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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 728x1087, Coke_Freestyle_1_t728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8318007 No.8318007 [Reply] [Original]

>People infront of you who spend 5 minutes when using this

>> No.8318030

>little old lady reading all the options slowly

>all I want is some goddamn lemonade

I'm too polite to say anything though

>> No.8318085

Never saw one of these before is it like some sort of soda tablet

>> No.8318087

The touchscreen is garbage and rarely recognizes input though

>> No.8318088

Choose a soda, choose a flavoring to go with it. Want a Vanilla Coke? Diet Cherry Sprite? Grape Dr. Pepper? Etc.

Only ever seen it at one or two places around where I am, get plenty of tourists assuming the place I work at uses it, though. Some get huffy about it.

>> No.8318090

Coke freestyle machine, they are all over my state now

>> No.8318094

This is a coca Cola freestyle

>> No.8318098

You can find them in Germany too.
At Burger King

>> No.8318150
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>vanilla rootbeer
>raspberry lemonade
>cherry gingerale

>> No.8318155
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>having to wait for fatfucks to get their high fructose brown bubble water when all you want is water

>> No.8318157

they look at it like its a math problem

>I go up
>choose classic coke

>> No.8318165

>can't enjoy the occasional novelty of creating your own tasty beverage. Healthy and sophisticated elite

>> No.8318168

Orange vanilla Hi-C is the fuckin best

>> No.8318184

If I want something sweet I'd have dessert, friendo.

>> No.8318187

Never seen one either, but I've seen threads about them here.Wouldn't apply to me anyways because I don't drink soda.

>> No.8318203
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>> No.8318253

I don't mind it when it's an old person or a really young kid who maybe can't read well yet. I hate when it's a gaggle of teenagers or a sperg who has to check and every flavor when there's a line.

>> No.8318271

They installed them inside our local Burger King mid-September. I have to say that I enjoy them.

>> No.8318274


Ha. The people who use these machines have no self control, the lazy fat cunts.

>> No.8318294

good friend of mine travels the country fixing these things. Hired by coke, makes bank, and the dude is only 23. Wish my life was that together desu

>> No.8318300


>> No.8318303

I had some today when I went to Firehouse Subs for lunch.
Got my usual: Raspberry Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero.
Shit was cash, yo.

>> No.8318310

The touchscreen isn't particularly responsive and there's always a noticeable lag on the input so I can't even be mad most of the time when someone has problems with the machine.

>> No.8318388

Peach Vanilla Sprite

>> No.8318394

>not immediately going for Cherry Mellow Yellow
You are fucking up.

>> No.8318410

>getting anything but vanilla rootbeer

>> No.8318418

I blame idiots who press hard as shit

>> No.8318425
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Why these machines don't have a "popular choices" menu is beyond me. Just put coke, sprite, lemonade etc. right on the first page. That way you don't have people digging into menus when all they want is a root beer.

>> No.8318430

Not enough castoreum in normal rootbeer for you?

>> No.8318435
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>> No.8318437


I don't give a fuck, nigger

>> No.8318439

>tfw you still mix every drink on the machine.

>> No.8318442

Nobody here cares

This isn't Reddit, you're not gonna freak people out by saying "BEAVER GLANDS!!!!!"

>> No.8318444

God bless the graveyard.

>> No.8318463

>tfw it's out of what you want

>tfw the second one runs out of what you want mid-pour

>> No.8318478

Root beer was better when they were still making it with castoreum. PETAfags ruin everything.

>> No.8318479

You motherfuckers are wasting your time if you don't put raspberry in every drink.


>> No.8318503
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>it's a "dispenses half the regular amount of syrup" episode

>> No.8318519

>I can finally get fucking ginger-ale
This machine's are magic.

>> No.8318779
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Why don't you just use the hose you health concerned fuck?

>> No.8318827

Banana coke is the best choice

>> No.8318845

our mcdonalds got this
then they went full automation, hardly anyone goes there anymore. feelsgoodman

I think they're going to take it out though. If it's anything like our walmart, people refused to use the self-service even when the manager was waving her arms and jumping around saying they were open and empty. They ended up taking out 8 of the 10 self checkouts and put 2 of them at the far end of the checkout lanes and they're only on between like 10 and 6

>> No.8318866

Pals and I used to have competitions to see who could make the nastiest drink in these fucking meme-machines.

>I made a friend throw up in the middle of fuddruckers once.
>we never played that game again.

If I remembered the recipe I'd share it was something like diet coke, coffee, ginger ale and a slurry of other bullshit, it was all done by the ounce though.

>> No.8318907

My father was the lead programmer for these things.

>> No.8318941

Did he also work for Nintendo?

>> No.8318976


>> No.8318986

Nope totally agree. Drinking calories for plebs.

>> No.8318991

When the machines revolt I hope they kill you first.

