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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8290147 No.8290147 [Reply] [Original]

Cozy /ck/ Thanksgiving Thread?

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

Come get cozy with me, bros.

>> No.8290157

self bump answering my own questions

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Parents just built a new house out in the country on some acreage. Wife and I are heading down on Tuesday and staying until Friday. Her parents are coming down Wednesday. It's about 2 hours of a drive for us.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Mostly regular stuff - usually a baked turkey, a smoked wild turkey, and a fried turkey. usually a ham, some smoked venison tenderloin, maybe some duck, pheasant, etc. Lots of casseroles brought by family, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, tons of pies and shit. For me, I can't fucking wait for the mashed potatoes and gravy with the turkey, the stuffing, the mac and cheese, and all the other shit. I fucking love Thanksgiving.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Nah not really. My family is mostly conservative with a few fringe liberals mixed in but Thanksgiving is more about seeing each other, food, and football than trying to argue like we're on Facebook.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

>> No.8290177
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>> No.8290185

Looks pretty good, senpai.

>> No.8290189
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>> No.8290250

Come on you guys don't wanna talk about Thanksgiving recipes and Thanksgiving memories on a fucking cooking board?!?

>> No.8290255

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Hopefully I won't have to be near my family at all. I might make myself a steak.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
See above. I used to really fucking hate turkey as a kid because we always went to, I don't even know, some old peoples home we knew from church? And they'd always serve the driest, blandest, shittiest turkey. I usually just ate a bunch of bread rolls and stuffing.
I'm most looking forward to my steak.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
No because I'm avoiding them
In the event I do have to deal with them then yes, very very much.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
As much as it takes to make a steak

>> No.8290256 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8290257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8290262
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>> No.8290264

Going to probably be alone and eating ramen or something easy

>> No.8290286

Why do you hate your family?

Steak sounds great...I fucking love steak. What cut? How are you going to prepare it? Medium rare, right?

I'm sorry that you had shitty turkey growing up. It sounds pretty awkward anyway, what with the whole having to go to some old family at church. It's easy to overcook a turkey and it sounds like they did. Sucks, bro.

It sounds like you just need to go to a good Thanksgiving. If you have any friends, maybe try to see if you can come with them as a refugee Thanksgiving misfit.

At least cook yourself a steak like the anon above.

>> No.8290289

I don't have anything to cook a steak on anon, I'm povertycore here

>> No.8290304

Brother and I live in America. He's married to an American and has a kid, so they're doing TG and I'm going over there for it. My parents fly in from ye olde country for the week Monday and are staying with him this time.
My father will cook up a dry-as-fuck turkey (well, the breast will be; the thigh should be good, at least). I'll make and bring turkey gravy as well as mashed potatoes with onions and kale. I may also bake a loaf of bread if my sis-in-law doesn't do it.
The spread will include the turkey, three gravy boats (one with pan drippings, one with mushroom oil and the last with my homemade gravy), the mash, bread dressing, cranberry sauce, crudité and prawn cocktail. There will be other things that my brother and my sister-in-law will prepare (my mother knows nothing of American cooking, so she's stays out of the kitchen) but I don't know what they are yet.

My brother is going to go on and on about politics despite the fact that he knows it's a highly divisive topic of discussion and will only serve to make everyone there upset. I'm fairly centrist. Our father leans one way and mum even further in that same direction. My brother, however, has the complete opposite opinion. My sister-in-law, who shares by brother's views, won't discuss politics because she doesn't like contention to be a recurring theme with family get-togethers. My bro, however, has no qualms about telling us all, unprompted and out of nowhere, how whatever opinion he believes we might have is wrong though none of us have brought any opinion up and we usually don't have whatever opinion he thinks we have. Despite many attempts from each of the rest of us to change the subject to something else ("how's everyone back home?" "have you been following [insert show here]?" "you have to see this video!" "this turkey isn't as dry and horrible as it usually is! ::cheeky grin::") my brother will still keep trying to push buttons until everyone feels uncomfortable.

>> No.8290323

>My brother is going to go on and on about politics

Just tell everyone to ignore him. Pretend like he isn't even there until he learns to control himself.

>> No.8290328

>Why do you hate your family?
They're awful people

>What cut?
Whatever is cheap, probably a flat iron or two
>How are you going to prepare it?
Salt, whole black peppercorn, butter. Pan fry.
>Medium rare, right?
Probably, I have yet to master getting rare from a pan.

>If you have any friends
:^ (

>> No.8290339

If you have a stove to cook ramen on, you can cook a steak. Just tell me what you're working with and I'll tell you how.

What country are you from? Your brother sounds like a fucking cunt, man. Tell your dad to do a wet brine on the turkey about 24 hours before he cooks it and to baste constantly and it won't be dry!

Seriously, that dude sounds like, in his mind, Thanksgiving is his big moment to SHINE and convert

>they're awful people
Fair enough
>flat iron
Dude that's an underrated cut. Make some fajitas! Go all out with the whole thing and make yourself some badass fajitas!
>getting rare from a pan with a flat iron steak
It's really just about searing the fuck out of each side for about 60-90 seconds and then, i promise you, it's DONE (medium rare).

> :^ (
Bro, I would invite you to our family's Thanksgiving. You'd feel warmth and have juicy turkey, fill up on sides, drink spiked egg nog and be ready to watch football with the rest of us. I'll think about you on Thanksgiving, senpai. Cheers, mate.

>> No.8290350

Moved out of the folks place back in August. We're having thanksgiving at my house together, since I was the one who made thanksgiving every year for the last 5 years anyway. I think they forget how to make anything.

Going to make the basics: turkey, yams, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, bread, pumpkin pie, peas, green beans, baked beans, and a small ham.

Enough for the 7 of us.

>> No.8290357

Sounds pretty comfy, anon!

What are your "secret" methods for the potatoes? How are you doing the peas and the green beans? Also...what method are you going to do the turkey with? And why no mac and cheese!? Interested because I just hosted a Friendsgiving where I did fucking EVERYTHING and it all turned out pretty great but I'm always curious about other ways people do things.
Also, what part of the country are you guys all from? OP here - I'm living in the north Georgia Appalachian mountains and will be doing Thanksgiving with my folks out at their farm about 2 hours south in the rolling piedmont pine country.

>> No.8290366

>Cozy /ck/ Thanksgiving Thread?
>> How far are you traveling, if at all?
Parents, brother and nephews are doing my house. They're traveling 1-4hrs.
>>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving?
It used to be a little of everything. Used to host 50+ people with extended families on both sides, but grandparents aren't around anymore the past few, so no more flights and reunions going on. /sad
>What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid?
Had no hated dishes,really unless you count smoked fish dip or some pickeld herring on the relish trays, but I do miss the tomato aspic and weird green marshmallow jello mold, and the tins of rum balls, fruitcake, and fudge that would be make in anticipation of christmas to come. My favorite is all of it, but I look forward to the pecan-cheesecake pie the most, and carrot souffle. I adore a good blue cheese ball with crackers.
>>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Election is over. the democrats are a minority here. Everyone in my family has a job, savings, houses, few complaints about high taxes or other nonsense. Only thing left to talk about now is criminal charges for corruption. Prior to the election though, geez the anger at Hilary was always just under the surface, ROFL. Best to avoid the topic.
>>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
All of it. Mom will get in there with an apron at some point and takeover the turkey gravy making, I'm sure. She has the perfect hand with salt, and just the right amount of coffee, giblet and neck stock, cracked pepper. She knows the "smell" to know when to baste the turkey too. Pro tips will happen. I'll be making ahead a few thing, already bought some cocktails fixins, the cranberry-orange-walnut mold, pies, and some marinated mushrooms for the relish tray. Got some olives chilling. I'm doing a calamondin (key lime) pie for the freezer today.

>> No.8290369

Maybe 30-45 minutes away. I spent Thanksgiving at my grandparents house every year, but this year things are a lot different.

I'll be with my gf's family this year, so I don't know what food they serve other than Turkey and stereotypical foods. I know her aunt makes Roman Egg Drop soup which is supposedly amazing.

Not cooking or helping at all. I'll be with her family and not mine this year, it'll be different for sure.

>> No.8290378

Thanks for the thoughful answer, anon.

Where are you from, exactly? Like I said I am from the north Georgia mountains but celebrating near the city of Monroe, GA in the farm country.

I grew up going to Thanksgivings with upwards of 50+ people there too. Was the best. Sadly, my grandparents aren't around anymore either (I know, the feels are real this time of year) except for my one grandmama, who is a badass and will still be helping me out.

My family is mostly upper middle class to upper class, so there isn't much political turmoil except in our ironic city-dwelling progressive liberal young cousins who live in gentrified areas of downtown, but they're still my little cousins and when it's Thanksgiving time, it's all about eggnog and bourbon, football, and food.

The anticipation for Christmas holidays is super real at our house too. My dad always started our family listening to Christmas music officially on Thanksgiving night...usually the first two Manheim Steamroller Christmas albums.

Man I'm nostalgaing all up in this thread. I hope this thread stays alive.
Keep posting more cozy Thanksgiving feels, anons. Or even sad ones so that us cozy TG anons can try to cheer you up!

>> No.8290384

>roman egg drop soup
I'm highly intrigued! I remember the first time going to a girlfriend's family's Thanksgiving. I remember smugly thinking that our family did it better. Of course, our family is a lot bigger than her family was and her family is country as fuck so half of most of their recipes came from a bag, a box, or a can. Anyway. Good on you, mate...you're scoring major sex points by going with her to her family's thing, which to her, is just as cozy as any of ours.
Guys for real, tell me what part of the country your from when you post stuff. Gives me this warm, we're all in it it together at this time of the year vibe.

NE Georgia mountains here.

>> No.8290385

Nothing secret. Usually golden potatoes using carrots and buttermilk.

Peas and green beans are being cooked in butter on the stove. Green beans are getting some cashews thrown in.

Turkey will be oven baked with salt pepper parsley and basil, with some stuffing obviously thrown in later. The stuffing is rye bread based with peppers and onions thrown in with turkey juice.

Actually a lied, there is some secrets. My sourdough bread, pumpkin pie, and cranberry sauce are all my grandfather's secret recipes that he entrusted me with before he passed away.

I was thinking of Mac and cheese, but I've never had it with thanksgiving and don't want to throw the family off.

>> No.8290389

Oh and I'm in PA. In a suburb of Philly about an hour west or so.

>> No.8290401

My grandparents aren't hosting this year, but when they did it was typically them, myself, my uncle and his wife, and my great grandmother (who passed a few years ago). It was very small, they usually catered the turkey and just made the stuffing and mashed potatoes, but we were together. It's my dad's parents and I don't talk to my dad, but I was always close with them. He works Thanksgiving.

My mom usually never did anything on Thanksgiving. I feel shitty for not staying with her but she insists I go with my gf.

Her family is huge, and they make everything from scratch and have at least 20+ people there from my understanding.

The Roman Egg Drop Soup I've never had, anywhere, but my gf's brother raves about it.

I'm from Long Island, NY.

