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8230845 No.8230845 [Reply] [Original]

What should my first alcoholic drink be?

I recently turned 18, and that's the drinking age here in Australia. I've put off drinking any kind of alcohol up until this point, and now I want to go all out.

I'm thinking of trying the white russian first, it sounds like it tastes nice.

>> No.8230853

Gin and tonic.

>> No.8230855

Arsenic and tonic.

The tonic makes the arsenic safe to drink.

>> No.8230856

You'll probably dislike a lot of hard liquors at first, they're pretty much an acquired taste. I didn't like beer the first time I tried it either.

Mixed drinks are a good way to go. Long Island iced tea is good cuz it'll fuck you up decently and still be tasty. A good white wine or a cider
is an enjoyable start to drink as well.

I personally don't like White Russians, not much of a fan of dairy and alcohol together, although it is a pretty looking drink. But tell us OP, what are your tastes? Do you like sweet, bitter, sour?

>> No.8230864

I still don't think that's safe enough, anon...

Thanks. I'm told by my friends that beer tastes like yeast. At least, Heineken does, and I'm guessing so does Corona since they say Corona tastes like Heineken. I'm not sure what yeast is supposed to taste like in liquid form.

I like both sweet and sour, definitely don't like bitter tastes.

>> No.8230865

Whiskey sour with egg white

>> No.8230872

>falling for the liquid meme

>> No.8230874

VB ya dog cunt

>> No.8230876

Try a sweet cider or a mix of white wine with sprite.
Also a nice drink is vodka mixed with orange juice.

>> No.8230878

Vodka and soda/juice is always a safe choice for first time drinkers, just watch how much you drink because you won't be able to taste the alcohol much.

>> No.8230884

I've got a friend who's obsessed with VB, brings a 6-pack with him to every party he goes to.

Thanks. I think I might try out the vodka with orange juice. And I'll probably go with white wine for my first wine.

>> No.8230913
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>> No.8230918
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>> No.8231019

I started with straight borovička, but not everybody is from slovakia like me. Here are some beginner combos kids do here
Red wine + coke
Gin + tonic
Becherovka + tonic
Fernet + tonic/ applee juice
Vodka + orange juice
Rum + coke
Wine + vodka + grape flavoured soda

>> No.8231251

Baileys is my first alcoholic drink i liked. Starts of sweetish and creamy with a slight, but not unpleasant burn as it goes down your throat.

>> No.8231304

It doesn't taste nice at all.

It's a meme drink.

>> No.8231316


Just skip all the bullshit and go for neat whisky

>> No.8231334

I like sweet and i am a broke college student so my go to drink is cream soda+fireball. Deadly combo because the vanilla and cinnamon go so well together.

>> No.8231341

A nice, smooth glass of Bailey's™.

Seriously though, that shit is so smooth I could drink it out of the bottle (I wouldn't.)

>> No.8231377


>> No.8231396

190 proof grain alcohol should be your first drink.

Only a few shots and save the rest in case you run low on gas or something lmao

>> No.8231424

White Russians are nice but when I just started to drink I got too many and yarled forever - now they're gross

Just get a Foster's

>> No.8231607


As a proud Australian, your first options should be either VB or goon.

Vodka is technically not an Australian specialty but literally no-one is gonna look at you funny for drinking vodka.

>> No.8231609

crown and coke. More coke than crown.

>> No.8231621

whatever you do, dont always drink the same thing
i can't drink rum and coke anymore because it makes me vom lol

>> No.8231652

It doesn't really matter what you drink, as long as you don't drink yourself sick your first time out.

