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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8276698 No.8276698 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite type of alcohol?

>> No.8276700


>> No.8276711
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>> No.8276714


>> No.8276719

Beer but I'm trying to lose weight. Drinking whisky straight fucking sucks. Any suggestions?

>> No.8276724

Switch to rum

>> No.8276728

any hard liquor that you like the taste of mixed with water or soda

>> No.8276730

by soda i mean carbonated water, if there's any confusion

>> No.8276737

Isn't that saturated with sugar?
I'm trying mixing it with water for no carbs and aspartame but the taste is hard to get used to

>> No.8276743

Quality bourbon drunk neat is my preference.

>> No.8276748

Wine is the most fun and I'm starting to favor it.

>tastes good
>stronger than beer so it gets me there fast enough
>but doesn't wreck me like hard liquor

>> No.8276762

guuh, toss the aspartame- try citrus if you must

all alcohol has tons of sugar in it by nature but i htink clear liquors are the least worst offenders

>> No.8276778

>all alcohol has tons of sugar in it by nature
Whut? Clear liquors don't have sugar in them because it's all been converted to alcohol.

>> No.8276785

Beer and dry cider. Bourbon is easily the best liquor, though.

>> No.8276786

>all alcohol has tons of sugar in it by nature

Are you, perhaps, thinking of calories?

>> No.8276789
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I was in the same boat as you, honestly I just stopped how much I drank and just smoked weed. I don't usually get too hungry when I smoke tho so I'm not sure how that'll effect you

But yeah, unfortunately the best strategy is to just not drink alcohol.

>> No.8276794


>> No.8276845

was gonna agree 2bh

I know she's rich and part of the elite and shit, but I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge how to pour a beer properly

>> No.8276885

I just drink some water, take a swig of vodka, then chug a shit ton of water after. Not that bad but o generally get up twice to piss at night

>> No.8277103

that pour is exactly why I'm glad i didn't vote for that fake slut.

>> No.8277122
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Cider, any and all kinds. Sweet, dry, in between, love almost every one.

>> No.8277143

considering some of the threads I see on /ck/ I don't think anything is common knowledge anymore.

>> No.8277169

That event is why Hillary became the first democrat to lose Wisconsin in 30 years

>> No.8277179

ouzo, gin, whiskey, ale.

>> No.8277191

Good one.

>> No.8277196


>> No.8277202
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It's no fucking wonder she lost Wisconsin, what the fuck.

>> No.8277204

He's 100% right though. Who doesn't know how to pour a beer? It's embarassing.

>> No.8277213

I think scotch might be the drink for me. Any recommendations?

>> No.8277220

Port wine, beer, cider, rum.

Easier to name the alcohol I won't ever drink: gin, tequila, and Sauvignon Blanc.

>> No.8277489

what's your problem with gin?

first bottle of liquor i ever bought was gin, that was about 45 minutes ago.

>> No.8277529

>what's your problem with gin?
it tastes like pine needles and dick

>> No.8277536
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>not liking dick

>> No.8277537

The driest gin and tonic

>> No.8277538

i like dick, but it doesnt pair with pine needles

>> No.8277543

I'll drink pretty much anything, but I favor a good brew.

Brown ales and Barley Wine are my favorites, but I'm on a bit of a stout kick right now (and I'm quickly realizing we add way to much shit to our stouts in America).

The only thing I don't really enjoy is whiskey, but I've been trying to develop a taste. The burn and bitterness is just a bit too much, anyone have any recommendations for how to get into whiskey?

>> No.8277554
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Bourbon, calvados, and marc are probably my top three.

I'm a huge alcoholic, though, so for the most part I pretty much just drink vodka like water. Also love beer, but don't really consider that alcohol.

>> No.8277558

Start with something like wild turkey with honey, the honey helps cut some of the edge and mellow it out. Also try it on ice or with some water added if you're not already, you can gradually step it back to neat if you want. If you're a total bitch drink some candy shit like crown Royal, no bite there at all you just have to avoid puking from all the fucking sugar.

>> No.8277589

Gin is great anon don't let that autist tell you otherwise

or maybe we're the autists for liking it, idk

what kind did you get?

I think I'm a minority because I like Tanqueray more than Bombay

>> No.8277591

Not him but I've only had beefeater, am I a pleb?

>> No.8277939


>> No.8277941 [DELETED] 
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Dry Martini. I kid you not.

>> No.8278037
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I drink more wine because of that,, dont know it this is better tho.

>> No.8278066


And i had to force myself to tolerate it so i could get drunk when out with friends. I honestly can't stomach any other type of alcohol, it makes me wanna puke. Even pussy drinks like Cider.

>> No.8278077 [DELETED] 

Mix it with coke zero and ice

I lost 30kg by switching from normal coke to zero

Then I became an alcoholic and now my wife won't let me drink any spirits, only beer and cider

Apparently I turn into a drunk cunt really fast if I drink spirits and I say mean things to her and her son

>> No.8278083 [DELETED] 


>> No.8278086 [DELETED] 

>her son
incoming cuck jokes

>> No.8278139 [DELETED] 

Her son
That's your problem cuck

>> No.8278140


>> No.8278146
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>> No.8278160 [DELETED] 

For me it is the McChicken the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8278314 [DELETED] 


He's my wife's son

Gosh, are all four of you this new?

