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File: 85 KB, 580x384, spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8328805 No.8328805 [Reply] [Original]

Is this stuff as healthy as its made up to be?

its pretty much the only green veg (assuming it even is a 'green veg') I eat on a consistent basis anymore cause its the only one that really suits what I eat mostly these days and I'd like to think its giving me at least a reasonable amount of my weekly rec'd greenery as its routinely touted as some sort of magic food

>> No.8328855

dont eat too much or yo might get kidney stoones

>> No.8328860

Don't listen to this guy.
I eat a can a day and punch the shit our of bad guys.
Spinach makes you a god.

>> No.8328879

it's called oxaclates you fucking idiot

>> No.8328884

no those pesticides will kill you

>> No.8328885

It's called big arms you lummox.

>> No.8329898

Ive eaten 4 heaping handfuls of spinach with every meal, everyday for years and never had kidney stones.

>> No.8329918

yes but variety is the key to a healthy diet and getting the freshest produce and saving money.

>> No.8329949
File: 32 KB, 413x939, Powerhouse-Fruits-and-Veggies-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this stuff as healthy as its made up to be?
Yes, it's vastly more nutritious per calorie than kale for example. Listen to >>8329918 though and get a variety. If it's not a leafy veggie you can get it flash frozen in bags pre-cut cheaper and have all the nutritional content with less prep work. I like to buy California/Mediterranean veggie blends in bulk.

>> No.8329951

A can? A can of what?
Please don't tell me spinach comes in cans in America

>> No.8329964

We got em in bags too. Cause you know, variety. Something you non Americans cannot possibly fathom

>> No.8330044
File: 32 KB, 350x655, Aceite de Oliva Carbonell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't bother with spinach. I just eat olive oil and it feels great.

>> No.8330051

Hilarious given that the primary cause of kidney stones across the Western world is excess intake of animal protein and salt.

>> No.8330052

Yeah, it does. In the past, when I was growing up, it was babbys first taste of spinach and why most amerifats grew up thinking they hated spinach. It's a slimy, inedible mess without nutrients.

>> No.8330066

Pretty much everything is available in cans.

>> No.8330086
File: 41 KB, 600x618, 1443661975-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ lad

>> No.8330087
File: 81 KB, 350x332, What-is-Spinach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't tell me spinach comes in cans in America
Please, we've been eating canned spinach for generations.

This is true, but you be careful because they tend to sneak extra sodium into the cans to act as a preservative (not salt just sodium itself), and they are packed in water so that the actual yield you get of food by weight can be as much as 50% less which drives up the actual unit price.

>> No.8330099

*citation needed

>> No.8330132

I only know canned spinach from the Popeye cartoons, does America not grow spinach?
I don't understand why it was canned.

>> No.8330140

I want to have sex with a spinach

>> No.8330190



Spinach should be eaten fresh without added salt.


>> No.8330193

That sounds gross. No wonder americans live on fast food if they're subjected to such abuse as babies

Vegemite all the way from birth desu

>> No.8330221

Spinach is no miracle.

Back in the day (when Popeye was the top) someone screwed up some decimal places or units, and listed spinach with 100 times the amount of iron it has. Some journalist spotted the entry and made a big article on the wonders of spinach, and the BS got repeated so many times the whole hype blew out of proportions, and the debunk message never gained as much traction as the myth.

It's not bad, but it's just another vegetable. If you're fine with the taste, all the more power to you.

Personally, I prefer other stuff - there is absolutely no reason to force yourself to each spinach specifically, even if it's a couple percent better than other things, it's still better to enjoy, say, a bowl of carrot salad than suffer half a bowl of spinach if you happen to like carrot and hate spinach.

>> No.8330226
File: 16 KB, 236x424, Popeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case any of you wonder what olive oil tastes like; the answer is salty coins.

>> No.8330323

t. McChicken eater

>> No.8330334



>> No.8330358


>Measuring nutrition of leafy greens per calorie
>Not per gram

That's stupid. Nobody cares if they have to eat 20 calories of some vegetable vs 40 calories of another to get the same amount of nutrition. The question is how much actual food are you eating, and perhaps how much each cost per pound.

>> No.8330593

why the hell do foreigners not understand sarcasm and jokes?

>> No.8330612

>why the hell do foreigners not understand sarcasm and jokes?

Are you trying to say the whole Popeye era was just a 'Hurr Durr - I was only trolling' thing?

>> No.8331759


Popeye was propaganda meant to encourage kids to eat spinach, sure, but that doesn't mean during that era the only form, or even the most common form of spinach available was cans. That would be silly.

>> No.8331767

Any food you have to rinse off before you eat is obviously not going to be good for you.

>> No.8331860
File: 131 KB, 465x319, rinsingturkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed, turkey is a good example of that.

>> No.8332057

it's not about the quality it's about the quantity. proper amounts of ingredients is what it is all about

>> No.8332404

>sweet ptatoes that low

>> No.8332504


It's based on the amount of calories. So anything starchy is gonna have a shit score even though humans need calories to survive.