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8335520 No.8335520 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw busser at restruant
>tfw know the place and how everything is done
>tfw instead of promoting me to server they hire some new idiots that have no idea what they are doing and keep fucking up
Fuck the restaurant business

>> No.8335544

They're more attractive and/or female than you

>> No.8335551

Suggest a cursory perusal of Orwell's, "Down and Out in Paris and London."

He destroys the image of high class restaurants while working in the restaurants of Paris as a factotum dishwasher.

It might help you put your life in the proper perspective.

>> No.8335557

One is a half senile guy that looks like mccain actually. Just fucking boomers looking out for eachothet

>> No.8335559

I suggest you fuck yourself.

>> No.8335564

dawg, homie...bro. I was in exactly your position a year and a half ago at a fairly high end restaurant. busting my ass every day bussing tables. I saw new people ranking up way faster than I was. I bothered the management on a daily basis for months and they finally threw me a bone and i got some server training. I just got done doing a double shit today at a very busy lunch/brunch and an even faster dinner service. I sold $2,500 worth of food an walked with over $450 (after tipping out the busser, expo QA, host, and bartender. thats on top of $10/hour pay and $15/hour overtime pay. Just keep working hard bro and prove to them you are smart and capable. And make friends. It's all about WHO you know. good luck fellow bus-bro.

>> No.8335577
File: 44 KB, 603x762, 1480787248247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jus b urself

>> No.8335578
File: 127 KB, 1261x946, busboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 shifts, 22 hours work, only tips, paycheck not included.
>unskilled labor
>high school education

>> No.8335582

uh no dont be yourself. be an outgoing cunt with tables and an adorable fuck with management until you get what you want.

>> No.8335584

>Pleeb Work

>> No.8335590


$40+ per hour with barely a high school education "pleeb work"

shit dawg ill suck a dick under the table for that money. im in school too.

>> No.8335598
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you work for donald trump? I work at an upscale restaurant and as a busser i make MAYBE 1/6th of what servers make on a good week

>> No.8335601

hi it's (you) here, what percent do you make?

>> No.8335618

Idk. But on thanksgiving i worked 12 hours and barely broke 100 while the servers where going home with nearly 1k so its probably less than 1/6th

>> No.8335647

1/6 isn't a percentage you stupid faggot.

Do the math, I want to see if you're even worth that hundred dollar tip.

>> No.8335707

Be gentle. He's not quite aware how to divide 6 into 1. Maybe he was educated in US public school?

Give him a break and let him have the $100.00 tip. He has to live in the US afterall.

>> No.8335742

No, fuck that.
I want to see him dance for that money.


>> No.8335744

gimmie ur address so i can rob you

>> No.8335908

>anon WANTS to be a server

this is why you're a busser and will always be a busser. you're just trash

>> No.8335925

I'm not even trying to be a racist cunt here, but if your English is still some ESL shit, you can very well expect never to be a server, unless you're GOAT in every other sense. Every now and then a place will put someone without great English in a server/captain spot if they are on point elsewhere and bring some "charm", but you can't do the job if semi drunk people can't understand you because you have an accent.

Also, as some other dude said, make friends with the management. That's how the weird non white people with accents get the job: they're killer aside from their accent and management likes them.

To be more in depth, the reason you probably aren't a server is because customers at upper middle to high end places want someone who they feel is at least as or more "cultured" than them. Even if it's white college dropouts, they want to think that these people have read a fair degree of "literature", and that while the customer has read more, these persons (servers) have done a bit in that direction and have more experience with food/wine. That's why a customer at a nice restaurant trusts the server. They don't, and almost never will, trust a different ethnicity that can't even speak English "right", because they know that person never read any hemingway.

These people want to be waited on by people who have had some college but didn't channel that into a career. That's how they feel special and successful.

If you can't fit that profile, then good luck, but it probably won't work.

And if you aren't white (or potentially asian), then get ready to bus dishes for another couple of years at this joint before management decides they like you more than they think customers won't trust you.

>> No.8336124


>> No.8336145

I swear to christ if you misuse quotation marks one more time I'll straight up punch you in the twat.

>> No.8336149


>> No.8336167

have you been tested for autism already?

>> No.8336189

I somewhat agree with this.

Protip: no matter how angry americans are about it, France is the source of all high class food traditions in the Western world.

Rare steak? France. Dry wine? France. Eating with the fork in your left hand? France. Champagne and cognac? France. Salad as a standard course? France. Cooking as an art form? France.

Clam chowder? America. Martinis? America. Possibly also eating lobster with your hands, but in any case the list is perilously short. Same goes for England, unless you really like mashed potatoes and all their variations.

I recommend reading Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat.

>> No.8336195

The idea that you work your way up in a job is bs.
To get a promo you need to use your current experience to get a higher level job somewhere else.

>> No.8336206


>> No.8336466

1/6th was just a guess from overhearing the waiters talk towards the end of thw shift you stupid fuck i dont know the actual % and im too afraid to ask ;_;

>> No.8336468

Servers make good money. Bussers make a Mcdonald's tier wage even at fi e dining establishments

>> No.8336471

Probably because you aren't out going. Anyone can be a server, it takes a certain weirdo Autist to be a busser.

>> No.8336475

Im white you moron. g-d forbid i dont use perfect grammar while greentexting

>> No.8336477

you are a)ugly b)fat c)autistic

a)dress and groom better, its ok to be ugly if you look sharp
b)lose weight. fat waitstaff is restaurant suicide
c)just be glad you're not in a home and try not to babble, geek.

>> No.8336481

>dress and groom better
i wear a uniform.
>lose weight
Im 145 pounds at 6'0 if i lost weight i would be skelly

>> No.8336511

TFW fat bartender/server still pull in over $300 a night

>> No.8337277

>145 lbs

You're already a skelly m8

>> No.8337293

>>tfw instead of promoting me (to server) they hire some new idiots that have no idea what they are doing and keep fucking up

Welcome to every business ever. The problem is you're TOO good at your job.

>> No.8337319

just a quick question, have you let management know you'd like to be more than a busser? I mean of course their not gonna bump you up if you show no interest in it