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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8330046 No.8330046 [Reply] [Original]

Hi peepoo and I'm back cooking agehn

Sweetcorn fritters:


New queen of /ck/! Discuss her recipes, enjoy the videos.

>> No.8330053

what a masterfully crafted meal
truly the queen of /ck

>> No.8330063

It's funny because she obviously skim reads a recipe or food idea and just wings it!

In one video she makes a corned beef hash, I used to have a girlfriend from 'up North' and her mother makes it pretty much the same way.

Northerners are funny folk.

>> No.8330097

do British peeeepooh really live like this? Her kitchen is a pigsty, her food is atrocious, I'm a native English speaker, but sometimes it's like she's speaking a different language.

Oh England, you so crazy

>> No.8330101

I doubt it. She's pretty much the ultimate white trash. I feel bad for her son.

>> No.8330105

She is from Northern England, I suspect South Yorkshire.

She probably lives on benefits along with her son. Like I said here >>8330063 Northerners are funny people but most of them mean well.

>> No.8330112

I want her and Jack to breed and produce the meme to end all memes.

>> No.8330117

But Jack isn't nowhere near her when it comes to these edible abominations. Quite a few of his videos are just fine, nothing special. Face it, Jack is done, he's lost it.

Kay is the new queen of /ck/.

>> No.8330121

There is a big difference between Kay and Jack.

Kay just cooks badly done grub, has a laugh and eats it.
Jack thinks he is Marco Pierre White V2.0 and takes himself too seriously.

>> No.8330133

no he doesn't. In the opening video for his channel he says that you will see him screw up. The main difference is, that he not even close to being as bad as she is. She maintains a constant high level of shittiness. He doesn't. He's outright boring compared to Kay, queen of /ck/.

>> No.8330136

Her videos have become something I just put on in the background. Her "yeah I know I'm shit but whatever" attitude is so uplifting. Where Jack drives me into a raging fury at his ignorance of his own ignorance, Kay puts a smile on my face.

>> No.8330137

I beg to differ sir.

Jack has made a marketed a range of sauces and stuff, I can't see Kay doing that.

I watched his original video of Yorkshire puddings and he genuinely went nuts over them and how good they were before the shitstorm from Brits descended upon him and he remade the video.

>> No.8330146

watching this now
hope i dint go into a limey rage too much

>> No.8330147

she's from sheffield you're right

>> No.8330153

>she's from sheffield you're right
I'm from the South West but I used to visit Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham quite frequently so it was a good guess.

>> No.8330172

it's literally the arsehole of the planet round there

>> No.8331491
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>> No.8331521

Little known fact about Kay's Good Cooking - Her taste tester and son Lee cannot eat cheese.

>> No.8331604
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new vid


>> No.8331634

it looks like she's boiling logs of shit

>> No.8331651
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it looks like shes feeding it to her dog as well

That's animal abuse right?

>> No.8331661

the dog gets the same food. This is so depressing

>> No.8331710

How the fuck does she come up with these terrible recipes?

>> No.8331726

They seem to be pretty standard British cuisine. Lots of Britbongs have mentioned in these threads that in England she's a actually a good cook.

>> No.8331735

I don't get it, are you joking or do you seriously believe this? I understand that Americans are only able to see the world through stereotypes, hence the terrible english food stereotype etc., but surely even Americans have enough common sense to realise she's a terrible cook.

If you're serious: all the "britbongs" saying this is normal food were American trolls

>> No.8331761

It's not my fault you island monkeys have such atrocious food that she's considered a good cook.

>> No.8331766

Oh look, Mr. Kraft Singles is calling me a bad cook.

>> No.8331768

>watching helpless people fucking up in the kitchen and laughing about it unironically

I get that it's entertaining to watch, but remember; that could be your stepmother/father at your next Thanksgiving

>> No.8331774

>were American trolls

You think? Tell me, what was your first clue?

>> No.8331780

Not an Amerilard. But you're definitely a Britbong. And Kay right here seems to be representative of your fine British cuisine. Embrace it.

>> No.8331781

It's a shame that /ck/still doesn't have flags

>> No.8331785

>ITT: bong defending their objectively shit-tier cuisine

>> No.8331790

You are American, bro. Americans are the only ones who are so stupid they actually believe their stereotypes.

>> No.8331799

Nope, German here.

Du wirst es mir eh nicht glauben, du rotgesichtiger Inselaffe.

>> No.8331894


>> No.8331922

>Add mince beef to cold water
>slowly bring it to the boil on a shitty electric cookertop

Only time I felt angry watching these videos

>> No.8331972

Auch ohne dich werde ich leben

>> No.8332989

Pretty much standard fare for about 60% of the brit pop.

>> No.8333079


>being this bad of a troll

Do people even try anymore? It must get boring to go back to a 70 year old stereotype as your only way to make people mad.

Why not insult Japanese cuisine? That's be sure to get people more genuinely angry.

