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File: 24 KB, 728x484, aid87282-728px-Eat-a-Persimmon-Step-3-Version-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8244153 No.8244153 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /persimmon/?

>> No.8244172

I do

>> No.8244175

What happened with the anon that was drying some out in their kitchen

>> No.8244176

I just impulse-bought one from my grocer's 'exotic fruit' section a couple days ago. Still waiting on it to fully ripen.

>> No.8244725

just did, they're in season and they grow so many of them where i live. been making everything with them recently, salads, salsas, jams.

>> No.8245620

sadly its too dry here atm

>> No.8245692

Definitely not whoever took that picture.

>> No.8245720

>fancy tomatoes

>> No.8245736

Yes only had the fresh/hard ones tho never dried ones. Not sure if the soft ones just different variety

>> No.8245833
File: 60 KB, 333x500, happilyfull_persimmon_fuyu (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8245837

Do I eat it like an apple or what?

>> No.8245878

I heard they taste like cum

>> No.8245984

Reporting senpai.
Couple of trees around here that me and the neighborhood old ladies collect around.

They're fucking great.

More like a Strawberry or Grape.

The most certainly do not.

>> No.8246079

They smell awful and they have the worst texture. They're all over the road to work, it's disgusting.

>> No.8246082

What do they taste like then? Only one i've ever had was unripe and tannin-ed my mouth out of existence

>> No.8246402 [DELETED] 

It's crunchy and kind of slimy. The taste resembles honey a bit.

>> No.8246714

My persimmon niggas.
Best fruit.

>> No.8246758

just eat it.
don't let it get a hint of softness.
just fucking eat it, it'll be delicious.

>> No.8246767
File: 42 KB, 320x320, 12940086_794033384064674_65877700_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless your diet consists of nothing but cinnamon, citrus, and pineapple, your semen should not taste anything like a persimmon

>> No.8246807
File: 34 KB, 431x455, 1477605808224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No be patient. They take a long time to ripen. Find a coolish and dry place. Just wait. Once its ripe you will have slurpy goopy goodness.

But don't buy too many (a box) because they all ripen at the same moment and you will only a small window of opportunity before it rots.

I had to slurp all 24 ripe persimmons in 2 days :((((

>> No.8246808


Dried persimmon is my most favorite candy from the earth.

>> No.8246811
File: 264 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161104-155434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had one, what do they taste like?

>> No.8246813


Smoky, a bit cinnamon-y, and if ripened, extremely overwhelmingly sweet.

>> No.8246814

Tastes like sandy cum if it's not perfectly ripe

>> No.8246879


See image

>> No.8246933

Like Honey-Melons?
if they are not ripe enough they can be a bit chalky.

>> No.8247435

Like honey dew melons? I have one of those here I bought last week I'll cut it up and see what it's like

>> No.8247454

How do you eat it without its astringent properties? It bothers me. I fight believe it's unripe since it tastes quite sweet otherwise.

>> No.8247527

>it tastes quite sweet otherwise.
yeah, it's still a fruit, dumbass. It's astringent because it's unripe. I don't know what else to tell you. Stop fighting believe.

>> No.8247682

How do I know when it's ripe?

>> No.8247685

It'll be somewhat soft to the touch.

>> No.8247695

Hell yeah

>> No.8247792

Ok. Thanks for the info.

>> No.8248126

If you have the astringent variety (shaped more like a Roma tomato than a regular tomato) then it needs to be quite mushy before you can eat it. It will probably have some spots on it. I don't like the astringent variety as it really isn't useful as anything other than a spread by the time it's edible.

>> No.8248184

Permissions are fucking GOAT. You can make a damn good pie with em.

>> No.8248299

Oh fuck yes. I loved eating these as a kid

>> No.8248827

You mean months and months ago?

>> No.8249732

Kek just realized that I said fight believe. I'm using google keyboard swipe typing and didn't realize I typed fight instead of don't.

>> No.8249734

Is the non-astringent category shaped like a regular tomato?

>> No.8249788

Who here bezoar?

>> No.8249953

You could have just frozen them

>> No.8251644
File: 20 KB, 400x169, persimmons_fuyu-and-hachiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The non astringent variety (smaller one) is, although better soft, edible hard and isn't astringent.

The large one is only edible when really soft.

>> No.8251789
File: 145 KB, 400x265, dsc_0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have persimmon to post