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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8237359 No.8237359 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8237372

that's a nice looking chiz 'za

>> No.8237377

God is dead

>> No.8237433
File: 25 KB, 458x418, fae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why all burgers should be sent to gulags.

>> No.8237435

Look closer. It is Japan.

>> No.8237439

Why am I not surprised? Japanese deserve to be purged as well.

>> No.8237456

Fucking disgusting americans....

>> No.8237458


You fucking retard, you should be gulagged, this is from Japan and it's just the tip of the iceberg of all the fucked up gimmicky shit they put in vending machines

>> No.8237460


>> No.8237462

>in after you get dogpiled despite the American occupation of Japan being 100% the reason Japan is the way it is now

>> No.8237468 [DELETED] 


>> No.8237511

but senpai it's nipponese desu

>> No.8237512

chicken parmesan tendies on the go.

>> No.8237513

Without that breading it's a ketofag's dream.

>> No.8237518


>> No.8237551
File: 33 KB, 275x285, aaclowespizzafin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dan clowes predicted this.

>> No.8237557

>american moonrunes
What a retard.

>> No.8237570

Looks tasty

>> No.8237598

ITT triggered aussies

>> No.8237615

They already kind of do that at dominos. I'm jelly though. I want to try it.

>> No.8238013
File: 33 KB, 390x259, schweizer-schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly japs. just because there is cheese and tomatoes on it doesnt mean its a pizza.

>> No.8238016


A darying synthesis!

>> No.8238152
File: 97 KB, 400x293, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why it seems like Japanese versions of American food chains seem more American in their execution than the American equivalent. Basically I'm a buttmad American who wants a Mega Mac

>> No.8238211


The nips has the wierdest love affair with American fast food. When I was there I kept seeing ads for the Mcd's Texas Burger and Idaho Burger

>> No.8238233

America is the most disgusting country ever

>> No.8238242


Did you even try them?

I tried all that weired shit there and it's not bad.

Some of them are fucking great... would probably do well in the US if it wasn't for the foreign ingredients

"shimp croquette burger" is 1000x better than mcchicken or mcfish.

>> No.8238261


I fucking hate this board.

>> No.8238629

buy 2 big macs and put them together

shit, man

>> No.8238880

How the fuck do Japs stay thin with all this massive concoctions their fast food restaurants are peddling?

>> No.8238895

America america america? America, AMERICA, america amcerica...

>> No.8238899


Yeah, but I heard America has just added BBC vending machines so where does that leave us?

>> No.8238905

Ninja training I guess.

>> No.8238909

....Why spend an extra $6 on the second big mac if you just want the meat??? Jeesus chriiist.

Just order 1 big mac with 2Xtra meats. They'll charge you about .80cents per beef patty, bringing it up to 4 beef patties.

This isn't an uncommon request. In fact, it happens at least a few times a week at a normal McDs.

>> No.8238911


>> No.8238917

just understand you are put off by this because it isnt a sandwich. I it was between slices of bread you wouldn't think twice about it

same as the double down. People order quadruple bacon cheeseburgers at any given fastfood place without a second thought. Double decker chicken sandwich? no you've gone too far!!!!!

>> No.8238969

People make such a big deal out of this, but isn't this basically the same as chicken parmigiana but with other cheeses?

>> No.8238976
File: 163 KB, 1910x1000, 102822179chizza.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looked so good in advertising. How sad.

>> No.8239006


What a bunch of fucking dumbasses. Just order a big mac and tell them to use quarter pounder patties.

>> No.8239008


Things cost many dorrars in Nippon.

>> No.8239024

>so obsessed he doesn't see the moon runes

oh man

i can't imagine living like you do

>> No.8239480

You knew exactly what you were doing when you wrote this

>> No.8239894

First Double Down and now this, the absolute madmen.

>> No.8241336
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>> No.8241432

Double down was pretty good though.