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8252326 No.8252326 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best thing to order from Dominos? Any secret items?

>> No.8252423

Dominos exist in this weird place between
>Its cheap as fuck and we know it but its edible and kinda taste like pizza , Little Ceasars
>Its what a reasonable adult with a job is willing to drop on pizza for other people because it won't break the bank and is totally fine, Pizza Hut and Papa Johns

It is absolutely not good and is almost as much as the fine but not great chains, and obviously comes no where close to a decent local place. There is literally no reason to ever order it

>> No.8252431

>no anchovies

Go literally anywhere else.

>> No.8252436

I fucking love the pan pizza. Extra cheese w mushroom and pepperoni + Side of pepperoncinis to squeeze on top.

>> No.8252443

Fuck off faggot ass unpaid intern

>> No.8252331

Order your face

>> No.8252332

Yes. They keep hidden a large menu of fantastically delicious items so no one will buy them except a very few who are "in the know."


>> No.8252335

at least it is better than papa john's

>> No.8252339

Philly cheese steak pizza

>> No.8252344

Large Pep and extra pineapple pizza

>> No.8252485

Wings and a sandwich (often chicken bacon ranch) $6 each, every time

>> No.8252351

Dominos is shit, besides this >>8252339

You know your stuff, guy.

>> No.8252489

They don't have them anymore? Last I knew they just wouldn't cook with them on it, they give them to you in the tin with the oil on the side.

Their sandwiches aren't all bad. Chicken bacon ranch of course, how do you go wrong with fat, fat and fat?
Buffalo chicken pizza is the winning pizza because it doesn't use their tomato sauce.

>> No.8252359

pan pizza is the only way to go

>> No.8252980

You take that back

>> No.8252992

Extra large Brooklyn pizza and volcano cake.

>> No.8253071 [DELETED] 

an assortment of cheeses

>> No.8253077

papa johns never put enough toppings on their pizza and charge you when you ask for more.

I'd rather have Donatos with their dry as fuck abortion they call a pizza.

>> No.8253433

Dominos has this weird, sterile quality to it. The dough reminds me of a foam mattress. The chicken reminds me of sponge. All of the ingredients are super safe and processed to look appealing and clean but end up tasting bland and being presented as something slightly better than a Tombstone or Digornos pizza.

It's tough to describe but all of their food is like that. Something like Papa Johns (which I haven't had in a while) I remember having big sloppy, greasy cheese covered slices on their pizza, not little oversized triangles of foamy bread. Their pasta is a complete waste of fucking money, as you could easily make any of their pasta stuff from scratch for about 2~3 dollars instead of 7. their 11 dollar 14? piece chicken nugs are about as good as a bag of frozen tyson brand. their sandwiches gave me food poisoning a while ago so I will never eat those again.

Their only decent item is the personal pan pizzas with garlic sauce instead of cheese.

>> No.8253454

Extra pepperoni, extra sauce, roasted red peppers. Baked well done.

>> No.8253484

>Baked well done
There's rare pizza?

>> No.8253494
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>> No.8253496

Look at the crust options next time you're ordering pizza

>> No.8253502

Go back to r*ddit.

>> No.8253513

philly cheesesteak and (surprisingly) pacific veggie are awesome.

The fiery hawaiian is good, but it looks like it was discontinued. You would just have to add jalapenos and hot sauce to the normal hawaiian.

Avoid the buffalo chicken pizza at all costs.

>> No.8253619


>> No.8254931

Domino's is absolute shit, but I'd put it above Pizza Hut (too greasy) and Papa John's (cardboard covered with overly sweet garbage sauce). There is no scenario in which I would willingly purchase a pizza from any of these places, because even starting at $6 is way too steep for this absolute shit.
Since you're eating garbage food anyways, order Hungry Howie's. $3 for an 8 inch cheese pizza. As greasy as Pizza Hut with slightly better crust. That way you're actually getting what you pay for.
Otherwise, go to/order a good pizza from a local establishment. It's more expensive, but you can actually taste flavors so it's worth it.

