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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8236000 No.8236000 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a beginner and can only make microwave meals and toast. Is there a resource which can help me learn how to cook proper meals and maybe for others?

>> No.8236004

Sure, plenty of them.

1) Cookbooks
2) Google recipe + follow directions. If the recipe contains a word in it that you don't know, just google it to learn what it means.
3) Youtube. There are countless cooking programs.

>> No.8236007

yeah, it's called a cook book or any of the millions and millions of google results for "recipe" you fucking retard

>> No.8236009

Gordon Ramsay's home cooking series on his youtube.

Honestly, he is the best teacher of natural cooking technique I've seen. You don't even have to follow his recipes if they are too complicated for you, but he describes the very basics of cooking really well.

>> No.8236088

Best suggestion imho is to start with very small meals. Its easier to correct salt/sweet/toowet/toodry whatever you did wrong and if even so you still make a shit you wont have to throw in trash can too much stuff.
Also start with stuff that cooks fast, just to grasp how timing and seasoning works. After you get that you can practice yourself on preparing ingredients firsthand.
Recipes are everywhere anyway, start with the simpliest and possibly that someone you know can already do well.

>> No.8236141

A really cool video series on youtube is How to Cook Well with Raymond Blanc. He is one of the most respected chefs in the world. It's not really about the recipes as it is about cooking techniques. Each episode he prepares several dishes using a selected technique. Some of the techniques covered are slow cooking, baking, roasting, poaching, and grilling. There are a few more I cannot remember. It's a really great show and Raymond Blanc is so light hearted and awesome, he's basically the chef from Ratatouille.

>> No.8236145
File: 23 KB, 309x210, burned-pan-e1267546384173-309x210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heat food without burning it.

There, that's how you cook.

>> No.8236155

>proper meals
Bummer. I only have improper resources.

>> No.8236156

Literally this.

>lol i cant even cook an egg! xD
Keep the heat on medium or lower and don't let the shit turn black. Put a little water or oil in the pan to keep it from burning.. Don't use to much seasoning. And that goes for anything being fried, not just egg. Steak, chicken, pork chop.

If you're looking for more complicated recipes, I can tell you that most casseroles and shit just involves using frozen vegetables, pre-cooked meat, canned soups, and pasta. Literally the only thing you need to cook in some of those is the pasta which is just boiling it for 10 minutes. Then you scoop it all together in a pan (depending on the recipe) and put it in the oven for like 10-15 minutes.

Cooking is retarded easy and my girlfriend and roommates treat me like a fucking genius because I can make chili, hot wings, or chicken alfredo (canned sauce), stir fry, or shepherd's pie when all they eat are frozen and microwave meals. Girlfriend cooks some but I'm way better at it. She eats all her shit as plain and as simply as possible.

>> No.8236160

>mfw i triggered the smoke detector again

>> No.8236214


>> No.8236289
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 340314699_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfortunately, the average non-cook gets water+food in their mind and instantly gags, without even knowing what fond is and how to use it.