Btw, he's 6 months old and a little cutie. Dad is his favourite person right now. Mum just changes his poopy nappies and dad gives him food and attention.

>> No.8278315

Fuck off

>> No.8279483 [DELETED] 
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So he's not your son. So you're raising someone else's son. So your wife cheated on you and you stayed with her, or you're a cuckold and enjoyed watching another man fuck your wife. So you're a cuck.

>> No.8279511

It's better than the American obsession, faggot

>> No.8279537

>all these newfags taking the bait

>> No.8279549


>> No.8279597

Remember when she put on a southern accent.

>> No.8279619 [DELETED] 

No, he's our son. Made by ejaculating my own cum into my wife's pussy then 9 months later he was born.

You seem to have a cuck fetish...

>> No.8279626 [DELETED] 

Then why did you say "my wife's son". That implies the child isn't yours. Your retarded or trying to backpedal. Maybe even both.

>> No.8279628 [DELETED] 

Do you ever shove your cock and balls into her balloon knot?

>> No.8279648

>American obsession


>> No.8279725

What's a good way to basically become an amateur bartender? I want to get a minibar for my place eventually but don't really know any drinks.
Where can I learn a bunch of drinks rather than just random googling for hours?

>> No.8279839

I was in the same boat. Started drinking rum + coke zero, and vokda + 7up ten.

>> No.8279859
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Volunteer at the VFW. They'll start paying you after a month since they trained you. And while you're making that money, they'll keep training you and you'll gain experience.

Then you can clod hop down to the local Red Lobster with a year of experience under your belt and start making $150 a day.

After a year of that, you can apply to casinos and nice restaurants where you'll make $300-$400 per day easily.

>> No.8280384

I get a 5th of New Amsterdam, store brand club soda, and lime juice you can squeeze. I pour the vodka over ice and pretty much do 50/50 club soda and vodka then give a generous squirt of lime juice. Mix it with my finger and enjoy all of that for less than $10.

>> No.8280405


Diet pop, easy enough.

Carbs and all that bullshit is stupid. /fit/ here, calories in calories out.

>> No.8282115

I know that it's been said a million times already, but goddamn that pour makes me cringe.

>> No.8282120


>> No.8283112

nah dude, tanq is so much better than bombay

>> No.8283132

She gave more head to that glass of beer than she gave Bill in their lifetimes.

>> No.8283153
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A lot of rums have added sugar and in the US there's no requirement to include that information on the label.

Here's a list I found on Reddit after 10 seconds of Googling. It's apparently taken from reports by the Swedish and Finnish governments. I'm sure it's absolutely worthless as far as the numbers go, but the trend that white rums have less added sugar makes sense. After all, the dark rums are dark because they have stuff added.

>> No.8283172

Being Belgian beer is a love affair.
But wine has its place too.
I'm more indifferent about spirits, liqueurs and cocktails. the occaisonal gin and tonic perhaps, or a bottle and soda to get drunk, but not that often for pleasure like the other two.

>> No.8283380
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A Full glass.

>> No.8283433
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Probably beer, easiest to drink. Budweiser is my go to, I also really like Guinness and Summer Shandy.

>> No.8283455

I just like a good beer. Never was really into any spirits, but I'll drink 'em to get drunk if offered. Some cocktails can be very good but I generally don't have any.

>> No.8283462

depends. For delicious: beer. For drunk: vodka(cheapest), but for drunk and taste brandy

>> No.8284921

I fucking hate Hillary's guts but I don't know if beer from the tap behaves the same way as beer from the bottle. I can do beer from the bottle just fine though.

>> No.8285077

Beer from a tap doesn't behave the same. If anything, it's easier to get a decent pour. I've gotten better head from £5 hookers.

>> No.8285084

Depends on the occasion. I love ale, but it's generally too heavy to drink a lot of. Cider is also a love of mine, but it makes me piss more than an incontinent Grandma.

Wine is always a solid choice though.

>> No.8285140

gin and liberal tears. I've been drunk since Nov 8th.

>> No.8285365

might be one of the worst pours I've ever seen desu senpai

>> No.8285392
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Beer or tequila

>> No.8285641

Tequila but I won't ever drink anymore

>> No.8285645

and I should add it should only be 100% agave. Sam's Club Tequila is the bomb

>> No.8285648

vodka and la croix

>> No.8285914

Non-alcoholic beer.

>> No.8285923

>favorite type of alcohol



>> No.8285929

No wonder this walking disappointment lost, just look at that fucking POUR


>> No.8286059

I really, really like non-alcoholic beer, and I swear, it's gotten me drunk a few times.

>> No.8286099

I mean, most NA stuff still has about 0.5 ABV, so its possible. How much did you drink and how fast?

>> No.8286835

My beerdrinking speed varies greatly depending on context and location. When I'm at a student dinner that's intentionally rowdy and loud (fulsittning in Swedish, hard to translate) I can pour down shit beer (Grängesberg) like it's water but if I'm at a more civilized pub or resturant I almost struggle. Does anyone else experience this?

>> No.8286870

Guys, what's wrong with how she pours beer?

>> No.8286982

You should pour it along the inside of the glass.

>> No.8287000

Whatever get's me fucked up the fastest.

>> No.8287061


Wine. I love enjoying beers with friends, but I go too far too fast with liquor.

Wine gives me a nice, heavy drunk pretty quickly, rarely leaves me with a hangover, and is usually delicious.