>> No.8290434

Awesome! So when you say carrots and buttermilk in the potatoes, I'm assuming you're mashing up cooked carrots into the mashed potatoes too? And the buttermilk is used instead of regular milk? For me, it's always
>boiled potatoes,
>a super generous amount of butter
>heated heavy whipping cream
>tons of sour cream
>eyeball the fuck out of that shit with salt and pepper
Tell me your variation.

Your stuffing recipe also intrigues me...what with the rye and everything.

Try mac and cheese, dude....find a good recipe with a roux and fine cheeses and just go for it. You'll blow their minds. PA...nice! Fellow original 13 colonies bro! Happy Thanksgiving!
Sounds like I have more in common with your girlfriend's family than I do with your family. Having said that, if you're going with her, then expect a real treat about the warmth of the holiday, the value of women fussing in the kitchen for hours to make from-scratch food, and how awesome Thanksgiving can be.

If you can, get the recipe for "Roman Egg Drop Soup" and post it either ITT (if the thread is still alive by then) or ahead of time; I'm curious about what makes it especially Roman.

>> No.8290439

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Not traveling this year unfortunately. I just graduated college last year, and while I was already kind of far then I could still travel easily. Now I moved from Florida to New York and it just didn't work out this year. I'm really sad about it, but my boyfriend and I are going to do our own Thanksgiving together. I think it will be nice.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Nothing too exciting. Stuffing, mashed potatoes, peas, etc. The only thing unique to my family I think is pearl onions. I won't be having them this year as the bf isn't a fan, but I miss them already.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm handling everything, and my bf will be my assistant as he always is in our kitchen.

I'm looking forward to making some new desserts this year. I'm thinking some pumpkin puff pastries and a cranberry cheesecake. I'm looking forward to making those the most, aside from the turkey.

>> No.8290448

The real name is Stracciatella, and I think she adds meatballs to it. You can find any number of recipes online, but basically from my understanding you add parmigiano reggiano and parsley to eggs and scramble, then drizzle it into simmering chicken broth while stirring to make tiny little strands.

>> No.8290468

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
On the day of Thanksgiving we're going over to my boyfriend's house. Have to play the civil nice person card, since I can't stand his mother for being a rude bitch.
Day after I'm hosting at my house for the first time. My grandparents are coming out of town to be here. :^)

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Growing up, mom mother made the basics. A gritty and dry oven baked turkey. This weird bundt pan jello with cocktail fruit and marshmallows. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Green Bean Casserole.
I never really disliked any of it per se, though the jello thing drove me nuts. I hate canned fruit. Of course, putting a fresher spin on it with actual fruit makes it 1000% times better, and I'm so ready to make it and eat it all.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Extremely. My family is all republicans, and his is all democratic. I know on both days I expect to hear about two hours worth of this and that.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
Everything. It's my first year hosting and cooking my own Thanksgiving, and I'm planning on hitting it hard and doing everything as fresh as I can. Planning on turkey with thyme, sage, rosemary, butter, etc. Mashed potatoes and turkey gravy. Cranberry sauce. Fresh green bean casserole, with home made cream of mushroom soup, and fried onions. (Though I won't be making the onions. My mother will, since I'm deathly allergic. I can't even have any in my house while they're raw.) Dressing, fried brussel sprouts and bacon, etc. Also thinking about making mac and cheese.

Of course, any advice on the turkey would be super appreciated.

>> No.8290577
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>> No.8290692

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Flying down from uni to be with family during Thanksgiving break. It's about 360 or so miles, not too far, only about 45 minutes by Q400.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Staples are meat, rolls, and garlic mashed potatoes with butter. I wasn't a picky eater then, or now. I'm looking forward to the prime rib; we tried it one year instead of turkey and have been doing prime rib ever since.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
My family's pretty politically neutral. I've already told them I voted for Trump when they asked me.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm making the au gratin potatoes! ' v ' and maybe something fried, I haven't decided yet

>> No.8290868

European here, thanksgiving sounds comfy af, we don't have anything similar here. Christmas eve dinner is the biggest holiday here but big family gatherings aren't very common. Also the atmosphere tends to be more calm and "spiritual", no football and bourbon, probably because of roots of this holiday and all the traditions related.

>> No.8291000

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Diving ~350 miles to my mom's house. She has no family left in her area because it's a goddamn awful place and we all moved far, far away. It's going to just be me and her for a whole four days oh god what have I done?

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Mom's making a turkey with some amazing saugsae/apricot stuffing. I told her this stuffing is the sole reason I'm coming. I also told her that I like cranberry sauce, even though I don't. I know she likes it and I don't want her to go without just to please me.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
I've been hearing about politics for two straight months from my asshole coworkers, so this dinner will be a welcome reprieve.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm in charge of a vegetable. Mom likes to do most of the cooking. I usually do carrots in a ginger sauce, but she's not too big on carrots so maybe I'll do something else.

>> No.8291007

Sounds like a lot of fun, except for having to be nice and civil around your boyfriend's mom. Take that as an opportunity to observe some of their cooking methods and some of the logistics their family uses.

As far as turkey goes, try using a wet brine and soak that turkey for about 24-36 hours. The past two years I've hosted a Friendsgiving and made a turkey myself, I used a brine and it turned out great. 2 gallons of water, a cup of brown sugar, 3/4 to 1 cup of salt, some rosemary, thyme, two oranges quartered juiced and squeezed out parts left in there, same for two lemons, add some garlic, some onion, allspice berries, peppercorns, some dry white wine, and anything else you can think of and soak the turkey in that for 24-36 hours before. Make sure you baste the turkey as you cook it

Feel sad for you brother, but if that's what you have, then Happy Thanksgiving!

Sounds pretty comfy, anon! Being with family is awesome. We actually usually save something like a prime rib or a London broil for our Christmas Eve dinner. We're also having a 2nd Thanksgiving dinner after real Thanksgiving so my brother-in-law can be there and I think then we're just doing something seafood-ish. It's not what you cook, it's that you cook together! Cheers!

Hey, Euro bro. Thanksgiving is super cozy. Christmas eve dinner is a big holiday for my family too. I guess Thanksgiving is pretty much sort of like that, but it kind of happens all day. Usually our family is ready to sit down and eat around 2-3pm. That's just long enough for everyone to snack, visit, and get hungry. Afterwards, it's naps, then the bourbon and egg nog/bourbon and coffee really start flowing in time for football (American football).

I wish you had some American friends to piggy-back on a Thanksgiving feast some time. It's like an all day cozy thing.

>> No.8291052

>Christmas eve dinner

Here in the States my family usually has dinner on Christmas day instead. Lots of us have to work on Christmas Eve, so it's harder for us to get together for dinner then. It's also a lot less spiritual for us. Half of my family aren't religious at all. We just enjoy the food and the company.

>> No.8291171

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
I'm going to my friend Marie's house. I tutor her in Morse Code. I live 850 mi from my family and so I've spent the last two Thanksgiving's with her and her two sons.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving?
Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie

What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid?
I can tolerate cranberry sauce now. Used to hate it.

What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Leftovers :3

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Not with family so no.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm making some white chocolate cranberry no-bake cookies.

>> No.8291288

Yeah, my wife's family, which is much smaller than mine, traditionally did theirs on Christmas Day night instead. For me, it's like the climax of the Christmas season - that Christmas Eve dinner with jazzy Christmas music on in the background and all of my family getting together.

>i tutor her in Morse Code
>I live 850 miles from my family
Wait, what? Morse code tutor? You have to be trolling lol

I agree with you about leftovers...that's the best. We hosted a Friendsgiving a couple weeks ago and I made a turkey and some other sides. I used the leftover turkey to make a from scratch Turkey Pot Pie!

So good.

>> No.8291326

>live on the other side of the country from family(FUCK YEAH!)
>most friends are in the same boat
>decide to have a Thanksgiving dinner of people who don't live near family, 12 people in total
>buy giant turkey and damn near everything for the whole meal so everyone can come to my house and cook together/drink
>one by one people start changing plans/pulling out
>now 2 people have to consume a 20 pound turkey and all the fixins'
This is fucked. My girlfriend can't even get people from her work to come because they all have plans.

>> No.8291609

I need help anons. I got invited to a 'Friendsgiving' potluck at my uni and I'm not sure what to make. I feel like making both a side and a dessert (a guy is already taking care of the Turkey). It'll be around 15 people, maybe a bit more. I'm torn between doing a classic mashed potato or something but I also kind of want to have fun with it and maybe do something that does a classic with a twist.

The big catch though is that they have to be able to be premade/easily reheated and also easily carried around a metro/bus/walking through a busy city situation. I'm also not in the USA, so a lot of the classics like green bean casserole are a can't do. (haven't seen cranberries or pumpkin either)

>> No.8291621

sad because I'm away in Wales for thanksgiving and missing out on my American thanksgiving dinner

>> No.8291660

Make super-buttery mashed potatoes. They won't get that weird dryness from reheating like most mashed potatoes do.
And what sorts of pudding mixes and snack cookies to you have access to?
If you can get some butterscotch pudding mix, vanilla pudding mix, cream soda, and Nilla Wafers(or something equivilent) then you can make a kick-ass pie.
Look up a Nilla Wafer pie crust recipe for the base.
Reduce 2 liters of cream soda down to 4 cups on the stove.
Mix 3.5 cups of the cream soda with the pudding instead of milk, but add 2 tsp of xanthan gum to thicken it(since it won't set otherwise).
Put the mixture in the cooked pie crust and refrigerate overnight.
Whip the other half cup of cream soda in some heavy whipping cream when the pie is set and put it on top.
You can also add some butterscotch syrup to the pie crust after it's cooked to have some more flavor and a layer between the pudding and crust to help keep it from getting too moist.

It's really tasty and unexpected, so you'll stand out.

>> No.8292021

>jazzy Christmas music

My mom plays the same smooth jazz Christmas CD every year and it drives me nuts. I really should buy her another one.

>> No.8292029

This year I'm doing mashed potatoes with roasted garlic mixed in, it never fails to please

>> No.8292171

Why the hell would an american ever be in Wales during thanksgiving? I mean you're not looking at one of the highlight economies of the world. I suspect they'll be able to get along without you for a couple of days.

Are there other, more subtle reasons (wink, wink) you can't quite get away for the family?

>> No.8292240

Why spend the money to fly all the way to America just for Thanksgiving? That's just stupid.

>> No.8292280

>why spend....

wink, wink.

>> No.8292296

I love you guys. This thread is so comfy and pleasant I'm tearing up over here.

>> No.8292344

That doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8292483
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>what are you doing on thanksgiving
Avoiding my family. Might do some shit with my flatmates
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving?
The inevitable family shouting match, death threats and police involvement.
No, I'm not even joking. It happens every year.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
I'm not even going to pick up the phone
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

>> No.8292498

>tfw you work on Thanksgiving

>> No.8292520

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?

I'm having about 20 family members over to my house
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?

Standard stuff. I like cranberry sauce which I hated as a kid. I'm looking forward to dressing and rolls the most because I'm /fit/ and don't eat those things unless it's a special occasion

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Worried? No I'm excited. My aunt is a staunch ultra liberal who talked non stop shit about trump and all of us who supported him for months prior to the election. I'm not going to say anything unless she brings it up, which she will, which is when I will trigger her and then laugh.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

I'll be cooking the turkey. Been doing it the last few years and I really enjoy all the prep that goes into it. Pro tip: deep frying is the only way to go.

