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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8338439 No.8338439 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share some little known cooking tips that only the elite know.

I'll start.

> Carbonara.

Two things you need to know:

1. The sauce is mostly cream, go easy on the egg yolk and pepper.

2. ALWAYS use streaky bacon, NEVER cheek bacon or pancetta.

> Chili.

It's not Chili if it lacks kidney beans and tomatoes, it's beef stew. Many people get this wrong to this very day.

> Eggs benedict.

There is literally no point in making the sauce. It's virually identical to yellow mayo. Just serve it with yellow mayo from a bottle and you can skip making the hollandaise.

> Paella.

Ideal flavor is achieved using Turmeric for coloring. Saffron has a bitter, metallic taste and should be avoided.

>> No.8338447

Chili DOES NOT have beans you autistic retard.

>> No.8338458

plebs fuck off


add some good acidic steak sauce to compliment the fatty meat and to get more complete experience. Remember to drain the blood from the steak properly by cooking it well.


only but mustard and ketchup, anything else is just ruining it

>> No.8338491

I love how you've got some pants-on-head retarded tips mixed in with some actually good tips. Nice troll thread, OP

>> No.8338499

>onions ruin hot dogs
I am taking the bait haha

>> No.8338502
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Nice try retard.


>> No.8338503

living up to the redpill name