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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8315464 No.8315464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8315471

I'm going to pat it dry anyway, so I'd rather not have turkey/chicken juice all over my cutting board/counter.

>> No.8315475

gotta get rid of those bone fragments.

>> No.8315486


>> No.8316169
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>> No.8316176

>American chickens are so disease ridden and are raised in such bad conditions that it is necessary for the consumer to wash the meat

>> No.8316180

small price to pay for fucking FREEDOM

>> No.8316218

Please stop embarassing americans like me with your nonsense.

>> No.8316247

cooking properly gets rid of pathogens, washing the meat does literally fuck all but splash salmonella all over literally everything

>> No.8316310


I work in a kitchen and "washing" raw chicken is considered a critical health code violation, in that it presents an imminent threat to public health and safe.


>> No.8316583
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>washing chicken
Is that a thing?

>> No.8316663

for dumbass white cucks, yes.

>> No.8316666


children type cucks, never type cucks or you're a 15 year old. Are you a kid?

>> No.8316685
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Nice quads.
Also, I'm not a kid, just black.

It's a running joke among black people that the average white person is a terrible cook who finds un-seasoned meat

>> No.8316689

shit, submitted before I finished typing... Didn't even fill out a captcha, wtf.

....finds un-seasoned meat and shit like that appetizing..

>> No.8316702

Julia Child told everyone to do it and it led to a spike in food poisoning rates.


>> No.8316708

That's interesting, because it's a running joke among white people that you're a nigger.

>> No.8316728

You sound triggered.

>> No.8316761

.......I buy a lot of meat from Wal-Mart and most of the non-ground-up stuff has some kind of almost sticky almost gelatinous shit all over it. It doesn't even feel like real meat when I touch it.

I would say it's perfectly reasonable to wash that off. After running my thumbs over it under running water a few times it no longer feels like it was mold-injected plastic at any time in its life cycle.

I guess for normal meat washing it first isn't usually worth anything yeah.

>> No.8317414

>it's perfectly reasonable not to buy meat from a store that routinely has gelatinous shit covering it.

>> No.8317417

I think you've shitposter so much that you're incapable of making sense anymore.

>> No.8317494

I like to taste the natural flavors

>> No.8317543

You fucking idiot, the only people I've ever even heard of doing this are black people

>> No.8317553

Why would you keep buying that disgusting shit?

>> No.8317588


>> No.8317598

DESU, the problem is less to do with the act of washing itself (which I personally do to get rid of all the congealed fluids coating the meat) and more with being too lazy to properly clean your sink afterwards.

If you don't wash up, handling any kind of raw food any kind of way is asking for trouble, period.

>> No.8317602

The hell? What changed 'desu' in my post to 'DESU'?

>> No.8317604

go back to wherever you came from

>> No.8317607
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if meat is bad why can't you just overcook it to make sure all the germs die and it doesn't make you sick?

>> No.8317616
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>take a woman's advice on cooking
>get food poisoning
sounds about right

>> No.8317623

dumb monkey.

>> No.8317631

You can. But. The germs produce toxins that stay.

>> No.8317637


SOME germs produce certain toxins that are heat-stable. It's far from all of them, it's a rare select few.

>> No.8317652

some germs produce tiny eggs that will survive the cooking

>> No.8317656

You sound niggered.

>> No.8317663


The point is "Some" rather than "all". People get it into their heads that all bacteria do this when in reality it's rare.

>> No.8317670

this triggers the /ck/

>> No.8317683


>Also, I'm not a kid, just black.

Come to think of it, blacks DO act like oversized toddlers. Throwing tantrums (riots & looting), hitting other people (high violent crime rate), yelling in public...

Are black people just giant toddlers?

>> No.8317686


If its that strong it deserves to kill you.


If invade good chicken I might still wash it. I have access it's just like 10/lb for breast and 6 for bone in thigh. Still it's like washing anything else, does it taste good? More knowledgeable doctors who know about microbiome and shit will say to leave everything on even dirt. But I will still wash my shit and cook steaks med rare because of luxury.

>> No.8317697

Literally only blacks do this, infact here in the uk our food standards agency had to make an advertising campaign targeting black communities because they were giving themselves food poisoning at a stupid high rate because they wash chicken.

