
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>> No.8397320
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the dirty work

>> No.8397360
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>> No.8397365
File: 2.22 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161223_030513121_HDR-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i made some ghetto mexican corn stuff and made some Canes sauce, was good but the sauce wasnt the same

>> No.8397383


She looks rather annoyed in this one

>> No.8398336

Good looking chicken nugger. Where's your french fried or sweer potato?

>> No.8398938

im trying to not have meals that are entirely fried dont worry i am not going vegan

>> No.8398965
File: 553 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20161223_173752_154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a copycat recipe of olive garden's Zuppa Toscana tonight. Admire my true wisconsin aesthetic

>> No.8398966 [DELETED] 

I miss New Glarus beer

>> No.8398968

i've lost respect for them since they started selling it in cans. next step is them selling out of state

>> No.8399003

will be monitoring from work m8, i dont care what anyone says i love OG

>> No.8399017 [DELETED] 

Everything good sells out, it's a Jewish world and we are all just living in it.
GrainBelt from Minnesota is a good beer as well

>> No.8399027

Natsoc as well?
And, yeah my favorite beers are all pretty local. new glarus, leinenkugels, grainbelt, and surly.
I drink Leinies the most just because I live 10 minutes away from its home of Chippewa Falls Wisconsin.

>> No.8399029 [DELETED] 

Yes I am, with Jews you lose.
I surprisingly have never tried kek leininkugels. Is their factory In a nice white area?
I hate shitskins making my beer

>> No.8399033
File: 488 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20161223_180910_568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for shit image quality.

fried the pancetta and italian sausage, drained, and put aside. sauteed shallots and garlic together until translucent. added the meats ack into the pot with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes, and let it regain temperature. added in the chicken stock and potatoes, and now we wait. will be adding the kale and cream tomorrrow morning in the crock pot at work.

>> No.8399044

Chippewa is a beautiful area, predominately white, and taken from/named after the dirty injuns that used to live here. All the shitskins and hmong live down in eau claire. I actually have a prior employee who now is interning at the brewery, small world.

>> No.8399056 [DELETED] 

That's really cool, I will pick some up next time I'm at Fred meyer.
Best of luck to you about , enjoy the Midwest, hopefully they stop importing shitskins to your neck of he woods.

>> No.8399062

stay away from minneapolis and its suburbs and you'll be fine. All we have to worry about here is the basktball americans from chicago on sports scholarships at the Uni raping girls. Many such cases.

>> No.8399068 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I just moved from Minnesomalia. It was a beautiful city when it was white, now it's beyond repair. Rip in peace Minnesota

>> No.8399446

Can we talk about food instead of white supremacy? Jesus fuck.

>> No.8399496 [DELETED] 


>> No.8399672


it all comes together...

>> No.8400046 [DELETED] 

Newfag cuck

>> No.8400177
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 20161224_020042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just quit my job lads. Also told my supervisor what I thought of his bitch wife.

Going to go buy another handle so I can stay hammered though Christmas. Fucking commies stop selling alcohol on Christmas eve and Christmas

>> No.8400186

If you want booze all years round move out of red states. Blue states are for alcoholics.

>> No.8400250 [DELETED] 

Dealing with all those niggers and spics make you drink more huh?

>> No.8400256

merry christmas buddy

>> No.8400354

Blue states don't like to legislate what people do in the privacy of their own homes LUL

>> No.8400546

But he's pretty cuuuuute.

>> No.8400616 [DELETED] 

Most blue states are almost entirely white. Just dont move to one of the dozen brown places or california

>> No.8401722

looks a shit

>> No.8401740 [DELETED] 


The delusion, enjoy being a Jewish puppet, goys

>> No.8401822

At what point did you realize you had slipped into utter insanity?

>> No.8401868

getting all your information and social interaction from /pol/ must be one hell of a drug

>> No.8402748 [DELETED] 

Good goyim

>> No.8402785
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No one gives a shit. No one ever did to begin with. Either post fried chicken or lovely kots or get your faggoty bitch-ass


>> No.8402802 [DELETED] 

Stay goy

>> No.8403227

>Just an inch away from Santa hat Patti


>> No.8404455
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Merry christmas and all those other holidays!

had fried turkey and stuff, was a pretty small gathering so kept it pretty simple, was good

>> No.8404708
File: 62 KB, 426x364, 1461013365003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the best thread in a while OP

God bless Texas

t. Abilene

>> No.8404914
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>Yeah, I just moved from Minnesomalia. It was a beautiful city when it was white, now it's beyond repair. Rip in peace Minnesota

Jesus Christ, you're fucking pathetic. Running away just because someone different from you moved in next door? They played some rap music and it triggered you?