>> No.8333149

As far as I can tell, Kays videos have been released this year, so I feel like that "70 year old stereotype" is quite a current affair. I couldn't even troll as hard as you Bongs are trolling yourselves.

>> No.8333303

did Kay for for Brexit? lets have a vote

>> No.8333332


Bad food is bad food, but a smile is a smile. This used to depress me, but it just is what it is.

>> No.8333336


>> No.8333342

good lord wake me up
furiously masturbating nigger, if you are here, good work on the comment section. i kek'd hard
i honestly doubt she voted

>> No.8333563

Wanna hear an oxymoron? German fine dining.

>> No.8333573

Americans are incapable of seeing the world in any other way than as a product of outdated stereotypes from film and television.

>> No.8333575

im thinking of actually copying a kay recipe just to see how bad it tastes

>> No.8333674

Why is there no 'like' button on here?

>> No.8333761

Yeah, but I don't see German cooks fuck things up this badly.

>> No.8333782

It's hard to screw up boiling a sausage and emptying a jar of sauerkraut, which is German cuisine.

>> No.8333783

>I can't taste it at all
>thumbs up

>> No.8333886

There's limits to how much you can fuck up innards and cabbage I suppose.

>> No.8333975
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I don't know what to think anymore

>> No.8334003
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>Her cooking is so bad it's literally dog food

It would be funny if she wasn't subjecting that poor dog to her slop

>> No.8334181
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>he's lost it

>> No.8334207
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Post your webums lads.

>> No.8334218

Why is that person cooking eggs in used engine oil?

>> No.8334220

its over
jack is done

>> No.8334237

yeah we need more kay webms

>> No.8334332

I really feel like I'm getting in on the ground floor of KGC with this tidbit of info.

>> No.8334350

Yeh she's one of the best English cooks I've seen

>> No.8334355

>claims Americans only deal in stereotypes by literally stereotyping Americans

>> No.8334366

Agreed mate! Her whoulesome coumfy cooking reminds me of me mums cooking.

brb got to eat some spotted dick and faggots while watching the beeb on the telly

Rule Britannia!

>> No.8334373

>Clappyfat pretending to be a Bong for no good reason
>Can't even spell "comfy" correctly


>> No.8334379


>> No.8334383

burgersharts on suicide watch

>> No.8334385

>the obsession continues

Honestly though, is your own country so shit you have to shitpost to deflect any criticism?

Anyway, just realised the Kangaroo's are awake, so of course the shitposting has gone through the roof. Should have guessed.

>> No.8334405

Sorry but nearly every interaction with Americans has shown it to be true. That and the terrible geography

>> No.8334411

So cute, a bunch of angry limeys in a Kay thread.

She's British, you're British, own it.

>> No.8334421

I'm British. I do own it. She's fucking shit.

Just as Jack is American, and Jack is shit, and Burgers need to own that.

What nobody needs is a bunch of Kangeroo's pretending to be Bongs shitposting, all because nobody gives a single shit about their country. Honestly, their so jealous it's sad. It's the only way they can get any attention, apart from the occasional mention of a pie floater.

>> No.8335748
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>queen of /ck/
>not the tard bitch

>> No.8336004


>> No.8336012

never heard of her

>> No.8336039

Chrisselivingwithcerebralpalsy I think is her channel name. Watching her make pancakes was the most adorable and encouraging thing ever. Here I'll find the video for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwIwTdBOJvk

yes she is very hot

>> No.8336044

She's not hot, adorable or encouraging. She is a cripple. She can never be queen of /ck/ because of this, but most of all because her channel isn't cooking themed.

KAY is the queen of /ck/.

>> No.8336073

Oh get off it I'm not trying to replace your meme-queen.

You're saying she's not hot etc.. and she can't be Queen because of this.. are you saying Kay is hot, encouraging and adorable? And not a cripple? Bitch probably uses a chair lift not to mention the obvious mental handicap.

>> No.8336083

Kay has huge knockers.

>> No.8336094

There's a bright side to everything I guess

>> No.8336470

She doesn't seem to wear a bra a lot of times

>> No.8336491
File: 11 KB, 299x168, gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did not expect such culinary prowess from your appearance, i am impressed
the meat is tender, juicy
perfectly cooked
the pasta, divine
did you salt the water? oh you didnt? i am stunned, these bows are excellent
the way you used your tuition with the gravy granules, masterful
well kay
you beat me
you win
here are the keys to my restaurant.

>> No.8336492
File: 60 KB, 587x400, british_and_proud_by_scarletmoon_98-d5j3fy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi mates, she's not a bad cook. Just because she doesn't use posh French spices, it doesn't mean the food is bad. She let's the flavours of the ingredients speak for themselves.

I for one would just love to see her take on our classic sunday roast!

>> No.8336499

kay is one step ahead

>> No.8336510

Please say it ain't so

>> No.8336521

You know damn well that they're all fat and sag like 8 balls in socks

>> No.8336531

Blimey, never saw this one. Thanks mate, I'm going to have to use her recipe, looks splendid!