Which is even more stupid considering the average chicken only takes a day or two to get from slaughter to the supermarket almost everywhere here

>> No.8317699

the point is when you eat it very very often "some" turns to "highly probable"

>> No.8317709


That's the exact problem I was discussing. The frequency has little to do with probability; you are drawing an incorrect conclusion. What matters is the type of food, not frequency.

The bacteria you find on most food--e. coli, salmonella, etc, do not produce heat-stable toxins.

The ones that do are linked to specific foods. For example, scromboid poisoning and Ciguatera are unique to certain types of fish.

>> No.8317716

it's called a word filter
enjoy your stay

>> No.8317719

Some bacteria produce endospores that can survive boiling point, it's the reason why we need autoclaves in hospital.

However typically the time taken to fully produce an endospore is in the region of hours, so the likelihood of food being unsafe for consumption is extremely low.

The issue as another anon pointed out is heat stable toxins that certain bacteria produce, notably Bacillus cereus produces a heat stable toxin and grows well on rice. It's the reason why people say you shouldn't reheat rice although you can infact as long as there hasn't been significant bacterial growth.

t. Microbiologist

>> No.8317730

>t. Mr Know-it-all

also hours were implied when the question was raised

>> No.8317736


My wife had such bad habits (or lack thereof) about kitchen and food cleanliness that i kicked her out of the kitchen on numerous occasions and when ever she is in there i cant help but hover over her like a damn helicopter.

I am not even really all that anal and are the kind of guy that will eat a questionably aged left over if my nose tells me it is ok. But christ she is bad.

She is an american by the way. Go figure

>> No.8317755

Literally my degree, sorry if it makes you mad that people have specialised knwoledge

>> No.8318084

Knowledge? That's so yesterday! Today it's all about false information spread through the net as rapidly as possible. Where you been? University? Pfffpth!

>> No.8318109

We live in a post-truth world.

>> No.8318114

I bet hir's also a White Cis male.

>> No.8318592


>> No.8318622

washing the chicken is literally the first step. step two is drying the chicken.

this is literally the only way to begin to cook a chicken.


>> No.8318635

>this is literally the best way to scatter raw chicken juice and bacteria all over the kitchen

fixed that for you.


>> No.8318653


You and the participation trophy author assume so very much. My sink is deeply recessed. We wash the chicken in the sink with water already poured from the faucet. Only a nincompoop would resort to what you and Drexel call "cookin' accidents that made mawmaw real sick-like".

>> No.8318658


cool story bro

>> No.8318670

Take your fucking owning like a good boy. Don't worry - I'll spit on your hole before I thrust thru it.

>> No.8318709

Serious cooking amateur here.

Why is this bad?

I've never done this, I just put raw chicken on the cutting board, cut it up, then throw it in the prepared cooking vessel of choice before washing everything that touched the raw chicken and using fresh utensils to cook/manipulate it.

I mean, I guess it's kind of pointless since some running water won't make it magically sterile and you'll still have to wash your utensils and cutting board after it touches them, but why does it frustrate you?

>> No.8318821

Please, do tell.

>> No.8318832

I've always washed poultry in the sink, placed it on plate with towels and dried it, cleaned area with a 10% bleach solution and never had food poisoning. I guarantee you, I'm old enough to be your father, at least.

If you're stupid or lazy and don't cleanup properly, then don't bother washing the feces from your chicken. See feces dip during chicken slaughtering by googling it.

It's once more a dumbing down of correct behavior because the gene pool contains an inordinate number of imbeciles having children.

>> No.8318877
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>be a burger
>wash chicken
>blame eggs for salmonella
>get shot
>europoors dont have water to wash chicken lol lmao :DDD kys

>> No.8318895
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>> No.8318899

You're not funny

>> No.8318903


>fires at nose
>back of head explodes

can't yuros do anything right?

>> No.8320040
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1479240390953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. people that have no world experience

Every single Asian in the world does this ("durrr not this one specific Asian" its called generalizing you dumbass)

It has to do with the fact that not all meat comes from a factory. But you fucking tendy eating losers wouldn't know that.

If you get a fresh chicken yeah, you wash it. There is still plenty of debris left from when it was "cleaned" (as in defeathered and guts removed).

But please tell me how cultured you all are as you try the latest McDonalds menu item and wash it down with an overpriced milk and sugar with a hint of coffee from Starbucks.

>> No.8320183

I am actually, my course as well as all other stem courses was made up of 90% whites and 20-60% women depending on the course.

>> No.8320197

As long as you thoroughly clean the area there is nothing inherently wrong with washing a chicken.

