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8246434 No.8246434 [Reply] [Original]


Is it overrated? Is it trying too hard to be like wine? How does it rate vis-a-vis the rest of the beer world?

vid related is a Canadian documentary on Belgian beer.

>> No.8246438

>Is Belgian beer a meme


Those niggers make the best beers in the world imo, and I was a die hard Deutsche beer nazi.

>> No.8246444
File: 32 KB, 373x500, cantillon-373x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cantillon is the best brewery in the world

>> No.8246446

Don't know from memes.

Love a bottle of that framboise lambic over the holidays though. It's a personal tradition of mine. Pop the cork when I start Thanksgiving dinner, I've usually polished it off before I serve.

>> No.8246511


>> No.8246857

That shit is amazing. I love me the cherry Lambic.

It's like drinking fruit juice but it gets you drunk.

>> No.8246911

>cherry beer

Totally overrated. It's an oddity like rose wine, nice once in a while maybe but I don't even consider it real beer.

>> No.8247452


I'm not a fan of European stuff at all, I find it has a funny taste to it. Tried some more expensive stuff and i just don't like it.

British stuff, especially Scottish is my favourite. Probably called "ale", but fuck it its all beer in my book

>> No.8247456

>Is Belgian beer a meme?
I went there and got some local beers and let me tell you, there I've had the best beers I've ever had
I tho am into wheat beer and I wouldn't know about their other stuff

>> No.8247542

I don't think it'd what one would call an actual "beer". Its beer in the sense that it goes through a similar process but it's really more like alcoholic sparkling juice than anything.

>> No.8247582


must be all the meme magic

>> No.8247627

The term "Belgian Beer" is really kind of silly. There are many different styles: lambics, triples, doubles, browns and many more. And they're vastly different from each other. Saying "Belgian Beer" is like saying "French Food," totally meaningless.

>> No.8247687

i like french food

>> No.8247755

Congratulations! You just used the English language to say something semantically void. That's not easy to accomplish.

>> No.8247764

Don't test my patience you faggot lord

>> No.8247798


>> No.8247838
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Traps make beer? That's progressive af.

>> No.8248005
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>not a fan of European stuff
>British stuff is my favourite

>> No.8248007

that's a trap?

>> No.8248009

The second worst hangover I have ever had was due to drinking too much extremely fine Belgian beer, in Brussels.

So no.

>> No.8248011

>tfw I live half an hour out from the only one outside europe
>but i've never been
they make tasty beer tho

>> No.8248027


1. United States
2. Belgium
3. England
4. Canada
5. Australia
6. Ireland
9000. Germany
9001. United States

>> No.8248075


Fucking amateur.

>> No.8248093

>neer had a hangover
fucking lightweight

>> No.8248105

How the fuck do you get hungover on beer? Impossible, you faggot. You've never been hungover at all you fucking pussy.

>> No.8248111

Its called drinking a lot of it you woman

>> No.8248120

>How the fuck do you get hungover on beer?

By drinking double-digit strength belgian beer. Hell there are 25%+ belgian beers. If you can't get hungover drinking that you're not fucking trying. This isn't the Coors Light you sneak out of your uncle's trailer.

>> No.8248123


Wheat beers, tho'

>> No.8248124
File: 2.57 MB, 4500x3660, Ron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches about a hangover
>calls somebody a woman


This....so much.

>> No.8248125

>that video
>"a land shaped by culture and tradition"
fucking dropped. Every land is shaped by culture and tradition you fucking shitheels

>> No.8248128

It's not even correct. Belgium is more shaped by constant wars between Germany & France. They have no culture & tradition (that aren't stolen from the Netherlands or France)

>> No.8248134

>doesn't drink hard enough to get a hangover
>calls someone else an amateur

you dont even know what you dont know

>> No.8248223

I've had the shakes from drinking too much steel reserve everyday but that's malt liquor. I never get a hangover from quality beer.

>> No.8248231

>thinks alcoholics get hangovers like women and college children

>> No.8248240

I like the tappist ales, but that Lambic bier is disgusting. I don't know how anyone can stand the sugar content. Might be nice in a little shot glass or something, but a whole bottle?

>> No.8248254

This. A true alcoholic can't hold enough beer, no matter the strength, in their stomach to have a hangover. When you're used to downing a quart of whisky or vodka a day, there's no amount of beer that could produce a hangover. Period.

>> No.8248430


In this context it's perfectly acceptable.

OP is asking how Belgian beer stacks up to other countries

>> No.8248471

It stacks up to other countries great in terms of variety and uniqueness. I don't get the point, I guess.

>> No.8249717

>being some kind of degenerate addict

>> No.8249954 [DELETED] 

>US first
>Britbongs second
>No Czech


>> No.8249958

>US first
>Britbongs third
>No Czech


>> No.8249960

>thinking that having chemical dependency is a badge of honor
literal degeneracy

>> No.8249975


You know fine well what I mean. British "ale"is totally different to the continental stuff

And we left the EU anyway, fuck them

>> No.8249999

Whether in or out of the EU you're still in EUrope my friend
Besides you're not even out of the EU yet

>> No.8250113

Nope. There are lots of styles of Belgian beer and even though some of them come close-ish to wine, not all of them do.

>> No.8250151

i'm from belgium and have travelled to most of the countries in europe. our beers are far better than beers from other countries but that's probably the only good thing about belgium

>> No.8250404

>that's probably the only good thing about belgium

You make great chocolates....and you're not insufferable cunts like the English, so you've got that going for you, too.

>> No.8251006

Belgian beers are literally god-tier

try Delirium Tremens, tell me you don't like it and you can suck my dick

>> No.8251020

I love belgian beer. Right now I only have belgian beer at home even. But, I wouldn't call it the best beer though. It's just really nice.

Belgians not so much however. They act nice, but they aren't.

>> No.8251068

>They act nice, but they aren't.

Wow, you really get around having met all 12 million Belgians. Are you air particles by any chance?

>> No.8251139

Trips don't lie.

>> No.8251146

Lindemans is the only beer I enjoy. I can barley force myself to take more than two sips of any other beer (out of several dozen I've tried), but I could drink a gallon of their Framboise lambic.