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File: 32 KB, 399x600, 634666201382404397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8337156 No.8337156 [Reply] [Original]

Which vodka is best vodka? I really enjoy pic related. I'm not really a fan of Smirnoff. I've heard that Grey Goose is good, but I haven't tried it.

>> No.8337163

Maybe I'm just a pleb, but I can't get into vodka. I love beer, wine, and ale, but vodka just tastes like rubbing alcohol to me. How do I get into vodka?

>> No.8337179

Veil is really good inexpensive option. Not sure if it's local or not. Living in MN

>> No.8337191
File: 62 KB, 1000x669, tmg-slideshow_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just get titos at bars. I'm sure there's better at the liquor store if you want to spend more money

>> No.8337192

I used to be the same way. I would drink it just to get fucked up, but then I started enjoying it. If you don't like the flavor, drink it ice cold, like as cold as you can get it, and drink it fast and in small ammounts, like shots. Try to miss your tongue completely and make it go straight down your throat.
Eventually, you might start to enjoy the taste. If not, vodka isn't for you.

>> No.8337197

I hate the way all liquor tastes but I like to get drunk and vodka is somehow less bad than anything else. So I just drink taaka because it's cheaper and good vodka still tastes like shit. Probably gonna start butt chugging it soon if I can figure out how to do it

>> No.8337206
File: 367 KB, 815x401, stolichnaya-vodka-flavors-san-diego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoli, hands down

>> No.8337361

Ketel one

>> No.8337375

yeah, don't do that. that can kill you.

>> No.8337379

I've only ever drank regular stoli

are any of the flavors worth it?

>> No.8337383


>> No.8337403

This. Or maybe Chopin.

>> No.8337407

They are all mostly the same

>> No.8337408

I'll drink svedka because it's not russian.

I don't buy russian products

>> No.8337429

what kind of doggo this

>> No.8337431

had absolut once, liked it more than smirnoff

>> No.8337436

I like grey goose for mixed drinks because yo can make it pretty strong without getting that overpowering alcohol taste that you normally get with a stiff drink

>> No.8337437

Pyccкий Cтaндapть Imperia
Khortytsya Platinum
That Polish grass one

>> No.8337439

Plastic handle tier: Skol
Cheap tier: Seagram's
Everyday tier: Kettle One
As nice as I'm willing to go for vodka tier: Chopin

That's for what's available in the States. I've tried some pretty nice Russian vodka while abroad that isn't imported here.

>> No.8337708

Poorfags and God-tier alike: all you need is Barton Vodka and a Brita filter. Run it through 6 times. It's beautifully smooth, and you will never waste money on overpriced vodka ever again.

though I admit, I'm a sucker for a good potato- or grape-based vodka. Chopin, Luksusowa, and Uvix treated me the best.

>> No.8337731

Doesn't that destroy the filter, as in, reduce its overall usage significantly? Those filters are kind of expensive.

>> No.8337968

Not that anon but yes, it's not really worth the price of the filters unless you're getting them for dirt cheap somewhere.

You can also just buy activated charcoal and filter large amounts of the cheap shit at one time but with the time investment you're bordering on diminishing returns IMO.

Most vodka is pretty close in quality from my experience compared to other types of liquor. There's not as much of a difference between cheap and expensive vodka compared to, say, cheap and expensive gin.

>> No.8338038

How so? Obviously I wouldn't butt chug a whole bottle, I'd just try like a shot.

>> No.8338099

Vodka sucks dude. There’s a reason pretty much nobody drinks it by itself

>> No.8338181

Sobieski is the best brand ive found, usually about $21 a handle, and quite smooth and neutral and less burn-y than most. Could be the rye or just polish wisdom. Good balance between cheap and expensive and doesn't give shitty hangovers like lower brands.

>> No.8338212

yup. every flavor taste great, even the honey one. taste like a beehive and not sickeningly sweet. very good.

>> No.8338217

russian standard is the best. great when room temp or cold. sobieski is too harsh when you need to cry at 6 am.

>> No.8338396

>activated charcoal
But are your almonds activated?

>> No.8338434

Beluga and Russian standard

>> No.8339017

Not the same anon but absorption rates make it stupid easy to get alcohol poisoning

>> No.8339147

>wouldn't butt chug a whole bottle, I'd just try like a shot.

I read somewhere just a few (two?) shot glasses can be deadly because it goes into your blood bypassing the liver. No joke.