>> No.8292852

Me and my parents are going to grandmother's house, about an hour away.
The only staple I can remember is sweet potato casserole with a bottom crust made of glazed donuts and topped with marshmallows and pecans.
Nearly all of our family has the same political alignment except for my aunt, and I don't even think she'll be there.

I'll be making a winter squash soup, and also bringing some baklava that I made today.

>> No.8292859

Boo hoo

Post stories or fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.8293127

>smooth jazz

It's not the same as just like..."cool" jazz. Like Miles Davis kinda stuff. Think like the music for Charlie Brown. Smooth jazz is the shit you hear on the Weather Channel.

I fucking love garlic roasted mashed potatoes

Love you too, anon. Contribute though? Your plans?

Sounds rough, mate. Maybe you should find another thread?

Where do you work? Any chance of getting off early?

Deep fried turkeys are the shit. My family has a bunch of hunters in it so we usually do a roasted turkey, a smoked wild turkey, and a deep fried turkey. Deep fried turkeys are incredible! Make sure you own your liberal-ass aunt if she tries to get salty.

>sweet potato casserole with a bottom crust made of glazed donuts and topped with marshmallows and pecans.

Sounds pretty naughty, anon! lol tis the season I guess. A good winter squash soup is always fantastic. My wife and I made a Thai Coconut Butternut squash bisque not long ago. Was gooooood.
I love this thread, guys. Let's keep it rolling! My cozy fantasy is to be able to pull this thread up in 2 days and comment on it from my parents' house as we're all starting to prep the food for Thursday.

>> No.8293147

>Deep fried turkeys are the shit

How do you deep fry a Turkey?

I'm assuming you have one massive fuck off pot and fill it with oil, or is is cut-down?

>> No.8293160
File: 71 KB, 600x400, thanksgiving_fried_turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first guess was correct. You basically have a YUUUUUGE deep frier and fill it with oil. You'll need like a propane tank and a bunch of shit but it's GOOOD mane

>> No.8293169

visiting my mom, about 20 minutes drive away

salad, turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie

she's still in denial

carve the turkey & clear the table

>> No.8293170


We don't tend to do this in Bongland but it looks good, obviously we don't do Thanksgiving and I wouldn't risk it for Christmas but it looks good for BBQ time, next summer.

>> No.8293266

Sounds like a pretty easy haul for you, anon. Do you use an electric meat carver or just the old fashioned way?

Don't be scared of it, Bong-anon! It's just deepfrying it. I'm sure with a little bit of research online, and having the proper tools, you would have successfully created the most amazing, delicious, crispy-skinned turkey you've ever had. Turkey is a great centerpiece for Christmas dinner too. I would implore you to give it a try! People might give you funny looks if you're cooking a whole turkey in the middle of summer, so....lol

>> No.8293433

Do you dunk the whole turkey in any sort of batter, or just fry it uncoated?

>> No.8293584

I'm a retail slave so I'm going in to work at 6 unfortunately. My mom and my stepdad are going to come down and we'll eat. Any good restaurants that do a Thanksgiving spread?

>> No.8293670

Not him, but I deep fry turkeys too. No, you don't use batter or any coating. Just make sure it's well dried off when you pull from the brine before placing in the oil.

>> No.8293977

I have to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, but one of our eaters is a coeliac so it has to be gluten free. I'm thinking of making the pie crust with almond flour, do you guys think that would taste good? I'm also wondering how to incorporate the pumpkin seeds; I just made a pumpkin pie yesterday for a different Thanksgiving celebration so I'm wondering how I can modify the recipe to keep things interesting for both me and those who have already had some of the first pie.

>> No.8293988

>Moved back in with parents
>Not allowed to cook at all, do all my cooking when they're gone in secret
>Nowhere to cook on Thanksgiving
Maybe they'll go out and I can cook while they're visiting extended family. Really want to make a full spread like I did last year when I lived on my own.

>> No.8293994

I guess I'll answer the OP too

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Don't really know yet. Had a family Thanksgiving yesterday and will have a neighborhood Thanksgiving on Wednesday so it might end up being nothing or a leftover situation.
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
1. Mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, my mom does peanut butter on celery and has an olive assortment, apparently it's a New England thing.
2. I like sweet potatoes/squashes more now, and for some odd reason I didn't like pumpkin pie when I was a very young child but it's my favourite pie now.
3. Probably the mashed potatoes. I'm excited, I just perfected my recipe.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Nah we're smarter than that.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
A fair amount, I'm in charge of mashed potatoes, carrots, green beans, and cranberry sauce this year, as well as pumpkin pie (see previous post)

>> No.8294003

why can't you cook? do they think you're a child or are they just mentally deficient?

also nice dubs

>> No.8294030

Probably a mix of the two. Despite their protests to the contrary I know that they don't want a 23 year old in their house anymore, despite paying rent and helping out when I can with cash. Always complaining when I try cooking something so I don't have to eat fast food. Still, when I sneak some cooking in I can at least store it in the fridge.
Don't get a teaching degree, friends.

>> No.8294042

Have you attempted to reason with them? You could cook for them and if you clean then there's no reason for them to oppose it.

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.8294059

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Hosting this year

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
We usually go to my aunt and uncles place and they do a martha Stewart type deal with a nice centerpiece, Champagne cocktails, more light dishes than rich ones, and then uncle usually makes a bunch of pies from scratch. Used to hate chesnut soup and still hate it, fuck sweet soup, fuck it!! Looking forward to the turkey hoping to do it real nice.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Aunt and a couple uncles and sister are all raging liberals cause we're in Commiefornia. I'm more centrist but voted for Trump. Mom and grandpa are the only ones right leaning. Luckily we agreed back in the Bush era not to talk politics at family gatherings, and if it comes up it gets quickly steered towards something more pleasant. However I'm preparing for my uncle to include something political in his thanks. Hopefully not or I'll have to tear him a new asshole.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
Pretty much doing all of it this year but keeping it simple cause we're having 16 people. Turkey, gravy with just drippings, herbs, stock and butter. Then making some mashed potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, canned soup green bean casserole, and canned cranberry jelly for nostalgic reasons, and then having some people bring a few more things like salad.

Having champagne cocktails and chips and crudite with a couple dips. Also just bought some higher end paper plates and disposable silverware so we dont have to clean many dishes.

>> No.8294064

No go on that. It's cool though. Once I get some cash I'll have my own kitchen again and I can get off this Dollar menu bullshit.
Regardless of what happens I'm gonna pick up a fresh turkey on sale on Friday and cook it over the weekend that they're gone.
Might try to actually make some pies since I've never given baking a fair shake.

>> No.8294078

good luck, godspeed

>> No.8294113

Can't. It's gonna be at his place. Can't very well ignore the host.

>tell dad to brine
He'll do the turkey however he does the turkey and no amount of information otherwise will ever change his mind. I've only gotten him to agree to give up gravy making in the last six years or so. His "gravy" is thickened with a cornstarch slurry like some Chinese pan sauce or something. It always tastes a bit... insipid. Probably due to the lack of fat from the roux in a proper gravy.
My dad's half American, born and raised in the US to one American parent and one foreign one. I guess since my grandmother's not American and not from a culture that makes any sort of gravy like that, he never learned how to make one, but he should still know better than to use cornstarch to make it.

>what country

I find the best way to make mash that won't get that stiff dryness when reheating is to use cultured cream or soured cream instead of butter and milk separately. Gets the same fat content overall but somehow remains pillowy.
The kale-and-onion mashed potatoes I'm making I whip with bacon grease, though, because onion and kale have plenty of moisture already.

>> No.8295027


any thoughts on this inquiry?

>> No.8295035
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>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Going back to my family's house from college, 8 hours away.
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
All the basics, just done really well. I just need to eat some perfect turkey and mashed potatoes ASAP.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Nope, all right wing as fuck. Our Japanese exchange student is also red-pilled.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
None, I come late.

>> No.8295044

>Japanese exchange student

Male or female?

>> No.8295059

Female. I haven't really met her since I've been at school, but my mom and sister say she hated Hillary for some reason. IDK

>> No.8295068

Try to give her the benis

>> No.8295073

she's kinda ugly. Okinawan nihonigger.

>> No.8295085

That's unfortunate

>> No.8295112

First time cooking a turkey this year. How do I not fuck it up?

>> No.8295140

I have a thought but you might not like it because it's not, strictly speaking, a pumpkin pie but rather a pumpkin cheesecake. Still here's my idea:

Buy gluten free graham crackers, arrowroot biscuits or whathaveyou.
Mix with plenty of melted butter and press into a pie tin.
Allow to set in the fridge.
Morning of, mix together a tin of pumpkin puree (400g), some pumpkin pie spices or pumpkin pie spice extract, two packages (1lb) of cream cheese and a tin of sweetened condensed milk (400g).
Stir in the juice of one lemon and some powdered sugar of equal weight (one lemon has about 2tbsp of juice, so use about 4tbsp/30g of powdered sugar). It's important you use a fresh lemon and not bottled lemon juice because it won't set quite right.
Pour into the pie shell and set back in the fridge. The acidity of the lemon juice and pumpkin purée will try to curdle the condensed milk but the milk's sugar content (it's sweetened, after all) will disallow this from happening and it, instead, starts to thicken and gel.

Serve your gluten free no-bake pumpkin cheesecake.

>> No.8295210

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?

Eating at a fancy chinese place that goes all out during the holidays, big waitlists and such
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Back home the centerpiece is our Big vats of Red Crab Gumbo

Before I couldn't handle buttered rice but after learning the method of their cookery is related to ancient west African notions of proper rice (whole, somewhat dry and completely separated grain by grain) I learned to love it

Gumbo and cobblers and dirty rice and red beans
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
People like my viewpoints and other than one BHI they generally all get along
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
Don't cook, not allowed to the women don't let men in the kitchen even if they wanted to Cook. Men cook outdoors on the grill but we don't do that during holidays.

>> No.8295223

Okinawans are the best. Broader, stockier, hairier, wider eyed, stronger jawed, tanner with curly brown hair sometimes.

Well men at least are p great

>> No.8295236


>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?

Parents are hosting. I live across town. My brother is coming home from college, and my grandparents are coming from 5 hours drive away.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving?

Your standard turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pies.

We always have buckwheat stuffing with sausage that my mom's grandma used to make. Look forward to that the most every year.


My grandparents are based conservatives, parents are liberals, but they usually don't get into it too deep.

>Assisting in the kitchen

As much as possible.

>> No.8295419

Thank you for the input! I was just thinking about switching to a pumpkin cheesecake instead and your reply seems to indicate that that would be a good course of action. I'll think more on it though.

Thanks again

>> No.8295435

>what are you doing

Visiting mom. Brother will be there.

>how far

Maybe 11 hours on the road, not counting a couple of hours at the in-laws, who are about half way there

>Used the be the standard classic.

Turkey, dressing, carrots, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, etc. Maybe quiche. Mom became a vegetarian late in life a little while back, might be a bit different.

