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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8264225 No.8264225 [Reply] [Original]

what's your go-to comfort food?

>> No.8264235


>> No.8264241

Fried chicken, corn, mashed potatoes.

>> No.8264284


>> No.8264294

Comfort food sounds like something a fatass would say. Eating for comfort does not seem like a healthy relationship with food. It strikes me as using food to fill an emotional void in your life Eating that way will make you fat.

>> No.8264304


>> No.8264305

Cheeseburgers, Fried Chicken or Burritos

Goddamn, I have the taste of a fat man when I see it written there.

>> No.8264308

fuck off

>> No.8264315

Have you ever heard a skinny person say "comfort food"? Whenever I hear those words they're coming from the mouth of a hambeast.

>> No.8264316

Fatty detected

>> No.8264324

A nice crunchy peach.

>> No.8264327

first of all, all these post like "this" or "underrated" in lieu of some actual response should result in an autoban.
secondly, there's comfort movies or comfort music, why not comfort food? take a christmas dinner that your family prepares every year since you are a little child. how is that not comfy?
and third, i can eat about 3000 kcal a day without gaining fat. i'm athletic and run a few half marathons per year. get on my level, bitches
comfort foods are great, and i enjoy cooking them with my family or my girlfriend

>> No.8264333

How's life on the spectrum?

>> No.8264335

Comfort food is just a certain type of food you eat when you want that certain type of food it. Are you implying that emotion has nothing to do with what the choice of food we eat? Comfort food is the same as people wanting to eat a salad or light soup when they want to eat a salad or light soup, just the opposite. It's the same as people want to eat a certain type of food when they watch sports or whatever.

>> No.8264338

>getting this autistic about food
i'm not sure if you have a healthy relationship with food

>> No.8264349

I don't think I have any. Also, nobody loves me.

>> No.8264361

>comfort music
>comfort movies
>my girlfriend

your board is /lgbbqtvxyzxirxeetc/

if you're not actually a lipstick lesbian then maybe evaluate & then reevaluate the fact that with only your own words to go by, you sound like a delicate petal,a most special little snowflake to other people.

& the girlfriend bit makes you sound like a lesbian.

>> No.8264365

needs cheese on the toast and a little grated chees on top of the beans for me.

>> No.8264368

could you please elaborate how your post contributes valuable content to /ck/ - Food & Cooking?

>> No.8264369

scrambled eggs
potato mash with onions and milk
these like, potato tortillas we make here, spread with melted butter
mixed bananas with milk, instant coco and rum
chicken sandwitch

>> No.8264371



>> No.8264375

Of course it needs cheese you disgusting American blob

>> No.8264378

Go drink your water.

>> No.8264381


>> No.8264382

Spaghetti with ketchup, cheese and hot dog

I know this is pleb tier compared to real italian but my mom used to make it for me when I was little and it grew on me.

>> No.8264386

>take a christmas dinner that your family prepares every year since you are a little child. how is that not comfy?
It has an emotional resonance, sure. But thinking about that meal brings to mind a family getting together and celebrating their togetherness by eating a lot of rich food. What you call "comfy" I think of as the sluggish and uncomfortable feeling that comes after eating a too rich meal. That's not a feeling I seek out.

>> No.8264391

i'm sorry your family sucks, anon

>> No.8264396

Thanks, I will

>> No.8264403

Rather than saying comfort food like a fat ass, could've said guilty pleasures.

>> No.8264407

My family rules. We enjoy each others' company, have lots of laughs and the food is always good. I'm just saying that feeling that comes after feasting isn't a feeling I seek out. I see it actually as the downside of these celebrations. Everyone is sitting in a food coma in front of the fire. It's great to all be together, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But it's the opposite of comfy to me, as large rich meals leave everyone a little uncomfortable after.

>> No.8264410

What do you even do here if you've such a pragmatic and stoic opinion on food?
I'm sure you'd be more at home in /fit/ if it's all about fuel.

>> No.8264412

Who has guilty food pleasures that doesn't have some kind of eating disorder?

>> No.8264419

It means foods you know aren't good for you but you just can't help but indulge on every now and then.
Example: for me it's reseese cups. Every month I just buy a whole pack of them and just go into a chocolate coma.

>> No.8264423

If you truly only eat an unhealthy food very occasionally, you wouldn't feel guilty about it because it won't have a significant negative effect.

