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File: 13 KB, 300x200, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8259280 No.8259280 [Reply] [Original]

2 days sober and an hour away from finish work for the day.

The temptation to buy a bottle on the way home is intensifying.

Maybe it's better to start my abstinence on the weekend?

Anyone else caught in a cycle of "quitting soon"?

>> No.8259296

Just buy a six pack or a tall boy and call it a day. You know what will happen if you buy a bottle

>> No.8259324

I'm in the cycle of quitting and then after a week or two realizing that my life is horrible shit without alcohol and then I quit again after I've been drunk for a week and feel even shittier than sober.

>> No.8259339

It doesn't work this way man. That six pack or one tall boy will trigger you and loosen your judgment just enough to go back and buy a fifth anyway. Then you'll wake up the next morning still drunk and now self-loathing, having drank the tall boy and whatever of the fifth your body could stand until you passed out. Then you'll probably start drinking the rest of it just to avoid the guilt, but it won't be enough so you'll go out and buy again.

If someone's really got an alcohol problem, the only way to win is not to play. It sucks dude. It's like losing a friend.

>> No.8259349


Yea I know. I guess I give cliche advice for whatever reason. Same anon from the other alchy thread about my best friend btw

>> No.8259370

Come on you drunk fucks, what's going on

>> No.8259398

1 hour and 14 minutes until I can buy more beer.

>> No.8259417


Gotta buy in advance. I try and stay stocked up. Whiskey and beer on deck

>> No.8259430

Loosing a friend is what brought me to drink. I know these feels well.

>> No.8259441

I was cutting down for a while but since my social life has exploded again I'm back at where I was. I hate the shakes, I hate the auditory hallucinations, etc. I just want to be better. I want to be better for my oneitis who is also al/ck/y and doing so much better than I am.

>> No.8259469

I've been completely sober 3 months now after being hospitalized for 6 weeks after a particularly bad bender this past summer. I don't remember the first couple weeks of it at all, but I've been told by my close family and friends that all the doctors at the ER told them I was probably going to die. They all said they had never seen someone so young ( 31 ) in such bad shape. Liver and kidneys were failing, jaundice, internal bleeding, ect. I was getting dialysis every other day. At that point I was averaging a fifth of vodka a day along with some beers. I've been a daily drinker since I was 20 or so but I just completely lost control around 2012. Now all the doctors I see for follow up vists can't believe how fast I've recovered, kidneys working normally, liver is healing, no more bleeding, jaundice is clearing up. I hope I can go back to just enjoying a beer with dinner or watching football again in the future

>> No.8259473

I hate drinking and I keep doing it.

It makes me feel like shit morally and physically yet I don't stop.

>> No.8259482


Jesus I did way more than that at my worst. I should be dead I guess

>> No.8259487

I was up to a fifth of fireball a night when I had to make an ER visit. Doctors said my liver basically said "fuck you" and decided to break itself down instead of the alcohol. I still drink, but WAY less compared to when I was. The key is self control. You have to be able to keep your mind about you, and know when you're going over the limit.

>> No.8259501

Has anyone here successfully transitioned into an occasional drinker than can exercise moderation?

Or are we all cucked by booze here?

>> No.8259517

I'm speaking from my own experience when I talk about this, and others may be different, but I totally think this is terrible advice to give an alcoholic. If the person could control their consumption, they wouldn't have the problem or feel the guilt in the first place.

You're giving them this false hope that they can go back--that they can be "normal" again. And there's really a point where you just can't.

You either decide to stop or just say fuck it to life.

If I start to drink in ANY way again, I'll be as bad as was at my worst within a month. It's happened every time.

>> No.8259589
File: 241 KB, 707x966, Pinconning MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on truckin!


I'm getting a liver transplant in a few months. I figure I better wear this one out before it goes in the trash. I'm about banana yellow and drinking a lot of beer.

Out of respect for the donor, I will never touch another drop. Not hard. I did it for eight years prior to this point. I was never a fan of drinking or drug use. I just figured I'd wear this one out.

Pic related. That's me a long, long time ago. 1993.

>> No.8259623


That can't be you. I was born in '91 almost 25 years old. How old are you?

>> No.8259657
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I'm looking to avoid having to get a liver transplant. All the doctors told me it was my only chance to stay alive for any decent amount of time. Now they are all genuinely shocked after looking at my recent lab results and now say everything is looking good. Makes me wonder if some of them were trying to scare me into completely quitting or they just didn't know what they were talking about while I was hospitalized, granted I was in really bad shape at that time.

>> No.8259713

For those guys that have been diagnosed with liver damage and things of that ilk how did you first realise your body was damaged? Did you just go for a random check up or did some incident or symptom force you to go to the doctor?

>> No.8259774

Who else it looking forward to drinking all night and into the small hours while watching this shitshow of a US election unfold?

>> No.8259777

you used to be handsome

>> No.8259790

Maybe statistically everyone who was in a condition similar to yours generally needs the transplant so they recommended that you receive one, but it seems you were an outlier

>> No.8259893

why does my tummy keep gurgling

>> No.8259918

could be a hernia

>> No.8259925

what do you think the oldest age on /ck/ is

>> No.8259947
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy on the bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post a current picture? Maybe you can scare some people straight.

>> No.8259985

Trust me, keep going. You've done great, and it will pay off

>> No.8260059

36 here, 79 child. Bday next week.

>> No.8260282

I think there'd be more pain with that. All I get is very minor abdominal pain and rarely worse pain.

>> No.8261467

A hernia has a protrusion and shitloads of pain.

>> No.8261947
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>> No.8261948

Rip in piece liver

>> No.8261960


Me most definitely. Beers and whisky all night

>> No.8261965


Just like under my bed

>> No.8262024

Don't be a puss. That's around 1.5-2 months. That's not that significant unless it continues for years and years.

>> No.8262108

Sometimes I borrow money from good friends just to buy beer. They ask me whats the money, I don't and I tell them its for beer and I always pay them back. Does this make me a bad person?

>> No.8262295

Been drunk for 25 years bro

>> No.8262323


Where abouts in the UK are you? Glasgow I assume?

Also how are you alive

>> No.8262343

I went from a daily drinker occasioning month-long benders and horrific withdrawals, to a (sometimes twice) weekly binge drinker, never getting drunk more than three nights in a row and never staying drunk longer than two days.

Don't know if that answers your question.

>> No.8262407

No, it makes you a responsible debtor.

Doesn't excuse you from being a degenerate alcoholic, though.

>> No.8262453
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does /ck/ need an /alc/ thread archive for this kind of gold?

>> No.8262579

Okay. I try not to do it all the time. They just make fun of me for it. lol

>> No.8262585

I am at over a week no drink. No withdrawals, but have had serious urges. Don't give up OP.

>> No.8262586

This is the worst advice ever.

>> No.8263272

I have no idea how you're still alive. Have you had an assessment by a physician recently?