The problem comes from the fact that if more people wash their chicken more people are likely to get food poisoning due to improper cleaning of food prep areas or missed spots where water has splashed containing bacteria.

It's simply a numbers game to health agencies, if they tell people not to wash chicken infection rates for campylobacter and salmonella go down.

>> No.8320210


>> No.8320267

If I have a chicken in the freezer, or deer ground meet, how do I thaw it correctly ? Do I cook all of it at once as well and just store? Also I have brown rice, can I reheat it? It's that boil in bag type

>> No.8320272

Ideally, you should that in the fridge for a couple of days. Usually you don't plan that far ahead though, so you can thaw in cold water in your sink. Make sure to change the water every few hours, and if the item is too big to be submerged, flip it every so often.

You shouldn't refreeze meat. Hurts the texture. It's not unsafe, though. In general, if you need a smaller portion, then freeze in smaller portions next time. You can split a chicken before you freeze it, or freeze ground meat in smaller packages.

>reheating rice
Of course. On the stove or in the microwave, whatever works.

>> No.8321215


I'll give you two examples.


>Walk into kitchen
>As she is pulling out a pan i notice something in it
>From where we are dust, dead insects and whatnot appear in up turned glasses and plates within hours
>This shit looks like shit pellets
>"Yow, that's rat shit" - I say
>"Oh" - Says she
>She literally empties the shit into the sink and throws the pan on the stove without even washing it
>Commence massive argument
>I kick her out and end up cooking for a while


>Walk into kitchen
>She is washing chicken in sink
>Water bouncing off raw chicken and getting all over the drying dishes, the work surface and the floor
>Commence massive argument

Both times she fought her nonsensical points to the death but if I were to bring up the instances today she would deny they were to ever happen.

I stress again that if I come across a dead insect in my glass I just blow it out and to me it is clean if it was big enough I rinse the glass, if there is any residue I wash the glass. But rat shit, raw chicken juice? Fucking christ.

>> No.8321279

I work at McDonalds and they wash the trash cans in the sink where they also wash the dishes. Not to mention they dump those floor drain nets in the same sink to clean as well. Dead roaches etc.

I tell them it is a safe hazard but they don't give a shit. Same fucking people that won't change their plastic gloves when preparing food. Use the same gloves to touch the trash or other crap.

Making a big deal about washing raw chicken when you are in big risk of getting food poisoning from any god damn food establishment.

>> No.8321302

Simple solution, anon: Contact the Health Department, unless they're being paid off, which wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8321601

Most people don't get farm fresh chicken, and all chicken I've ever bought never had any visible debris. Washing chicken is a stupid meme

>> No.8321617
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Do you wash your mouth after ejaculation? I didn't think so, me neither so fucking stop with the washing nonsense.

>> No.8321620

>be american
>come home from shipping missiles to isreal
>get attacked by protesters
>get shot in a mass shooting
>nurse slaps me for not using xer preffered pronouns
>can't get obamacare because i spent my data cap on asian cartoons
>lose my job because it got moved to mexico
>get arrested for collecting rainwater
>serve three life sentences for resisting arrest
>cellmate trades my asshole for toilet wine

but at least my flag is on the moon

>> No.8321823

You have to get it wet to bread it

>> No.8321831

>all these people taking this shit bait

/ck/ is garbage

>> No.8321847
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>t. someone who unironically washes meat in the sink

>> No.8323336

I wash my meat cuts to get rid of fragments. Then I fucking sanitize my dishes and other shit when I clean them because I'm not a fucking retard.

2016, still being dumb enough to think cleaning is the same thing as sanitizing. I prefer to use boiling water cause I don't have bleach at the moment, but bleach is probably the best way to do this. It's not hard to learn.

>> No.8323474

>upturned glasses
I can't stand this, just store them downturned and you never have a problem with dust or insects

>> No.8323491

why did you marry an idiot?

>> No.8323590

>visit family
>they wash mushrooms under the tap
Very hard to keep a straight face

>> No.8323621

What's wrong with that?

>> No.8323624


What kind of environment do you live in where you're constantly worried about dust or insects?

>> No.8323625


Absolutely nothing, the dude is just misinformed

>> No.8323636

The planet earth.

>> No.8323637

Enjoy flavorless mushrooms

>> No.8323639



>> No.8323828

Lol what? I don't have any problems with dust or insects, and I only clean for 6 or 7 hours a day.