>> No.8339149

Sky vodka is best vodka

>> No.8339154

Do people drink vodka straight?

>> No.8339626

Yes, but it can be hard to find in small stores. Three Olives is english wheat vodka and about the same price as Sobieski. Of course Costco French wheat vodka is first choice.

>> No.8339647

i like gordon's and sobieski. they're pretty bottom shelf, too. svedka and finlandia are shit. smirnoff is absolute shit. stoli and ketel one are nice but only if i can feel assed to spend 20-25 of a fifth. for some reason, luksosowa is on sale a lot at the grocery i go to, so i drink that pretty often. tito's is nice, too.

hey and if you're an americunt with access to a costco, the kirkland's american vodka is great and something like $13 per handle

>> No.8339655

Skyy is overpriced drivel, the only thing it has going for it is the bottle.

>> No.8339680

Always preferred Absolut and Skyy.....but honestly smirnoff is the best value......Grey Goose is shit tier vodka with a good marketing department

>> No.8339685

>Do people drink vodka straight?
I'm hardcore degenerate alcoholic. I drink 750ml of whiskey a day......people who drink vodka straight are the next step of degenerate alcoholic past me.....typically on deaths doorstep from liver failure

>> No.8339698

Was about to write this, although I got shitfaced really hard the night I drank it, it was the best vodka I'd tasted. I always drink vodka straight but this one I actually enjoyed. If I ever do drink again it'll be luksusowa

>> No.8339860

Everyone here needs to stop being pretentious lying faggots who say they can pick out all the tiny differences between vodkas like a fucking gas chromatography–mass spectrometry test.
You cant. And every single one tastes like ass, because ethanol itself tastes like ass. Its a vile burning sensation that is universally hated by our very biology.
Please stop being such huge faggots and saying you love vodka and any one brand is vastly better. You're fooling yourselves buying brand loyalty and marketing bullshit, its the drunken buzz that you enjoy, not the act of tasting it. Are you really that stupid?

>> No.8339914

Shots or with soda, whatever really

>> No.8339986

Is vodka and OJ the most dangerous drink? It can be 50/50 and you can barely tell there's alcohol in it.

>> No.8339993

I'm sorry, but can I get a few /thread-a-roonies on this?

>> No.8340917

Yeah, I'm an addict though.

>> No.8340953

straight and at room temperature is the best way to drink vodka

Standard 4 lyf

>> No.8341003
File: 188 KB, 960x1280, serveimage(24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best vodka for around $30 a handle at the government liquor store?

I usually pay $23 for a handle of New Amsterdam. It's just alright I guess.

>> No.8341213
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, pizza 5.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. Preferably out of a mug, with leftover anchovy pizza.

>> No.8341216

yeah stoli is solid

stoli peach is delicious

>> No.8341228


>x brand vodka is good
>especially the peach flavor

Way to immediately invalidate your opinion, anon.

>> No.8341235

Anything thats been distilled more then once is not going to be good. Thats a good rule of thumb. Only reason to distill more then once is because the liquor company is buying low quality product. Low quality starter=low quality booze.

>> No.8341245


Nah Salmiakki Koskenkorva is. It tastes completely like a certain brand of candy which lead to it even being banned for a while since teenagers would drink it, not realizing it was 38% alcohol they were downing (with obvious results).

>> No.8341258

>having opinions on taste is bad!

>> No.8341294

I do and I chase it w chocolate milk.

>> No.8341296

I like Tito's.

>> No.8342257

I like Tito's. Most vodkas taste very similar to me though.

>> No.8342299


Alberta Pure if you are a leaf.

>> No.8342305
File: 65 KB, 640x480, permafrost vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8342736

someone here has a good taste [in movies]

>> No.8342859

there are people in this thread right now that
>will mix vodka with water/coke/other pussy juice
>buy cheapest vodka and dont cool it down in fridge
>dont cool down vodka
>drink vodka from fucking mugs
>mix vodka with coke (just stop)
>drink beer then vodka and wonder why they vomit their shit out
>think enything below 40% is still vodka
>buy cheap lethal shit instead of superior premium slav wódka
>die from drinking cheap lethal vodka

>> No.8342992

Ethanol itself is tasteless you fucking wannabe distiller degenerate faggot. If you can't distinguish differences in taste between your top shelf charcoal filtered, 7x, carbon treated, organic, ect and your bottom shelf Karkov shit then you have shit taste.