>> No.8263349

Think I finally have to quit drinking. Sometimes when I drink, the next day I wake up with stomach cramps. Then all of a sudden when I didnt drink last night, I still woke up with stomach cramps and feeling like I have to throw up.

>> No.8263478

I at one liter of wine and 4 half liter cans of beer so far. I don't feel drunk but I probably am.

>> No.8263484

im 6 days out of detox. walked to the liquor store out of said detox.

today I spent the day hiding my scratching in secret. my skin crawls. haven't showered in days

don't be who I am fellow anons

>> No.8263920
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i get embarrassed buying liquor from my corner store on a daily bases,so i started to develop a system, see. luckily since i live in an dense urban area there's approximately 4 stores that sell liquor that is within walking distance of by habitat. one grocery store and three corner stores.

grocery stores you can go multiple consecutive days since their mostly part time cashier staff rotates regularly. corner stores, however, usually have their staff schedules set in stone, and usually there are no more than 3 different people that work a liquor store's cashier position. chain grocery stores have an army of dozens of cashiers, and even then they have so many customers a day its hard to familiarize yourself with an individual. I make sure to line up to a cashier that hasn't processed my transaction in at least a week.

buying booze is socially acceptable like what, once a week? So i can go to each of the corner stores three days of the week and space those visits out with visits to the grocery store. Booze is more expensive at a liquor store however. So I figured if I got handles at grocery days and pints in corner store days, I can get my fix at the most fiscally conservative manner while saving face

>> No.8263967

>wake up covered in blood. Smashed glass apparently all over bed. Laptop on floor. Broken.
>can't get glass out. Turn mattress.
>3 months later. Finally saved enough for new laptop. Rejoice.
>wake covered in blood. Laptop covered in piss. Broken. Sulk.
>2 months later. Wake covered in blood. Broken glass now on both sides of mattress. Oh.
>only one duvet. Carpet cut out months ago due to gallons of spilled urine. Bare floorboards full of splinters. Place duvet on floor. Best bed possible. Use coat to cover me up at night: at least I won't be cold, decent boiler.
>soon thereafter boiler breaks. Oh I see.
>freeze to fucking death. Fuck this. Loan, boiler, penniless.
>last money for alcohol spent this morning.
>2 bottle of vodka a day habit.
>tomorrow there's no more ethanol. Utterly dependent.
>fuck you 2016.

>> No.8264076


We should do, anyone got the previous pics? I find this totally fascinating for some reason

>> No.8264082

Was that all you? Don't you drink anything else?

>> No.8264083

What time period was this drunk over?

>> No.8264084


time to suck some dicks

>> No.8264091

I pretty much walk into the same liquor store every day with my underage girlfriend and buy her and me obviously gendered liquor. I know all of the clerks and they even know the exact brand of cigarettes I will want if I ask for them. Fuck it's great having no shame. One time I cracked a huge fart on the way in, didn't even acknowledge it.

>> No.8264169

I walked 6 motherfucking miles in the motherfucking rain to get a measly 28 fucking quid for a fucking 150 quid fucking phone from a fucking pawn broker. And it was fucking raining. And there are fucking holes in my fucking shoes. And I was fucking puking and fucking shaking due to FUCKING withdrawal. FUCK.
But now I've got 1.4 litres of lovely, soothing, warming, Smirnoff poison.
Totally worth it yo.

>> No.8264179

Yeah all me. I have a few cans of 'K' (cheap af, 8.2%) ciders at lunchtime too normally too, but those are the only things I drink aside from an occasional scotch.

>> No.8264214

I've had four non-consecutive days off work in the last 5 weeks and been unable to drink more than at most a bottle of wine at night without being incapable of work the next day. This weekend is free. There's going to be some serious drinking action.

I don't think I am genetically able to reach the functional alcoholic promised land where I can get wasted and still make it to work. ;_;

>> No.8265180
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I've been sober for five days now and told myself I wasnt going to fly off the handle again this weekend, im going to keep that promise. Dunno when I'm going to be back, hopefully never
its been a pleasure posting with you lads

>> No.8265540

Good job, keep it up.

>> No.8265593

last weekend

>> No.8265664
File: 119 KB, 647x1024, I_G_LR_-_Lager_500ml_can_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had a beer in weeks. After work today, I popped by the liquor store and got one of these and a cheeky bailie's (200ml).

Better watch myself. Don't want to finish the bailie's all in one sitting.

I'm pretty good at self control.

>> No.8265706
File: 116 KB, 575x766, everclear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hey guys, look at what I'm drinking! Aren't I so cool?
> I'm on my 5th vodka of the day and it's not even sun up.
> hehe, you alcofags sure are pathetic
> you don't drink X? Pleb.
> muh personal probs!

Basically 90% of this horrible general.

>> No.8265709
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Oh, and I forgot:
> let me tell you something kid. I've been down that road, too.

>> No.8266030

Your liver must be refined to fucking god-tier levels of detoxification.

Holy fuck, how are you still alive?

>> No.8266067


>> No.8266156

That's more vodka than you should drink in a year....

And you probably drank it in a couple of months.

>> No.8266302
File: 522 KB, 786x490, Screenshot 2016-10-06 at 11.42.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I finally got the "were worried about your drinking talk"

how do I even start sobriety?

>> No.8266322

Last night drinking before I quit until Christmas.


How drunk do I wanna get? It's 7:30 pm and I have about 4 - 5 drinks left in my bottle of Jack. Do I want to buy another bottle to drink between the 9.30 - 3am bracket or should I just try and quit after I finish what I've got?

>> No.8266332

thatd take about a year for me ..lmfao. although id definitely would drink more if i could

>> No.8266362

Go away kid.

>> No.8266367

Well the first thing is that you stop drinking.

>> No.8266370

Managed to get my hands on some diazepam. It's now or never.
Thing is... mixing them feels amazing. Gulp. The craving is real.
Wish me luck...

>> No.8266374


>> No.8266376

this thread always amazes me.

>> No.8266384

In what way?

>> No.8266388

how do I manage the cravings?

>> No.8266397

It's sub /r9k/ tier.
These people truly are the lowest humanity has to offer.

>> No.8266410

Could be worse.

They could be the marginally higher on the scale losers who look down on them.

>> No.8266491

Been roughly two weeks of sobriety. Well, I gave in one day and had a couple drinks, but stopped before going too far somehow. Drank last night but managed to hold off tonight instead of relapsing hard for days like I normally do.

Have to go without my computer for about a week though. This is going to be tough to distract myself and not go insane with no vidya.

>> No.8266510

Literally can't remember the last time I only drank for one day but I managed to do that the election night.

>> No.8266524

Yeah nah fucked it up. Chugging vodka.

>> No.8266537

6 days sober
well and truly done with this poison.
i have cravings. but i have been able to hold off. ive been watching a horrendous alcoholism documentary to remind me of what my cravings will lead to if i walk down that path.

