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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 550x366, healthy-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8335588 No.8335588 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the healthiest diet on /ck/? Explain why you think yours is the healthiest?

>> No.8335600

I do keto, so no carbs

Usually 10 cups of coffee, 8 packets of cancer and a half cup of cream until I realize I'm dying, then I'll scramble together some fried sausage and hunks of cheese for dinner, or microwave some broccoli and shred 2 cups of cheese into it
if I can't bring myself to make dinner i'll just get some salsa and pork rinds and eat that

no doubt I have the best diet

>> No.8335602


The best part about this post is that if you removed the word cancer, I would think you were 100% serious.

Write one for paleofags to

>> No.8335610


>> No.8335611

mines decent but probably not the best, dieting now at about 1600 cal/day

a typical day is wake up, make egg white omelette, eat with whole wheat bread, then later on have something very light like an apple, then for dinner, vegetables and chicken breast either baked or pan fried in a little olive oil, maybe with some brown rice or potato for starch. and a handful of nuts later. lots of water too.

>> No.8335612

>10 cups of coffee

How does it feel to be a twitchy piss machine?

>> No.8335615

>eggs for breakfast everyday

Hellllloooooooooo cholestoral city!

>> No.8335616

the best part is that it's real

I mean the measurement, not 10 glasses. That's only 2 pots of coffee

>> No.8335617

>dietary cholesterol raises cholesterol
hello 1970

>> No.8335619

My boyfriend (also my dom) only let's me eat cum, chicken, rice, and assorted fruits.

>> No.8335622

I do the "eat whatever the fuck I like, within reason, and exercise" method.

I stay a healthy weight, and buff enough.

Only women go on diets.

>> No.8335625

The real question is what does he eat? If he has a balanced diet the nutrition you're getting from the cum could be more than adequate

>> No.8335628

Eggs aren't healthy for you, this has been proven already.

>> No.8335635

Breakfast: coffee and snack bar: 150 cal
Lunch: Salad; bacon bits, feta cheese: 150 cal
Afternoon snack: snack bar: 100 cal
Dinner: Mixed veggies, rice or potato, meat every friday: between 400-700 cal.

800-1000 cal for the day
Average 10,000 steps a day while at work, an additional 6000-8000 steps afterwards

Weight just sheds off. Not hungry throughout the day, getting all the nutrients I need.

>> No.8335637

>stay at a healthy weight
most people on a diet woke up one day and realized the exact same thing you're doing didn't work

>> No.8335638


source please

>> No.8335640

Wow you're such a man I bet you own a motorbike and eat a steak for dinner every night. Please fuck my gf I'll never be able to fuck her like a real man like you!!!

>> No.8335646



>> No.8335654


Because they missed the "within reason" and "exercise" parts.

Within reason means at, or under the average daily adult calorie intake.

Exercise means actually fucking moving your body every day.

Really basic shit. And yet I see people not doing the absolute basics, and complaining they're fat. For 99% of the population, it's pure laziness.

>> No.8335665


>> No.8335666

wow those sure are some good academic sources you have there

die vegan shithead

So what is your advice for people already fat?

>> No.8335667

>tfw I did keto and was able to think more clearly
>tfw I stopped because making keto meals were such a chore and also quite expensive

>> No.8335671

portion sizes and calorie counts

wowie you're lazy
A grilled chicken breast marinated in lime juice with seasoning served on a salad with fresh greens, cheese, sour cream is too much effort for you? you deserve to be fat lol

>> No.8335672

I'm not fat.

I did keto for supposed cognitive benefits, specifically better concentration and better sleep.

>> No.8335676

>So what is your advice for people already fat?

1000 calorie deficit.

I was a fat kid, and probably obese in my early twenties.
I lost a FUCKLOAD of weight just eating less. Not even exercising.
Then I fucked up my back at work, and put on a whole bunch of weight.
So over the last 6 months I've pretty much dropped it all again doing the 1000 calorie deficit and weights.
It sucks. It fucking sucks. But it's what must be done.

After you lose the weight, try eating shit again, but keep the exercise. Worked for me, and a few of my friends.