>> No.8264428

well my comfort food is vegetable soup so eat your own ass

>> No.8264431

pleb, i go for cock

>> No.8264433

I'm anything but stoic about food. I seek out food experiences based on pleasure. But the kinds of food most folks consider comfort food are usually dull and heavy. Nothing exciting about them. Delicious? Sure. But not the kind of meals I's ever seek out beyond some sort of family celebration. Because there are other more interesting things to eat out there.

>> No.8264437
File: 46 KB, 413x310, Thanksgiving-Dinner-Side-Dishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about about like this when ever you have you have this one food item that you never eat once a year with family and friends your mind starts associating this food item with family and friends and good times, than when you have this any other time of the year you remember those good times elicitation a feeling of happiness or great comfort. For most people its turkey.

>> No.8264473


>> No.8264505



Best comfort foods:

-Grilled Cheese and tomato soup
-greasy slice of pepperoni pizza
-breakfast burritos

>> No.8264512
File: 393 KB, 960x1280, ogfqv2GxXv1qd5s4ho5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noodle soup

making some today, usually do it about once a month and just chow down. somethign about the warm, fatty broth and texture of noodles is such a comfort food for me. warms my belly.

>> No.8264515

None of your suggestions are actual comfort food though, they are just lunchtime snacks.

>> No.8264517

>noodle soup
see here >>8264515

>> No.8264525
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>snacks are not food

>> No.8264538

As far as I am concerned comfort food is one of those stodgy indulgences you settle down with on a cold evening to watch the telly (or whatever).

A watery weeaboo soup does not qualify.

Think of stuff like, hot treacle pudding, chocllate chac, macaroni cheese, cottage pie, a thick soup stuffed with fresh bread, a baked potato smothered in butter and cheese, etc.

>> No.8264542

>chocllate chac
Chocolate cake

>> No.8264546

what the fuck about a big bowl of carbs and fatty broth is not a food? how fat are you?

>> No.8264552

I'm not in the slightest bit fat but I think you (and others) are naming your favourite meme food as opposed the the theme of the thread which is Comfort Food.

>> No.8264553
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>bone stock is weaboo

yeah, okay, bud. you've never made homemade stock and that's fine, but try to not have an opinion on something you don't understand. it's more fatty than most of the things you named.

>> No.8264560



oh you're british.

you should not be on a food board you eel sucking skinflute.

>> No.8264561

>bone stock is weaboo
Talk about putting words in my mouth?

You are just showing how desperate you are to defend your weak position.

Read what I said here >>8264538 and here >>8264552

>> No.8264562

"homemade soup is a meme food"

it sounds like your definition of fatty food is "starches and fat"... which noodle soup is... and basically everything else listed. it's not YOUR comfort food. that's fine. but you don't have to have an autism fit

>> No.8264563

>"homemade soup is a meme food"
See here >>8264561
>Talk about putting words in my mouth?

>> No.8264568

that probably sounded cooler in your head, huh?

>> No.8264574

>a watery weaboo soup does not qualify

your words, out of your fat fingers.

i didn't even say ramen or pho or w/e. could have been talking about chicken noodle, sometimes i do pork with corn, chiles, cilantro, and egg noodles, sometimes i do pho and ramen but the base is the same.. a bone broth...

>> No.8264578

>are naming your favourite meme food

dude, how stupid are you?

>> No.8264586

Noodle soup or 'pho' is NOT comfort food.

If you enjoy your weeaboo soups, then good for you but AGAIN you are missing the point of the thread.

>> No.8264593
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>> No.8264603

I think you are right, it is a Bong but I think he is correct. a broth isn't really a comfort food and in Britland they would have tons of cream or butter in their soup

>> No.8264606

Thank you.

>> No.8264610


who said anything about weeb soups? In the US, chicken noodle soup is classic comfort-food. Also popular for cold weather, when someone is sick, etc.

>>you are missing the point of the thread.
What point is anon missing, exactly? Isn't "comfort food" something that makes you feel comfortable and nostalgic? surely that would vary from person to person based on what their personal tastes are, what they grew up eating at home, what they had fond memories of, etc?

>> No.8264612

>the world has to play by britbong's culinary tastes

god, help me. literally the worst country to take advice from

>> No.8264615

>chicken noodle soup is classic comfort-food
Is it really . . .somehow I doubt that.

>Also popular for cold weather, when someone is sick, etc.
I think you are getting confused with a standard chicken soup. I assume you are American so your ignorance is understandable.

>> No.8264617


what's the first pic on there? what's the first section say?

>> No.8264618

I spent 18 months in England, it's not as bad as the memes make it to be.

>> No.8264620

>Grilled Cheese and tomato soup
>greasy slice of pepperoni pizza
>breakfast burritos
Some people take comfort in trash

>> No.8264625

>Is it really

It's probably the most iconic American "comfort foods". A simple google search will confirm that for you.