>worried about politics?

Nah, none of my family are bigoted dipshits.

>how much assisting

I'm offering to do literally everything. Mom always refuses.

>> No.8295695

Cooking at home with brother and the family. He's gonna fry the turkeys. I'm doing most of the rest. Sister gonna stop by to drop off stuffing but since she's married she'll be off with her family.

Basic side shit. Green beans, mashed potatoes, fresh rolls, sweet potato casserole, and a couple pies. Don't wanna make too much side shit because who knows who's gonna stop by with their own dish.

As a kid I never cared for green beans but man do I love them now slow cooked with some bacon, onions and mushrooms. Favorite is apple pie, can't recall ever having a shitty one. I make mine all thick with some bourbon. Pretty proud.

Politics isn't really an issue in my family. Everyone has been so pessimistically apathetic about it for as long as I've known them. Anytime shit comes up it gets shut down with this everything is always gonna be horrible and the rich are always gonna profit so fuck it. Nobody votes.

I'm gonna be doing the most cooking since mom is too old. But I love cooking so idgaf.

In Texas btw.

>> No.8295727


>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
this year i'm having dinner with my parents at home; i'm an only child and most of my family lives quite a ways away.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
the typical turkey, stuffing, cranberries, potato/sweet potato dish, green bean casserole, etc.
in the past we've had potato kugel which was always subpar, and usually the item to look forward to most is the turkey neck.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
thankfully no because it'll just be the three of us, and we've talked enough politics over the coure of the year.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
i'll be whipping up bourdain's recipe for gratin dauphinois from his las halles cookbook. bretty excited lads

>> No.8295750

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Going to my home city about an hour away. My best friend is coming with me since we're roommates and his senpai lives across the country.
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Mac and Cheese (last year I was too far to have thanksgiving at home for the first time and had my first one without Mac and Cheese. Do white people eat mac and cheese for thanksgiving?) Corn pudding, turkey, meatballs, collard greens. I'll eat everything and brin tupperware.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Nah, I don't care, and even if I did I can deal with others opinions.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
Not at all. Just bringing hot sauce and tomatoes.

>> No.8296237


>bigoted dipshits

Heheh guess you won't need any extra salt at the table cause you'll have plenty already

>> No.8296245

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Having dinner with my dad at home.
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Staples are stuffing, oyster casserole, mashed potatoes, green beans, and sweet potato souffle. Used to not like oyster casserole much at all but now its my favorite. Oyster Casserole and Souffle.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
No, this year its just me and my dad.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
We cant afford to really cook anything this year which is a huge bummer. besides some steak we have. So I guess not much.

>> No.8296373

There's always one of these assholes in every family. In mine, it's my sister. But it's not only politics, she thinks she's right about everything , always, and will shout you down if you dare to disagree.

>> No.8296411
File: 42 KB, 736x442, 4f1ae19a310acc034364b43becdb6d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom's side of the family, just like every year. traveling about an hour

all the standard stuff like turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn and cranberry sauce. we also have zwieback, ground cherry jam and pfeffernusse. when I was a kid I used to assume I wouldn't like stuffing so I never tried it. now it's one of my favorite thanksgiving foods. most looking forward to the zwieback though since we only have it once or twice a year

not really. politics don't usually come up

I'm in charge of the stuffing this year. this is my first year taking over a core component of the meal. every other year I've brought a new side like a soup or something, so if it didn't go over well it was no big deal. I've made this stuffing a couple times so I'm not worried about it turning out, I'm just annoyed that I have to make it at home and then reheat it.

>> No.8296413
File: 327 KB, 834x870, cozy_4chan_christmas_cabin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. MANNNN this thread is getting comfy with you guys. Wish we could have a cozy /ck/ chansgiving here.

Good luck, and Happy Thanksgiving, anon
well I guess it's good that you got the gravy making away from him. Corn starch....wow lol. He probably meant well
>all the basics, just done really well
My family too, anon. Enjoy sharing an American tradition like Thanksgiving with a Japanese foreign exchange student. It's going to be something she tells her friends about for the rest of her life - make it count!
In my opinion, a wet brine about 24-36 hours is the way to go. I think I posted my recipe earlier up in the thread, but basically 2 gallons of water, cup each of brown sugar and salt, some peppercorns, whole allspice berries, two of each lemons and oranges that have been quartered and the juice squeezed into the brine first before throwing them in too, a couple bay leaves, FRESH rosemary and thyme, some garlic, some wine, maybe an onion...get creative bro!
>eats at a chinese restaurant on Thanksgiving instead of going back to big vats of fucking crab gumbo.
It's always great to see grandparents. Cherish them, anon. They have so much wisdom and life experience and often people don't realize how much they could learn about adult life from grandparents until it's too late. Glad politics won't spoil the evening.
Pumpkin cheese cake is the shit. My wife makes a killer one.
Have fun, anon. Where are you driving to? >>8295695
>green beans
dude i was the same way! I used to hate green beans but now I love them. same for corn and asparagus for me. funny how our tastes change as we get older.
Sounds cozy, anon! I'm using a few recipes from cookbooks too. Southern Living puts out an awesome cookbook every holiday season and I've come to enjoy some recipes from it.

>> No.8296415
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Usually my Mom and I split the cooking 50/50. However, shes on crurches due to knee replacement, so Ill be doing the vast majority.
Dad and my brother take care of the rice dressing, corn bread dressing and the turkey
The women will take care of
>Pecan pie
>Seeet potato casserole with toasted nuts on top
>Fron scratcn german chocolate cake
>Broccoli and caulifour salad
>Green bean casserole with home made crunchy onions to go on top
>from scratch yeast rolls
>mashed potatoes with turkey gravy we make from the turkey drippings
>oven roasted brussel sprouts
We usually feed 15 people or more

>> No.8296417

OP again..wanted to respond to you but ran out of space

Sounds fun. What is your home city, anon?
>mac and cheese
Dude, I've been obsessed with like some real deal homemade mac and cheese recipes over the last few years. It's weird, because my family doesn't usually make mac and cheese for Thanksgiving but lately, since I've been doing it so much, they've just kind of accepted it. lmao my mom will be like all nose-turned-up "mac and cheese AND mashed potatoes??" while she's eating every other savory side, pie, gravy, etc without question. I've found that the best recipes for mac and cheese never include pre-shredded cheese, always have at least three nice cheeses (white cheddar, smoked gouda, and asiago is one of my favorite combinations), heavy whipping cream instead of milk, and some kind of roux.
>collard greens
I fucking LOVE collard greens at Thanksgiving, but my family is white and never includes it. I went to my black friends' family Thanksgiving one year when I was living in LA and MANNNN that was incredible.

you sound pretty cool, anon.

lmao I noticed that too. "bigoted dipshits"...sounds like a smug, condescending liberal's assessment of someone with a different opinion

It sounds like you and your dad will have a cozy and lovely Thanksgiving, man. Cherish time with your dad. I'll bet he loves the fact that you've finally started loving oyster casserole. I would try it at least, but that sounds kinda weird to me. Oysters are the only bivalves that I don't enjoy eating, though I wish I could.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that your sister was a huge Bernie supporter, was mad for a minute about the way he got screwed out of the nomination at the DNC, then became a typical #ImWithHer drone because "at least she's not DRUMPF, rite guiseeeee?" kind of person?

I am a recent stuffing convert too, anon. Do you prefer stuffing that's cooked inside the turkey while it cooks or a stand-alone?

>> No.8296421
File: 130 KB, 960x638, cozy_mountain_cabin_christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. Sorry for the flurry of responses all at once. I hope this thread stays alive because damn it sure has the Thanksgiving spirit.

>from scratch yeast rolls
I tried those one year at Christmas Eve dinner. Kind of tricky, in my opinion, but man were they good!
>brussel sprouts
I've recently become a fan of these after hating them all my life. My favorite recipe is Alton Brown's grilled asparagus recipe with the dry mustard, smoked paprika, garlic, etc.

Sounds pretty comfy, anon!

>> No.8296434

>Do you prefer stuffing that's cooked inside the turkey while it cooks or a stand-alone?

I don't think I've actually had stuffed in a bird stuffing to be honest. I'm pretty sure my family used to make stuffing like that though, but that was back when I figured I wouldn't like it. not sure why they switched to stand-alone, but our venue for thanksgiving did change and that was also around the time that there was that semi-crusade against cooked in bird stuffing over fears of salmonella, so who knows which was the reason.

I'm making cook's illustrated's extra crispy skillet stuffing. it's easily my favorite stuffing, although I've not yet tried cornbread stuffing

>Do white people eat mac and cheese for thanksgiving?

not in my part of the midwest at least. I hadn't heard of it until I learned a bit about southern cooking through people like alton brown. we just don't really do mac and cheese as a side dish, really.

>> No.8296442

nice! Gotta go with your favorite recipe. Of course, I must note that your family's fear of salmonella is warranted - if they just literally scoop the stuffing out of the turkey and eat it. Usually, we cook our stuffing in the turkey, and when we take the turkey out to rest, we scoop the stuffing into a baking pan and bake that shit for like half an hour more. Kills the bacteria, gets crispy, and definitely retains the flavor of the turkey drippings that got into it while the turkey cooked.

>alton brown

That dude lives like 45 minutes from me in Roswell, GA. I loved "Good Eats" and he is pretty awesome all around. I hear you about the family crusades about Thanksgiving...we went through a weird phase for a couple of years and it was all about including duck and pheasant instead of ham. We eventually just appeased the ham people by just making a fucking ham on the side too but wild game > store bought shit ham. Families can get weird.

>> No.8296460

I'm staying with my boyfriend. Can't be bothered to fly home JUST for thanksgiving. I'm going to have a friendsgiving with my friends when I get back.

>> No.8296468

No, quite the opposite. She's a huge Trump supporter because she's married to rich white trash and wants those tax cuts. In general, she's a selfish, narcissistic bitch, and has been her whole life, even as a child. For example, when we sit around telling family stories, even you even joke about something dumb she did as a kid, she will shriek at you that you're lying, it never happened, and will keep it up until you either back down or leave the room. And if you dare to suggest she's not remembering things correctly, she'll say "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR? !?!?", and just act like a maniac in general. She most definitely has rampant narcissistic personality disorder, by my parents are too scared of pissing her off to say anything, and her husband is a wet blanket who does as he's told, by her and his own family. I've never seen such a weak willed man in my life. Those two make holidays unbearable.

>> No.8296475
File: 415 KB, 1723x969, turkeytime2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using a dry brine of salt and baking powder
>Not spatchcocking your turkey
Pic very related, my 2015 turkey

>> No.8296603

Welcome. Glad I could help. If you do go that route, just look up a few more no-bake cheesecake recipes to get a feel for how others make them, compare it to my instructions and come up with a happy median that will work for you.

>cornstarch lol
Yeah, he means well. He served in the military. He's a very patriotic person and very proud of being American but due to not having an American mother, can't cook American food for shit, though he tries. Everything other than his potato salad (and holy shit, his potato salad is fantastic) comes out being a little weird. Not outright bad, mind you, just... weird. Like a foreigner trying to cook American food weird. Like putting crab meat, corn kernels and mayonnaise on a pizza weird.