>> No.8335677

keto is one of the easiest and affordable diets I've located.
I don't understand how people can complain about cost other than upfront for varying cheeses and fats.

>> No.8335680

Dairy is expensive in Canada due to retarded production quota system keeping the prices artificially high..

>> No.8335684


>> No.8335704

>A grilled chicken breast marinated in lime juice with seasoning served on a salad with fresh greens, cheese, sour cream

recipe link?

>> No.8335733

I'm sure keto is a great diet but I seriously don't have the time or the fucks to give to make a fully keto diet, you can't really half ass that diet, you either go all or nothing because of how your body is suppose to use oils/fats as fuel instead of carbs. I'm fine with the standard just try to eat healthy and lower your carbs diets. Or even paleodiets are fine, I just can't see myself on keto unless if I'm a full blown /fit/ and a NEET.

>> No.8336033

>That's only 2 pots of coffee

>> No.8336041

"healthy diets" are for liberals and fatties

>> No.8336056

recipe? lime juice, goya adobo seasoning, and water
soak your chicken in that for no more than overnight

literally flawless and totally keto

the salad is you choice of green and I always do cotija or crumbly mexican cheese

>> No.8336059

Why the fuck is this even a thing? I visited canada a few years ago and someone said "if they make too much milk they have to dump it". like it can't even be given to charity or sold.

>pay a premium for milk
>it's in fucking plastic bags
That will never stop pissing me off

>> No.8336548

That's what happens when you put a leaf on your flag I'm afraid

>> No.8336599


you mongrel

>> No.8336675

Something wrong with that?

>> No.8336854

Paleo here. Also didnt do it for weight loss, i did it for mouth thrush

Thrush was due to excessive beer consumption i think.

>> No.8336881

Someone please post the liver and vodka diet copy pasta

>> No.8336882

That's hilarious and disgusting

>> No.8336893

That would be less than 1600 kcal or these are huge portions.

>> No.8336900
File: 171 KB, 396x423, 1383182514068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.8336901

Jet fuel cant melt steelbeams!

>> No.8336911

Eating liver heals your liver?

>> No.8336914

Dubs proves it

>> No.8337238

I eat the same thing, but I'm not a cunt about it. Go be a vegan elsewhere.

>Assuming she meant his cum
>Assuming she's a she

No, that's a pasta >>8336881

>> No.8337262

Breakfast - porridge made with water.

Morning snack - 5 bananas

Lunch - 4 slices of seeded loaf bread with peanut butter

Afternoon snack - 9 tangerines

Evening meal - White rice and chicken breast.

>> No.8338777

>5 bananas
>9 tangerines

Eating that much sugar every day is NOT healthy

>> No.8338799

I don't eat.

>> No.8338805

This has literally been consistently proven

Is 2016 some sort of enlightenment? Am i missing something?

>> No.8338853

I just decided today to keep track of what I eat and exercise for the next 2 weeks

Here is today

2 small pepperoni sticks
big salad with vinaigrette dressing, can of tuna and ~100g of cheddar
glass of milk
ball of peanutbutter mixed with chia seeds and oats

lift 15 minutes
walk 40 minutes

I am currently 203.5lbs and want to get down to at least 170.

>> No.8338868

I eat whatever I want and log everything in myfitnesspal to make sure I don't go over 1500cal a day and get decent nutrition.

Food is too good and life is too short to limit yourself to blandness and routine desu.

>> No.8338888

cancer cab mean various things, anon

>> No.8338948

That doesn't seem very healthy.

>> No.8339959

Health is overrated

>> No.8340049
File: 25 KB, 250x201, 1470990650996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to claim whose is healthiest but it seems like a good place to post mine. Trying to be more balanced lately:

Breakfast: Shredded wheat with fruit or wholemeal toast and egg
Lunch: Salad with some protein or beans in seasoned tomato sauce
Fruit throughout the day
Dinner: veg/salad with some protein or something light

>> No.8340139

Allow me to have a 'reasonable doubt' about your 'opinions'

>> No.8341032

Sounds uninspired

>> No.8341066
File: 282 KB, 1000x993, P1100102cropres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only consume a max of around 1700 calories per day, only eating whatever I want as long as I don't eat more than that.

