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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8260077 No.8260077 [Reply] [Original]

What's are your /ck/ related fears? Anything food or cooking related that terrifies you

>to scared to use a pressure cooker


>> No.8260083

I'd be more scared to buy a pressure cooker lol

>> No.8260119

I made fermented hot sauce. I was scared of dying of botulism. 12+ hours and I'm still alive. The sauce was fucking great too, would recommend.

>> No.8260183

The first couple times I used a pressure cooker it intimidated me because I know a few people who had fucked up with them and told me blowing the thing up was inevitable. But I got over that six years ago and have been using mine several times a week without incident.

>> No.8260185

I'm afraid to serve other people my cooking because I had a dream that I did and everyone got sick and hated me. Now I just cook for myself....

>> No.8261446

Very long gas stove matches and their application fuckery. Praise the technology.

>> No.8261513


Did you ever notice how stores don't put pressure cookers on the shelf anymore post Boston bombings?

>> No.8261522
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>> No.8261610

Idk man I was at Macy's last sunda and one was on display out in the open

>> No.8261647

Not true in Mississippi. I saw a shelf full of Presto brand today in Walmart. But the only fear we have is right wing nutjobs; we don't have Muslims.

>> No.8261668


Right wingers don't commit terrorist acts. What are you so worried about?

>> No.8261681

I'd be more worried about a nog getting shot in your state and them rioting and targeting whites 2bh.

>> No.8261695

Choking on a fish bone. My mother told me that when I was a little kid and it's stuck with me ever since. So I always meticulously debone my fish.

>> No.8261750

>right wing terror

Leaving aside past history until 1970, Oklahoma City was not a children's picnic.

>> No.8261755

>nog getting shot or mosques bombed in MS

Yeah, that was my point.

>> No.8261761

I've known people with phobias of those cardboard tubes of biscuit/dinner roll dough. If you slowly peel the paper off in front of them so that it doesn't explode then set it down next to them they tend to freak out.

>> No.8261778

are they dead? they look so comfy

makes me think...

>> No.8261800

There were bite size children afterwards, though, so more like a tapas bar.

>> No.8261804

This used to be my fear, it's seems so stupid now, but back when I was a kid my dad would fire his pistol in my direction anytime I went to pop one of those fuckers, said it was woman work. I guess it gave me a tic, but I've since overcome it.

>> No.8261944


The KKK and similar groups were not terrorists you cuck.

>Oklahoma city

Literally one example.

>> No.8261956

the KKK is very much a literal fucking terror group

fuck off to pol retard

>> No.8261963


"Association with a U.S. hate group is not illegal, and despite terrorizing minorities, gays, Jews and Catholics for over a century—committing atrocities designed to induce a state of terror among the public—the Klan is not designated as a terrorist organization."

Hillary is going to fucking lose by the way nu male faggot.

>> No.8261971

>pressure cooker

I use mine at least twice a day. It cooks stuff soooo fast. It's so convenient.

>> No.8261977

Good protein.

>> No.8261983

>didn't even bring up the widespread historical right wing terrorist activity
>bring up the biggest one recently, not bothering to mention the recent black church slaughters and church burnings.

Yeah, rightwing terrorists smell pretty angelic in god's nostrils. Just how many virgins do you get when you enter heaven again?

>> No.8261996


None of that was terrorist activity dude. Look it up yourself. Get fucked.

>> No.8262005

they are absolutely acts of terror. domestic terrorism. why even try to deny it

>> No.8262130

>the KKK is very much a literal fucking terror group

Then so is the NAACP, La Raza, and every fucking Jew advocacy group in the U.S..

>> No.8262135

are you really defending the klan?

>> No.8262141

Welcome to the US of Trumpet. Apparently that's what we get.

>> No.8262147

>Then so is the NAACP, La Raza, and every fucking Jew advocacy group in the U.S..

That's fine with me.

>> No.8262155

because it's not terrorism when you're making the country a better place

p.s. flase flags don't count either, you dumb nigger

>> No.8262187

are you really so ignorant as to think the KKK has been active in the last 30 years?

>> No.8262189


>> No.8262192

>country a better place

Strange how your rhetoric sounds so similar to the Taliban and Al-Quada. Be content, you apparently have your Trumpet.

