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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 500x333, Banana and Nutella Sandwich 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286388 No.8286388 [Reply] [Original]

My friend always wants to take me to these really trendy, hip, cool restaurants that have 4+ ratings on Yelp. But they are so trendy, hip, and cool that you often have to wait an hour outside in a long line to be served, and then you have to share a table with 10 other strangers because everyone wants to eat this special trendy hip cool food.

Are these restaurants actually worth it, food-wise? Or is this a normie trying to be my friend and making an excuse to talk to me for an hour?

>> No.8286392

stop hanging out with hipsters

>> No.8286400

Do you like exploring new foods/ dining experiences? Then yes. If not, no.

>> No.8286416

I just want to know if deconstructed sandwiches and fried fish with waffles and nutella pie and rolled ice cream and other meme foods, are worth waiting 3 hours in line for

How do those hipster places compare to a normal sandwich shop, a normal breakfast shop, a normal bakery, or a normal ice cream parlor

>> No.8286417

You've clearly already made up your mind to be a condescending asshole about it so don't bother.

>> No.8286422

Are you saying that you regularly wait in line at trendy restaurants?

>> No.8288066



>> No.8288086

>Are these restaurants actually worth it, food-wise?
Some of these places are packed because their food is amazing. Others are packed because they're where the cool kids go. If you can figure out which ones have the amazing food suggest to your friend going there in a few months when the hype dies down. You can pass on the cool kid places. At least that's what I do.

>> No.8289447

>too poor for tripfagging
>all caps so anons can spot me in each thread

Just sad.

>> No.8289453

>Are these restaurants actually worth it, food-wise?
no, almost never. i live in portland and this waiting in line shit is everywhere. the food is usually good but its not worth standing there for 2 hours

>> No.8289482

>i live in portland and this waiting in line shit is everywhere
Oregon or Maine?

I'm in PDX, and the only place I ever see a fucking line like that is Screen Door. And you can get that shit delivered with postmates so I don't know why you'd actually go to the restaurant.

>> No.8289494

>in PDX

Story checks out

>> No.8289521

Not him but yes, I regularly try new trendy restaurants because I enjoy it and consider the adventure worth the money. Not sure where the waiting in line thing comes from though. Make a reservation.

>> No.8289537

It's an old /tv/ thing.

>> No.8289543

You being a cunt? Sure man if you insist

>> No.8289611


>> No.8290487

>not worth standing there for 2 hours

>brother and I driving to MI
>pass through Chicago
>planned to get a meal at Hot Doug's, an at-the-time famous hot dog place where all the hot dogs are made of different animals like frog or elk or rabbit
>wait in line for hours
>get food
>mine was worth it
>his wasn't

I felt bad that he didn't enjoy his food as much as I did. Place permanently closed down about a year after we did that, so at least I got to experience it.

>> No.8290496

Waiting in line is a choice. You can be the kind of person who waits in line if you want to. I am not that person.

>> No.8290551

>wait in line for hours
>mine was worth it

>> No.8290573
File: 330 KB, 500x333, pb&J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me and gf
>go to new edgy restaurant in town
>wait 2 hours to be seated
>order the "PB&J Deconstructed" for 2 ala Thomas Keller of French Laundry fame
>waiter brings us this
>bon appetite
>get bill
>waiter explains we can take home what we don't eat

>> No.8291182


Explain how it wasn't worth it, then.

>> No.8292292

>and then you have to share a table with 10 other strangers because everyone wants to eat this special trendy hip cool food.

what? does this actually happen?

>> No.8292584

I used to work in a place that had like, I think its called barn house seating? Basically just really long benches. It was funny to see people try not to sit next to each other when it wasn't busy.

>> No.8292874

I don't understand why people pay for the museli bowls or oat bowls, etc. It's literally blended oats, fresh fruit and some milk of your choice topped with flowers and seeds. Spend that $15 on that and do it at home.

If you're buying eggs benedict or something like that, I can understand why you go to these places. Other than that... it's just a way for the middle class to be suckered into spending tons of money on social things.