Anyway, my parents landed at 5 this morning and my brother took the day off to pick them up and bring round his. I'm on break from work until December, so dad called me at 7.30 to tell me that bro's already started with his political button-pushing. I didn't offer and he didn't ask for me to pick them up to take them anywhere, but I'm sure I'm gonna have to either tomorrow or Wednesday.
It's gonna be a long week.

>> No.8296667

You are a good son anon
I hope she secretly have few hundred thousand in her secret bank saving and will all be your once shes ded

>> No.8296669

My home city is Cincinnati, but my senpai comes from all over, including the south, and my mom knows a lot of great southern recipes. She makes collard greens good enough that you can eat them by themselves for dinner and her mac and cheese is incredible. I have to get all her recipes soon before I move too far away. I'm black and my best friend is white, so he always enjoys the food. Not that it's better, but it's different.

Thanks for replying, OP!
Which part are you in? I've discovered over the last year how big an area the midwest actually is and how much variation it has in overall culture. The difference between Indiana and Wisconsin is pretty staggering.

>> No.8297030

I plan on cooking the parts of my turkey separately but I'm doing it at my parent's house so I won't be around to brine it. Rather than walk my mom through how to butcher a turkey, is there anything wrong with brining the turkey whole then butchering it after?

>> No.8297034


Nope, nothing wrong with that at all. It will just take longer to brine than it would if you cut it up first.

>> No.8297044

great, thanks

>> No.8297176

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?

I still have about 11 hours to figure that out. My mom wants to have a thing by me, but she's an alcoholic aspie and not much fun to be around. She'll drink four sixes of Natural Ice, a bottle of vodka and a liter of red wine over the course of the night, she'll start out bitching about racism and classism and end up crying to Henryk Goreki and pretending to see the devil. I don't have any other relatives in the city besides a drunk cousin who is on and off homeless and smells like pee and cigarettes in spite of actually being a wonderful person and a lot of fun up until she starts slurring after three drinks because she has been actually sneaking whole glasses of hard liquor on the sly and then pisses herself.

so therein lies the problem, i like to drink, I'd love to have them over for dinner, but man, they can't hang. If I do have them over, which I most likely will and it will be a disaster and nothing will be eaten because everyone is too busy having some sort of drunken crisis, I'll probably just roast a chicken with boiling potatoes, mushrooms and onions, some boudin dressing, maybe braise greens and make biscuits and gravy. I might make a sweet potato pie. I like cooking, don't get me wrong, I just see this being a monumental waste of time and effort.

I rambled too long I'll attatch the rest below.

>> No.8297180
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>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?

all the regular shit, turkey, dressing, roasted vegetables, offal gravy, sweet and white potatoes, cranberry chutney. dressing skeeved me out as a kid, but when I finally tried it when I was probably 10 or so, it was a third of my plate. I also always asked for the tail off the bird. Never liked the meat much, my dad even made pretty good turkeys, I just wasnt wild about them.
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?

nah, we're pretty uninvolved in all that shit what with them being impoverished degenerates and me a depressed working class millennial.
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

100%. my mom's gonna want to help but i'm not going to let her because she is an asshole and a terrible cook.

>boils carrots in unsalted chicken broth
>purees them with no seasoning
>pours into bowls and garnishes with sliced strawberries
>bland af its fucking purreed carrots
>eat it anyway
>finish the bowl. fuck this. eat the strawberry as a sorry ass aperitif
>"anon you're not supposed to eat the garnish"
>shut the fuck up you old whore

>> No.8298200


Looks nice and crispy, would consider if I wasnt cooking a 22 pounder this year.

>> No.8298267

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving?
Going to my bf's family's house around noon for brunch, then after that to my family's house for dinner.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Kugel, My family just calls it noodle pudding. I never ate it as a kid because I thought it sounded disgusting. Now it's what I look forward to the most.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
No, and if anyone brings it up i'll immediately leave the room.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
Just going to be helping where I can. I'm 36 weeks pregnant so I feel like I might just end up getting in the way.

>> No.8298289

Traveling. Boston to Oklahoma. Actually in the plane from O'Hare to Arkansas now. Gonna spend it with friends instead of family this year.
Usually for my family it's the desserts -- chocolate Oreo balls, cookies and pies as far as the eye can see. However, I am a huge fan of my aunt's curried tomatoes. When I was a kid I hated Asparagus wrapped in bacon, but as an adult it's actually one of my favorite dishes.
I am flying to OK specifically to get away from talking about that horseshit.
We got a fresh hog and a 19 pound bird. I'm making peanut brittle, got authentic San Francisco sourdough bread, and I might be on soup duty if we make soup. However, my friend is a kitchen diva so it's usually wise to stay out of her way and let her work.

>> No.8298427

Parents house.
Turkey from mom's farm, cranberry sauce (fresh made), green beans, creamed spinach casserole, gravy from pan drippings, pies, etc

Kinda sad though because I can no longer eat sugar. I was borderline type 2 diabetic and only managed to get away from it by avoiding sugar. Means no bread and shit, and dinner rolls have always been a part of the family tradition for holidays. I can't eat them anymore, and eating sugar makes me feel like shit now, and I don't feel like putting my health at risk.
I'll probably make something like garlic bread made from cheese, egg, almond flour, and stuff instead but it won't be the same.

There will be plenty of other delicious stuff, including pumpkin cheesecake (stevia instead of sugar) and such, but it's the breaking of tradition because I fucked up my body enough to nearly get a disease that hurts.

>> No.8298437
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Went to the grocery store today and ended up buying everything I need, including herbs. I know the basil and parsley will keep best in a glass of water, but what's the best way to store rosemary, thyme and sage to keep it as fresh as possible? Damp paper towel wrap/ziploc bag and the fridge?

>> No.8298469


>unmarried pregnant jewgirl

Get the fuck out

>> No.8298481

>pleb tier biscuits instead of soft, fluffy bread rolls


>> No.8298498

What country

Are you american

>> No.8298516
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>mfw got diagnosed with testicular cancer at the end of october
>mfw started chemotherapy last week
>mfw i've felt sick every day since then
>mfw my immune system will be total shit
>mfw i won't be able to enjoy myself like usual

Thankfully I haven't had any treatments since Friday so I don't feel as shit as usual.

inb4 nice blog

>> No.8298526

Redpill me on gravy lads.

>sage, thyme, parsley and rosemary butter under and over skin
>well salted and peppered
>mirepoix for aromatics

Strain drippings, add flour for rue and then just some chicken stock or what? I can't ever get a gravy to taste anything other than just okay. idk where I'm fucking up.

>> No.8298556
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last year was cozy as fuck, senpai. looking forward to thursday

>> No.8298559


Cook down neck and giblets, chop em up and put in gravy. Can also add some white wine to rue, then reduce before adding your stock. Also obv, but season it well. It needs plenty of salt and pepper.

>> No.8298561

Can someone please explain this shit-tier cancerous cancer meme to me, I've been gone for a fucking week and it's ravaging this board...

>> No.8298569
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as is generally the case, it's no more than a few autists whose great thrill in life is trolling 4chan

>> No.8298587
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>mfw in charge of cooking this year
>cunt ass bitch of a feminist cousin vegan is coming
>mfw I sneak chicken stock into supposedly vegan dishes

>> No.8298597


Why do vegans have to ruin potlucks, family reunions, and parties in general.

>> No.8298612

Whoops, wasn't aware this was a thing. Sorry.

For some reason a relative I haven't seen since I was a baby ordered us a bunch of stuff to eat for Thanksgiving, even though I'd just prefer what my family usually makes.

>> No.8298617
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You're doing God's work, anon.

>> No.8298695

my step father just got back on chemo too, it sucks anon I feel for you

good luck!

>> No.8298698

The only thing I have to add is that it's spelled "roux" not "rue"

seconding the well seasoning suggestion, keep tasting + adding

add some cayenne too

>> No.8298705

>What am I doing, how far am I traveling?
Moms house. Just me, mom, and sister, maybe I'll invite a thot over. Other sister and BIL will come for dessert. Already here, its 70 miles from my job, at a school that has off for this week.

>Turkey from local turkey farm
>mashed potatoes or potato kugel (think huge rectangular latke)
>gravy from pan drippings (I usually fuck it up :c)
>candied yams
>cranberry mold (its surprisingly good, despite the 60s meme-tier ingredients: crushed pineapple, cranberry sauce, ginger-ale, celery, strawberry jello)
>apple pie
Favorites: Everything except yams desu.

Nah, now that the elections over, everyone is burnt out, theyre never bad though.

>kitchen duty
I cook the bulk of the meals when I'm home. So Turkey: Dry brine a la seriouseats' guide for 48 hours.
Stuffing: fennel-challah stuffing with spinach and italian sausage. Gonna try it out, I wanted to make something with fennel this year
Potatoes: we got baby reds, so either mashed or roasted
Gravy: Somebody give me a solid guide, pls, I lack gravy confidence

Thats it. The girls make the rest of the stuff, yams, pie, cranberry mold.

>> No.8298706
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>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
I'm from the States but am currently living in Australia with my bf, gonna force him to indulge in the holidays with me.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Staples used to be turkey, honey baked ham, green been casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, and apple or pumpkin pie. I used to dislike the turkey but nowadays I realize it's just because my grandma overcooked it every year. No one in my family has successfully cooked a turkey yet at least imo. Other than that everything else tasted great.
This year I'm excited about making Milk Bar's crack pie. I freeze dried my own corn to make the stupid powder myself since I couldn't find it anywhere.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
That comes at Christmas when I fly home... Super glad I don't spend Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family anymore because they're very Christian and conservative. They're still nice people but I prefer my bf and my pet ratties.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
All of it. My bf can't really cook and he knows how much I love to. The menu is spatchcock chicken, cornbread stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes, homemade gravy and sourdough rolls, crack pie, and I'm going to attempt to wrap individual cherries and cheesecake filling into little parcels of pie dough and bake them off as individual dumplings. He's not a big veggie dude so no point in making anything side dishes with them. Wish me luck! I've been watching Food Network all week to get ready but I missed the live special they did.

>> No.8298733

Diff anon, my mashed potatoes are really simple. Gotta have reds, skin on, boil em in salted/vinegared water until you can run a fork effortlessly through. Then throw em in a bowl and mash with proper amounts of milk, butter, salt, fresh garlic, sage, rosemary.

>> No.8298746

Oh and black pepper, thats really important.

>> No.8298753

Hey, I remember that pic from last year! Let me see if I can find mine, I posted it in that same thread.
Dammit, can't find it, I know it's in my files somewhere. Ah well.....

>> No.8298782


no u. I don't want to get married, and i'm not Jewish. My adoptive dad's mother is.

>> No.8298874

>taking that personally

lol, somebody's projecting some salt.

>> No.8298913

I'm buying KFC.