>> No.8318995

The input response time on these things are so slow.

I had snappier performance on my old Droid X phone with a shoddy build of Ice Cream Sandwich Android install.

>> No.8319004

Meh, I'd believe it. Interactive tech like that doesn't require complicated logic or have insane timing/processing requirements (it's literally just an array of sensors and motors + a screen), so the bar for getting a job like that isn't high. Hell, it's probably easier since most people who are capable of that would rather program something more interesting, like rockets and shit.

>> No.8319168

You hate beer too?

Straight edge teenage fedorman

>> No.8319193
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>diet coke

>> No.8319211

Protip: Raspberry flavor is beaver butthole.

>> No.8319222


Yes, because one should totally care about eating beaver buttholes because ground beef is a higher class of cut?

>> No.8319285

Where do you live where people are too retarded/lazy to use self check-out and automation

>> No.8319381

They are hit and miss. The one at the Qdoba I go to is garbage but Wendy's works perfectly.

>> No.8319429

Grape/Cherry Sprite master race reporting in

>> No.8319437

Fuck yeah, Vanilla Ginger Ale!

>> No.8319442

I thought i was the only one, vanilla barqs is my shit. also orange coke

>> No.8319445

Beer sucks but I love whiskey and vodka.

>> No.8319451

Cherry vanilla coke

>> No.8319462

Cherry Vanilla Coke was great when you could still buy it from the shelves. But making it yourself is also nice too.

>> No.8319466

the concept is awesome, but efficiency suffers when only one person can fill up at a time. They have this machine at my local jack n box, and I simply avoid going there during busy times. They need a second machine.

>> No.8319485

For ordering food I think it's easier to do it by person. I used one of those shitty machines in McDonalds and you have to go through like 5 different steps and have to wait for the machine to transition to the next step. It's just faster to go up to somebody and say I want A and B.

>> No.8319495


These use Splunk to report vending usage back to Coke HQ.

By using these you become a product for Coke to better sell to you

>> No.8319503

Obesity ladies and gentlemen

>> No.8319507

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.8319533

If this results in them bottling strawberry Sprite I have no problem with this.

Maybe if you had to enter personal information to use the machine that would be a bad thing, but Coke knowing that someone orders this one combination once a week means absolutely nothing.

>> No.8319545
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I fucking love these things. I can't get packaged Cherry or Vanilla Coke in my area, so this was a Godsend.

>> No.8319946

This. They're fucking garbage.

>> No.8319975
File: 63 KB, 719x684, 1479689276478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that examine every single package in the grocery store despite having zero knowledge of what it is they should be looking for and, 90% of the time, are just looking to save 5 cents
>People that fuck up a grocery isle looking for the cheapest package and then just leave it a mess
>"I don't want that ribeye, too much fat in it"
>Lady cuts ahead of me in the drive-thru line, is surprised to see the employees gave her my order
>Instead of going around and picking up hers (which she would have gotten if she wasn't an impatient cunt) she throws her car in reverse and nearly fucks up my car
>People that go to the store, meet someone they know and construct a roadblock in the isle with their carts while talking about whatever the fuck
>They never seem to realize (or don't care) how rude and inconvenient it is
>Order a steak rare, can only expect it to be medium rare
>Cook for family, they wont eat my steaks because they're "too rare" even if I make them medium
>Cook them well done like they ask
>"Anon these steaks are so dry!"
>People like in the OP that treat basic beverage decisions like they're about to pull the plug on a family member
>People that don't know what they want when you pull up to a drive-thru or take 50 minutes to figure out what they want at a sit down restaurant
>Order pizza with friends, they all want a greasy shit tasting meat lovers pizza instead of a clean onion + pepper cheese pizza
>In the mood for something exotic, go to every store within 50 miles and nobody has the spices/fish/anything I'm looking for
>Neither of my parents can cook, so when I visit they boil chicken in plain water (or broth if I'm lucky) and I feel like I need to eat that for my entire visit or I'll offend them

It's like any interaction even remotely related to food is being organized by a higher power with the intention of making me crazy

>> No.8319995
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Oh and who can forget:

>Old lady ahead of you uses the "7 items or less" checkout with 8 items
>Takes 5 minutes searching for exact change to pay for it
>Resigns to pay by check instead lest she encumber herself with an additional 5 pennies
>Takes her another 5 minutes to find and write a check
>Lingers to make small talk with the cashier








>> No.8320015

Too bad they all taste the same because its a shitty idea to have all the soda come through the same spout.

Plus even when you actually do use the water button to rinse it out, they obviously use the cheapest shittiest flavoring there is. I was so pissed when my Wawas replaced their regular machine with one of these pieces of shit

>> No.8320019

>job gets eliminated
>company keeps all the profit and you have to spend more time doing the work that could be done faster by a person

I don't use them out of spite in hopes of fucking up whatever metrics they keep.