>> No.8343020

>750ml of whiskey a day
How are you still alive?

>> No.8343029

That isn't even very much.

>> No.8343033
File: 18 KB, 230x350, prairie-organic-vodka-1-75-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veil is a good 5x vodka. For an even cheaper substitute UV Vodka is surprisingly good. Also try pic related. All three made in MN.

>> No.8343059

I've seen someone post that in the alcky thread sometime ago. Is that you anon?

>> No.8343066

Not him but...I can go thru that within one evening. And I usually do...

The worst? If I don't drink it under 2 hours max I don't get enough of a buzz to sleep that night.

>> No.8343085
File: 581 KB, 2203x2937, 1471069245932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It kills the taste and settles my stomach. Also chocolate milk is delicious.

>> No.8343269
File: 729 KB, 2048x1536, PB010205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is pretty decent
i like the bottle more than i like the vodka
and now i use the smaller one as my water bottle.

>> No.8343278


For the money stoli is great - I can almost drink it neat. That said there is no such thing as good vodka as vodka is not the sort of spirit that can be made well without laods of additional flavours.

>> No.8343393
File: 127 KB, 764x1024, 086767520043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally does not taste like alcohol at all and is 50% abv, I could kill myself on this stuff desu

>> No.8343410

A fifth a day is a ridiculous amount.

>> No.8343433

dis nigga knows what's up

for me it's the pepper vodka, the best stoli bottle.

>> No.8343446

heard something similar about inhaling alcohol, but you can't really bypass the liver because it filters blood, not food AFAIK.

The problem is that directly putting something in your blood removes the trusty old possibility of puking the shit out so you don't get alcohol poisoning.

>> No.8343520


Um, not really. You must be new here.

>> No.8343553

I don't care if it's normal in al/ck/y threads it's still a ridiculous amount and you're going to need a new liver sooner than later.

>> No.8344099

>I'm a tasteless pigfucker

>> No.8344156


A fifth a day is about the maximum amount that's -relatively- safe to consume. It's the standard for alcoholics.

>> No.8344238

>polish grass one

>> No.8344255


I'd guess Zubrowka.

>> No.8344273

if you drink a bottle a day you are by definition an alcoholic, though you still could be a functional one

seek help while you still can

>> No.8344280
File: 3 KB, 194x259, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good shit right here, mixes really well with 7up, too

>> No.8344284

Most alcoholics work up to that amount at some point. Attend an AA meeting some time and talk to some before you climb up on a no nothing platform. Some go for a long time consuming that quantity and even hold jobs in any career and profession you can name.

Will they die younger than average if they do it for a couple of decades? Probably. But you could just as easily die randomly from gun violence at an incredibly higher rate than the rest of the world by walking out your front door tomorrow, if you live in america.

>> No.8344293


Why not just buy shit if you're going to just mix it with shit?

>> No.8344334

>almost 2017
>pretending to like vodka
Come on guys, youre not in high school anymore

>> No.8344341


I like vodka on the rocks.

>> No.8344535

Nah, fuck off underageb&

>> No.8344662

Tito's is good but I cannot justify spending over $20 on vodka when it's just going into bloody maries anyway

>> No.8344673

What if I just filter it through dirt?

>> No.8344707

Grey Goose and especially Ciroc taste much better than the midtier stuff. Not worth buying regularly but as a gift they're great.

The mid tier stuff all basically taste the same. Smirinoff wins all kinds of awards but I think its the worst of the midtiers.
Once you're below $18~ a bottle its all gonna taste pretty bad and will only work mixed drinks with a strong flavor.

>> No.8344749

>try to do everything possible to prevent you from tasting it
>Eventually, you might start to enjoy the taste

>> No.8344774

russian standard for price to taste ratio
t. alcoholic

>> No.8344784

found you faggot.

>> No.8344889


Sorry, I've since moved.

>> No.8344944

almost every vodka cocktail could be improved with another spirit

major exceptions being espresso martinis and black/white russians and that's just because it lets the coffee flavour take precedence

a lot of high end places like death and co. wont even stock the stuff

that said, ketel one and zubrowka are as good as they get imo

>> No.8344971
File: 26 KB, 376x600, aristocrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will always have a special place in my heart for this stuff

>> No.8344980


I don't think ever lived anywhere where there wasn't a better option within a dollar or two for a handle of that swill.

