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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8247747 No.8247747 [Reply] [Original]

What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten?

I put two of these in my pot of chilli con carne last night, and ate one of them more or less whole with my dinner.

This was a mistake.

The side of my mouth went numb, and when the sensation returned I had to run to the fridge for some milk. When the heat died down the rest of the chilli was delicious, but not long after I'd finished, the real ordeal started.

Some fairly intense stomach cramps started to appear along with some heavy sweating and general feelings of high temperature and fever. It got so bad that I went to the toilet to try and release something to relieve it. I managed a hot stinging fart and my dick burned when I pissed. I rocked back and forth on toilet for a while in considerable discomfort and then decided to try going for a walk to see if that helped. All I could do was slowly stagger around, feeling light headed and groggy as if I had the flu.

I went to bed and was absolutely fine in the morning.

So, these chillis are indeed awesomely spicy, I just don't recommend eating a whole one.

>> No.8247833

Have you pooped yet?
I'd be afraid of a scorched anus after sending that much capsaicin through my system.

>> No.8247848

I once had some super-spicy cauliflower curry at an Indian restaurant a few years ago. My face was completely numb and I walked home in a daze. It took a few tries to successfully unlock my door.

>> No.8247851

Yeah! Without incident. Which is really weird because I've had some stingy rings in the past.

>> No.8247854

my grandpa made my ass bleed the last time i visited him, i was worried but since it was the only time my ass ever bled i figured it was because of how hot the food was and nothing bad happened besides a bit of blood

>> No.8247855

lol u know those green things they have at In and out? Lool I had to get a drink after that

>> No.8247858

Congrats on a good poo.

>> No.8247860

>my grandpa made my ass bleed
Wasn't the first time was it?

>> No.8247864

"my grandpa made my ass bleed the last time I visited him" - Anonymous /ck/ Poster, 2016

>> No.8247877

>What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten?

Agujum, a spicy Korean fish dish. The fish was literally coated in a thick layer of hot pepper. I like very hot food, but this shit was mindblowing.

>> No.8247885

I try not to eat something so hot that it irritates my bowels but it's hard to gauge sometimes as my tolerance seems to go up and down.

I've had phals and vindaloos and while the phal was so hot that I had my eyes and nose running I was otherwise fine. I put a few ghost pepper seeds in mouth. That was a bad idea.

>> No.8247903

>my grandpa made my ass bleed the last time i visited him,

Top kek.

>> No.8247972

blair's mega death hot sauce. by half the bottle gone I had built up a better tolerance and would dip frenched fried poatoes in it or smear it on a cheese hamburger sandwich
i'm looking for the next step up so i can build my tolerance and eventually try a ghost pepper

>> No.8248012
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Probably the (already breddy spicy) noodle soup that I threw a bunch of thai chilis or whatever theyre called.

It's sort of relative though, because maybe my heat tolerance is a bit higher now.

PROTIP: eat greasy shit with spicy food to prevent the cramps. I guess it helps dilute the spicy shit.

Oh, and in my experience the seeds, especially when you don't really cook them long enough are what irritates your anus the most.

I have no clue what this nigga (pic related) is supposed to be. I'm guessing it's madame jeanette/scotch bonnet lvl?

>> No.8248097

how do i protect my asshole from spicy foods

>> No.8248100

Surprised they sell things this hot at Tesco

>> No.8248122
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Ate some wings that had been covered with pic related.

After a certain point I don't think things necessarily taste any hotter, it just means your mouth goes numb and the heat sticks around a lot longer. Those wings took about an hour to really wear off my mouth and I could feel the sauce numbing my fingers still the next day. At one point I took a piss and the trace amounts of capsaicin on my fingers transfered to my balls, gently warming them. Had a nice wank right after that.

As you would expect, shitting was fucking excruciating.