>> No.8266539

be careful anon. mixing them is dangerous.
though ive done it a shit loads of times before, almost died a few times.

>> No.8266585

Fucking kill yourself loser.

>> No.8266652

>stop drinking for a few weeks
>hair stops falling out
>drink one one
>hair begins falling out all over the place
I hate this shit.

>> No.8266654

More like you stopped noticing your inevitable, continuing balding because you were fucked up for a while.

>> No.8266656

Nope. Literally no MPB in my family whatsoever. Dad is fucking in his 60's with a full head of hair.

>> No.8266662

Whatever floats your boat, chrome dome

>> No.8266680

I've noticed this but I don't know if it's due to reduced hair loss due to increased vitamins and overall health or the more positive outlook that comes with sobriety so that you don't eve notice your hair.

Regardless of what the root factor is probably a good supporting argument to quit.

>> No.8266704

That doesn't make sense. He said his positive feelings about his hair increased during sobriety.

>> No.8266705

drank for the first time in 3 months

i remembered why i quit drinking: the hangover is awful.

alcohol feels good, but only for 30 minutes. then you suffer the rest of the day.

>> No.8266914

currently suffering, ate a handful of percs & pounded several IPAs. head is loud, stomach churning.

>> No.8267012

I've saved up all the bottles of hard liqeur that I have consumed so far this year, 44 bottles, roughly 70cl average in each. Not counting the 500 brews and the 25L of wine.

I decided to make a Coq Au Vin tonight, I chugged the rest of the winebottle, plus a bottle of rum when I woke up. Just fucking end me.

>> No.8267018

got a pic of saved bottles?

>> No.8267039

I've got a picture of about 30 or so of the bottles, i'll upload it when my harddrive stops being an ass.

>> No.8267066

Fuck, ive been browsing these threads lately, telling myself that im not one of you guys, at least not yet. Over the last month, ive been drinking probably an average of 250-300ml of vodka per day. Before that, it was an average of 150ml per day.

The night of the election, i didnt drink at all, I had stayed up the whole night because of the hype, and by morning, even though I didnt get ANY sleep, I felt like a small loan of a million dollars. Whole day was amazing, until towards the night. I was talking with my bro and joking and laughing when suddenly i laughed and felt a pop in my head, and felt fluid draining down my throat. My senses all became distorted. I didnt drink that night either. The next day i was feeling the same way, distorted senses. I thought i was having a cerebrospinal fluid leak, but its more likely alcohol withdrawal. So I drank some last night, and today i feel fine. I am going to pledge myself to lower my alcohol use until I dont feel terrible when i dont drink.

Let it be known that donald trump is already saving lives before he even takes office.

>> No.8267097

I feel you, man. Just ease yourself off of it, i'm going to start doing the same.


>> No.8267182

>44 bottles, roughly 70cl average in each. Not counting the 500 brews and the 25L of wine.
so very roughly a fifth of booze, half a case of beer and two bottles of wine a week on average? how are you even alive

>> No.8267226

>Tfw go to shop and buy largest possible quantity of alcohol for smallest amount of money possible, pay using penny jar

>> No.8267233

Not boasting but I've done about that much in about 8 weeks. It gets to a point where you cross a line and it escalates FAST. Be careful bro.

>> No.8267258

I drink ~6-8 units a day for the last 4 years. Not nearly as bad as some people, but then I got kidney stones, mostly from dehydration but I've passed about 8 stones in the last 2 years, and the urologist is finally sending me in for metabolic work which involves a blood test. I guess this is the moment I will find out how my liver is really doing.

>> No.8267372

You have to experience them to figure out what works. There are lots of advices online if you google 'manage alcohol cravings'
so you try them, make sure you have something else to put in your mouth or whatever drink or eat, take vitamins, and then figure your own shit out.
if there was one easy answer for everyone then so many people wouldn't have this prob buddy

>> No.8267379

I can't remember the last time I went without a screen (computer TV phone) for more than 2 days
Is it possible to go cold turkey unplugged bb?

>> No.8267564

I hope so. I don't have much of a choice. I'm moving across the country and have to have it shipped to my new place. This is hell. I already want to hit the bottle.

>> No.8267702

lads I've taken up drinking again (casually) after a long while and it only takes two pints to start to rozzle me nowdays. Where did my tolerance go lads, I'm a 6ft angloman who can get outdrunk by an irish pixie.

>> No.8267725

i threw up so many times with this vodka, i can't see it anymore

>> No.8267805

How bad is drinking once a week for you liver? I'm talking about at 700ml spirits like whiskey/vodka OR 8-10 beers, never more and never more than once/week. Will I be fine?

I'm asking because I'm doing this since I'm 20 (I'm 26 now) and was at the doctor a month ago. All my liver scores are pretty much perfect. Will it stay that way?

>> No.8267813

you could probably do better by splitting that over two days but that seems fine considering how bad you can actually get. Your liver stops being a wonder machine the older you get as well apparently but what do I know.

>> No.8267830
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Old man next to me at the bar did this yesterday. It was fucking surreal to see a 70+ person drink college kid booze from a fancy glass.

>> No.8267869

4 days sober. Last time I managed to go without drinking for this long was in February (5 days). I thiink it's finally time to beat this years record.

>> No.8267875

pissed myself again last night

tomorrow im supposed to be getting a hotel with a 22 year old and get high on cocaine

the ride never ends. I look and feel like death.

>> No.8267964

Downing 9x0.5 liters beers tonite,just like every day for a week now.

Don't worry now its not like I'm addicted,right?

>> No.8267972


im at 18 a day for weeks

don't worry bro, you'll get there.

>> No.8268115

>when my harddrive stops being an ass.
Get a new hard-drive fast, this one is gonna die soon with no more warning. Save your data while you can.

>Let it be known that donald trump is already saving lives before he even takes office.
Apparently a few LGBT killed themselves too. Meh.
Anyway, the road from 150ml to 300ml continues to a litre a day, and >>8261947 this guy said in a previous thread he drank 3 to 5 litres per day.
It's a good idea to take another path, the sooner the better.

>> No.8268131

Lower tolerance is awesome, consider it a good thing man. Better than having to drink a shitload of liquor to feel anything, or not being able to get drunk off beer.

>> No.8268451
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>when suddenly i laughed and felt a pop in my head, and felt fluid draining down my throat

>> No.8268517

anyone continually make promis's to themselves, their loved ones, and god that this is the last time drinking then fuck it up over and over.

>> No.8268525


yea that sounds really fucked up. i dont think just alcohol withdrawal can cause something like that, as I went through severe alcohol withdrawal and had panic attacks and regular ER visits thinking i was having a heart attack regularely over the course of 5 months, after drinking daily for years. if something like that happened to me i would be shitting bricks and going to the ER insta

>> No.8268537


and senses distorted.. that sounds like either an anuyrism or stroke or some other serious brain condition.. id get it checked out bro. for real.

