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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8246772 No.8246772 [Reply] [Original]

>Watching comfy food videos to pass the time
>Stumble onto asian streetfood videos
>Fucking shitloads of food all the time everywhere for dickall money
>Tons of weird meats
>Tons of interesting and new foods
Why the fuck can't any of those exist in america?
The closest we have is a food truck and that's still like $9 for a burrito thanks to hipster cunts.

I just want cheap, nighttime food that isn't from a fast food joint. It's either fast food, make everything myself forever, or a sit down restaurant.
I just want comfy street food :^(

>> No.8246776

Cost of living in major cities is higher than less populated areas.

Anyway, just look up gutter oil and you will not longer be fascinated by Asian street foods.

>> No.8246778

I fil u, famalam. Flyover land is hell.

>> No.8246779

Worth it

>> No.8246780

America already has a ridiculously low minimum wage + illegal immigrants so you're not gonna get food for much cheaper

>> No.8246793

I guess. Though here in Seattle, I only encounter the vapid mouth breathers.

>> No.8246796


>Why the fuck can't any of those exist in america?

Because Americans don't enjoy getting worms and the runs from shitty, undercooked meat from shitty impoverished street vendors from Asia?

>> No.8246803


>Gutter oil

Something only filthy mainland scums do. Do not generalize to Asian foods.

>> No.8246805

t. taiwanese baby

>> No.8246823

If it Indian related, there actual shit in the air and the cook's hand

>> No.8246827
File: 84 KB, 610x203, bitchin-burgers-food-truck-san-diego-ca-outside-610x203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and OP, you know what Food trucks are, right? And all those side restaurant those immigrants are able to afford and show off?

>> No.8246830

>that's still like $9 for a burrito thanks to hipster cunts.

>> No.8246837

Go to the mexican trucks or any immigrant truck in general. They're way cheaper.

>> No.8246838

I keep hearing about that. I am not a big fan of Indian food anyway.

>> No.8246839

I ate whatever the fuck I wanted from street vendors in Thailand and Cambodia and the worst I got was diarrhoea one morning which was so temporary I was confident to leave the hotel and not shit myself for the rest of the day.

>> No.8246843

It not a meme when it an actual national crisis or how they still believe that there are witches in toilet. This was a thing that they were taught to do since their youth

>> No.8246844

For real. The best foods aren't even from food trucks anymore since a lot of chefs nowadays try to make artisan meals inside their trucks that cost more than a small home loan.

The best street meals are the ones served out of push carts or large converted camping carts towed by pickup trucks and the like.

>> No.8246847
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>witches in toilet

>> No.8246858


Hong Kong. Moved to Singapore.

>> No.8246860

Asian here. The gimmick will wear off and you will find its just shit, unhealthy and greasy food which you will never want to touch again.

>> No.8246861
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holy fucking shit

>> No.8246863

Do you know how hard it is to get a visa as an americunt? Singapores social culture is very appealing to me.

>> No.8246865

Why is it always Aussies at war against the Indian's? Wasn't it the Aussies that perpetuated the POO meme?

My theory is because thier time zones are similar or Indians just make good target practice.

>> No.8246867
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No.The best foods aren't even from push carts anymore since a lot of chefs nowadays try to make artisan meals inside their push carts that cost more than a small home loan.

The best street meals are the ones served out by people with food bags or large converted food bicycles and the like.

>> No.8246868
File: 52 KB, 625x411, Laughing-Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8246869

aussies are behind all the greatest shitposting memes. we're like the jewish illuminati of memes.

>> No.8246870

Indians get ultra butthurt at everything and Aussies are master-tier bants
It's a match made in heaven

>> No.8246872
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Swiss-tier visas. Don't even try unless your lifelong goal was to live in Singapore. It's not even that great here. Everyone has A+ grades and resumes so the job market is extremely overheated and tight. You will have no work unless you were hired before coming here (one way of getting here).

Go to Hong Kong if you want to have a more interesting life and a bit more easier economy.

>> No.8246875
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>> No.8246876
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You're probably just giving me a "fuck off we're full" response
But you're probably also right

My accents in foreign languages are fucking awful. My spanish, german, and russian are fully intelligble but it's like listening to achmed at the cash register. It's blatantly obvious I'm not even remotely native.
I've tried mandarin a few times but every time I try and say something I just get laughed at and mocked, I can't do tonal languages.

maybe i'll settle for korea ;_;

>> No.8246881
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But Singapore and HK are literally "full" both economically and physically.

Korea has tolerable visa policies. MUCH better economy too (more jobs and higher pay) compared with HK and Singapore.

Perhaps you'll become one of those stereotypical "English teachers" with a fetish for 20-something year old Asian girls and shitpost on /pol/ pretending to be a Korean that really loves Japan and hates Korea and then when someone asks for a timestamped photo of a passport you don't reply and leave thread.

>> No.8246885

I mean I've lived in Korea for a few months before. It's literally just America with somehow-worse labor laws and infinitely worse food. I may love certain korean foods but overall its fucking trash, they never have any meat in anything.
Also I never hope I end up as an english teacher.

>> No.8246890
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The only job that is regularly available for foreigners in Korea is either English teacher or some English-related job in a business. They pay well but not as well to warrant moving there.

I like Korean food but to each his own. I think Korean food is the furthest you can be from Western food. The complete end of the Eastern Spectrum.

>> No.8246892

Maybe I just never bumped into the weird shit.
I only remember everything being some form of noodle, somehow less-than-white-people seasoned chicken (literally nothing on it, just cooked and then put on a plate), and periodically really fucking good rice and stews.
the porky belly bbq was dope though.
Also mulnaengmyeon. Holy shit I loved that stuff. Can't find it anywhere in town though.

>> No.8246902


Where are you right now? You can find mulnaengmyeon in Asian stores, albeit they are semi-instant stuff in pre-packaged bags. I literally pay in full for anything vinegary. I love vinegary foods.

>> No.8246908

Shitfuck nowhere Idaho.
It's been awhile since I checked the two Asian stores we've got in town (and the unexpected Russian store), but last time I went it was 95% vietnamese stuff and 5% chinese stuff.

>> No.8246913


Then your only saving grace is Amazon. They have it, which is surprising. I would be cautious though because they have to be frozen or at least cool, and I'm not sure if they will ship it fast enough.

>> No.8246917
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Not knowing when I will next experience the delightfully cool, vinegar tang haunts me

>> No.8246920


The sellers say they are refrigerated. They are pricey though. Check them out.

I have things to do now! Nice chatting with you.

>> No.8246948

Health and safety standards

>> No.8248641

I can hear the fucking grunty talking sounds


>> No.8249284

Do not come here. It's the world's most expensive city. Seriously dont

T. Singapore fag

>> No.8249361

This pic makes more sense now. I saw it before but didn't think they actuality thought witches lived in toilets lol.

>> No.8249367

Yea. That is what they believe in but that is part of the joke.

Just Google search Banjo Kazooie Grundy wikia.