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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8339234 No.8339234 [Reply] [Original]

Just got hired at Starbucks. What am I in for?

>> No.8339240

Prepare for wanting to fuck almost every customer and/or co-worker. Also having to deal with the assholes

>> No.8339243 [DELETED] 

For me it is the McChicken the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8339245

A lot of basic white girls

>> No.8339282


>> No.8339290


>> No.8339299

Not as much fun as you may think. Enjoy serving boiled beans and charging out the ass for it. But there are always a lot of hot women rolling thru so there is always a little bonus.

>> No.8339313

Have fun dealing with overweight white women, bratty high schoolers, and niggers all day while filling stressful orders and getting harassed for the tiniest mistakes.

Working an inner city starbucks is hell, I'd prefer 2 years of Vietnam marine Corp bullshit than 2 months of starbucks.

>> No.8339347
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>I'll have an coffee with three shots of espresso, two shots of pumpkin spice syrup, three shots sugar free syrup, and 3mm of foam
>You have 2 minutes or I'll have to contact your manager

>> No.8339595


>> No.8339613

you are in for a lot of macbooks, asians, and olive green coats

>> No.8339628

So roof Koreans?

>> No.8339637

a slow painful death, like the rest of us

>> No.8339654
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She wants to speak to your manager.

>> No.8339675

Prepare to sell little to none coffee, make 20 different drinks out of ice, milk and the same 4 syrups and put pastries in a toaster oven

>> No.8339766

The golden rule is this: If you have to deal with members of the public, your job will suck.

>> No.8339783

Soccer moms who think they're the most important people in the world. If you happen to be out of something they'll act like you killed their children.

>> No.8339858


Dipshit females and entitled nu-males who want what is essentially a melted sugar-free candy bar in a cup... but they'll call it coffee because they think they know what they're talking about

>> No.8339866

how does this answer his question? fucking idiot

>> No.8340270

70% ice
25% coffee/milk/etc
5% cum

>> No.8340276

living up to your rep as a true autist, anon

>> No.8340277
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Enjoy wage slaving your whole life.

>> No.8340521

Making dessert drinks and people thinking they're getting coffee.

>> No.8340564


>> No.8340927


>> No.8340931


>> No.8340976

This. 90% of the staff was super cute/hot chicks. Had a boner almost all the time I worked there. HOWEVER, prepare for mediocre management and dickheads. Also white suburban moms and shitskins.

>> No.8341233
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is this real

>> No.8341237

if i take a cup of joe ice it scoop up some chocolate ice cream and add a whip cream ya aint getting a cup of joe you just got a cup of ice cream

>> No.8341708


>> No.8341725

>two shots of pumpkin spice syrup
You mean pumps.
>three shots sugar free syrup
Again, pumps, not shots. Shots refer to espresso only. Also there's sugar free vanilla, caramel et al, but no such thing as just 'sugar free syrup".
>3mm of foam
There's no foam on coffee. There's only foam on steamed milk based drinks.
>You have 2 minutes or I'll have to contact your manager
This never happens, ever.

>> No.8341789

Never worked at Starbucks but my sister has. Be ready for people wanting lattes with no foam, coffee at certain temperatures, frappy hour, and smiling and telling someone to have a nice day.
I do have about 5 years in food service though.

>> No.8341805
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>> No.8341821

Being accused of using dairy when they ordered soy.

>> No.8341862

no he's right

>> No.8341895

People that think they are being smart by ordering an expensive drink as separate component items, and mixing them together themselves, expecting to pay less because they didn't officially order the expensive drink.

People that get pissy when they place an order for a complex drink of their own design and vocally critique you as they watch you try to make it.

People that order hot water for free, because they tried bringing their own tea bag.

People that cannot properly queue up to save their lives.

The occasional customer that lingers a little too long, or tries to make awkward conversation with you after their order has been completed.

Coworkers can range from okay folks to the lowest dregs of society.

>> No.8342781

Worked at Starbucks for ~3 years before.

Get ready for stressful work, where you literally have to follow a policy of giving people whatever they ask for. Not even joking, that was the guideline- whatever absurd fucking request people have, you gotta smile and do it.

Get ready for idiots who don't know what they want, but they know when it's wrong; people who think they're special snowflakes and need to be waited on hand and foot; people who have absolutely zero self awareness or consideration that there is a human being on the other side of the counter.

Get ready for a company that will grind their heel down into your morale with a smile and insist that you have the privilege of working at liquid McDonald's.

Get ready for worn out knees, sore back and shoulders, chronic headache, and morale torn to shreds by a company where no matter what you do, it's wrong to somebody.

Get ready, buddy.

>> No.8342788

You can tell who's making the most money by who comes the most often

Other than that enjoy the view and the noisy blenders

>> No.8342806

Depends on who you work with/where you are like any job

Everyone will say there shit but i've worked at Starbucks and Mcdonalds currently (Nightshift tho) and its not bad like

Its minimum wage, the worst is dealing with someone whose anal about their shit but like you won't just get fired because you couldnt make the coffee in 30 seconds

Just how you take it man I've had so many people try to get me fired over NOTHING, just today this lady got cold fries earlier and I apologized offered her free fresh fries even though she didnt have any proof or anything im just chill and she didnt even want them she just wanted to bitch at me, I was still super nice but for some reason she called the head office not the store but the head office of Mcdonalds and tried to get me fired saying I was being very rude and called her a bitch which didnt happen. Like shit like that can happen where it makes zero sense I did nothing to this lady I offered free shit. She just mad at me for someone elses mistake

I just idk laugh you tell your coworkers have a hearty chuckle some lady just mad over mcdonalds

>> No.8344464


>> No.8344901
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>get sinus infection
>call in sick for work today
>boss gets after me saying I was supposed to work
>tell them I can't
>questions my sickness
>makes me find a replacement even though company rules state this is illegal
>doesn't even say to get well
>probably will call in again tomorrow to spite her
Fucking bitch

>> No.8344973

American freedom everybody!