>> No.8269280

why arnt u tagging the fucking guy who had the aneurysm then?

>> No.8269308

Likely he had blocked sinuses or an infection in his eustachian. Had the same think happen to me and was blowing a brown tinted liquid out of my nose for about 20 minutes. Took a day to feel normal.

>> No.8269577

Yes that does look like a lot but it's actually pretty easy to go overboard like that. I got to the point where I was going through a litre of vodka and still going back buying another litre thinking I was fine. This went on for about 4 months. In that time I lost my girlfriend, most of my friends hated me and my family stopped contact because they were sick of trying to help. In my sick addicted mind I told myself I was fine though. I got sober for a month, reality hit me on how much I fucked up everything and here I am back on the bottle. I'm only 24 and been drinking almost everyday since I was 17

>> No.8269578

>tomorrow im supposed to be getting a hotel with a 22 year old and get high on cocaine
you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.8269612

>Managed to keep control of my drinking for 3 years at uni
>In my honours year and have spiralled out of control
>already missed two assignments

This is the worst possible year for it to happen, my grades decide my degree classification this year but I can't stop. I might be sober for a couple of days if I try but I inevitably go and get a litre of vodka by day 3. Too autistic to seek help. Fuck. RIP decent degree, I was so fucking close.

>> No.8269632


if anyone wants to text just /you/ me

I need help

>> No.8269643

That's only enough to get drunk like 3 nights a week.

>> No.8269685

Guys I'm withdrawing, if I have literally just 1 beer, will I have ruined it and need to start over? Please nobody guess, its crucial this info is accurate. Thanks anons

>> No.8269695

If you have legit withdrawal symptoms then having a small amount of alcohol is pretty important. Don't go cold turkey when you have symptoms.

>> No.8269702

I haven't got many at all. Manage to get a load of benzos

>> No.8269710


>> No.8269723

The benzos will fuck with your rhythm more than a small amount of alcohol will. It seems they give them out like candy over there in the states and I have no idea why.

>> No.8269724


>> No.8269726

You don't know better than doctors

>> No.8269754

How long does withdrawal typically last for you guys?

>> No.8269770

3 days. Usually spend 12-14 hours a day in bed having waking dreams. Fucking torture. Seem to be almost normal after 3 days.

>> No.8269893

K, and from how much booze for what period of time would you be withdrawing bro?

>> No.8269906

My binges start on Friday. I get a 70cl of rum and maybe 8-10 cans of stella. If I feel ok the next night I do the same. Usually I move on to a litre of vodka and do that plus whatever beer is still around for the next few days though this weekend I bought some cheap cans of cider because it had a higher abv. I stop being able to get drunk around Wednesday and start trying to sleep it off, telling myself I won't drink this weekend. Drinking a litre of russian standard vodka atm, mixing with orange juice in a deluded belief that the vitamins will help.

>> No.8269914

>mixing with orange juice in a deluded belief that the vitamins will help
As a side note, my gran died from liver failure and she used to mix her vodka with milk with a similar deluded belief. I am following in her footsteps. It is fucked up.

>> No.8269942

Not long then. Fuck. I've been on daily vodka for exactly a year this month. This is gonna last longer than 3 days. Sigh.

>> No.8269952

Out of interest, how much vodka daily? I guarantee you will be past withdrawal symptoms in 3 days.

>> No.8269997

3-5 litres unfortunately.

>> No.8270008

lol, no. I harboured a suspicion you were a liar but tried to be honest and fair, but now I know. What is your agenda? Just trolling?

>> No.8270033

hyponatremia called. You would be dead in days if you really drank 4+ litres of vodka a day.

>> No.8270058

1 litre a day is doable for a relatively extended period of time for hardcore alcoholism, but very much over that at all? Impossible. If you managed to work up to 2, you wouldn't last long at all.

>> No.8270126

I will never understand how any of you get into such a state.

>> No.8270138

I just quit 3 days ago, and ironically the first thing that happened after I decided to was a massive health scare. Severe abdominal pain, inability to stand up straight or sleep due to the pain, when I piss it's dark orange. I'm afraid it might be my gallbladder or pancreas or liver. I'm too afraid to go to the ER just so they can tell me I'm already shutting down, good luck with the funeral. Don't really know how I'd tell my family. I feel like I might be getting better, but everything hurts. Hopefully I'll either die quickly or I'll get over it.

>> No.8270147

Just a gradual thing. You have a few beers as a teen. Have a few more as you get older. Keep trying to find that buzz and next thing you know you are drinking seriously. People will say about masking pain but the truth is is that it is finding joy. Maybe it is a mask but that is interpretation.

>> No.8270154

Sounds like dehydration and maybe pancreatitis. Stay off the booze, drink plenty of water and you will be ok. Don't neglect salt either. People say it is unhealthy but if you are pissing constantly because of liquid intake you will lose it. Salt the shit out of things when going dry.

>> No.8270160

Yeah, that's kind of my plan. Got plenty of water and gatorade lined up. Hopefully I can walk again before I have to go back to work.

>> No.8270169

Good luck m8, I have been through that a few times. If it lasts more than a week though then for fucking real go and see a doc. Suck up your autism, being embarrassed is not as bad as dying on your own.

>> No.8270192

My guess is acute pancreatitis, not liver. But you don't want it to get chronic, so you're going to have to stop the alcohol. Also if it keeps up much longer or you start vomiting, you'll have to face the music and head to the quacks. It can lead to seizures, coma and death. My brother's wife's daughter just died of acute pancreatitis not long ago. Seizure, coma and death in 2 days. She was a closet wino. No one realized how much she was drinking.

>> No.8270260

You're an idiot. Does that help?

>> No.8270279

hang over and yanking my pud alot, have an orgasm and feel like your gonna conk out. lmao. drinkin a lot of water and eating mayonaise to help my sperms stay wet, ive got the irational fear that if i spank it too much then dust is going to shoot out my dick.

>> No.8270288

Fucking lold. Stay off facebook. When I'm as wasted as you seem I tend to insult everyone that I care about.

>> No.8270314


Was caught in the cycle for a while. Was miserable in all areas of life and taking it out on loved ones. Cubs win World Series, I drink too much, get in fight with girlfriend, start just viciously tearing into her for no real reason. Really sickeningly out-for-blood. She breaks things off.
The next morning I dump a handle of gin, a fifth of nicer gin, two fifths of vodka, a fifth of whisky, a bottle of wine, and probably a gallon of beer, all down the drain. Haven't had anything since. It's been very hard. Made it through election day sober. It's been like 10 days and feels much longer.
But I'm getting my shit together. Going to apartment showings, trying to move out of the house, patching things up with old friends, looking into going back to school. Glad I'm not drinking. But I miss it.

>> No.8270330

Fucking maintain man. Glad you are sorting it. Just remember waking up when you want to drink.