>> No.8248241

I mever go too spicy. Made some wings with Franks Red Hot: Hot Buffalo sauce like 3 months ago. It was so hot that I couldn't eat more than a few at a time. It literally hurt to eat. Took me 3 or 4 days to eat the dozen. Tried to get my roommate to eat some but he turned it down. I had no idea the heat difference from Buffalo to Hot Buffalo was so great. Even Original is barely hotter than Buffalo.

>> No.8248460

>not greentexting
>not using the year to veil sharply pointed sarcasm
>spelling out anon all of the way

Lurk Moar

>> No.8249194
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It's a toss up between this and the Paqui ghost pepper chips

>> No.8249199

Went out for a Cheeky Nandos with the lads, accidentally got mild sauce on my chicken instead of lemon herb. Spent the next five days in pain.

>> No.8249202

I quoted it like you'd see on one of those motivational posters, ya dingus.

>> No.8249382

I have 7 dried carolina reapers in my cupboard i bought for my idiot friends to try, but they havent yet. What can they even be used for

>> No.8249391

How is that not banned? That's a dangerous weapon!

>> No.8249491

Those are both very good. I'm surprised they're allowed to sell the Paqui ghost pepper chips actually, might be the spiciest packaged food like that

>> No.8249507
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>mfw had a chili candy recently
Really unique and different experience since the heat stays on your tongue for much longer than when you usually consume chilli

But in terms of real deal, Very Spicy (the most hottest) Fried chicken from a Korean restaurant was the hottest ive ever had. That sticky gluey spicy sauce sticks to your lips and keeps burning for a long time after.

>> No.8249516
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soak in water, put in a texan chili for goat smoky flavour

I got pic related recently. It's 80% Carolina Reapers blended with vinegar. That's fucking it!

I used a 1/4tp in a pico de galo and it wasn't too bad.
My tolerance levels are pretty high though, so i can regularly cut up half a habanero and put it in a grilled cheese quesadilla no probs.

>> No.8249518

I have a friend that was eating habanero peppers like they were candy, so I had one.
Hurt my stomach so much I had to throw up.

>> No.8249542

>Mother is a fan of spicy food
>Decides to make us all a spicy chili con carne one day
>She tries out a new ingredient she found: blair's special reserve: 16 million scoville
>She didn't know how to measure it out properly
>Added probably half of it to the bowl of chili, like how you'd just cake a cheeseburger in ketchup
>Entire family settles down for tea together
>Feast away
>30 seconds later, everyone is pretty much dying, coughing, sweating bullets

And that's how we all went to A&E as a family.

>> No.8249555

finish ur story. Did anybody die? Charcoal in stomachs? More info

>> No.8249559

>getting pwnd by Frank's Red Hot
you're in the wrong thread buddy.
I bet you have a crazy story involving hot cheetos too.
Let's hear it.

>> No.8249745

we all died

>> No.8249814

They do them occasionally for a limited time. I tried their Trinidad Scorpion chillies last year
which were slightly less hot (but not by much). Didn't have any major ill effects from those except for a choking burning feeling in my nose and throat from being too close to them cooking.

>> No.8249981

one time i ate a spicy dorito, had to go to the hospital afterwards

>> No.8249989

oddly enough I find that I only have poop troubles when I eat hot sauce and not just peppers

idk if there's a reason for that or just a weird (((coincidence)))

>> No.8250050
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>HALF a habanero
>GRILLED cheese quesedilla

All quesadillas are grilled you tex-mex faggot. Not going to start on how half a habanero is a "tolerance". I eat whole ones for breakfast.

>> No.8250062

>I eat whole ones

wow, your mom must be so proud

>> No.8250070

say that 2 myface and not online flyover

>> No.8250412
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>my grandpa made my ass bleed

>> No.8250445

My wife got a bunch of ghost peppers recently, and she decided to make chili with them. She had cut one open earlier in the day and left it out, so when she actually tried it to taste the spiciness she got next to nothing.