>> No.8298941

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving?
Hosting, a mix of friends and family are coming through whenever
>How far are you traveling, if at all?
No travel at all
>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving?
Ham and stuffing. Otherwise, hasn't been really any staples since I finished school since I cook whatever I feel like
>What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid?
I actually have grown very fond of green bean casseroles and sweet potatoes, but still would err on more savory sweet potatoes than a dessert-y sweet potato
>What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Stuffing. I love stuffing. I hate that it's not more acceptable year round (much like ham)
>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
I'm having more friends over than I am family, and there's a general agreement to not discuss it too much
>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm doing most of it because, as much as I love my friends, I don't trust them to remember sides. I've got backup dishes planned in case any of them fall through

>> No.8298985

I'm going to read this thread in full later, but right now, the important thing is that I salvaged my family's Thanksgiving.

Mom & Dad got divorced when I was a kid, but even still, we did Thanksgiving together and my mom cooked a turkey. My dad broke his arm this year and for some reason they decided to get a turkey from the place up the street - but it was cold, had to be reheated, a real mess.

I talked it through with them and we were able to cancel that, so I can help with the real turkey. Holiday saved!

>> No.8298990

>>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
Turkey Wars! We make a huge thanksgiving dinner and watch Star Wars all day. (Not the prequels, and if we do the prequels, it's just as background noise and we don't pay attention to them)
>>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Just Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and some kind of pie plus cranberry sauce. This year we've got two different pumpkin pies and sweet potato casserole.
My favorite is probably mashed potatoes but I'm looking forward to how the pumpkin pies are gonna turn out. Any of the weird stuff my family used to make is not anything I have to deal with anymore cause I no longer talk to them. The only thing I ever had a problem with was some weird "mexican" corn they made one year and I just didn't want the weird fake red peppers to get stuck in my teeth. I'd probably eat it now but my grandma made a huge stink about it and I hope she's dead now.
>>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Again, yay!! Don't have to put up with those dumb asses anymore!
>>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm gonna make mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie cheesecake and that's it.

>> No.8299365

.what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?

going to my grandmothers house, she lives 1 house up from me so thats about a 45 second walk. lucky me.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?

regular turkey and fried turkey, my aunts mac and cheese, stuffing,
i look forward to the stuffing and mac and cheese the most and i used to actually hate turkey but now i think its decent.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?

no i think it will be entertaining. everyone in my family voted for trump expect my aunt who yelled at my mom use the phone because she voted for trump,
my aunt is a feminist that only voted for hillary because shes a women and she told me women should always support other women no matter what. gonna be gud. oh and she just got divorced.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?

i'm not, but i am thinking of bringing moonshine for the lolz.

>> No.8299622

Man...alcohol is a lot of fun, but that sounds like a nightmare. My mom's dad (who died before I was born) was like that and so was his family. My mom gets nervous when I drink, but I don't get shitty until like after hours if I do at all. Just keep them drinking water.
OK Thanksgiving sounds pretty comfy! The fresh hog is going to be delicious. I have family down in south GA and whenever they kill a hog they'll sometimes do a huge pit bbq on that thing. So good.
>diabetic at Thanksgiving
I feel for you, bro. Try to enjoy the more savory side then like the turkey and the sides!
I used to do the 2 Thanksgivings growing up and it was soooo much food! My wife is also about 36 weeks pregnant (due on 12/6) so she's right there with ya.
fuck off /pol/
Sorry to hear that, mate. I hope things are at least somewhat manageable for you during Thanksgiving. God speed!
Thanksgiving to Christmas is like the coziest time of the year. Enjoy it, bros!
You're doing God's work, anon. If she starts being extra cunty then slip her a napkin that says "11 innocent inner-city chickens died to make the stock in the dish you've been eating" and watch her throw up and flip out.
Sounds delicious. As far as gravy, make a turkey stock using the neck and giblets (look up method online), then make a roux using flour and butter and slowly add the stock to the roux once it's golden brown, whisking until preferred consistency.
>Happy Thanksgiving to you guys down under! Your menu sounds great. Couple of cozy kookaburras!
>>8298733 >>8298746 Pretty much what I do except I add the sour cream and boil mine in chicken stock.
poor bastard :(
I had to make a bunch for my Friendsgiving too because everyone just wanted to bring like chips, booze, or like rolls. Gotta take command of the kitchen sometimes, anon!
You're the Thanksgiving HERO! That's awesome, bud. Huzzah!

>> No.8299627

>star wars all day during Thanksgiving
That's a great idea! Star Wars is comfy as fuck. I'll probably just throw South Park on Hulu until my dad or grandma get too tired of "all the curse words" lol.
45 second commute is not bad. My family mostly voted for Trump too but thankfully we don't have any batshit feminists in the family. Just my in-laws, who are great people that are typically too busy running their own businesses and dealing with their family land/trust issues to really be too informed. They're definitely not coming to talk politics though.
Mah nigga. There's definitely going to be some moonshine at my family's house too.

I love this thread!!! Keep it coming, guys! Share your cozies with us!

>> No.8299943


For the kid's sake you probably should. Kids raised by a single mother or in a non-nuclear family tend to turn out to be useless pieces of shit.

>> No.8299975

>non-nuclear family

>> No.8299980

A "nuclear family" is one with the standard structure of husband, wife, and children.

>> No.8299981


>> No.8300004

>parents always in charge of cooking
>mum buys bagged instant mashed potatoes, no gravy, canned cranberry jelly, store brand turkey

Should I just take over bros? I've never done it before but by fucking hell am I eating instant taters again for Thanksgiving. They don't even have skins in them and are soupy.

>> No.8300041

Gonna attempt my first thanks giving dinner. Nothing too brave, turkey, masher potatoes, bakes Mac, and some ghetto yams. Plus a pie

>> No.8300052

It would be nice to takeover if you won't offend anyone. Just keep in mind that it's work all day long, and you can't quit. And, you can't rave your ass off about how you did it better. Just be a loving son and say "mom you relax today, it's probably time I turned this into a real holiday from work for you and learnt a lesson or two about the big meal, but please help me if I scream out in ignorance over here." You can make the cranberries at home, in advance, and cook up some gravy in advance too. Got a potato masher? Big pot? You feel like peeling?

>> No.8300226

>Mostly regular stuff - usually a baked turkey, a smoked wild turkey, and a fried turkey. usually a ham, some smoked venison tenderloin, maybe some duck, pheasant, etc

uh that's not normal anon

>> No.8300239

>Where do you work? Any chance of getting off early?

if they work a job that's open on thanksgiving, it's not a job that you can "get off early"

how out of touch are you?

>> No.8300396

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
My family and I always have Thanksgiving with our neighbors (my mom's best friend and her family plus assorted extended family and friends). It's nicer now than it has been for the past few years because both neighbors' elderly and senile mothers would be there and they've both since passed, so it's like a big weight off their backs.
We wake up and watch the Macy's parade while cooking, head over to the neighbors' around noon, eat around 2, and spend the rest of the day laying around and watching football or action movies and nibbling on leftovers.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
We have the usual: turkey, ham, green beans, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, rolls, plus a couple wildcard dishes like pumpkin mac and cheese or hashbrown casserole. I used to avoid green bean casserole because it was the canned stuff, which I can't stand, but I make it from scratch now and it's my absolute favorite.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Everyone's liberal so I imagine there will be light communal groaning but nothing serious.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
I'm making the green beans and maybe some brussel sprouts and a cheesecake. Will be assisting as much as I can once we get to the neighbors'.

>> No.8301793
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>> No.8301807

thanksgiving is pie season, what are my ck/bros whippin up? as for me I made a lime curd pie. bought pie dough because I'm lazy and don't have enough counter space to comfortably roll out a scratch crust, but did make the filling from scratch

>> No.8301845
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Everybody in my family is dumb as fuck and wants to be remembered for their cool unique dish, so we don't get much actual thanksgiving foods, mostly just gross gimmick shit like ambrosia salad and shit like that.
I don't think I've ever had a proper thanksgiving meal.

>> No.8301847

fuck off
Just take over. Begin the slow process of doing it now so that by next year, if you did good enough this year, you've successfully converted everyone. Be sweet to your mom about it though.
Hahaha I guess not. But seriously...make some friends that are hunters. Wild game is amazing and tastes better than anything store bought.

I get it dude. Sucks for you I guess. I was just trying to be optimistic for you. But I guess that makes me "out of touch". Enjoy your shit retail job on Thanksgiving while the rest of us (for the most part) enjoy the day.

>macy's day parade
all of this sounds Cozy anon.
I'm finally here, guys. I made this tread days ago with the hope that I'd be able to post once I finally get down to my parents farm house. Well I'm finally here. I'm gonna make a nice post tomorrow morning fully detailing the situation down here, how cozy things are.

Right now...
>me and little brother have South Park casted onto the Apple TV...early season 5 episodes. We're both in cozy clothes, dogs fed, parents asleep, etc
>about to walk outside and explore the property under the southern stars at night while smoking weed
>about to make another drink right now...spiced rum and egg nog.
>coming back after we take our "walkabout" to play some Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne 2v2 multiplayer games online.
>Shits probably gonna get even cozier as we're stoking the fire with more wood.
>maybe go feed the horses at the property next door some carrots
>Thanksgiving week is now officially cozy as fuck and I have a great thread of 4chan bros to come back to
I love you guys. Happy Thanksgiving time!!

>> No.8301860

Will be visiting mom; her last Thanksgiving before she moves into a senior community.

Will not be visiting dad. He died earlier this year.

>> No.8301868

Thanksgiving was in October

>> No.8301872
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>> No.8301898

For someone trying to host a comfy thread you seem to be salty about liberals. Really showing your true colors with all the conservative support in your posts as well. Not comfy at all.

I just made a nice blueberry bourbon pie, but I think it'd be better with 1/4 cup sugar rather than 1/2. Used nice wild Michigan blueberries I picked myself and Eagle Rare bourbon. I'll also be making mashed sweet potatoes mixed with 5 varieties of mushrooms topped with grated 5 year old white cheddar. My sister is continuing the booze dessert trend with a black forest cake and she'll also do a tart cranberry sauce and Brussel sprouts baked with pancetta until crispy. Mother is handling the turkey and will make shitty prepackaged gravy. Me and my sister will then continue the weekend by going to a local pro wrestling event.

My family all leans the same way politically, and we can have some great discussion about how this entire election was retarded and congratulate Trump on a great marketing campaign and laugh as he's taken to court for targeting people over 70 with his scam school (oh man I can't wait for that court ruling). We finally get to make fun of the president again for being a horrible human being, no matter who won.

Tomorrow is Drinksgiving with friends. Lots of booze and stupid fun. Then we'll be hosting on Thursday at my mom's house. I have a side job that pays for school so I'll be working 9-2 on Thanksgiving. Making all my dishes tonight and tomorrow.

Me and my sister also plan to watch Judge Dredd and Terror vision while drinking heavily after everyone else has left. We'll stay the night in our old bedroom and chill. It's going to be great.

>> No.8302048

Maybe they meant to post on /cgl?

>> No.8302315
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Hanging in occasional sunlight or put in a jar. I feel like most herbs are either 'naturally' fresh, or 'always' fresh. I mean, you aren't keeping them stored up for an apocalypse, are you? Look into herb gardens. I've been meaning to at least.

