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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8297722 No.8297722[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oi, Yank bastards. How well known is Fish and Chips in the colonies?

>> No.8297723
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it is well known here that it is the favored dish of crooked, yellow toothed fog dwellers who use the newspaper wrapping for toilet paper

>> No.8297724

Plaice is superior to cod for fish and chips.

There I said it.

>> No.8297726

Very well, We have multiple chains that specialise in it.

>> No.8297727

>crooked, yellow toothed fog dwellers who use the newspaper wrapping for toilet paper

Absolutely obsessed.

>> No.8297728
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how well known are cheeseburgers in bongland?

>> No.8297729

>Very well, We have multiple chains that specialise in it.


>> No.8297746

We were frying fish and potatos in america before you brits had even seen a potato.

>> No.8297753
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>> No.8297766

Like every other European dish, we do it better, thanks for asking. Just wish people would stop using that tilapia garbage, no fish flavor, bland, very low energy.

>> No.8297770


>> No.8297781

Here in Ohio we use perch and walleye mostly and god damn is it delicious.

>> No.8297791


>> No.8297804
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Where do you think the potato came from, idiot? You think we didn't have oil and fish too?

You guys thought potatoes were poisonous when they were first brought to England. You even executed Sir Walter Raleigh because he had the audacity to claim they were edible.

>> No.8297807

Sure you were, what is your red indian name? Running mouth? Sitting down? Talking bollocks?

>> No.8297808


well known. often looks better than that shit

>> No.8297812

>Like every other European dish, we do it better,

This is what Americans actually believe

>> No.8297816


short of iceland puffin and blood whatever, yeah, we do it better. deal with it eurofriends

>> No.8297817

I know as an American this is hard to believe, but adding "cheese", butter and cream to something isn't necessarily improving it.

>> No.8297826


you could send the same message to france and italy

>> No.8297831

>I know as an American this is hard to believe, but adding "cheese", butter and cream to something isn't necessarily improving it.
good thing we don't add any of that to our fish and chips

>> No.8297832


>Like every other European dish, we do it better

Finally someone unafraid to speak the truth.

>> No.8297834
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beat this americucks! eurofood ftw

>> No.8297838
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On August 18, 1969 America perfected fish and chips.

>> No.8297840

Christ no. American "Italian" food is an abortion. I'll stick to my non wood pulp parmesan as well.

>> No.8297936

>butthurt britfag trying to save self respect from the tattered shreds of his rekt empire.

You're really just as bad as these redneck Cletus's from america, who try to defend the indefensible.

>> No.8297941


Literally all of the LJS I've ever been to have been decreasing in quality (and, subsequently, popularity) for years now.

I legitimately blame the demographic shift in those areas, though.

>> No.8297943

I live in a colony (Canada) and here it is known as one of the few quintessentially British dishes. There are a few places that specialize in it, but they're few and far between. Most of the time you order it in a pub.

>> No.8297947

>these people actually think fried fish and potatoes as some obscure uk only dish

good lord

>> No.8297948
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>> No.8297951

What thread did you read? No one said that

>> No.8297966
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If you've never had fried speckled trout, you are behind

>> No.8297968

I don't think I've seen one in over a year honestly.

>> No.8297978

Drinking Heavy.

>> No.8297980


when did Palin get fake breasts? Does she still keep an eye on russia from her house?

>> No.8297985

She's going to be appointed ambassador to Russia and special liaison to Putin

>> No.8297991

Last time I drove by a LJS at noon, there were 3 cars in the parking lot. I stopped and went in because I wanted to see what kind of people were there and I had to take a piss anyway. It was literally 3 old, toothless, alzheimers ridden couples, one with walkers for both, one couple where the old man was hand feeding his shell of a wife. It was the most godawful depressing restaurant scene I've ever experienced. I pissed and got the hell out of that charnal house.

>> No.8297999

We actually call it "fins with fries"

>> No.8298000

That is a god level fish. The first time I caught a batch outside of Biloxi, Mississippi, I realized I had never really eaten fish before.

>> No.8298003

Pretty common

>> No.8298034
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>> No.8298064

Let me try it:
Well that doesn't take a genius
Sounds like it could be German. Thus I deduce that a 'cheeseburger' is European fusion cuisine.

>> No.8298083
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That's a solid burn, right there

>> No.8298088
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Fish and Chips is pretty huge in NorCal, chippies are all over the place. This pic is from my neighborhood fish and chip place, fucking delicious.
But, that's not true all over the states. I'm originally from Texas, and there we had "fish frys", which was generally fresh water fish, with a cornmeal based coating, which I never really liked. That's one thing I don't miss from TX, all the damn catfish (muddy tasting ugly things). I grew up fishing for catfish and bass all the time, but I'd let everyone else have my catch. I'm an ocean fish person. That said, I did enjoy the Gulf redfish.
But the fish is 99999999 times better out here.

>> No.8298093

so fucking tragic

I love LJS

>> No.8298098

Well she can see Russia from her house tbf

>> No.8298099
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Me again.
This place is awesome, and is on Yelp's list of the Top 100 Places to Eat in the US.

>> No.8298105
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>> No.8298108


>> No.8298109


>"We reserve the right to refuse to service to anyone" sign

The Brits have a freedom that we don't have, go figure.

>> No.8298114

we all know what it is, there's actually an Arthur Treacher's near where I live (see link). You can also get fish & chips in pretty much every seafood restaurant I've ever been to.


>> No.8298115

That's in San Francisco, dude. So yeah, we have that right.

>> No.8298130

>San Francisco, United Kingdom

>> No.8298132


>not looking at the British flag

If their flag is on something, it belongs to them, those are the rules

>> No.8298139

>Pizzerias in the USA are Italian because their flag is on it
>Paris Baguette is French, whose workers are fuckin' gooks, is French because they use the French flag in the restaurant
That's not how it works, anon.

>> No.8298179

kill yourself

>> No.8298203

That's pornstar Lisa Ann and Palin never said that. You're thinking of that skit from SNL.

>> No.8298235

This anon voted for Trump

>> No.8298239
File: 54 KB, 634x422, jellied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not eating the Fish and Chips superior cousin

Jellied Eels, mashed potatoes, maybe a small pie and lots of herb liquor is the true patricians choice.

>> No.8298274

Standard fare in New England. Personally I prefer haddock over cod.

>> No.8298291

Chief Shitpants

>> No.8298366

> Britain
> rights

They're about to lose their right to porn and 4chan.

>> No.8298379

>poor britfag lashing out at the world in a vain attempt to hold onto some shred of dignity, when their entire identity has been rekt and overwhelmed to the point of virtual irrelevance.

Be sure to try to hold onto Scotland.

>> No.8298380

Jack In The Box used to sell Fish and Chips, and it was the most convenient way to buy it. Now, you have to go into sit-down restaurants or diners to have it. It's annoying.

>> No.8298404

What's cuckland gonna do? They already had their referendum and voted stay. Cuckland is rightful British clay and they have to deal with leaving the EU. Shameful display fellow burger.

>> No.8298477

That vote was close. You really think there's not going to be another one soon?

>> No.8298488

Everyone has heard of it, not everyone has tried it, but most people have. Seafood is not universally loved here in the states, I know a lot of people that won't eat anything that came out of the water. Most people that like seafood have had fish n chips at least once.

>> No.8298499

That's what it's called here. In states with large numbers of German Catholics, the Friday fish-fry is a widely-observed tradition, though the fish is usually served with latkes.

>> No.8298522

Honestly, it will give me a reason to stop visiting this shithole. All hail the Government, they know what is best for us.