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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 600x479, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8280827 No.8280827 [Reply] [Original]

Now THIS is a pizza.

>> No.8280857

Amen brutha!

>> No.8280863

WTF? Where's the pepperoni? Where's the cheese? Also that's WAAAAAAAAAAY to small. I bet you paid 20 bucks for that shit too.

>> No.8280870

Bet again gaylord

>> No.8280878


The pepperoni is baked into the crust along with macaroni and cheese, doritos, hot dogs and all the other stupid shit you eat for breakfast everyday.

>> No.8280883

Looks like a decent home made pizza op, woult eat / 10 well done

t. Non american

>> No.8280888

Pizza looks far more delicious when it's rustic and not slathered in cheese.

>> No.8280926

Kinda like your cock.

>> No.8280939

tfw you disagree with trips

>> No.8280943

Looks good, bit dry though. I'd drizzle a bit of olive oil over it.

>> No.8280954
File: 287 KB, 1280x960, 1473726447713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is a pizza.

>> No.8280976

That looks like my morning shit 2bh m8. If there's anything Americans perfected of our recipes, it's pizza.

>> No.8280978

mama mia!

>> No.8281003
File: 17 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ameripleb detected.

>> No.8281013

do you know any good recipes for similiar pizza to OPs?

>> No.8281017

Try the cook book the pic was lifted from.

>> No.8281019

gonna have to disagree with you there mate

pizza pies are fucking greasy disgusting overwhelming pieces of shit, don't even get me started on that chicago deep dish monstrosity

rustic, thin-base, few topping is the only way to go

>> No.8281020

It just means you're gay.

>> No.8281025


>> No.8281031
File: 193 KB, 500x333, 20100909-pizzology-neapolitan-pizza-05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean a neapolitan pizza, just make pizza the way you normally would or look up a good recipe, but really just use less mozzarella and don't be afraid of some big fucking basil leaves.

to cook it, you want to simulate the very high temperature of a pizza oven, which you can't in a conventional oven. What you can do is put the floured underside of your pizza dough in a hot frying pan (but off the heat) and assemble the pizza inside the pan while the underside of the dough is cooking on the pan. Then once the bottom is beginning to get the black leopard spots that you want for a neapolitan, put the frying pan under a hot grill and let the top cook until it has developed similarly black spots all over it and the cheese and everything is cooked how you like it.

This whole process should only take a few minutes.

>> No.8281034


>> No.8281041

stop saying that. a log cabin is "rustic" not a pizza.

italian "real pizza" is bullshit. it's flatbread with a little bit of tomato sauce and mozzarella. not that it's bad, but if that's all that pizza was, nobody would ever talk about pizza because it's so completely uninteresting.

>> No.8281044

You clearly have no idea what rustic means.

>> No.8281050

I have no idea what it means in whatever god-forsaken shithole you're from, but in America rustic means "pertaining to log cabins".

>> No.8281068

I'm from the god forsaken shithole whose language your country bastardised, so shut your trap.

>> No.8281070

500 g flour
300 g water
5 - 10 g salt
10 g yeast

mix, sit for at least 3 hours, better to leave it a day.

Roll, apply sauce (look up Neapolitan, won't take long to make, it's mostly tomatoes), drop on chunks of buffalo mozzarella, cook in pizza oven. If you don't have a pizza oven try >>8281031. Apply basil right before serving.

>> No.8281074


>> No.8281088

it looks delicious, but i wouldn't call that a pizza
though i'm not exactly sure what i would call it

>> No.8281106

I love this pasta.

>> No.8281112
File: 134 KB, 1067x800, IMG_6357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isn't

>> No.8281117

>4 basil leaves just dropped on top
What's the fucking point? I get the idea that it's rustic and you don't need so much cheese. That's fine. But you're taking the piss with this picture.

>> No.8281122

what the FUCK is that, even?

>> No.8281131

I'm guessing that's what happens when you burn "cheese product" - those square slices Americans buy that come individually wrapped.

>> No.8281146

that's fucking disgusting, i knew it was bad but that doesn't even look like food
americans are a good forsaken people

>> No.8281189

we forsake god in favor of ourselves

>> No.8281258


No self-respecting American would ever consider that pizza

>> No.8281269

Fuck man that looks so good. Probably will make a pizza tonight.

>> No.8281278

didnt know pizza could catch aids

>> No.8281424
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, 1466160817245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is a pizza

>> No.8281440

Its vegan pizza

>> No.8281442


Next time before it goes in the oven blow the flour off the crust
Also make sure there is not too much on the bottom

>> No.8281451

Wat about the Mountain Dew?

>> No.8281495

In that case ill take 3 since it really does look small.

>> No.8281500

Mountain Dew is for dipping you Philistine!

>> No.8281506

I love the way you got the Velveeta slices toasted to perfection!
Just like my momma used to make it back in the old country!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

>> No.8281508

Websters defines "rustic" as the decaying state of rusted iron.

>> No.8281553
File: 44 KB, 510x450, italian beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately, perfect. San Danielle is also grat.