>> No.8270351


It's nice to think there's a stranger out there rooting for me.
Honestly the biggest thing keeping me away is that if I started drinking again, I wouldn't be able to tell her I quit drinking after that, the next time I see her.
I don't think I NECESSARILY am one of those types who just cannot handle drinking, but I definitely think that, when things aren't going well, or I'm not keeping active, I am very susceptible to falling into a spiral with the booze. I think if I were busier, more steady work, more active social life, etc. I'd be able to keep it in check. I hope so at least.
I'd like to go bare-minimum a month, hopefully longer, and definitely not having even a sip until I've moved back out of the house, and gotten a new steady job.

Sorry for the blog. I don't have many people to talk to these days.

>> No.8270365

Hey man, this general IS for blogging. Don't feel bad for it. You sound seriously depressed. Have you thought about seeing a doc? Stopping the booze is a start but the booze is a symptom, not the cause. I'm no faggot that thinks people need medicated for everything but depression is real. Think about it.

>> No.8270395


If I were to guess, I'd probably place it somewhere above "mildly" and somewhere below "seriously". I have a feeling I don't quite need to be medicated, but I'd love love love to go to therapy. But I don't know how, and I don't think I can afford it, and I don't really know how health insurance works in that way. I think that maybe 85-90% of my problem is situational, but I have fallen into a bad situation. It's a process.
For the record I don't look down on therapy or medication or in any other way stigmatize mental-health-issues. But they're still hard to talk about at times.

>> No.8270415

I forget that healthcare is expensive elsewhere, sorry about that. I imagine it can be difficult. Anyway, I hope just speaking with me has been somewhat therapeutic. Good luck to you bro. I am on your side and wish you the best! Stay off the booze and maintain my man!

>> No.8270420


Thanks much. Good luck with whatever's got you in this thread, yourself.

>> No.8270427

Haha, I'll be dead in 3 months by my docs estimation.I am as yellow and bald as Homer Simpson. Thanks anyway!

>> No.8270447

I am so unbelievably intelligent that I need to get drunk to have conversations with others. I could not endure it otherwise.

>> No.8270468

anyone have the constant ache in their right side with occasional sharp pains and got better? if I found out I could recover I would quit tomorrow but it honestly feels like the damage is done and I'm as good as dead. I've had to cut back because of how terrible my guts feel these days

>> No.8270477

Sounds like your kidney is fucked, you have two and can live with one just fine.

>> No.8270511

>"Have I ever told you how smart I am?"

>> No.8270513

My stomach ruptured once. My right side was in agony and bloated as my bile digested my other organs. Not fun.If you are still alive after a few days then it probably isn't that though.

>> No.8270517


>> No.8270531

I've had this feeling for at least a year, so it's not that. It's just constant bloat and dull ache mostly. Occasionally it hurts bad enough that can't stifle a whimper.

I assumed it was liver or pancreas. The pain is right under my rib cage in the front. But I don't really know anything

>> No.8270545

>The pain is right under my rib cage in the front
It is pancretatitis. See a doctor, this can be a passing thing and you can be fine but it can also be deadly. If it is bad you are fucked m8.

>> No.8270552

Just over 6 months sober here from a litre of vodka a day. had to take benzos to stop. I now take antabuse everyday so even if i did drink I would throw it all back up. I often dream that I am drinking and when I wake up I feel guilty about it until I realise it was just a dream.

>> No.8270574
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When you end up drinking nothing but Frosty all day erry day then you know you are fucked.

>> No.8270583

That shit just gives me a headache, can't get drunk off it.

>> No.8270611

you haven't drank enough, drink more.

>> No.8270621
File: 35 KB, 420x314, Bifrost-22oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we do feels as well?
I was supposed to hang out with my friend today and he pulls a no show without any sort of response. Also find out that the guy I am interested in is rather repulsed at the idea of anything with me. I have been so low lately and all I want to do is drink so I can sleep without the nightmares.
Pic related, what I am drinking

>> No.8270627

Sorry fatty but if you can sleep then you aren't meant for al/ck/. You are young and pure. Stop drinking now.

>> No.8270632
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1.5 days sober. Sitting on the lounge watching TV. If I go outside I'll want a cigarette. If I go for a walk I wont be able to resist buying alcohol or finding some kind of excuse to drink upon my return.

>No smoking
>No drinking.

My body is fucking screaming. Time is going so slow.

Wish me luck anons.

>> No.8270633
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Only you can help yourself, bud.

>> No.8270636

>Booze is more expensive at a liquor store
You don't have a budget liquor store in your area?

>> No.8270637

Anyone else get a bit pedoy when drinking for a few days? I nearly wanked myself dry thinking about the little girl from Jurassic Park.

>> No.8270638

Forgot to include:
1.5 Litres of vodka a night.
2 packets of cigarettes a day.

>> No.8270644

I am equally shocked and amused by this. What the fuck man.

>> No.8270665

I'm going to sound like a pussy, but im slighly worried about the level of low level drinking im doing. Every week i buy a 750ml bottle of gin and usually finish it by the end of the week, having 2-3 gin and tonics an evening. I started doing this maybe a month ago and its become a daily thing now. I guess im worried that it could slowly escalate and one day i wake up and go through a fifth of gin a day.

>> No.8270676



>> No.8270678

oh, sorry

>> No.8270690

Don't do anything to get sent to prison. That kind of thing does not go over well there.

>> No.8270692

I'm going to quit tomorrow, every day.

>> No.8270696

Don't moat prisons have a separate nonce wing?

>> No.8270702

...no, no I don't

>> No.8270713

just stop drinking. Alcoholics are never attractive regardless of gender and beer has a buttload of calories

You'll feel better mentally

>> No.8270737

Nigga, I would never harm another human. Anyway, I have been to prison twice. The second time was for shanking a cunt while I was in. I'll be fine.

>> No.8270764

I groped my sisters boobs while she was sleeping. She started fingering herself then suckedme off.I don't think I will ever be able to look her in the eye again.

>> No.8270781


>> No.8270789

I have dreams like that and I don't know how to react around people because my nightmares are always things that I could really have done when drunk. But it must mostly be in my head because people still talk to me

>> No.8270794

Easy 8/10. Big soft titties, long hair, soft lips. Swallows.

If it happened you would know. My family relationship is over with her. I just can't see us ever interacting normally again. I'll put my cock in her at a moments notice though and I think it is just a matter if time for that to happen.

>> No.8270800


>> No.8270807

It sounds great but I also lost a sister. A fuckbud can be anyone but you can't find sisters. I'm seriously ambivalent. She is fucking so hot though and she just loves cock. Fuck.

>> No.8270809

>If it happened you would know
I really wish that were true. I'm seriously out of my mind much of the time.

I have an idea in my head of me groping her tits and saying sorry. I literally have no idea if it really happened. My nightmares are exactly like my real life interactions gone wrong

If your sister is hot it might be cool. Mine is gross as fuck and ruined her body with kids

>> No.8270824

If it happened then you would know. She would have said either to others because it was bad or to you because she liked it.

