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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8260235 No.8260235 [Reply] [Original]

Do you any recipes for weed cookies?

>> No.8260244

Fucking degenerate pothead. It's bad enough you have to smoke it, you cant get your weed fix without fucking eating it too.

>> No.8260253

>make canabutter
>Proceed with cookie recipe

Fucking potheads, this isn't rocket surgery

>> No.8260284


>> No.8260325


>> No.8260329

weed is awesome

>> No.8260332


>> No.8260338


>> No.8260350

You must be at least 18 to post

>> No.8260363

Faggot detected. Unless you're suffering from a chronic illness or pain I suggest you and your kind snuff themselves.

>> No.8260366



>> No.8260552
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>all this weed hate

WTF people?

>> No.8260566

They're sad because they've never had the balls to even try it. LELELELELEL

>> No.8260714

>weed fix

What are you, a fucking 50yo woman?

>> No.8260728

Wake up faggot.
We all tried it. Some of us turned into loser stoners, some of us grew up.
I feel you are in the former category.

>> No.8260750

You've got two options and both are stupid easy.

1. Buy boxed cookie mix. Infuse the oil with weed (simmer weed in the oil on medium heat for 20 min, longer if you please but not necessary at all). strain weed in a sieve or coffee filter and follow the recipe on the box (make sure you give the oil a chance to cool before adding eggs or the eggs will cook from the hot oil).

2. Take any (literally, any) from-scratch cookie recipe. Whatever the amount of butter calls for, make cannabutter first then use that butter for the oil. Cannabutter is the same as weed oil. Takes longer though. Also, you'll want to add a few cups of water to the butter and weed mixture. Then let the whole thing cool in the fridge. The butter will separate from the water and can just be scooped right up out of the pot as a solid mass.

Regarding amounts of weed: In general, 1/4 ounce of mid-grade for a batch of cookies, or 1/8 of good shit.

>inb4 some fag says one ounce per recipe

There's really no need for that. 1/4 of a cookie will get you baked following the above guidelines. 1/2 for someone with a good tolerance.

>> No.8260766

follow the cannabutter recipe that this adorable old lady uses


You don't need that much for cookies and her edibles are strong (too strong IMO, but she cooks for cancer patients) so you can use a lot less pot.

>> No.8260768

Weed is fine, OP is just a teenage /b/tard

>> No.8260776

Its 2016 brah, believe it or not its acceptable to admit theres a middle ground between McDonalds employees and straight edge people. People just don't talk about it publicly because most employers are still sucking the federal governments cock

>> No.8260792

>put in crock pot on med or low for 12 hours with enough butter to cover the plant material
>strain with cheese cloth
>make into cookies

Not that hard buddy

>> No.8260847

>Regarding amounts of weed

This is the issue I have with edibles....

Understanding dosage is key. Nobody wants to eat a 1/4 of a cookie, brownie, whatever, and nobody wants to get uncomfortably high because they ate too much. Finding that sweet spot is a real pain in the ass with edibles, and I'd recommend starting out low, and working up until you find that sweet spot.

I have never smoked or vaped so much that I felt uncomfortable.

I HAVE, however, got WAY too high eating a damn edible and about had a panic attack.

Be careful out there...

>> No.8260854
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>420 braise it

>> No.8260855

Or you could, you know, not be a fucking idiot and smoke or eat weed.

It's not quite tobacco eating-levels of stupidity but it's close.

>> No.8260866
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>it's not possible to have a healthy productive life while using alcohol or cannabis responsibly and in moderation

>> No.8260889


That's an option, certainly.

But it's not an option that I choose.

I enjoy the effects of weed, and I enjoy growing it as well.

I vape in the evenings after work and dinner and chill out on the net, or in the back yard while watching the stars.

People are going to experiment with drugs that alter their consciousness, whether it's weed, alcohol, acid, whatever. Weed is not only safer than any mind altering substance, it's also very enjoyable, and its use should be encouraged for the safety factor, instead of condemned by closed minded people like you.

>> No.8260899

You can. The issue is the majority of people who advocate for marijuana use are the same kind of people who feel they should have the right to do whatever they want but then complain when things go to shit.

When you're at the point in you're life that eating cannabis seems like a good idea you've become a meme, and not the good kind.

>> No.8260918

That's why I'm looking forward to more widespread recreational legality.

I know that my sweet spot is 10-15 mg THC for an edible. When it comes to edibles made by friends, I approach them so gingerly that I end up nibbling on a corner of a brownie once ever 3 hours to test the waters.

It'll be nice to have access to a 10mg piece of candy or chocolate and know that I'll be able to get a good night's rest without any anxiety.

>> No.8260920

>People are going to experiment with drugs anyway so it's okay if I do it
>People are going to commit crimes anyway so it's okay if I do it
>People are just going to shitpost anyway so its okay if I do it

To say nothing about the fact that you vape either, faggot.

>> No.8260930

420 braise it....excellent

>> No.8260962

shes hilarious

>> No.8260972

Top kek