>> No.8262278

>Strange how your rhetoric sounds so similar to the Taliban and Al-Quada
what's your point?

>> No.8262299

this sounds retarded and im new at cooking but im sort of afraid of cooking chicken because im afraid ill fuck it up or get salmonella or something

>> No.8262319
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>> No.8262360

Eating fish that has bones stresses me out more than anything, ever since I was a kid and I choked on one of those little bones
Never ate them since

That's about it, ck related

>> No.8262363

New at cooking as in like you have literally never cooked before and are just now considering making your first item?

>> No.8262386


You literally have nothing to worry about if it is properly fermented. The only time botulism develops in something if it has been in an environment that supports the growth of botulism, i.e. leaving a baked potato in the foil in your fridge for a week then eating it.

Making a fermented sauce that you might've used something like kimchi in isn't gonna go bad and kill you. you're fine bro.

>> No.8262400

This may sound weird but everytime I've cooked chicken breasts they've always been perfect (for my tastes). I don't get the scare.

>> No.8262404

Memes aside, I've an extreme phobia of using propane and propane accessories.
Because of that I use charcoal and/or wood when cooking outdoors. I sometimes worry people think I'm a hipster who cooks with coal only because it's the hip thing to do these days, but it couldn't be further from the truth. I wish I could use propane because it's not only far, far cheaper but much less of a mess, as well. But I just can't. ):

>> No.8262434

It can be trickier to the absolute newbie to cook thighs and more complex pieces of chicken, however. Easier to accidentally leave some red on the inside.

>> No.8262438

They're fine, that's just how they sleep. I used to work in a pet store and the mice would all just shove themselves into the cuddliest possible spaces and be cute together.

>> No.8262445


Who the fuck undercooks chicken? The only way that's gonna happen is if it's stuffed, other than that, you're baking it for at least 30 minutes, cutting a piece open while grilling, or frying until brown.

>> No.8262464

whats this meme? can it actually kill you?

>> No.8262467


>> No.8262474

>who the fuck undercooks
>absolute newbies

>> No.8262498

>he doesn't know ja/ck/
i don't think you belong here

>> No.8264122

Mandolins. I fucked up once with one and I lost about a quarter of my thumb. Worst fucking pain I've ever had, and I still can't feel most of it and it's been a good six months.

>> No.8264596
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>> No.8264609

There's literally zero risk if you do it correctly.

>> No.8264619
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am i missing something? am i getting meme'd?

>> No.8264633
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>am i missing something?

Yeah, that people often make grammatical or spelling mistakes. They mean manoline, with an E on the end. You know, sorta like how you forgot to capitalize.

>> No.8264645

m8 you can stick your spelling up your arse, you forgot the "d" in mandoline (don't worry, i can give you the d later) i never heard anybody in my country call that thing a mandoline, over here it's a Gemüsehobel

>> No.8264651
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>> No.8264652
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countertop deep fryer
use one all the time but still, the very thought of fucking up :^(

>> No.8264669


Why the fuck would we be using German terminology on an English-language cooking board?

>> No.8264672

you didn't really grasp the point, did you?
oh, by the way, what are the english terms for Schadenfreude oder Kindergarten?

>> No.8264673
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>don't worry, I can give you the d later


>> No.8264675
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>criticizing someone's spelling on a finnish fishnetweaving website
>getting it wrong yourself

there is a god

>> No.8264700

>you didn't really grasp the point, did you?

The only point I see that's being failed to grasp is that you don't know what a mandoline is in the context of cooking on an english-language board.

>> english terms for Schadenfreude oder Kindergarten?
So because two German words happen to be incorporated into English then we should expect that all terms for cooking equipment is? That doesn't make much sense.

>> No.8264721

I'm afraid the rabbit liver I ate a month or two ago was undercooked and now I have worms eating my brain.

Won't stop me from eating its brothers and sisters.

>> No.8264722


>> No.8264736

>the law is corrupt so that means I'm right
good for you faggot. Everyone hates you trump fags not because we love hitlery, but because you assholes actually think your candidate is above and beyond a good human being that isn't lying to get your vote and money like any other god damn politician.