This Thanksgiving I'm probably going to be making a few pies, one apple and one bourbon and/or pecan. I then hope to cook a couple of hams, one dry and one juicy. Maybe a gravy wouldn't be such a bad idea. I really wanted to cook a duck or goose for myself, but I'll probably be sticking to simple stuff. I'm thinking of maybe some cornbread and yams or something. Stuffing is a must of course. I know there won't be enough for all the people that will be at the place I'm going to, so it has to be well worth it. I'm not anywhere near a cranberry sauce guy, so that's a no. And I have no clue what I would do for veggies. I never do for that matter.

But I just now, right this second thought of something super awesome. What about portabella and shiitake mushroom bowls with different stuffings on the side? Like you come get your plate, and fill the mushroom with what you like? Booyah.

>> No.8302417

That sucks friendo, flaking is super shitty. At least you'll have leftovers for the next month and a half.

>> No.8302455

>>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
im going down to my great aunts house with me immediate family, my brother usually goes to our grandmas house instead but he had his first child this year and hes planning on switching over to my aunts side of the family for holiday functions. hopefully it will be a good time
>>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
we generally have all of the stereotypical thanksgiving foods, turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese. etc. etc.
every year im the one who eats the turkey legs because for some reason at a meal for 15 im the only person who actually enjoys turkey leg. im getting sick of the cut desu but i know if i wont eat it no one else will
>>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
yes definetly, my family is mostly conservatives but the younger members including me and my brother are green party members. my family doesnt do a very good job of staying off politics since we were all raised to be racist. im expecting a long chat about how nigs are ruining the country

>> No.8302737

Your menu sounds nice, especially the booze desert trend. However, I'm not salty with liberals if you're not smug with conservatives, right? Drinksgiving sounds fun. Don't hold your breath about Trump losing in court any more than conservatives did about Hillary being indicted. I'm a libertarian, by the way so don't paint me with that brush. This isn't /pol/ though, so I'm not going to engage in any more discussion here.

I've been wanting to cook a goose every year but NOBODY else seems to want to do it. The mushroom bowls thing sounds really great as a side.

sounds like a comfy tradition! I'm sure your parents didn't raise you to be racist, but hell, maybe they did.

>> No.8302742

I'm in south dakota. and yeah, it'd be useful to distinguish between the rust/lake and the plains states

>> No.8302816

>sounds like a comfy tradition! I'm sure your parents didn't raise you to be racist, but hell, maybe they did.
no they did trust me, it left some conflicting ideology because on one hand i want social equality and equal opportunity but on the other hand i hate all black people

>> No.8303123

Bro, I'm not going to bother to point out all the times you painted people you don't even know with a brush, as you put it, in this thread. It's just not comfy. Trump is a shit but so was Hillary, and they both had equally ridiculous supporters. Everyone wins because all that's left is to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Cooking goose is surprisingly challenging. You get a very very fatty bird that drips grease like you wouldn't believe. It's easy to fuck up your first go at it. You'd best do a practice bird or two before trying it on Thanksgiving. It's more a Christmas thing anyway, so you still have time to give it a try. If you can source a fresh bird it's very much worth it over frozen.

>> No.8303190

man, people actually worry about talking politics with their family? granted, most my family have similar views, but even the ones that don't are like shouted down to. everyone has a "well, that's not my view point but it's certainly a valid way to look at things" attitude. like that's your family, why would you side with Trump or Hillary over your own family? fucking stupid. if you were in a coma, Trump or Hillary aren't gonna be at your bedside praying for you to wake up or calling the nurses at all hours of the day asking for updates. you family will. the fuck do people raise these political scumbags up like gods? fuck em. family first.

then again, my family talks shit to each other about football teams. FUCK THE COWBOYS AND FUCK YOU TOO UNCLE MARK!

>> No.8303215

I was able to get a turkey for .58 a lb so I got a 20lb bird. I've got it sitting in a brine right now and then im gonna smoke that sumbitch, I don't care whatever else is there

>> No.8303219

Making apple bourbon pie and pumpkin cheesecake. I also by the pie crust made. Pillsbury and my own pie crust aren't noticeably different so fuck it. Also making some fudgy pecan bourbon weed brownies for me and my cousins and siblings. And tonight making some overnight cinnamon rolls to pop real quick in the oven in the morning. Keep everyone kinda happy and not bitching till the food is done.

>> No.8303250

Man I agree so hard. I keep hearing about family members and parents uninviting children because hey supported Hillary or people just rejecting invitations because of Trump. Like fucking god himself could come down and say "hey tell your brother to fuck off and die" and I'd just rather burn in hell than do that shit. Even though my brother is a huge asshole.

I don't get anyone cutting family off over petty shit. Cut them out if they're some pedophile or a murderer or seriously betrayed you first. Not over a kid sucking dick or voting trump or making some racist joke.

>> No.8303255


Honestly, that doesn't look too bad. So long as you don't mind eating by yourself it should be a fine dinner. Just grab a sixer of your favorite beer and streams some movies, shit would be comfy as fuck.

>> No.8303369
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>> No.8303398

>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
I live with my family and commute to college, since I live near the university. Today, we are going to visit some relatives, but tomorrow on Thanksgiving, we are eating at home. We usually have a harder time visiting relatives because my sister is schizophrenic and sometimes acts up.

>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Just the basic stuff. Turkey, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, homemade stuffing, roasted vegetables (carrots, eggplant, parsnips, celery root, onions, garlic, etc.), pumpkin and/or apple pie, and sometimes roasted lamb. I never really hated any of it as a kid. Stuffing will always be my favorite thing.

>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
My family doesn't care about politics and no one voted this year.

>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
My dad is a chef, so I really never need to help with anything. I did find some stuff for great prices at the store though.

>> No.8303769

Just a few more hours to go, Anons, and it's officially D-day for turkeys.

>> No.8303795

This is hilarious to me.
My condolences anon.

>> No.8303899
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>chopping up huge yellow onions to line my roasting pan/stuff my turkey with
>eyes and nose pouring, can barely fucking see to slice
>look at my poor cat
>she's almost in as bad a shape as I am

Webm related. We had to take a half hour breather outside.

>> No.8303909

cute af

>> No.8304037

awh poor kitters

nice dubs

>> No.8304080

>It's just the three of us this year, so no rushing, no nagging, peace.
>making a turkey so good it's practically an art form
>have minimal prep to do today, besides making the cranberry sauce, staling the sourdough bread for the dressing, making candied walnuts for the salad, and prepping my beautiful turkey.
>Oh, almost forgot, making the sausage ball mixture for in the morning. We have sausage balls and a fruit tray with coffee while we watch the parade.
>Need to get the table decorated tonight, but that's easy.
>Don't have to pull out the china and nice flatware because no one else is coming, so we can just use our regular plates and flatware, thank goodness
>I do like using my linen napkins and napking holders, though. Just adds a nicety to the table
>Can't wait to pull out my little turkey candle holders and acorn shaped salt and pepper shakers
>I have a turkey shaped gravy boat, but I use it for the cranberry sauce, because I have a silver warmer for the gravy so it doesn't get cold
>fireplace already set up to be lit tonight
>Tomorrow will go easy, once the turkey is cooking, since we can keep the sides smaller and simpler because family isn't coming
>dressing, yeast rolls, gravy, cranberry sauce, sauteed green beans with garlic, roasted rosemary fingerling potatoes, salad with arugula-spinach-blackberries-candied walnuts-wensleydale cheese-orange champagne vinaigrette, relish tray, and pumpkin cheesecake with a caramel pecan topping, iced tea and wine, coffee with dessert
>already have plans for the leftovers
>Cozy as fuck.

>> No.8304142

I always like it when it's just the immediate family for a holiday. I love my relatives, but it makes it so much more hectic. I like being able to relax on holidays.

>> No.8304148
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This is the first time I've ever felt homesick. I should be going to my boyfriend's thanksgiving. That's the plan. I want to bail so bad, though. I miss my family so much, especially home cooking, especially thanksgiving home cooking.

No idea what to tell the bae. Fuck.

>> No.8304166
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end yourself

>> No.8304168

This is going to be by far the uncomfiest thanksgiving I have ever bad. My extended family actually already had it at my aunts house last Saturday because she works in a restaurant and always misses it, so she decided to host it early so she could be a part of it. I didn't go because I am a fuck up alcoholic, and my mom is a loudmouth and feels the need to tell everyone about it. I couldn't deal with the shame of seeing everyone. I'm probably just going to eat non-thanksgiving food while uncomfortably watching football with my dad, who hates me and wants nothing more then for me to move out. Damn.. I hope you all enjoy your thanksgivings tho! Going to read the thread now, and envy all of your comfy plans.

>> No.8304177

Not looking forward to it to be honest. It'll only be my close family, who i'm not all that fond of. Plus there won't be any booze to make it bearable. The food will be good though, so there's that.

>> No.8304362

how many people are you feeding?

three turkeys, a duck, a pheasant, a ham, and venison

wtf? is your family a pack of wolves or something? jesus christ.

>> No.8304521

Thats the plan for this year. I'm cooking for the first time, but not hosting. I'm kinda excited and nervous. But its for my gf's family who are used to pre-made everything so it should be a hit.

>> No.8305566


>> No.8305581

Wtf is pumpkin mac and cheese?

>> No.8305591

I need to make two bread puddings for tomorrow. I'll be whipping the one up tonight, but I just noticed that I have a piece of stoneware large enough to make the 2nd right now. It says it's both dishwasher and microwave safe, but does not mention ovens. I probably shouldn't cook with it, right?

>> No.8305597

Sounding cozy as fuck, bro!!!!!!! I love the attention to detail on the decorations. GOTTA do to the yeast rolls. LOVE fingerling potatoes too.

Dude you're Thanksgiving sounds super fucking comfy. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas season!

Chin up, anon.....Happy Thanksgiving! I love you and you have much to be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving though, bro! Don't feel down. Just come post your feels ITT tomorrow
We like our meats, mannnnn
You GOT THIS, man!

sounds like voodoo sorcery to me, mate

>> No.8305620

It's pretty good, mang. I've made it a few times. It's basically baked mac and cheese, but you add mashed, cooked pumpkin to the cheese sauce OR add roasted, cubed pumpkin to the macaroni and mix in the cheese sauce, plus additional seasonings and cheeses, and then bake. It's good stuff, and a good use for pumpkin if you have some laying around.

>> No.8306040
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and a nice set of dubbadubbs to commemorate!

>> No.8306063

am I the only one disapointed that I came to ck today and the thanksgiving song wasn't auto playing in the background?

>> No.8306079

give us more detail on what it is, if it's corningware or is a casserole shaped pan then it's meant for the oven

>> No.8306172


>> No.8306392

OK, here goes...

The food is a bread pudding made with a recipe from the 40s or some shit. It was baked in a standard 8X8 Pyrex casserole dish. The other container that I have is a large stoneware mixing bowl which was made in China. I'm assuming that baking this bowl at 350 for a half an hour or so is a bad idea. I like the idea of making the second one later so it's more fresh anyway. So in essence this post is asking if the bowl will get fucked up or not, because I won't be performing the test anyway.