Don't buy any pre mixed shit, if you get goon at least get a slightly more upmarket box

>> No.8231673

Don't do this anon you might find yourself an alcoholic like me in 20 yrs

>> No.8231711

Just don't start

>> No.8231714

Butt chug an entire bottle of Everclear

>> No.8231728


dirty black russian

>> No.8231730

Alcohol doesn't actually taste good, that's just a meme people say so they feel all grown up and mature ""ahh this is lay whiskey is pure heavenly, I adore these walnut and smoked hickory date coriander notes, boy I a mature""

If I was you, seeing as though you never have been drunk before you need a large amount of liquid and a alcohol content

I would reccomend getting some cider that's 4% you can get flavours like berry etc. make sure it's really could if it taste bad adds some juice

Remember alcohol is a psychoactive drug and yu are getting high on drugs

No alcohol tastes good, the idea is to make a drink which mask the flavour

Enjoy your hangover

>> No.8232070
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this guy gets it

>> No.8232080
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>> No.8232395
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>Alcohol doesn't actually taste good, that's just a meme people say so they feel all grown up and mature ""ahh this is lay whiskey is pure heavenly, I adore these walnut and smoked hickory date coriander notes, boy I a mature""
yeah, they are literally all pretending, everybody that likes something you don't is just a pole-climber trying to look sophisticated, the emperor has no clothes, yadda yadda

>> No.8232791

Wouldn't this be a little much for my first go?

I just watched this youtube video of this guy make one of these, and he poured almost an entire can of Guinness, and it was a large can. I'm guessing 1 pint of Irish stout is about the same as what he did, and he chugged the entire thing in one go.

I'd probably choke on that thing.

>> No.8232809

rum and coke

>> No.8232816

Pretty much. You need to get used to the taste of raw alcohol. Sweet mixers are the least painful way to do this. Later you won't even notice it.

>> No.8232825

this is fucking vile. i bought it when on vacation in spain once (a lot of tourists from englando there) and i couldn't even drink a glass of it

>> No.8232847

any mixed drink with everclear in it, the more sugar the better
alternatively get some four loko and mix it with red bull

>> No.8233040
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Remember, cirrhosis is irreversible, incurable and YOU WILL DIE. Anything over 2 servings of alcohol (per day) will cause liver damage.

It's a long road to cirrhosis (years of alcohol abuse), but there are stages of liver damage before cirrhosis which have serious health ramifications as well.

I never drink over 2 servings, and I drink once every other week. I need my liver to clean my blood, not get ripped to shreds by booze.

>> No.8233217

Thanks for the info anon, I'll be sure to watch how much I drink.

>> No.8233419

What about Four loko?

>> No.8233446

Just drink some shit lager.

You have plenty of time to drink nice things, alcohol is acquired and at 24 there are many things I'm only starting to appreciate more and others I still don't.

You are aussie so its important you learn to like it.

>> No.8233572

God I hate people who care ao fucking much.

Just get blitzed, sleep around and do whatwver the fuck you want you healthy faggot.

>> No.8233585

>and I drink once every other week
statistically people who average 1 or 2 drinks per day are the healthiest, abstention is not a healthy choice

>> No.8233587


>> No.8234139

Don't you guys have Vegemite?

>> No.8234179


Statistically the average post on 4chan claiming something is either a load of shit or horribly misconstrued and out-of-context.

>> No.8234192

I like screwdrivers and white Russians

>> No.8234201

People who don't drink are about 5 years lower on life expectancy than people who average 2-7 a week.
People who drink 8+ a week are only about 2-3 years lower.

Your liver is really good at repairing itself.

>> No.8234206


You're 18? Then make a flaming Dr. Pepper.

Get yourself a light beer and pour it into a glass. Then get a shot glass and fill it 3/4 with amaretto and top it off with a high % alcohol. In the US we typically use Bacardi 151.

Now light that bitch on fire. Let it burn for 15 to 20 seconds then drop it into the beer.

Best fucking college/newbie drink in the universe my friend.

>> No.8234208

Nothing will taste as good as you're imagining. I was so disappointed by most of my first drinks but now I'm a full on alcoholic and drink the equivalent of rubbing alcohol all day.

>> No.8234249

The heat in Aussie-land is going to make you regret that white russian. Just go for a beer or something like a vodka and 7up.