>>I think you are getting confused with a standard chicken soup
Americans call that chicken noodle soup. Chicken broth, vegetables, pieces of chicken meat, and noodles. Usually flat, short, egg-based noodles.

>> No.8264626

Wikipedia??? . . . .I'm not even going to click that.

>> No.8264628

aight, i'll respect that

how bad is your autistic meltdown buddy? i mean really? wikipedia is cited, not that it matters on opinionative cultural definitions..

>> No.8264630

>Americans call that chicken noodle soup
No they don't.
Chicken Noodle soup is a Chinese thing, the Chicken soup for colds, etc. is a Jewish thing.

>> No.8264631


Why? Do you think that because it's sometimes incorrect that it's always incorrect? Are you going to blindly assume it's wrong without even reading it or checking its sources?

>> No.8264634

'if i just make stuff up, maybe will people leave me alone instead of me admitting i'm wrong or closing four chan dot com'

>> No.8264639

Wikipedia is terrible, especially when it comes to food related items.

I find it annoying more than anything that instead of understanding what comfort food is, people just post their lunchtime snacks or watery broths (with an exotic name).

>> No.8264642
File: 256 KB, 498x486, 1474568494846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken noodle soup (exotic name)

>> No.8264688

I am not skinny but I do lift, I get one cheat meal a week and I am not wasting it on grilled chicken.

>> No.8264690

>comfort food is food you eat when you want that food

>> No.8264706
File: 218 KB, 406x303, Cow & Chicken Pork Butts and Taters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork butts and taters

>> No.8264708

i love you, anon!

>> No.8264737


>> No.8264740


>> No.8264891

Wow this thread gave me an autism overdose.

>> No.8264911
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>> No.8264940

This is why I am also adamantly opposed to comfort beverages. Drink water or don't drink at all. I also think comfort visuals are for the weak. If you emotional preferences guide your need to look at different things, then you must be an unstable individual indeed.

>> No.8264950

I've always considered "comfort foods"things like a special meal your family would regularly eat that you enjoyed as a kid, or a special recipe your mom made. You enjoy eating them later in life because they remind you of your family/childhood.

>> No.8264954

>i'm athletic and run a few half marathons per year
Being larger than taller is not something called athletic.
Half-marathons or semi marathons are aprox 20km. Considering "a few" as less than 10 it leads to a max 200km run by year, which is less than a km/day...
So running from your sofa to your car =/= health.

>> No.8264968
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Beer and Pizza
Beer counts as food

>> No.8264974

That is what it means. The flavor, aroma, appearance and texture of the food evoke memories of a time when we felt at perfect ease, with friends or family as a youth. Ignore that idiot.

>> No.8264979


Buttermilk pancakes

>> No.8264981

I don't think of it as weakness, but it sure as fuck can be an unhealthy form of self-indulgence. There's a big difference between a tea drinker finding a hot cup of tea calming and the depressed fat girl eating a pint of ice cream then hating herself for doing so. To me the idea of eating for comfort is in the latter camp.

>> No.8264994

That I get. But there are lots of folks out there who engage in comfort eating. They eat foods they find comforting when they're anxious, sad or depressed. So we're using the same word to describe two different things. I'd call the first one nostalgic foods, because they remind you of childhood. But when I think of comfort food I think of some fatty deciding to make up a lasagna because the weather is turning cold outside and 2000 calories of casserole will take the sting out of the short days and coming winter.

>> No.8265029

>Being larger than taller is not something called athletic
i don't know what you're trying to say with this
but on the running: over spring and summer i run 10km every wednesday and friday, with sunday typically being 16km. that's 140km per month beginning in april and lasting until the end of september. that's easily over 800km, races not included here. the other half of the year, i only run once or twice a week and only 10 km, so that's an average of about 60km per month. so i run way more than 1000km per year. been doing this for five years now. my fastest half marathon (21,1km) was 1h36min13sec. this summer, i did a sunday run of 25km in 2h11min just for fun.
my resting heart rate is just over 40. i'm 5ft7in and weight 150lbs.
i hope all these numbers don't confuse you

>> No.8265036

>... of comfort food I think of some fatty deciding to make up a lasagna because the weather is turning cold

Idk, that just sounds like you want to have an excuse to ridicule fat people. I mean, if they're fat, they probably aren't waiting for an excuse to overindulge. I don't see how that relates to a normal person occasionaly indulging in a nostalgiac dish.

t. 6'3, 210lbs. Not fat, but not thin either.