>> No.8264738

>using the word cuck.
That's literally facebook meme tier now.

>> No.8264739

the point is you are so delusional you genuinely believe terror gets to be whatever you say it is and that the general population wont see you as exactly the same as your enemies despite the fact that you have apperantly acknowledge that you are indestinguishable in your methods and mode of thought.

>> No.8264742

That must've shattered the windows.

>> No.8264748

>now, if you excuse me, I think my stew is just about done

>> No.8264750

>cooking chicken
I read this as "Cooking children"

>> No.8264751

>arguing semantics rather then the topic at hand

You gone full libtard now

>> No.8265980

>the cap on the ceiling

every time

>> No.8265998

I'm scared of others eating food I cooked. I always feel that it might taste bad. It's gotten to the point where I meticulously guard and protect my food, so no one can eat it. :(

>> No.8266008

I'm worried about trapping my fucking cats in a fridge or the oven because I sometimes leave the doors of them open.

Fucking sucks because I want to do baking and I like having the oven door slightly open to get heat into the house as well.

>> No.8266029

It's even worse than that. It just demonstrates a complete lack of imagination and intelligence to brand a political viewpoint as a sexual fetish. I mean, in the 60's and 70's there was "bleeding hearts" which had a compelling and meaningful referential imagery. But this sexual fetish shit is just stupid. I guess one shouldn't expect more from this crop, though.

>> No.8266070

>he doesnt break fish bones in half with his uvula

>> No.8266287

Those deli meat slicers man
That and mandolins I swear those things ought to be weapons

>> No.8266419

I'm always afraid to let other people eat my cooking.
My family never wants to taste it even I offered it, so it makes me self concious about it.
My cooking don't taste bad, but it does not look good.

>> No.8266799

I want to try fermenting food, but I'm scared I'll fuck it up

>> No.8266826

Go for it. Worst case Ontario, you die

>> No.8267238

lol you're an idiot

>> No.8267243

so where is whatever they were cooking?
that explosion would have sent food everywhere
nothing on the lid or the ceiling
did they clean off the food before the pic?

i call bullshit

>> No.8267751

okay, i'll bite just in case you're really this uneducated
while cooking, there's two layers inside the pot: the food on the lower part and above that is pressurized, compressed air. when the pressure cooker bursts, the air sends the lid flying upwards and the pot + food downwards because of physics. you can see bits of the food at the back of the stove which is some backlash when the downwards propelled food stopped and ricocheted back out of the pot, maybe even on the ceiling. but most of it will still be in the pot.
i hope this explains it well enough, english is not my first language

>> No.8267827


>> No.8267832

I wasn't the anon you were arguing with, I just saw a retard using shitty memes and called him out on it.

Maybe you should try arguing without throwing out insults though, maybe people won't trigger you because they have nothing to point out.

>> No.8267837

baking in general is my fear. I still do it, but I've fucked so many things up and had to redo it that it's in my head.

cheesecake is my biggest fear. intimidating as fuck, so many recipes with different quirks and I fucked one up something fierce a couple years ago.

>> No.8267845
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Bulking by eating a small amount of food.

>> No.8267858

I wouldn't call it a fear, but I really dislike deep-frying food. Spilling hot oil isn't fun.

Pressure cookers are safe, as long as you know how to use them. Do not mess with the valve and always use low heat.

As a kid I constantly choked on fish bones. Eat a piece of bread and it'll go down.

>> No.8267861

>over here it's a Gemüsehobel
*throws potato*
Back to the potato farm, you bleached nigger stinking rotten cabbage. /ck/ isn't your raiding grounds.

>> No.8267867
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>> No.8269179

this pic gets posted quite often, but what is it? i heard of badly burnt sugar, but i can't really believe it

>> No.8269208

Hahaha, the first time I made cheesecake I forgot the sugar. It tasted quite ... piquant.

>> No.8269217

My /ck/ related fear:
That my mother will use my expensive kitchen knives to cut stuff on her granite countertop. Or her ceramic cooktop. Or a glass cake platter. She ALWAYS does this, and it is totally useless trying to explain to her that this fucks up the edge beyond (easy) repair at the first cut.