>> No.8270932


>> No.8270945
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This thread has gone off in a strange direction.

>> No.8270950


>> No.8270978

coming off a two week speed binge. having my first bottle of vodka.

>> No.8270999

No, I'm not going to continue sexual relations with my sister. I want to but I just can't justify it. I think our standards are so high we eventually reached the conclusion that only we could satisfy each other. I refuse to continue that delusion.

>> No.8271016

>two week speed binge
Fuck, I nearly tore my dick off once after a week long binge. Amphetamine come downs make me so horny it is unreal.

>> No.8271022


what kind of speed? Like meth or aderal/ridalin?

>> No.8271036

There isn't much of a distinction. They are all amphetamines. Frankly you are more likely to get MDMA than anything else.

>> No.8271050
File: 103 KB, 800x600, jack_sparrow_a_shipmate_and_rum_by_cheshireplaynwthfire-d51lw12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is rum generally garbage unless it's mixed?

>> No.8271054

I knew ritalin was related to speed but never knew how much. My brain must be fucked. I was on 6 tablets a day and was only just normal. I thought my m8s were weird for snorting them .

>> No.8271058

just drink a little less and your life sounds great desu

>> No.8271061

never do alcohol

>> No.8271071

I just cant justify your looooove. dundundundun du dundun dun

also 999 fool.


>> No.8271092



Ignore the shit intro and bask in the happy hardcore that comes.

>> No.8271110



>> No.8271181

probably need to spend a lot of time with people to like them

>> No.8271197

>underage girlfriend
>I know all of the clerks
you're on a watchlist mate

>> No.8271199

Dunno about that, I don't want to shag me mum

>> No.8271201

people your age

>> No.8271205

I lost your point, what was it?

>> No.8271215

probably need to spend a lot of time with people your age to like them

don't know how you would go about doing that without seeming like a prude

>> No.8271222

Every now and then
I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming round
Every now and then
I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
Every now and then
I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn Around, bright eyes)
Every now and then
I fall apart
Every now and then
I get a little bit restless
And I dream of something wild

>> No.8271228


>> No.8271238


Not drinking tonight. This is boring. This is seriously boring.

>> No.8271239

triple keks

>> No.8271241


>> No.8271277

How much smegma is too much?. I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.8271683

One I finish this bottle of Vodka I am done.


I need to develop some hobbies, the boredom and depression is what gets me.

>> No.8271733

Think what you like. I'm 38, 6ft2, have been drinking for a quarter of a century and, as I've discussed with my Doc, poster multiple times in tthese threads and maintain to this moment; is made possible by something called the gaps diet. Someone please back me up here...?

>> No.8271741

>gaps diet.

What is this?

>> No.8271763

Too shaky to explain in detail. In countries on which lots of complex carbs are consumed, liver disease is much more prevalent. Sorry anon but I'm struggling to type. Google and research, bro.

>> No.8271774

Plus... when sober I will explain the FUCK out of this method to you guys. My Doc is even writing an articles for a medical journal based on his observations of my experiences. Good luck everyone. GAPS DIET.

>> No.8271870
File: 42 KB, 740x283, paleo-diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you lads tried changing your diet to help with your drinking?

I've been doing the Paleo diet since August and my nightly drinking volume is down by about 1/3 plus I can avoid drinking for 2-3 days a week now.

>> No.8271889

>gaps diet.
these websites are fucking crazy, What exactly do you think changes in your gut microbes when you drink?

That it kills some off?

That they dissolve the alc?(which wouldnt be accurate)

>> No.8272090

I made a solid effort to quit and managed a full week completely sober, just past the worst of withdrawl, and then I had to deal with family and it all went to shit. I need to move out of this country.

>> No.8272111

you're fucking reading it mate.What's that make you?

>> No.8272120
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I like this one

>> No.8272122
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Its my birthday today.

I didn't see anybody.

>> No.8272124

Happy Birthday Mate. Best get drunk ASAP. I have to wait 4 Hours....

>> No.8272203

hehe, fun

>> No.8272226

It's alcohol dude, as long a as you can drink it it's all good baby.

>> No.8272240

You're done till tomorrow right? The shop has a bottle with your name on it bud.

>> No.8272908

I used to be kinda gay when drunk, but now I'm only more horny and perverted, into more BDSM stuff.
Take care not to do something stupid while drunk. Fondling inappropriately is the kind of shit I could do drunk while it revolts me sober, kinda like insulting people on FB, but with far worse consequences than getting unfriended.

Some rare people manage to drink daily all their life without rising doses. But all alcoholics started by drinking reasonably, then a bit more, then a bit more, then a fifth a day, then over a fifth a day.
I'd try to put the bottle down if I were you, I wish I did.

Or she's praying he forgot entirely because talking about it would be awkward as fuck.

Any. Any trace of smegma is too much.
Wash your dick every other day with just water. You don't have to use soap or have a full shower daily, but the dick requires some special attention.

I don't like celebrating my birthday. It's the anniversary of the day I went through my mother cervix, it's sick. It's also a reminder of the creeping approach of Death.
Or maybe that's excuses because I don't have friends to celebrate.

>when sober I will explain
>Future tense, sober and able to use a keyboard
Are you hiding some great news from us Anon?

>> No.8273653


Nope. I am not buying anything tonight.

I finished the bottle and blacked out. Woke up at 3am with the living room lights on (I only have those on when I eat) and a plate with a knife and fork beside me. I ordered a chicken parmigiana must have eaten it and then passed out almost immediately after.

I'm really fuzzy today. Got the shakes a little and I just feel anxious.

My body has got to be telling me it's time to quit.

At work now and thankfully it's a really quiet day. I just want to get home and masturbate.

>> No.8273698
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Good luck anon.

>> No.8273739

I'm finishing all alcohol in the house tonight and I have buried my credit cards/bank cards in the backyard earlier today. I have no cash and therefore no way to purchase alcohol tomorrow. So if I get home from work and don't want to to dig something up I will have succeeded. I just need to make sure I don't grab that shovel. Wish me luck this week bros.

This is the greatest extent I have taken my remove means to purchase idea. I hope it works.

>> No.8273754
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is this you?

>> No.8273820

Cut them fool
You'll be digging those out with your bare hands tomorrow

>> No.8273837

My pint a day habit ends now. Hopefully stating this to my fellow /ck/ucks will help. I'll be reporting in every night to post my progress.

>> No.8273851


>> No.8273860

same here. I want to save up to buy an electric bass and learn to play. But to save up I need to stop drinking. To stop drinking I need a hobby. Fuck.
What are your plans anon?
Anybody have any ideas for something I can get into in the mean time? I dont want to be bored tomorrow. I want something to look foreword to when I get home from work.