>> No.8306411

>>what are you doing on Thanksgiving? How far are you traveling, if at all?
about an hour
>>what kind of menu items are staples at your family's Thanksgiving? What are your favorites now but used to hate as a kid? What dish are you looking forward to the most?
Pretty normal shit: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, stuffed mushrooms, butternut squash soup, brussel sprouts and other stuff. Like the brussel sprouts a lot now. Looking forward to the turkey
>>are you worried about having to talk about politics or hearing about the election with family members?
Nope, we all voted for the President Elect
>>how much are you cooking/assisting in the kitchen this year?
All of the cooking because I work in the industry

>> No.8306574
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OP Here again

Gonna post a Thanksgiving vibe

>been up since about 9am. Last night I did some prep by boiling my potatoes for the mashed potatoes and cooking the pasta for my mac and cheese.
>took the turkey out of the brine around 10am to let it dry/get to room temp. rubbed some herbed butter beneath the skin and on the skin. pepper and paprika on the top. that bird is in the oven, the other turkey is frying, and the smoked turkey is already going.
>family is starting to arrive as of around 12pm
>made my first spiced rum and egg nog about ten minutes ago.
>the National Dog Show thing was on for a while, but now that people are getting here we've switched over to football. Currently watching the Lions and the Vikings.
>dogs are hanging out, mostly tired from this morning's hike
>probably going to eat around 2:30-3pm.

How is everyone else's Thanksgiving going so far?

>> No.8306709

Well it turns out that there will be no thanksgiving for my family this year. Mom was too lazy to thaw out the turkey or even start any of the cooking.

>> No.8306727

American female, everybody!

>> No.8306856

Poor old bird. :(
>muh Americans-r-stoopid-n-lazy meme
Fuck off, faggot

Continued vibe
>Vikings and Lions are tied 10-10
>turkey is being carved literally at this moment
>getting those feels with the Christmas themed commercials coming on. I even just saw that old m&m's commercial where red and yellow are leaving cookies out for Santa and they get caught by Santa "He does exist!" "THEY DO EXIST" /fainting.
>After everyone eats and leaves we're probably going to get back in PJ's, start a fire in the fire place, make some egg nog and brandy Alexanders with vanilla ice cream, then watch the first Christmas movie of the year. I will opt for Nightmare Before Christmas, but I'll probably lose to something like the Grinch, Rudolph claymation, or Home Alone, and you know something? I ain't even mad.

>> No.8306946

Legitimately jealous of you anon.

>> No.8306961

Sitting here in central-northern AZ, almost all my friends went home to eat with family. My roommate stayed and we are doing steaks, asparagus, mashed potatoes, apples, and Rosemary+olive bread, with some beer to celebrate thanksgiving/break/just cause. We aren't skilled enough to bake a turkey to an acceptable standard, so steaks it is. Let's hope I don't fuck them up too bad; I don't have a grill.

>> No.8307246

I'm >>8290304
So, we had our Thanksgiving lunch.
The two comfiest things happened this year.
First, my mother has been practising her English for a few years now. You guys might remember the story of her visiting me when I lived in NY and her asking for pizza ("owns lies wheat fungus!"). Her English has greatly improved to the point where she was able to carry on a conversation with my niece for the first time (niece speaks only English since my brother never taught her any others). The woman can carry conversations in five languages and now, additionally, a sixth. She spent a lot of the time amusing herself by cursing at us in English and laughing at our reactions. You haven't lived until you hear a little old lady call you a dirty motherfucker in a German accent then cackle like the blind witch from Hansel and Gretel.
Secondly, sister-in-law baked fan-fucking-tastic cheese tarts from directions she got over Facebook from my mother's cousins in Switzerland. Despite the language barrier (sister-in-law speaks English and some Spanish and my cousins speak German and Italian as well as some French, but little English), she was able to recreate chäschuechli, the bastard lovechild of cheesecake and crème brûlée. Hers was creamier than ones my family make, proving that traditional isn't always best.

>> No.8307259

Brother was mostly pleasant besides a few hickups where he started to go on a political rant for a minute, but we found a way to shut him down quick: tell him that no one likes what he's doing. It's the weirdest thing. He might be legitimately autistic. It seems like it never dawned on him before that no one likes being verbally assaulted and he has to be actually told to not be a dick. That's autism, right? When you just fucking suck at understanding social cues?
Dad's turkey was unsurprisingly dry. My gravy was good, but not great. I forgot to buy a turkey tail to render for its fat, instead using oil for making the roux. TUrkey fat makes a tastier gravy, but it was, overall, still pretty good. In any case, it was certainly better than my dad's cornstarch one. He also made these fried vegetable things, like a halfway point between pakoda and tempura. Broccoli and cauliflower were used. They were delicious. The mushroom oil was as good as it always is. With chilli oil being common in the US, I'm surprised mushroom oil isn't a thing here yet.
As expected, the kale mash went down a treat. My dad also made bread dressing but it was too salty for any of us to eat. My brother tried to finish a portion, though, and it gave him a nose bleed.

My father has gained an enormous amount of weight since I saw him last at Christmas. He's up to 330lbs (150kg). It's disgusting. Guess the durka genes have caught up to him. Hopefully, I've enough Alpine DNA from my mother's side to outrun the fat.

>> No.8307279
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my parents are dead and me and my siblings hate each other because of the grueling battle regarding their estate after they died, I didn't even care but no one talks to me because they are retarded, and basically consider me and my younger siblings just attrition in their little game of who gets our dead fathers house. I want to kill them all with a baseball bat, which would be the only reason to get them together anymore, so today I am drinking and smoking weed, I also smoked some meth earlier, and I am sitting here naked in front of my computer jerking off to nothing, and watching a light show of blurred lines in front of my eyes because I am so fucked up.
but it could be worse.

>> No.8307285
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>tfw went to my dad's house and he cooked a shitload of food but didn't give me any
>i brought him some of the food i prepared
>gave me lots of beer and rum instead
>i'm ok with this...but why

>> No.8307329

Does he think you're a fat cunt?

>> No.8307330


>> No.8307367

no. I'm actually pretty /fit/... in any case he's the one who's a fat cunt. and still, It's not like alcohol is such a better alternative in terms of staying thin
i've never read bukowski bro. why do u ask? I'm intrigued

>> No.8307539


Hope everything works out for you, Anon. What are you eating, though?

>> No.8307573

Bukowski had a crazy father too. He used to make him cut the grass with a non-motorized push clipper and lay flat in the grass afterward measuring the blade height and if one blade was higher, would beat the shit out of him.

>> No.8307574
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My mother in law was insulted when I made my own batch of gravy after she made pic related. My wife told her that my grandmother had taught me to cook (true) and that I was just making it for her using her recipe. She got all pissy when no one ate her gravy.

>> No.8307605

Waiting in the car for my crazy parents to come out of their rundown trailer. Taking them to Girlfriend's parents house for thanksgiving. It's gonna be really unpleasant.

Thanksgiving with Mexican families is weird. It's like there's a turkey and stuffing and potatoes with rice beans and tortillas

>> No.8307631

Every Mexican thanksgiving I've been to had tamales.

>> No.8307651

Damn, bro. It sounds like you might be having both the best and the worst Thanksgiving out of all of us. Hold the line, mate. Happy Thanksgiving.

>i'm cooking stuff son, but you're not having any
>here, just drink this booze but don't you dare ask for any food you fuck
Update from OP here
>most of the family have vacated, it is now just my parents, my wife, my grandmama, and our dogs.
>we just finished watching the original "Home Alone" movie with a fire in the fire place.
>damned coyotes are out raising hell in the woods and I'm currently sitting on the back screened-in deck listening to them
>the Home Alone end credits and the music is in the background
>Wondering if I should start Home Alone 2: Lost in New York since it's really only 8:45pm. You know....our current President Elect makes an appearance in that movie. :)
>About to make another rum and egg nog.
>coziest Thanksgiving in years

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread over the last few days. It's truly been amazing talking about and even experiencing this day with you guys. Happy Thanksgiving, 4chan. Feel free to continue to post Thanksgiving feels.

>> No.8307662

Just got back. Made a corn casserole using my great grandma's recipe and a caramel pecan cheesecake pie.

Corn Casserole was kind of eh, not as good as the first time I made it and I didn't discover that the bottom got a little burnt until we were eating. The pie turned out great though, everyone had a slice and loved it.

Outside of that, it was kind of eh. Uncle usually orders a bunch of stuff from the local grocery store pre-made (They are out in the country and has had some health issues the last few years), but he didn't sign up in time so he picked up stuff from cracker barrel. It was...kind of bad. Fortunately, we made most of the sides and he made a Turkey, so it turned out pretty OK.

>> No.8307667


How do you even do that? did she pour the flour in then take a stick blender to it?

>> No.8307687

I'm glad ur having a cozy thanksgiving, op. mine has been below average. quite the opposite of yours 2bh. not that i expected better, anyway.

my dad did offer me food when i arrived and when i left, but it was more out of courtesy than genuine intention. i don't really see him much anyway and he hadn't eaten yet himself. he was already kinda drunk when i arrived. plus I'd already eaten at my mom's so i was actually looking forwards to the alcohol...still feel kinda weird tho.

>> No.8307842

Just spatchcocked/butterflied a turkey for the first. It is not a meme. Best goddamned turkey I ever had. Whole family was having me doubting it and thinking I was gonna ruin thanksgiving by either mutilating or burning the bird or not having it ready in time. So fucking satisfied. There's a single turkey leg that I hid away for myself and that's all that's left for leftover from how much they loved that turkey. Fuckers fighting over wings and picking at the bones.

I think next time I'll try smoking a butterflied turkey.

>> No.8307872

>live in the city alone
>no real friends
>worked today
>had instant ramen for dinner

Nothing cozy about this thanksgiving senpai

>> No.8307896
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To be honest I'd rather do that than cook dinner for my Mormon parents, feminist single-mother sister, and two brothers who don't know how to clean the fucking bathroom.

I'm probably going to go get drunk alone tonight.

>> No.8307909

>I think next time I'll try smoking a butterflied turkey.
literally just did this today, also brined it beforehand, was amazing, do it.

>> No.8307963

Today marks the one year anniversary of my Crohn's Disease. Eating food causes me severe gastrointestinal pain, hours of diarrhea and bloody stool. I am going to eat like a fucking god anyways and enjoy myself and not think about the pain. Stop being a bitch and be thankful you can actually eat fucking food.

>> No.8307974

Ate breakfast (sausage on English muffin) in NYC @ the diner they filmed Seinfeld at. Went to Macys parade with qt gf then an ok catered dinner (too shit to describe) with her Jewish family. Now a bus ride home as she sleeps in my lap. Pretty comfy, happy thanksgiving co/ck/s I'm thankful for the joy this board brings me.

>> No.8307978

>some people are worse off so you're not allowed to complain

just stop.

>> No.8308732

>he's the one who's a fat cunt
and you wonder why he keeps all the food for himself?

>> No.8308738

Cooking took way longer than expected and food was pretty meh. I watched Hot Shots and Hot Shots Part Deux afterwards. I give the former 5/10 and the latter 7/10. Hope everyone had a good time :)