>> No.8320093


Some of them are pretty crappy and dispense very little syrup. If that happens my default is half a cup of lemonade and then the other half the tea from the metal can next to it by the condiments for an Arnold Palmer. They also tend to run out of the good ones like root beer and fruit sodas

>> No.8320255

I bet no one here has tried Orange Vanilla Coke

>> No.8320265

I fucking hate these things. People take forever using them and they taste like shit. They only use a certain set of syrups. They just mix that shit up and try to approximate the flavor of DP. Soda is dead,

>> No.8320311

fuck you. they were designed by ferrari. i will take however the fuck long i want to with my robot waifu before i have to hand her over.

>> No.8320384

The self-checkout machines broke down so much that the Jack in the Box and a local grocery chain got rid of them. Hell, even the new Walgreens near me abandoned the self-pay prescription terminals after 3 months.

>> No.8320419

Agreed. Every flavor is wrong on those fucking things.

>> No.8320423

Anyone know how it would work having one of these in a private home? Will they allow it? How about acquiring syrups?

>> No.8320539

My negro

>> No.8320557

I spent 10 minutes trying to find melon fanta i fucking hate jack in the box 38#88#727281 flavors

>> No.8320686

People at work found out about this, gave me shit about my vanilla coke. They all changed there drink preferences for about 2 weeks. Got to laugh at them for going back while I kept mine.

>> No.8320710

I tried to get one for my business so my employees could use it. It works like this:
You cannot buy or even rent the machine. However, if you buy enough syrup from your local Coca Cola sales rep then they might consider loaning you one. It's all about how much syrup you use. The problem is that you need to buy a ridiculous amount of syrup for them to even consider them giving you a small fountain let alone one of those fancy machines.

>>acquiring syrups
You buy that from your local coca-cola rep. It is also sold at some "warehouse club" stores like Sam's Club or Costco.

>> No.8320727

god i fucking hates those things so fucking much, half the time the thing you want is out and people will literally spend 10 minutes in front of it looking through every option only to end up getting coke anyway

>> No.8320739

If they ever worked it wouldn't be an issue. Also the long list of items you can't self check. You're gonna have to get someone to come over and un-fuck it anyway, why not just use a normal lane to begin with.

>> No.8321900

dumb frogposter

>> No.8322279

It has lemon-lime seltzer.
Also plain seltzer, water, and flavored waters.
But I always get the lemon-lime.

>> No.8322290

you could try
>excuse me madma, may I help you?

>> No.8322305

One time, I opened up the hidden settings menu on one of these and left it like this. Customers were confused and the employees had to get the manager to the machine to turn the menu off.

>> No.8322309

My wawa went from a normal one to some weird hybrid with 4 spouts. 2 spouts were for sodas and then there was another 2 spouts for flavoring. The upside to this was I could fill my cup a third full of the cherry syrup and then fill it up with sprite. They only had 4 flavoring a though: cherry, raspberry, vanilla and
>fucking chocolate
Whoever made that decision instead of having orange or anything else is a retard

>> No.8322331

Also I should add that that one lasted less than a year before it got replaced with the red pods from disappointment land

>> No.8322343

>black people who get every different fucking flavor of lemonade/Hi-C

>> No.8322354


>grocery isle

>> No.8322360

ive only ever seen one and it was a wendys inside a hospital

>> No.8322371

Ha! My husband and our sons were at a Wendy's that had the same soda machines in OP's pic...I sat the kids down and walked over to get sodas, and the guy in front of me tried to command the machine to dispense the soda...he just looked at it and said "Dr. Pepper" then after a few seconds he realized it didn't work that way!!

>> No.8322584
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>a wendys inside a hospital

>> No.8322605

I love these things cause they always have lime sparkling water. Which is pretty dang good.

>> No.8322656

>stop living in a flyover state and most of these get fixed.

>> No.8322678


Exactly. That is why Vanilla and cherry Coke was in Canada for a limited time and boy do they sold out fast

>> No.8322714


>> No.8322729

Bullshit, they don't have coffee

>> No.8322740

>Orange coke


>> No.8322742

Tried this thing for the first time at Wendy's a while back. Seems like the flavors aren't stocked regularly and you end up getting soda water. I'll pass next time

>> No.8322887

"Hey, mind if I hop in front of you? I already know what I want."

Sorted like a non-autist. And I can even be passive agressive.

>> No.8322947

If you said that to me, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself

>> No.8322972

No you wouldn't you fucking coward.

>> No.8322979

I'll even tell you right now to go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself

>> No.8322997
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say that to my face not online motherfucker and see what happens

>> No.8323002
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What if I want a pepsi?

>> No.8323004

What hose? In order to get water you have to use this Coca Cola machine so go FUCK yourself.

>> No.8323020

Please tell me you live in Montana

>> No.8323171


Nigga you dumb as hell.