>> No.8345008

it gets the job done for cheap even if its a little rough, just like your mom

>> No.8345044


>missing the point

>> No.8345127

a dollar or two adds up after a while, you might be privileged enough to afford not aristocrat but there was a time when i was not

>> No.8345158


>> No.8345265
File: 156 KB, 1000x652, HANSON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact his vodka is made from grapes
Not potatoes

>> No.8345424

hell yeah man. used to have that shit for breakfast and straight outta the bottle

>> No.8345484
File: 1022 KB, 1551x3600, 24124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god tier

>> No.8345494

Vodka's vodka if you're mixing it with anything, unless you're into flavored ones it hardly matters.

That said, I can appreciate a good grape-based vodka by itself. But I tend to just go with the rye-based Sobieski.

>> No.8345573

is made with potatoes

>> No.8345700
File: 51 KB, 540x720, vodka_mam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best vodka ever made, try it

>> No.8345745
File: 2.77 MB, 3549x4724, Froggy-75cl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a bottle of pic related recently, which was a good few bucks cheaper than my usual Ketal One, and I have to say it was a pretty damn good value. Definitely a solid alternative to overpriced shit like grey goose shelf tier.

>> No.8345772

>Vodka's vodka
No, some vodkas tastes like Russian tank brake fluid and other taste like water....

t.vodka degenerate

>> No.8345804

I like Amsterdam and red bull, but I'm not banking on living past 30

>> No.8345843

This. Doesn't taste like rubbing alcohol and dirty clit.

>> No.8345848


Vodka mixed with hot chocolate? How does that sound?

>> No.8345852
File: 39 KB, 500x650, drink Luksusowa_Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which vodka is best vodka?

>> No.8346240

Is there any science that says drinking Tito's instead of Popov will result in a lesser hangover? I'm sure the more expensive shit has less impurities or whatever but I'd doubt it's enough to make a difference.

>> No.8346248


Fucking awful, tbqhwyf

>> No.8346268

Probably not, though the cheapest ones can straight-up poison you.

>> No.8346298

You can mix vodka with basically anything and it just becomes an alcoholic version of what you mixed it with.

Bourbon and coffee is good so it might work in hot cocoa too.

>> No.8346356

If it's good yes. Try some cold Zubrowka it's a sweet delight, unbelievably good.
I can down an entire bottle of vodka straight and not drinking for the whole next month. It's just a question of personnal preference I guess

>> No.8346363
File: 39 KB, 500x478, polanvodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because shit like Ketel One IS practically rubbing alcohol. If you want something smooth, creamy, and warming - check out Belvidere.

polan stronk

>> No.8346455
File: 237 KB, 512x571, smugfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a party full of people I don't really give a shit about
>have an empty grey goose bottle
>fill with shitty $14 vodka
>several people comment on how smooth and great the "grey goose" is
>even after they visibly cringe
>let one guy who particularly seems to love it in on the little secret
>he refuses to believe me

vodka is a meme

>> No.8346475

The best vodka is homemade vodka. You can cut out all the acetate and aldehydes.

>> No.8346493
File: 150 KB, 1600x1200, vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your own.

>> No.8346503

Is this event really that common or is it just a popular food strawman?

>> No.8346517

China has an industry 'repackaging' Dom Perignon bottles with cheap fizzy shit for their restaurants. The high class ones where the white devils eat.

>> No.8346519

I imagine college students do it a lot to make it seem like they spent a lot of money on the liquor to impress people. I only did it the once. I'd do it again if the opportunity presented itself, was pretty funny.

>> No.8346529

College people who cant distill their own booze. MASH hates you..

>> No.8346530
File: 85 KB, 960x1280, stoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin right. This or Russian Standard.

>> No.8346538

I've never been much of an alcohol drinker, besides the occasional craft beer.
But a while back I saw a pic of a white russion somewhere over here, and I've been wanting to try it ever since.
What kind of cream should I get for it? And will baileys work, or do I need a specific coffee liqueur?

>> No.8346651

Kahlua is the coffee liqueur that is used.
Also ordinary cream, or half and half and vodka.

>> No.8346656

My late dad had a saying "they call it a fifth because it's a fifth of what I need to get through the day"
Dead by 40, so nothing too extraordinary

>> No.8346794


solution here is to stop hanging around people who think they need to like things just to fit in and find friends who aren't tools

>> No.8346807


what a casual. The Oliver Reed society wouldn't accept a pussy like that.