>> No.8273900

I just wanted to add a bit more.
I have a lot of energy. I drink When I get home and usually dont remember going to bed. Waking up can be rough but once I get going I am pretty energetic. I work my ass off all day and leave work with a lot of energy. I get home and I dont know what to do with myself. I was raised by television and "doing something" was never part of my life. But just sitting around and watching TV or browsing the net is boring as fuck. So what do I do? I drink to make it not boring as fuck. Just like my parents did. I need to do more. I can do more. I really really want to do more. But, I dont know how. Its never been part of my life. But there is a part of me (the part I drink into submission) that desperately wants to explode into action. If I dont let that part of me take over, if I keep knocking it unconscious, I will die alone and miserable.

>> No.8273906

Bought a bottle of El Dorado 12year. Ive never had nicer rum so I'm glad to actually drink something with some sort of flavor. Burns my tongue but not my throat.

Jack Daniels tastes like rubbing alcohol

>> No.8273907

I'll really mis drinking while cooking though

>> No.8273923

>pint a day
Are you a fruit fly or something?

>> No.8273942

It's enough to keep me from making important changes in my life. Also its sometimes 2 pints on my days off.

>> No.8274054

Is it at least a pint of spirits?

>> No.8274059 [DELETED] 

Four fucking hours until the store opens, send assistance immediately please. PLEASE

>> No.8274065

Four hours. Four FUCKING HOURS until the store opens.
Is it safe to drink aftershave...?

>> No.8274068

Tonight is my last night for a while.

Gotta cut 20 pounds in a month. It's going to suck.

>> No.8274093

I've been drinking 3 bottles of wine 3 times a week for 10 months and I've yet to get "the shakes". I don't know if I have a good genes or if I'm not drinking "enough".

I guess I'll stop soon in any case because I can't really afford it anymore.

>> No.8274110

I'd like to add that I think it's spirits that does it. I haven't been drunk on spirits many times but every time has ended disastrously. Meanwhile I can drink 4 bottles of wine and just get a moderately bad hangover.

>> No.8274279

I'm going to die. I cannot stop.

>> No.8274309

Managed to string together 6 months sober this year due to jail and rehab. I'm just drinking my 18th bud of the night for no reason I really hope someone kills me I have no hope

>> No.8274361

Awful place. I've been twice this year. So much worse than I'd imagined, and omfg going through withdrawal there is not pleasant. I'm never breaking the law again.
Anyone else been? Bet loads in this thread have.

>> No.8274581

8.13sm and I've just downed half a bottle of vodka. I'll need to drink 1.4 litres before the shakes dissipate. Hold me.

>> No.8274784

A pint of vodka a day

>> No.8274801

What they call a pint in America is closer to half a pint.

>> No.8274803

Why would you think you would get withdrawals from drinking less than half the nights every week?

>> No.8274811

Hey everyone I hope you're doing okay. I drank too much again. I've been having so much trouble sleeping I've been getting wasted to knock myself out, but reading these threads I learned that alcohol actually fucks up your sleep. Shit. I can feel my pulse in my eyelid

>> No.8274846

My mouths been bleeding from thrush for a few years, and that, along with paleo, solved it.

Beer is too yeasty.

>> No.8274855

I've been an alcoholic for going on six years now. Currently I drink a lot every day, a fifth of strong whiskey or more. I've managed a few times to stop for an extended period (several months). I did that by tapering off using weak beer, ten for two days, nine for two days, so on. I should probably do the same thing again, but at the moment I just don't care enough.

>> No.8274858
File: 34 KB, 493x402, 1298285744015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I had been sitting at the bar for three hours or about five years, depending on how you look at things. I tried not to look at things. I tried not to think about when it was when my life became less about the things that make up people's lives and more about the holes that losing those things leave behind."

>> No.8274917

Why are alcoholic shits literally the worst? It smells fucking toxic.

>> No.8274925

explain ur shits. Is it like diarrhea?

>> No.8274932

They're never consistent. Sometimes they're solid and other times not. But they always smell terrible after I drink.

>> No.8275000


The worst one I had was after drinking 3 bottles of red wine, it was a very dark green.

Vodka shits smell the worst

>> No.8275006

hungover... shaking in bed....

night night forever

>> No.8275016

As a vodka drinker I can attest to that.

>> No.8275020

I feel you, anon. Gave in and drank all weekend after being sober for over a week and now I'm paying for it. Can't stop shaking, anxiety at maximum and on the verge of a panic attack.

Fucking hell. How do I cope

>> No.8275069

Drink as much water as you can, and try to take in some electrolytes. Gatorade or soda if possible, but if not just mix a little bit of sugar and salt with warm water (I've done it many times). Eating is probably out of the question but if you can manage eat something tame like white rice or bread. Other than that, there's nothing for it but to ride it out.

>> No.8275114

Thank you for the advice. Will try the sugar and salt thing right now.

I just wish this anxiety would fuck off. Every time I wonder why I'm trying to give up booze I'm reminded how horrible this shit is to come down off of.

>> No.8275124

fuckjn quitters in this tread aye

>> No.8275133

Go to bed.

>> No.8275206

I hope it helps.

Yeah, it definitely sucks ass. Acute alcohol withdrawal is nothing to fuck with. You said you were sober for about a week before your weekend bender? It might be better to taper off instead of going cold at this point. Especially since you've mentioned anxiety. That could be a sign of symptoms that will seriously threaten your health. Get a fixed amount of shitty beer (bud or whatever) and drink less every day. Shitty beer so you don't enjoy it. Gauge how many drinks you're taking in and set that as your starting point. If you do, space them out so you don't actually get a buzz going but you satisfy your body's need for alcohol (alcohol dependence actually changes your body's metabolism), and DO NOT drink more than the previous day.

>> No.8275223

>space them out so you don't actually get a buzz going but you satisfy your body's need for alcohol
Not that guy, been sober for 7 months, but this never worked for me. My withdrawals don't go away until I'm drunk, and if i try to space my drinks out to avoid being drunk, I won't get any sleep, resulting in more hours awake, and more booze required. It ends up in a cycle of needing more and more booze every day in order to keep withdrawals at bay.

>> No.8275230

I feel you. I'm giving advice based on what has worked for me, but not everyone works the same way. Maybe I shouldn't give advice on this at all, or if I do I should make it clear that this isn't a one size fits all process.

>> No.8275313

Have to admit, it is pretty scary being sober all day and feeling like total shit, and then when I have a couple of drinks late afternoon I feel normal again.

I remember back in uni getting drunk on a Friday night and being hungover the next day and not drinking until next Friday. Now when I get properly drunk I wake up a bit dehydrated and after a couple of glasses of water I open a beer and drink all day

Still, a bottle of wine + a couple of beers on normal days isn't that bad right?

>> No.8275330

I've been pretty depressed lately due to missing out on a great job opportunity due to a lack of funds, and have been drinking alone a lot to feel anything other than lethargy. I don't have the energy to go out and hang out with other people so I just end up drinking and watching TV.

