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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8280323 No.8280323 [Reply] [Original]

>mayonnaise is disgusting

>> No.8280328

So glad I've never seen a vape user in NZ.

>> No.8280334
File: 32 KB, 360x360, 1478972178934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sour cream on meatballs, ew!

>> No.8280341

Can you vape meth?

>> No.8280358
File: 42 KB, 479x720, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy eating shit.

>> No.8280403

Mayo is gross and there are so many such better options out there for anything you would want something like that with

>> No.8280410

It's pretty good imo, combines well with a ton of things. Well aware there are other options to provide creaminess but mayo is not at all a bad option.

>> No.8280416


>My gf (my wife now) ate mayo on our third or second date
>Refused to kiss her because of that unless she brushed
>Mayo free household

>> No.8280421

Cat shit is without a doubt tastier than human shit. Trust me I know.

>> No.8280431

You can actually. No joke.

>> No.8280470

and you probably won't:


>> No.8280481

you sound like a manchild

>> No.8280576

No one likes vape autists but I quit a 10+ year pack and a half a day cigarette habit thanks to vaping.

>> No.8280580

Kys op.

>> No.8280624

this is probably because venues have caught on and banned them. Without being able to smoke in peoples faces/places where smoking is banned, the value drops to only enthusiasts who like the flavors.

>> No.8280749
File: 84 KB, 475x720, IMG_7054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I vape
>tfw there's nothing you niggers can do about it

Also, mayo good.

>> No.8280755

We don't need to. You're doing it to yourself.

>> No.8280759


>> No.8280760

And the only reason you vape is because it's popular. You are already making a fool out of yourself.

>> No.8280769

>breathing in flavored water vapor that binds with your taste buds

just why

>> No.8280773

What exactly is wrong with mayo? It's just oil, egg yolk, and vinegar.

>> No.8280774

People associate it with fat Americans and clueless white people I guess

>> No.8280780


>> No.8280825

It diesnt taste like any of those things it tastes like garbage

>> No.8280839

What the fuck, how and where do you find shit like this?

>> No.8281116
File: 35 KB, 285x402, 20364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it that much, but it doesn't ruin my day or anything.

Seafood, on the other hand, smells like rotten crotch and is so contaminated by industrial waste that only a moron would even consider spending money to eat it

>> No.8281128

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.8281140

I don't see any tears, just your insecurity.

>> No.8281152


>> No.8281156
File: 57 KB, 620x388, frys-mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many Americans would lose their minds to learn Mayo is the default condiment for french fries in many countries.

>> No.8281167
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Nooo, it stops here. I don't wanna hear such claims anymore. Mayo is totally fine and good for various things.

>> No.8281169


We know it is. That doesn't stop it from being disgusting.

>> No.8281175

We already knew.

>> No.8281178

Your disgusting

>> No.8281177

Many Euros would lose their minds if they knew this was common knowledge in the US ever since Pulp Fiction came out 22 years ago.

>> No.8281181


Combine it with an equal amount of ketchup and stir it into a pink paste... it's pretty good.

>> No.8281182


Good quality mayonnaise is god-tier on french fries.

>> No.8281185

yeah, but do they know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese over here?

>> No.8281193
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>> No.8281217

goddamn, tarantino ruined everything

>> No.8281250

Mmm... stay triggered.

>> No.8281256

Enjoy your bubblegum lung, my mouth fedora friend

>> No.8281262

Keep throwing those (You)s at me.

>> No.8281273

Camping is lame and Mayo is for fat asses.

>> No.8281337


>> No.8281366

Am i the only one that eats mayo by the handful while gaming?

Try it guys, its good.

>> No.8281402

>shit that never happened

>> No.8281412

And people who use them to ween themselves off cigs wont usually stay in the hobby for long

>> No.8281498
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>> No.8281524

my boyfriend's father puts mayo on his fish and french fries

>> No.8281656

Picky eaters in general are turbo-plebs that you should not asssociate with; they're guaranteed to have shit taste in other parts of life.

>> No.8281668

Awesome trading one shitty habit for another.

>> No.8281669

Mayonnaise is an old and celebrated goo, and while I have no problem with people not liking it, I am annoyed when people claim it's white trash or flyover.

>> No.8282221

Yeah because you ameriniggers are scared of making your own mayo at home.

Home made mayo is probably the thing that improves the most from store bought. The hellmans or whatever crap you buy is at most a 3/10 while home made is a 10/10.

>> No.8282431

>what is tartar sauce

>> No.8282475

Mayo is soo good aaaahhh

Ketchup however is shit

>> No.8282487

>water vapor
that shit's oily and hangs in the air for ages

>> No.8282511
File: 49 KB, 450x600, 1477504858754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most foods are good in moderation. I don't put mayonnaise on anything besides toasted sandwiches like a BLT or a cheeseburger.

>tfw a manchild says onions are disgusting near you

>> No.8282517
File: 327 KB, 1280x708, rocco botte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

Man, Rocco really has fallen low ever since he had to take up chemotherapy.

>> No.8282904

>smoking without an open flame or a pervasive and immediate stench
gee boss

>> No.8283142

>thinks smoke binds with taste buds like vape shit does

>> No.8283156
File: 15 KB, 200x300, sup cuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never been to Rotorua
your full of shit, cunt

>> No.8283178

Mayo is great.

The only people who make fun of it are niggers and liberal homos

>> No.8283185

the only reason you're here is because 4chan is popular. If this place was empty except for me and a brony faggot you would be gone.

>> No.8283274


Awww chur bro, how about we smoke sum P outta Gus' vape yeah? Choice, up to skuxx mouldi

>> No.8283496

keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8284229

Now this anon gets it