>> No.8346821


Green mark is better than russian standard.

>> No.8346890

From my experience Stock has the best price/taste ratio. I also like Finland, Bols, Pan Tadeusz, Sobieski, Wyborowa. Krupnik and Soplica aren't something I would personally choose, but they aren't bad either. I don't get the hype about Żubrówka (the bison grass one). Is it a ck meme or do people enjoy it so much? For me it never was good, and it only became decent when ice-cold.

>> No.8347107

I've never had it. Luksusowa is also pretty good.

>> No.8347125

Also, Chopin (Potato).

>> No.8347172
File: 589 KB, 2048x1152, 20161031_123148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal head is a good one. Can drink that straight over some ice with a lemon altho it is $50 for a bottle

>> No.8347186
File: 25 KB, 572x572, heavy-water-vodka-70cl_temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent enough but i'm still convinced there is no such thing as good vodka.

>> No.8347236

>passing a drink through charcoal to make it taste better

>> No.8347244

will vodka and milk with some coffee powder make an acceptable white russian?

>> No.8347260

Due to UESR directive it's not a vodka anymore due to it being less than 40% alcohol (proof below 80)

>> No.8347284


Why would anyone drink vodka at anything less than 40%? It sort of defeats the point.

>> No.8347288

Good vodka is supposed to be smooth, have no odor, and leave virtually no taste or burn in the mouth.
This is achieved by filtering out all the random bits of shit that make it burn, leave taste, or smell like rubbing alcohol.

>> No.8347613

Grey Goose is overpriced. Pretty much as good as your average handle of ruskiejuice. Stoli is one of the better brands, and Belvedere is about as upper shelf as us middle class peons are going to get.

>> No.8347819

Paul Masson brandies. $10 for a fifth and it tastes pretty damn good

>> No.8347968

Nikolai is just about the cheapest and the just about the best, pure kino.

>> No.8349078

>I know absolutely nothing about the production of vodka

>> No.8349258

Ehhh, depending on how loose your tolerances of 'acceptable' are. It probably won't taste exactly the same, but if you enjoy it, don't let anyone stop you.

>> No.8349616

that label doesnt fit right and its triggering me

>> No.8349706

This looks like a fucking meme drink you faggot. Wtf is that metal thing inside

>> No.8349842


>> No.8351571
File: 18 KB, 452x363, 1480710099855-fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, jej

>> No.8351593

Grey goose is too tier I drink it with tonic and lime. My fav

>> No.8351600

Yeah it is vodka is a low tier hard alcohol. Like gin. Your high end whisky is smooth as shit

>> No.8351610

Keep it simple.
We're talking base sauce here.
Best taste for your 80 proof buck.
I'm not shilling. Someone clued me in (possibly you niggers), and yeah, it's good.

>> No.8351716

A good alcoholics vodka I personally slam a 375 ml before I get home at night and drink a few beers to cover it up

>> No.8352044
File: 921 KB, 4000x6000, KirklandVodka-e1477965369705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$21 for the 1.75L not bad tasting to boot

>> No.8352084


It's just repackaged Grey Goose...

>> No.8352090
File: 816 KB, 2560x1440, stoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one true vodka

>> No.8352708

Mostly slavs

>> No.8353566

That's the only acceptable way to drink it.

>> No.8354131


>> No.8354391

Usually go for Monopolowa, not too cheap or too pricey and it tastes fine. I hear good things about Sobieski but I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.8354610

Reyka is the master race of vodka

>> No.8354646

It's all more or less the same with a few exceptions, like Tito's which they deliberately make taste funny.

don't believe me? do a blind tasting of bottom shelf, mid shelf and something retarded like Grey Goose and you will learn.

One of the nicest vodka's I drink is Taaka and it's $10/handle

>> No.8354663

Monopolowa is my favorite vodka.
And it's made from potato's

>> No.8354677

my nigga

this is quality potato vodka for a good price for anyone interested

>> No.8354691

I miss minnesomalia

>> No.8354696

Good goyim

>> No.8356006


I actually found a scientific study on the subject on youtube. Unless you're willing to watch all 16 videos the answer is 'The Final Green Mark'.


>> No.8356148

It's swedish, that's worse.

>> No.8356221

look they all taste like cleaning agent

just give me one without methanol which doesn't give me a headache next morning an we're good