>> No.8404930

>take break from 4chan for ~1 year
>come back
>pol has ruined everything

maybe ill try again in a few months

>> No.8404931
File: 313 KB, 752x1336, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy holidays, cat bro!

I spent the day with my mom, sister, and brother-in-law, eating food and kicking everyone's ass at Scrabble.

Pic is sister's pupper.

>> No.8404932

>haven't been on 4chan in years
>come back to /ck/
>Multiple McDonald's threads up

Never change. Remember to balance it out with ramen.

>> No.8404943

You are right, better to die in the proverbial fire rather then escape so as to rebuild. baka

>> No.8404951

So what did you do for Christmas? Besides hiding from scary, scary black people?

>> No.8405121
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i am bad at scrabble m8, cute pup

got some /ck/ gifts, gonna exchange the largest baking sheet its too big to even fit in my oven, they are really dank from the restaurant supply store

>> No.8405124 [DELETED] 

You are literally a retard. I bet you sucked Bernie's Wrinkled old kike balls

>> No.8405157
File: 2.30 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161225_231500719_HDR-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also got amaretto cakes seriously they are dangerous good

>> No.8405644

Nice! I got a food processor myself. I'm gonna make so much hummus.

>> No.8405824

>Running away just because someone different from you moved in next door? They played some rap music and it triggered you?

What a sheltered, suburban white boy response.

Yes, if a ghetto ass, loud ass rap music playing, sketchy nigger moved in next door, any sane black person would leave.

Fuck you little white SJW trying to talk like you fucking know what it's like living our lives.

>> No.8406133


>> No.8406175

What are you talking about you retarded nigger?

>> No.8406196
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Great gifts. I'm a little late but wanted to say merry christmas to you, OP. Love your threads.

In Lake Charles, LA for the holidays this year. Passed through Houston and stopped at Mala Sichuan Bistro for an amazing spicy chinese feast (pic related). Plannng to stop at LA Fisherman on the way home. Have you ever been to either of those restaurants and do you have any recommendations for good asian food in H-town?

>t. guy who declared you king of /ck/ some months ago when I got post number 7777777

>> No.8406238
File: 139 KB, 1569x315, 2016-06-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406257

Haha yes. Nice that you saved that

>> No.8406289
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thx m80 and srry but I'm not huge on asian food, I really dig vietnamese and indian but they have closed down the places i really like of both, wouldnt feel good recomending anything now

if you wanted a good burger and a damn fine selection of good beer ill always recomend moon tower inn

>some brie pastry snacks with raspberry chipotle sauce that my buddies mom made us the other night, they were almost too dank, she bakes the amaretto cakes too, she is like the most /ck/ person i know irl

anyone got recipe suggestions for the dutch oven, trying to decide how to break it in

>> No.8406292

nice kbp v60 m8

>> No.8406299

lol thats my buddies set up hes more techie than me, we also learned to heat press rosin this weekend, in the process of building my own press today

>> No.8406334

Moon tower looks fuckin slammin, thanks for the recommendation.

When I saw the dutch oven I immediately though oxtail stew. I saw you just made a pot roast, though. Maybe something for later once it gets cold again, if you like oxtail

>> No.8407107

God bless OP and God bless Texas

>> No.8408310
File: 2.13 MB, 6000x3375, IMG_20161226_214145032-6000x3375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a newish gastro pub last night called Wakefield Crowbar, overall wasnt very good

>> No.8408377

Was the beer good at least?

>> No.8408867

Looks good, would be satisfied. What dressing did you use on the romaine?

>> No.8410369

Patti Squad fo life!
Happy Holidays Patti!

>> No.8410373

That is one sorry excuse for a salad and the fries look so sad

>> No.8410385

well that's probably the top of the burger friendo, not a salad, but yeah the whole thing looks terrible

why do these places call themselves a gastropub??

>> No.8410402

kill yourself

>> No.8410660

My dude I worked at the Hutt for years. You can make that same pasta in like 10 minutes for half the price. Git gud

>> No.8411000

OP I'm in your hood, passing through on my way to Spring. Pray for me pham, I'm just trying not to get shot

>> No.8411002
File: 3.94 MB, 3905x1859, 20161228_120926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunspoint mall

>> No.8411008

lol you like 3 minutes from me, i used to do security in all those office buildings