>> No.8255005
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Go to Donato's instead

>> No.8255016

The chicken bacon ranch


>> No.8255032
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Had some Domino's just the other day. Was bretty gud

>extra cheese
>extra sauce
>well done

Those lava crunch cakes are bomb too

If you ask for well done they cook it about 1.5 times the regular cooking time

>> No.8255036

The salad.

>> No.8255044

pan pizza
white sauce
extra cheese
garlic butter to dip in

>> No.8255062

Domino's isn't bad - despite the rep they often get on social media. They used to be so bad I would need recompense in order to eat it. Now I enjoy their pies. And I live in a place where privately owned pizza joints are everywhere.

>> No.8255075

I think it's because they went different from their competitors. The hut tried to go fancy with fucking balsamic swirls and pretzel crusts, Little Caesar's did their pan crust with bacon and shit, and we know how much Papa Johns is gonna try to jew you out of your wallet on a single X-Large. Meanwhile, Domino's just fixed their nasty sauce recipe and found the least offensive tasting cheap toppings so they can run that "2 or more for 5.99" deal every day. For what it costs to get 2 larges from somewhere else, I can get three mediums and some chicken from Domino's.

Andrew Ryan would be proud.

>> No.8255094

damn if i wasnt anorexic and super skinny now I would love a slice of that, im going to order one like that one day...maybe...

>> No.8255837

Start eating whatever you want and purging.

>> No.8255845


Pizza hut is gross

>> No.8256167

My custom pizza every blue moon I order from that place
Regular crust
White garlic sauce
Bell peppers
Red bell peppers
Sometimes feta

Simple yet satisfying

>> No.8256170

Oh and spinach

>> No.8256520

Just get the stuffed cheesy bread with bacon and jalapenos in it. You don't have to deal with their sauce or anything then and you can share the end pieces that are mostly just plain dough and eat the center ones yourself.

>> No.8256570

Cheddar cheese and pepperoni has become a staple when we order doms

>> No.8256576

Order it without cheese unless you like rotten banana undertones and odor.

>> No.8257488

pizza hut instead

>> No.8257508

lava cakes are fucking amazing

>> No.8257557


>> No.8257561
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This will not be tolerated by Papa Johnathans.

>> No.8257599


>> No.8258236

Dominos base is raw and wet. You want to DUNK your premade base twice for optimum droop.

>> No.8258241


>> No.8258244
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Disagree tbqh. Papa john's just shovels deals out daily, their prices are pretty good. They also have the least grease out of any national chain.

>> No.8258245

The McChicken.

>> No.8258404

What the fuck is a "secret item"? Are you too fucking good for the regular menu? What's your fucking problem asshole? This is literally the worst fucking thread I have seen in years.

>> No.8258416

>is totally fine, Pizza Hut and Papa Johns
Pizza Hut is fucking inedible garbage an Papa Johns is just plain worse than Dominos so I don't know what the hell you're talking about

>> No.8258437

Eh, I don't know. Dominos base, starting with flour, is unprepared and moist. You want to DUNK the dough base twice for optimum droop.

>> No.8258471

I'm Canadian and never had Papa John's, but I remember reading in the news that the owner sent emails to his entire staff/organization telling them not to vote for Obama because Obamacare would cost them their jobs.

I wouldn't buy that pizza on that principal alone, I don't think an employer should attempt to sway the vote of its employees, doesn't matter if it's pro-Obongo or against.

>> No.8258508

My employer made available donation tickets for the last Republican election. I submitted my $200. Within six months I went from making $44k per year to $82k plus bonuses.

>> No.8258532

lol well whatever works I guess. Funny how Americans always talk about freedom, but they don't care about having their rights infringed upon if its by or in the name of private entities.

>> No.8259405

I work for dominos and I haven't ordered from them in 15 years.
To be fair I dont order pizza, I make my own.

>> No.8259421


Except I went to India for a summer and tried Pizza Hut, Dominos, and Papa Johns. PJ had the best pizza by fucking far and I wish the pizza they made here was anywhere near as good

>> No.8259426

minus the purging. Just start working out. I started a labor intensive job (with dominos) and i eat like a pig and im still losing weight.