However, I mostly eat whole grains, stir fried vegetables, roasted poultry (with just salt), and fiber rich fruit.

The upside? No strenuous exercise.

I haven't gained a pound in the two months since starting this. In fact, I've lost 3 pounds.

>> No.8342198

You're already at least 170.

>> No.8342211

First time on this board and it took me five seconds to realize you did not write dick. Are there really decent boards on 4chan?

>> No.8342424

Non-dairy oatmeal with berries or leftover rice with eggs or whatever I have in the fridge. Green tea.
Green vegetable juice from kale, broccoli and stuff like that or a salad, soup, ramen, rice, whatever.
Rice/potatoes/sweet potatoes/buckwheat with vegetables and a smaller piece of meat. Preferably fish. Maybe a curry or something like that. Coq au vin.

Trying to stay away from dairy as much as I can but I use butter and ghee. Also trying to cut down on my meat consumption and increase my veggie consumption. Asian cuisine and Japanese cuisine in general is my ideal when it comes to starch-vegetable-meat-dairy ratio.

>> No.8342464

Hello newfriend, enjoy your stay ^_^

>> No.8342472

>First time on this board
please leave again

>> No.8342748


>> No.8342807

>implying sugar found in fruits/veggies has the same effect as processed sugar

Nigga, I eat an apple, orange, banana, cup of blueberries, and salad/greens/carrots every day on top of oatmeal and Greek yogurt. Never felt better.

>> No.8342811

how? i said please you fucking piece of shit

>> No.8344307

You're ignorant. Enjoy being a fat fuck

>> No.8344339

the person with the healthiest diet on /ck/ is the person whose diet requires no thought, they don't talk about it or judge themselves or anyone else because of it, and it isn't extreme enough to shorten their life.

>> No.8344346

>the person with the healthiest diet on /ck/ is the person whose diet requires no thought

It's one thing to say that the person who doesn't stress over or get unnecessarily pedantic about their diet is generally healthier, but putting no thought into what you eat certainly doesn't make for a balanced, healthy life

>> No.8344551

>I'm ignorant and fat

>eat around 1200 - 1500 cals a day while cycling 5 miles and doing a bit of body weight exercises

>only eat natural whole foods with a mainly fruit and plant based diet with meat every now and then

You're right sempai time to off myself.

>> No.8344608
File: 95 KB, 750x734, 1474857764307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be me
> breakfast: apple, apple and cinnamon oats or a fruit smoothie
> usually a rice based vegetable dish
> fake chicken burrito wraps, veggie burritos, lentils, beans ect.
I have the healthiest diet that is proven to fight the top 10 leading causes of death and prevent/reverse heart disease :^]

>> No.8344708

funny you should say that. they are huge portions

>> No.8344729

a healthy tree does not think about what it eats.
Having to put thought into your diet in terms of its health means that your life is out of balance. I'm not saying one should never make choices, just that if the thought goes beyond "I would like this, I will have it now/later" or "this is not good, I would not like it" it becomes unhealthy. Generally before it is considered a disorder or even weird.

I think we just have opposite opinions about this.

>> No.8344733
File: 930 KB, 275x206, 1466739872047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>6 foot 305 pound fatass loser
>enough is enough, time to diet
>wait a bunch of videos on cutting and meal prep
>make all my food for the week in advance, while freezing some of it for freshness

1/2cup oatmeal
Protein shake
Hard-boiled egg
a multi-vitamen
-360 calories

1 fruit (apple, banana, pineapple chunks)
Mixed green salad with chicken/turkey/ham OR cucumber ham sandwich

400-500 calories


Garlic pepper chicken breast
Cup of Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots

320 calories

Total 1100-1300

Mfw lost 8 pounds after one week


>> No.8345065


nine cups of dark roast french press coffee. salted soft boiled egg, 2. eight cups of leafy greens. multivitamin+omega3+anti-depressant. nine 33cl cans of lager. 15 menthol cigarettes.

>> No.8345092

No, I think you're just objectively wrong and a fucking retard.

>> No.8345107

Don't think the anti-depressants are working bub

>> No.8345414

i just drink until i forget that i'm diabetic
works every time