I have an astoundingly low tolerance for spicy foods, and she's been trying to help me with that so when she was prepping the peppers she had me taste a small slice of one. Unfortunately, it was one she had just cut up so it had all the heat in it, my mouth was in fucking agony for a good goddamn hour.

>> No.8250491
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I think the Habanero is the perfect pepper.

They have lots of heat that can kick your ass if that's what you want, but it's not just stupid heat like in a ghost pepper or some of the other super hots. They have a great citrusy/peppery flavor that goes well in damn near any dish, and best of all, they're easily available fresh at any given supermarket these days.

>> No.8250544

As far as having them fresh, Habanero and I haven't found even those in any store for ages.

I regularly use Naga Jolokia sauce which is hotter.

>> No.8250563

>ate one of them more or less whole
You're a real fuckin' winner.

>> No.8250738

You'll get used to them and move on up, in other cultures they eat far spicier things like nothing and don't even get hurty shits.

>> No.8250763

I once had a tint chilli about 1.5cm large that took me about an hour to recover from. I really dont like spicy food and im not even sure if i could tolerate a banana pepper

>> No.8250777

somewhat unrelated but when I was a student, a chinese floor-mate made some retard spicy dish and it made the whole cooking facility unbreathable, the guy was on the verge of passing out. To this day I still don't know what the hell he was trying to cook

>> No.8250817

Do not consume whole is a challenge not a warning

>> No.8250886

Those chips are incredibly good, but yeah, pretty impressively hot for something you can just get at the grocery store. I love using a handful of them crumbled up for breaded chicken.

>> No.8251201

I added a carolina reaper to the marinade for my last batch of beef jerky...it wasn't "holy shit, my mouth is on fire" hot, but it certainly made me sweat a lot

>> No.8251295

I did a shot of that of that as a dare one. Let's just say I drank more than the usual that night

>> No.8251329

I bet your farts smell Divine can you describe the smell?

>> No.8251337

Rocky's hot chicken, Western North Carolina

Their "medium" spicy chicken made me unable to think straight. It's making my mouth water right now even though it's been a year since I last had it.

And the bread they lay the chicken on is a death trap. You think you're soothing the burn by eating plain white bread, but what you don't know is the sadistic fuckers literally soaked the bread in the spicy dry rub.

>> No.8251346

Ate a couple ghost peppers for $20, mouth was ok but had stomach cramps and shit at night like you. And my ass hurt like crazy when I took a shit. Worth the money tho

>> No.8251354

Dead, rotting, animal flesh.

>> No.8251359


I've done the highest one there, it was intense.

Delicious shit tho

>> No.8252446

A capsaicin extract which I believe was about 30-50% pure.

>> No.8253897

That Mad Dog 600k special edition. One pinch on a small bit of a beef patty caused my mouth to feel numb for close to 40min.

>> No.8253933

Once I ate some kind of habanero straight up with some guys at the grocery store I was working at.

I could tell exactly where on my tongue the pepper had been.

>> No.8253988
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I had gotten this stuff called The Source hot sauce, I put a little bit on a toothpick tip and pressed it into my tongue, let me tell you, a little pin drop burned my mouth right up. The poor sucker I bought it for didn't know what hit him. He smelled like preparation h for days after, and I just put a drop or two on his chicken tikka.

>> No.8254009

My dad bought some pepper plant at a gas station and planted it in his garden, well few months later, he decided to try one. All I saw him was foaming out the mouth and stumbling to the house from his garden. It turns out the plant was a habanero pepper plant and they're super hot. Was kind of funny when I handed him a container of milk and was yelling spit it out, don't drink it, it'll come out hotter than it went in.

>> No.8255402

I had a dry Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper at lunch with my friends in my junior year of high school, hottest in the world at the time, I believe. Burned like hell obviously, but afterwards was worse. Felt very sick and clammy until I puked it out in the bathroom, then I felt fine. Pretty fun overall.

>> No.8255435

You wild and crazy kids!