I'm trying to stop for the sake of my health and my wallet, but I feel like I have nothing to look forward to these days.

>> No.8275333

Once about a decade ago. Scared me straight man I don't ever drink outside the house unless it's a single beer with dinner. Luckily I was able to pay a small fine and had the matter dropped off my record as a first time offender.

>> No.8275495

>tfw your shit literally smell like cow shit
reminds me of home on the farm t b h

>> No.8275538

I haven't been sober since Bernie Sanders lost.

>> No.8275812

Yeah dude, I still have friends but all of them live on opposite ends of the country. I seriously have no future.

>> No.8275815

Bernie Sanders was bought. He was a plant for the Clintons.

>> No.8275878

I stopped drinking heavily some time ago... I was so sick of having to get a little booze in my system to feel "normal". It took about a week but I managed to lower my tolerance in that time, and eventually stopped drinking altogether.

I wish I had a cool story about WHY I cut back, but I don't. I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired.

>> No.8275880
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>> No.8276294


This. I am not really political but what he did was fucked up on a different level. Misled everyone, thrown offstage by BLM, and gave all the money to everything he was against.

Bought some bourbon (Wild Turkey 81, was cheap) to watch your election results. It was good, will buy more of that in future. Strange drinking whisky with ice, but I like it

>> No.8276343

back to drinking all the time. almost two weeks since last stint at detox

im tired of the shakes. I haven't showered since Friday. I smell pretty bad on the bus and don't even give a fuck

fucked a girl Saturday night

I look and feel like death

>> No.8276358

It really is a demon, isn't it? I hate the way I'm able to be drawn into it

>> No.8276383


It is.

When I think about it, I regret picking up the bottle and going down the rabbit hole.

However when I have a drink or 2 in me, I really enjoy the feeling. I drink alone, so emotions and thoughts can become so much more intense and enjoyable. This makes it harder to give up because it is better than when I am sober and depressed.

>> No.8276392

lately ive been drinking on the toilet in the mall on my way home from work

>> No.8276410

It takes that much just to make the shakes go away? :(

>> No.8276416

Do you guys ever sit there and wonder where it all started going downhill for you?

I still can't figure it out.

>> No.8276419

im pretty sure i know it went downhill from the start

>> No.8276441


Yeah, once every now and then.

My ex, and first girlfriend / lost virginity to etc, was a horible person. Spent too long with her and accepted emotional abuse as normal. Finally had enough and kicked her, and now I see every potential "match" as her all over again. I can't see woman as people any more, I just see her and I hate it. On the flip side I also see my Mum as the strongest person I know, and one of my best friends. No one can be like her, so on reflection I have fucked myself on both sides.

If nothing else, getting drunk and going on youtube music crawls is fun so there is that

>> No.8276457

I know what you mean, I've always done a lot of solo drinking and it feels nice having emotions elevated...but every single time I end up feeling stupid about feeling them in that way. Sometimes even in the moment I recognize how dumb I would come across to other, sober people. I've made vast improvements with my drinking in the past two years...almost two years to the day now since I went to the hospital with withdrawals, and I can honestly say that I like myself a lot more when I'm sober and I am still able to enjoy life.

But for some reason, I still fuck up. And that bottle still draws me back in. It's not always a bender or a disaster when it happens, but it does still happen and I'm sick of feeling guilty about it.

>> No.8276458

>If nothing else, getting drunk and going on youtube music crawls is fun so there is that
are you me?

>> No.8276459

Starting smoking weed during my formative years at around 15 was probably the first slope downhill. I missed out on my university of choice and didn't even have a back up. Long story short it took me until 20 to get myself back to a spot where my life was great. Fucked it up by chasing a chick who wasn't interested me overseas. Resulted in debt, loss of my job, the loss of the girlfriend (thought desu I didn't care about her and wouldn't have chased another girl overseas if I did) depression that saw me drop out of the university I had coveted going to since high school. Took a shitkicker job with the intention of clearing my debt than getting my life back in order. By the time I had cleared debt and saved up some money I was stuck in an unsatisfying but comfortable rut. Now I drink to forget the life I squandered. I keep telling myself I need to quit whilst there's still time to salvage my life but honestly I don't see where change could come from at this point. Not sure I have it in me to succeed from where I am now.

>> No.8276460

Dman dude I'm two years sober but 2012 was when my drinking really intensified, and I was drinking heavily for long before that. Somehow that year saw me go from getting kinda drunk mos tnights to blackign otu eveyr night and my tolerance went through the roof.

Good luck to you anon. Even now, two years dry, I"m getting those urges these days.

>> No.8276467

wehn I had an inguinal hernia I felt as though I was sitting on one of my balls. That anon likely has an inflamed stomach lining.

>> No.8276468

Do you work in a mall? Or do you specifically go there to drink?

When I was in my blazing alcoholic period, I had a couple times where I needed to be somewhere after work, but I would be so tired and half-drunk still that I'd need to sleep for a little bit to gain back some energy. So I went to one of the bathrooms on the campus where I worked, laid down on the cold nasty tile and passed out for a bit. So fucking glad I don't do shit like that anymore.

>> No.8276469

you need a hospital if you're drinking like I think you're drinking. At least go to the clinic and get fixed up with some antabuse and some benzos.

>> No.8276480


nope don't work there. they have a liquor store there. I grab two bottles of vodka, pretend to take a shit, and drink there.

I then stuff the bottles into my pants and walk out

its a new low

>> No.8276493


new thread

>> No.8276494


I always find myself in really bizarre shit from where I started, but when I am fucked I go with it and listen loud.

Last night was Entombed Left Hand Path, never listen to metal normally but I like it.

Night before was a band called Reckless Kelly and the song was Crazy Eddies Last Hurrah, really good shit too. Again, would never normally listen to that.

God bless cheap whisky

>> No.8276513

Why not just take it with you? And I'm assuming not two large bottles?

>> No.8276517

two 375 ml a day, minimum

there are people in my life with whom I have to hide it from

>> No.8276530

How old are you? It's never too late, anon.

>> No.8276619


I hear ya buddy. It's hard dealing with it. I hope it helps you to know you're not the only one dealing with something like this. Cheers anon, I'd hang out with you if I could.

>> No.8276882


>> No.8276959

Yea that's the level I was at, at my worst. 750 of shitty vodka every single day. Not even because I enjoyed it anymore, but because I physically and mentally could not function unless it was constantly in me. Waking up feeling sick as shit every day, then forcing down a couple shots to make it all better. What a waste of time and life that was.

>> No.8277463
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Got home from work, had two shots of gin and I'm good for the night.

I seem to be the only man in my lineage who's capable of drinking in moderation.

>> No.8277625

You should start drinking white ace

>> No.8277628

Isn't it maternal?

>> No.8277945

I love you.

>> No.8278348

how do you guys deal with holiday heart? i've only been getting it recently but it's the only part of a hangover I can't cope with