>> No.8281570

American "cheese"

>> No.8281588
File: 2.94 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20161116_184831976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this one delivered. 6 dollars. I even gave the guy a big tip, 1/2$

>> No.8281597

You're a cruel lad, it's your right to not tip. But as a delivery driver, the only thing that actually hurts is being tipped an insignificant amount, a stiff is a stiff but getting 20 on a 19.99 tip and being told "keep the change" really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.8281603

You forgot your meme arrow friend

>> No.8281614

That's vegan cheese, you dingbat

>> No.8281617

Look on serious eats

>> No.8281619
File: 963 KB, 1100x583, slide-pull-1.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real pizza coming through

>> No.8281631

Here in czech republic is an average hour wage 2,5dollars. Its a matter of view, wheter its appropriate.

>> No.8281635

That probably tastes like cardboard and leaves. Disgusting.

>> No.8281670

Oh, fair enough- Wait, if the average wage is so piss why are you wasting that much money on pizza

>> No.8281691

I am making more than average and i work a lot of overtimes. I like the liberty of being able to eat, whatever i have on mind. Have left some insta ramen for later hunger

>> No.8282079
File: 63 KB, 680x680, FB_IMG_1466631652832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8282095

Is Insta ramen considered rustic??

>> No.8282444
File: 1.97 MB, 250x220, Jake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This friggen thread.

>> No.8283862

looks mega

>> No.8284221


It is.

>> No.8284225


Nor much idea about pizza.

>> No.8284228


Dunno what that is, but it ain't pizza.

>> No.8284236

It's soup?

>> No.8284681


>> No.8284705

>those moments when englosh cunts think they know a single thing about english
Yes but as another anon said that shit is boring as fuck

>> No.8284715

It's a pizza pie you nonce.

>> No.8284732

'go 'za

>> No.8285120

>those moments when amerifats think they know a single thing about literally anything that isn't fast food

>> No.8285774

That looks like a retard flat bread's exceptionally retarded kid who smeared ketchup all over his face and rolled in the leaves.

>> No.8285779

That looks like that retarded flat bread I was talking about's retarded brother who was hit by a bus and contracted mouth herpes.

>> No.8285786

Should've thought about that before you taxed us to Hell.

>> No.8285792

That looks like mediocre carry out.

>> No.8285795

That looks like a completely different level of retarded flat bread who cut his face off and stuck squid tentacle suckers to his face.

>> No.8285799

That looks like a retarded flat bread whose grandma was actually equally retarded vomit.

>> No.8286002

It's Papa Johns.

>> No.8286024
File: 915 KB, 1536x2049, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier barbecue pizza

>> No.8286036

I think the pizzza must have been broiled/grilled as opposed to being put in a super hot oven.

>> No.8286137

I was right, Papa John's is crap.

>> No.8286145
File: 1.32 MB, 2160x2880, IMG_20161009_140821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade white/wheat dough, homemade tomato/garlic/basil sauce, fromage d'affinois, marzano tomatoes.

>> No.8286148
File: 1.36 MB, 2160x2880, IMG_20161009_143031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After cooking. My plates are hideous but whatever.

>> No.8286153

That looks like a prematurely born retarded flatbread.

>> No.8286154

k cunts i have a brick furnace for pizza that i have never used, tell me a good pizza recepie

>> No.8286155

It looks like a saltine had a seizure in a bukkake film

>> No.8286157

That looks like retarded flat bread who was left in the sun too long.

>> No.8286519

Papa Johns is such shit pizza their sauce is a joke and it's only so popular because that mascara-wearing faggot spends a ton of money on advertising and football promo spots. the worst carry out pizza masquerading as "quality" pizza ever

>> No.8286525
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the 'za I just got delivered

>> No.8286837

You need more water in that flaky dough, are you making crescent rolls or what? Also Margherita is shit-tier, replace the basil with pesto and ditch that Galbani bullshit and you'll be set. Nobody likes leaf pizza.

>> No.8286916

Did you even, for a second, CONSIDER how you might've made that poster feel when you typed that out? That was very rude young man. To your room.

>> No.8286920

>brits will defend this

>> No.8288321

Not my fault everyone ITT but the faggot who posted Chicago Style eats retarded looking flat bread.

>> No.8288646
File: 43 KB, 450x800, eggza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my 'za:
and an egg

>> No.8288650

That looks like a retarded flatbread suffering from birth defects.

>> No.8288899

how do you roll the tomatoes into that shape?

>> No.8289075

The looks like dead skin flakes that people pick at off their feet.

>> No.8289078

So Italian pizza?

>> No.8289100

The pizza looks bad, too.

>> No.8289110

a true american classic

>> No.8289120

Are anchovies actually put on pizza? I've never seen it before at all.

>> No.8289131

>that'll be $15.95

>> No.8289995

You stick it up your ass and tense your butt cheeks slightly

>> No.8290007

Looks like shit

>> No.8290085

They make the exact same pizza's all over the world, and they suck fucking dick.

Look at that fucking crust. That pizza's going to be tough as fuck to bite through, it's a "fork and knife" pizza.

Look, I'm sure your little pizza was very fufilling, and I'm sure it gets your dick hard. Take it from someone who knows. That pizza sucked, and you fucking know it.

>> No.8290443

Quality fuckin' 'za thread, guys.

>> No.8290447
File: 199 KB, 1600x1200, homemade pizza done - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pizza

>> No.8290634
File: 33 KB, 560x302, freddy pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290763

It means pertaining to southern America

>> No.8290942

that would be correct. synthetic cheese burns when it should melt

>> No.8290986

not enough basil, and the basil doesn't even look fresh. i don't see any garlic or oregano, so I am thnking it will taste quite bland. the parmesan/mozzerella looks good, but the crust looks like it will be chewy/bland/shitty.