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8340950 No.8340950 [Reply] [Original]

Can we agree this is the best Malt Liquor? Classic, still comes in glass and is 8.2%

Also Malt liquor general I guess?

>> No.8340954


Fuck malt liquor, I drink 40s of High Life.

>> No.8341045

high life is ok

>> No.8341742

why the hell do people actually call it malt liquor?
it's just a legal term used for high abv beer last time i checked

>> No.8341763

I remember when school finished for the summer in grade 8, I got my friends sister to pick me up one a 40 of st.ides. Sipped it and smoked bud, watched trailer park boys. good time

>> No.8341818

because thats literally whats its called on the label faggot

>> No.8342215


>> No.8342226

Post the whole st ides mixtape it's on YouTube

>> No.8342227

You seriously sound like ricky

>> No.8342490

They banned the glass version in our city because homeless people where using them to shiv each other

>> No.8342497

Learn the rules, newfag.

>> No.8342741

king cobra and colt .45 are all I can get localy as far as malt liquor goes.....I like colt better but king cobra is .25 cheaper so I get it instead unless im flushed with cash...usually about 2 40's of either makes me feel acceptable

>> No.8342902
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99 cent a 24 ounce at my local corner store. 8%, teastes light years better than most of the other cheaper shit (steel reserve etc)

>> No.8343040

>tfw Canada
>only malt liquors sold here are olde English and schlitz
>something like $8/bottle and most liquor stores don't even carry them

>> No.8343209
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I wish they sold malt liquor is 8 oz cans I like the taste but I dont want to drink 20 oz at once

>> No.8343218

its freaky to think something like a 40 could be an exotic expensive import

>> No.8343361

I'm Canadian and I used to drink Colt 45 when I was in high school 10 years ago. I wonder what happened.

>> No.8343380
File: 51 KB, 636x890, pbr china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In China Pabst Blue Ribbon is marketed as an expensive champagne. 44 US Dollars a bottle.

>> No.8343413

Never seen it. They only have steel, colt, cobra, miller and mickeys here

>> No.8343417

I disagree. Steel Reserve is cheaper and better tasting.

>> No.8343429

looks like shitty beer desu. stick to preparing whisky barrels for us europeans pls.

>> No.8343514
File: 313 KB, 620x649, Steel-Reserve-Alloy-Series-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only drink the flavored kind
These 2 are the best

>> No.8343526

what do these taste like? I'm disgusted by four lokos and I assume these are similar so I never tried them.

>> No.8343543

They're much less sugary garbage than Four Loko but still have strong flavor. The fruit flavors are pretty good and at least inoffensive. It's hard to taste anything like beer but that's a good thing if you ask me, plain Steel Reserve is nearly undrinkable.

>> No.8343548

And, they actually taste like Limeade/Pineapple

>> No.8343565
File: 7 KB, 259x194, BILL BILL BILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have experience with the Berry Flavor Steel Reserve, and I found it very "meh". I drank the whole thing, but it was not enjoyable.

I have to disagree, I find normal Steel Reserve decent enough. But I drink high gravity stuff because it gets me drunk quicker and harder than regular beer.

>mfw alcoholism

>> No.8343584


natty daddy is my go to alchie drink now. Its so cheap and completely destroys me.

>> No.8343662
File: 93 KB, 600x800, CFT0bZCUEAAkvYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /crazystallion/?

>> No.8343673 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 630x378, Niggers murdering niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white faggots don't know bout steel reserve...

>> No.8343706


that shit is nasty. not high enough alc % either

>> No.8343707

It was Big Bear

now it's King Cobra or nothing

>> No.8343723

Mickey's comes in glass bottles.
Sold in 12 oz. Bottle six packs. Wtf drinks 8 oz. shit?

>> No.8343741

i drank a bunch of st. ides one time....go-mart had a sale going on. drank like 6 40's and shit my pants while i was asleep. it was the biggest mess i have ever seen.

>> No.8343899
File: 92 KB, 610x458, 20110525coltblastprimary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these

>> No.8343903

Not around here, mickeys now comes in plastic, the grenades are still bottles though

>> No.8343906

Anyone know why they stopped making the 64oz's? There was never a official statement or reason why, just speculation, they should bring them back

>> No.8344148

I want my beef to be beer flavored, when im crying and telling myself tomorrow is a new day, a new day without alcohol

>> No.8344155

ha I said beef, I meant BEER

>> No.8344186

It's a different brew sold in China, apparently.

>> No.8345841

ha ha