>> No.8265043

I see nothing wrong with enjoying food nostalgia. My issue is that comfort eating is unhealthy, and probably not a thing one ought to romanticize.

>> No.8265060


>> No.8265063

running is terrible for you. Just go for a walk and eat a low fat diet. save vigorous exercise for recreational activities you enjoy.

>> No.8265066

>I see nothing wrong with enjoying food nostalgia. My issue is that comfort eating is unhealthy, and probably not a thing one ought to romanticize.
ITT: Wonderbread childhood problems

>> No.8265072
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All those kilometers, yet you hadn't manage to find confidence and self-esteem.

>> No.8265081

you two keep on hatin', i don't give a fuck

>> No.8265101

It was watching my sister go from an attractive young woman to a hambeast when she learned how to cook because she liked making "comfy food". There's a reason most people eat this stuff at holidays and family gatherings instead of everyday.

>> No.8265114
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Takeout pizza.

>> No.8265144

>low fat diet

No, idiot. Eliminate sugar, reduce carbs and exercise. Your advice is so 20th century. Bed time, gramps.

>> No.8265157
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>In this post, an utter imbecile with a walnut sized brain, attempting to contribute. I've always wondered what Neanderthalise sounded like. Thanks. I'll make a thorough linguistic analysis.

>> No.8265169

>doesn't like chicken noodle soup. Declares it to be unacceptable for someone else to like it.

Has your life really come to this?

>> No.8265174


>> No.8265177
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still am not sure how he came to the conclusion that my stock is watery either. This shit has like two solid inches of melted fat from marrow and stuff

>> No.8265251

You obviously did enough to reply

>> No.8265256
File: 71 KB, 772x762, homer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melted fat from marrow

>> No.8265262

of course i replied. they replied to me, so i gave them their (You)s. here's another one for (You)

>> No.8265269


god damn those onions look tasty

>> No.8265929


yo bro we wuz sum finna food gods

feel me?

>> No.8265934

trips of truth

>> No.8266194

>blaming the world for not finding your sister sexually attractive anymore

>> No.8266246

You're so full of kek, I had to kek.

>> No.8266413

Cheesebread. Melted cheese on bread.

>> No.8266449

A fried egg in between two pieces bread with cheese.

Sometimes it'll be the only thing I eat all day.

Who malnutrition here?

>> No.8266478
File: 860 KB, 1600x1200, 8B9E8F53-3470-437F-BA95-81C94F492C1D-307-0000020AE1B42D69_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything from in-n-out soothes my soul

>> No.8266481

Homemade beef jerky/biltong
It's basically every type of flavour and texture that I love in one food

>> No.8266487

Getting drunk and partying with friends is also something that is quite unhealthy that society also romanticizes, the difference is that most people can understand that getting shitfaced daily is self destructive but not everyone understands that eating "comfort foods" every day can be equally destructive

>> No.8266737

you sound like a really boring person. I'm pretty sure you aren't, but that's the way you came off in this post.

>> No.8266765

you'll be the first on the pills that replace meals then will you

>> No.8266797

Y'all niggas need to clam down.

>> No.8266806

>semi marathons

>> No.8266886

Rice with chocolate sauce. Every time

>> No.8267002

have you never melted marrow? i had beef shin bones in it. they turn into a liquid when boiled out

>> No.8267096

This Anon has made my point better than I was making it.
Fuck no. I just don't aspire to eat celebration foods on an everyday basis because I know that doesn't work out so well.

>> No.8267112
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>> No.8267121

I'm as thin as a rail and my comfort food is peach ice cream.

>> No.8267131

You are Poor.

>> No.8267145

How does not finishing a marathon make you athletic?

>> No.8267171


When you make stock the fat and impurities should float to the top and get skimmed off. So what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8267174

Ramen with tuna hot sauce and lime or a banquets Salisbury steak with potatoes meal

>> No.8267177

Well, duh... the fact that he started in one. Which is more than most other people ever achieve in terms of athleticism.

>> No.8267184

You know they call it "In -N-Out" because they fuck the burgers, don't you?

>> No.8267194

>comfort food thread

>> No.8267225

>melted fat from marrow

Only americans are capabel of having fat in their bone marrow

>> No.8267276

Red beans and rice, my own very weird version of it though.

>> No.8267343

cellophane noodles cooked with a teaspoon of chicken bouillon and some marinara sauce. also a traditional Taiwanese breakfast and orange creamsicles.

>> No.8267684

>food and cooking forum not bee
All bone marrow contains fat bro