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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8281615 No.8281615 [Reply] [Original]

My spouse would like spagehtti and meat sauce tonight for supper, and is insisting I add 1.5 tbsp of sugar to "cut the acid". This doesn't sound right. Is sugar good for sauce?

>> No.8281621

Tell your spouse they can add what they want when they're cooking, and to fuck off.

>> No.8281634

So you are anti-sugar in spaghetti sauce? Noted and thank you for your impassioned response.

>> No.8281651

It's a matter of style. In Sicily many dishes get a teaspoon of sugar dissolved ion a little red wine vinegar. I've had Sicilian American red sauce that was noticeably on the sweet side My opinion is you don't need sugar if you start with good quality tomatoes. But if tomato paste is involved there's nothing wrong with adding a little.

>> No.8281658
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>it's a fat americans add excessive sugar to everything episode

>> No.8281659

Absolutely. A couple of carrots (pluck them out before serving of course) work just as well. You can also finely grate them and leave them in the sauce, that's something I do for my bolognese

>> No.8281664

>it's an eternally obsessed yuropoor who is shit at reading comprehension post

>> No.8281729

Americans are fat because they add butter, cheese and cream to everything, not sugar. Use of refined sugar is rare and Americans are more scared of sugar than any other population on earth. Americans can't go 5 minutes without telling you that fructose is toxic, they do this unironically while eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, roast turkey for lunch and a whole platter of cheeseburgers for dinner.

>> No.8281741
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Burger here. What's wrong with roast turkey? I thought turkey was a lean meat and good for you?

Also aren't eggs okay in moderation? Other anons told me that the eggs are bad thing is a meme and even to eat the yoke.

bacon and cheeseburgers i know is high cal and saturated bad fat :o(

>> No.8281750

*leans into the microphone*

Even the bread is sweet there. Everything is loaded with sugar in America. Yeah they are fat because of the diet being shit in general, and I'm not saying all sugar is bad, it's just having an apple is better than having a snickers bar.

>> No.8281774
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Cut the acid of what?


>> No.8281781


>> No.8281804

>Even the bread is sweet there. Everything is loaded with sugar in America
This. Americans are concerned about sugar because they inadvertently consume lots and lots of it.

>> No.8281832

a pinch of brown sugar is best, it will cut the acid without making it sweet

>> No.8281837


Does your digestive system literally not function?

>> No.8281847

That's the common explanation. But regardless a little sugar is very commonly added to meat based tomato sauces made by Italian Americans. As shown in the Godfather. Coppola didn't just make that up.

>> No.8281851

Adding a bit of sugar to a tomato based sauce or soup if you're unhappy with how acidic it tastes is perfectly acceptable, but it's a matter of personal taste. I don't tend to add sugar to my sauce when i make it, but I do usually start with sweet Italian sausage as the meat base for my pasta sauce.

Tl;dr: do what you want nigger.

>> No.8282350

I don't use tomato paste in my sauce so I should be good without the sugar.
I don't know anyone that puts cream or eggs in their spaghetti sauce I did start my aromatics in a bit of butter and olive oil, but how else would one saute onion and then garlic?
I guess, seem dumb since sugar is acidic, but I don't want to dispute my spouse's dead mother's advice.
A pinch is reasonable, I guess
And Henry Hill waxes about shaving the garlic for the sauce in Goodfellas, I just smashed it though
Oh I put sweet italian sausage in my lasagne, love it

>> No.8282411 [DELETED] 

>good tomato sauces
>made by Italian Americans

Sorry, not if they use sugar. That's one more bastardazation of a great item by an american, immigrant or not.

>> No.8282427

Italian American food does not have the finesse of Italian food, but some of it is good as fuck. I'm not going to tell a Sicilian American they're wrong for putting sugar in their meat sauce. Because as an American I really appreciate the shot in the arm they gave our cuisine during a particularly rough time for it.

>> No.8282434

OP don't listen to these idiots that are fuming about Americans. It's totally dependent on your tastes but a lot of women are especially sensitive to acids and sour tastes. You might not be able to taste the sharp acidic bite of tomato based sauces but I bet you she can. You will hardly tell if a tablespoon or two of sugar is added, even less so if it's brown sugar and brown sugar improves the taste in my opinion. I would seriously just put the sugar in, a tablespoon and a half in a batch of tomato sauce is hardly going to add much more sugar to your serving and it does, in my opinion and that of many others, balance out the flavors and improve the taste.

>> No.8282446

Oh let the yuropeasants obsess over us. It's the only place they can vent about our obvious superiority.

>> No.8282804


Most people use wine you retarded fuck

>> No.8283231

cook it without sugar. You can throw the sugar in at the last second if you feel it needs it.

I usually put a small amount of sugar in for the exact reason your GF said. Sometimes I don't need to add any.

>> No.8283243

If you use sugar, it will always taste better not worse, no matter what

>> No.8283248

Tomatoes have a lot of acidity. I usually sprinkle some sugar into my lasagna sauce, but you can also use white miso.