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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 1200x796, sweet_corn_kernel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8324644 No.8324644 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make these bastards edible? They are just bitter and gross, but I want to conquer them.

>> No.8324648

keep them on the cob. The second they're torn off the cob or stuck into some shitty can full of sugar-salty brine, it's a no-go for me.

On the cob, with plenty of salt, pepper and butter. There is no other way

>> No.8324650


>> No.8324687


I've never eaten bitter corn in all my life.
If it's fresh corn, there's no reason at all for it to be bitter. Also, fresh corn is best when roasted on the cob.
If you're talking about either canned or frozen corn, simmer the corn in water with a pinch of sugar and pinch of salt in it, and top with a little butter. That should take care of whatever it is you mean by "bitter".

>> No.8324700

>They are just bitter

what kind of corn are you eating lad?

>> No.8324714

if you have the cobs, then making a corn cob stock is a nice way to go

saute the kernels in some butter, then add some stock and let it reduce until you've got as much liquid as you like. add salt if needed

the corn cob stock adds a nice sweetness. I've known people who add a sprinkling of sugar when they're heating up those bags of frozen kernels, but I don't bother with that. just butter, salt and a bit of water

>> No.8324715

>sweet corn
You what now? Nobody here can fix your literally broken tastebuds.

>> No.8324718

How the fuck are they bitter? You have shit taste

>> No.8324720

Butter or salt, or use them in a recipe like chicken pot pie or something

But agreeing with everyone else, corn should be slightly sweet tasting. You must just have some shitty corn

>> No.8324722


it even says in your pic sweet corn, if it is bitter then you have a shitty batch or it is you that is broken.

>> No.8324728

Did you rob a field that was growing corn for industrial use? That is the only way I can imagine this scenario.

>> No.8324737

Sorry, by bitter I mean they taste like shit and disgusting.

And I'm yuropoor, I only get canned corn. They already have sugar and salt added, but the sugar-free ones taste just as bad, probably even a little worse.

Canned peas taste great so it's not the canning process that ruins them.

>> No.8324739

Stop eating corn meant for ethanol production

>> No.8324779
File: 1013 KB, 2261x3000, ed204a36e967ab6836e6144af06c22ab0fd20da2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so you can't get fresh corn on the cob, but are you sure you can't get bags of frozen sweet corn? I don't think I've ever had canned corn, but frozen corn is good

>> No.8324824

>Canned peas taste great

Broken palate detected.

All canned peas are seriously overcooked due to the length of time needed to ensure safety with canned food; they're fucking nasty. Corn doesn't have that problem; it naturally has a lot longer cooking time than peas do so it isn't harmed the same way by the canning process.

It's all in your head, op.

>> No.8324843

>making a corn cob stock is a nice way to go

>saute the kernels in some butter, then add some stock

I think I found the autist