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8256537 No.8256537 [Reply] [Original]

>went to Mexico recently
>drank these badboys

Holy fuck. I don't think I can ever go back to drinking regular pop. The sugar instead of syrup really fucking awesome. Fucking hell. How am I supposed to drink ordinary pop when this God tier nectar is below me? Might have to start importing. Fuck American pop.

>> No.8256545

What's the difference like?

>> No.8256548

The pop has a way more extravagant taste. The pop in America is just like drinking sugar but down in Mexico you really taste all the flavours and feel refreshed after it.

American pop just can't compete.

>> No.8256553

You can easily just go into any supermarket and buy soda in glass bottles that actually say sugar in the ingredients

>> No.8256556

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8256567

fuck the USA

>> No.8256571

Fuck you

>> No.8256582
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>> No.8256604

Mexican Coke is much smoother.
I'm a spic and spent summers down there. It was always was weird going back to US Coke. The texture felt sludgy by comparison.

>> No.8256609

Stop saying pop you flyover faggot.
It's soda.

>> No.8256625

Nigga they sell these at walmart for a buck, no need to risk your life crossing the border

>> No.8256630

It's soft drink you dumb cunt.

>> No.8256632

Pop = soda = you're a numbnutted faggot.

>> No.8256634

Busy Fizzy Make-You Whizzy

>> No.8256640

Sodie pop.

>> No.8256656

you can get this or Pepsi with sugar in the Detroit area

it's a great pop

>> No.8256662


how can anyone who says this word be taken seriously?

>> No.8256696


You fucking retards NEVER surprise me!!

KILL yourselves :)

>> No.8256773

Yeah I've been getting soft drinks with cane sugar at my local supermarket and although they're a fucking premium they're a lot better than the average HFCS sludge.

>> No.8256828

Tfw I've never tasted any kind of soda/pop/soft drink made with hfcs

Cane sugar all the way bby

>> No.8256838
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>> No.8257657

bad bait

>> No.8257679

buddy you can get mexican coke in the states and it ain't that impressive.

settle down.

>> No.8257898
File: 23 KB, 240x320, goya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally sell these cokes in any latino supermarket
i get them all the time, you dont have to leave the country
just go down to your local bodega and buy some from jose and juanita
hispanic mom and pop shops always have these, just check the label and it will say made in mexico and that its made of real sugar

now these babys are one of the best latino sodas out there

>> No.8257904

That's what I've been trying to say!

>> No.8257905

>soft drink
It's a fountain drink, you fucktard.

>> No.8257907

>this fag has never been to a latino supermarket

haha you live a sheltered boring life

>> No.8257916

What the fuck is pop, fag?

>> No.8257917



>> No.8257918

They sell these in many places. Costco has packs of Mexican coke. You might even see them at some gas stations.

>> No.8258084

thats not a thing

>> No.8258094

Go back to Mexico. The wall starts tomorrow.

>> No.8258104

Bonus points have been awarded.

>> No.8258113

>implying the wall isn't a metaphor and in actuality not anything physical

Trump is deep man, too deep for you.

>> No.8258267

I literally live in flyoverville and can get this shit in any store around here.

>> No.8258415

>start importing

went to a Sam's club in Michigan and they sell it by the case.

>> No.8258423
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In blind taste tests Americans prefer American Coke or Mexican Coke as long as it is labeled "Mexican Coke." It doesn't matter if it is made with sugar or HFCS they will like it if you call it Mexican. Americans overall prefer Coke with HFCS, not sugar

Mexican Coke is a meme and you are a sheep if you fall for it

>> No.8258428

exactly like regular coke

I doubt people can tell them apart in a blind test

>> No.8258439

[citation needed]

>> No.8258451


I took a 2 liter down to my parents house in TJ. I bought it from costco in california, but didn't tell them. After partying for a while, I poured some American coke into cups for them. They instantly soured their face and asked me where I bought it from. After telling them, they thanked me, but took their own 2 liter down from the cupboard and drank from that.

The only meme is the belief in American ingenuity. You guys just can't fathom making an inferior product. There's nothing wrong with American coke, but the coke produced and made in Mexico is better because of the sugar.

>> No.8258475
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fuck off

>> No.8258485

I brought my then fiancé's family from Piedras Negras up to Austin. Most drank tequila and Tennessee whiskey but the non drinkers had locally produced Coke and Dr. Pepper. They loved it so much that I noticed our stores were cleaned out at the end of the night.

We could go back and forth on these stories but the only thing it will show is personal preference.

>> No.8258490

Placebo effect

>> No.8258705

its soft drink, actually

>> No.8258774

I went to both Montreal and Sweden and the Coca Cola in both places was HEAVENLY. Way crisper and less syrupy than American Coke.

It definitely wasn't Mexican Coke either since I've had that before. Can anyone verify that the formula is different?

>> No.8258905

Southamerican here.
Our Coke is sweetened with sugar (unlike US ones which uses corn syrup), I'm going to assume tacos have the same thing.
US Coke has a "soft" sweet flavor that builds up a bit and a particular sludgy texture more akin to the taste of maple syrup than to sugar cane. In our Coke, sugar accentuates the sweetness in the very moment you pour it on the mouth but it feels more refreshing. I believe the CO2 feels stronger in our Coke but maybe I'm wrong. This is all subjective so better try both.

>> No.8258912

You probably had Jew Coke. No, that's not a joke. Coca-Cola makes Jew Coke.

>> No.8258966

Funny thing is US gets imported "Mexican Coke" and its entirely different than the Coke that Mexico actually has.

t. Mexican Liquor Store clerk in LA

>> No.8258977


>> No.8259022
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Get that shit outta my face.