>> No.8234460

Yes but I've never tried it.

I'll try that out, thanks.

>> No.8234495

Imagine OP, what you would do if you had to consume something you had not before.

Let us take sushi, for example. You would not indulge in an elaborate in an elaborate dish, no matter how high the quality. You would go for a safe thing. For that is how taste is developed.

The same for alcohol. Do not indulge in a high class spirit. Go for a more common one, mixed with a common beverage. Yes, by default it is common. That is why it is so. A common beverage is so because all can like it. Relish the new experience. Later you can go for more unique things.

>> No.8234503

I guess I could start of slow, and build to the more elaborate drinks. Hopefully I don't spend too much money on alcohol on the night. The place I was looking at has cocktails set at a price of $20 each. Hopefully they won't charge me $20 for something really simple.

>> No.8234512


goddamn you are a pretentious twat aren't you

>> No.8234515

>20 dollars
what in the fuck

>> No.8234516

Like everywhere else, costs vary widely. The bar where I met my first love gave whisky sours for 3 dollars. They still do years later. It works because a whiskey sour is a cheap drink yet is tolerable for many people.

I have only seen one place who charges more then 10 dollars per drink. They made very elaborate martinis. They were the very best martinis I ever had. But even so, it was a rare treat.

If you are paying 20 dollars for a drink, it better be top shelf everything. Grey goose, etc.

>> No.8234518

Word of advise, dont mix drinks.

If you are drinking hard alcohol, stick with that. Mixed drinks can be ok. White russians will make you puke eventually, but it will be great tasting punke.

If you drink beer, stick to that. A shot of straight whisky can be ok.

And for the love of everything holy, DO NOT! REPEAT DO NOT touch anything but wine if you were drinking wine.

>> No.8234521

seriously what a faggot

I dont know how autistic you have to be to have your first drink at 18, but don't drink something faggy like a white russian, just have a beer.

>> No.8234526

I am not, actually. I used the sushi example because until last year I did not eat any at all. I was very much a manchild in that I did not eat fish. I am growing my diet to eat more and more fish. I started with salmon and have grown from there. If someone served me an exquisite sushi before I ate salmon I would have rejected it just because I had not developed the taste for it.

The same can be said for alcohol. To waste the finest spirits before you start is a serious waste. Enjoy the basic tastes. They exist for a reason.

>> No.8234528
File: 88 KB, 1338x916, Crown Melbourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this is a little bit of their menu. If you've been to Crown in Melbourne you'll recognize it as that large bar sort of in the middle of the building, next to the pokies and all that.

It's hard to miss.

>> No.8234531

>DO NOT! REPEAT DO NOT touch anything but wine if you were drinking wine.

How come? What happens if I drink wine with, say, beer?

>> No.8234540

I shall just have to reiterate what I felt before.

If you want to indulge on the finest things, that spot seems like a cool spot. But I feel like you are wasting an experience. It is best to work your way up, rather then start with the bar so high.

It would be like... you ate a steak before a hamburger. The steak is superior, yes. But if you only ate steak, you would vomit if you had to eat a hamburger. But if you ate a hamburger first you could appreciate it. A steak would even be superior.

So for you, unless you have the means to enjoy 20 dollar spirits every time, I would recommend starting smaller.

>> No.8234542

I have no explanation for it, but wine mixes terrible with other alcohol.

There is a saying that drinking beer after wine is fine. The logic is that beer is weaker than wine, and that its ok to take large slurps. Whereas drinking wine after beer makes you take large gulps you cant handler.

Personally I just stay away from any other liquor altogether if I drink wine. Countless examples of having friends keel over from wine + beer combo.

>> No.8234546

I'd probably have to look for a pub then or something, I doubt I'll find anything standard or cheaper than $20 at Crown.

I'll search for some pubs in Melbourne, there's probably some good ones that younger people stay at on Friday nights.

Oh I see. Thanks.

>> No.8234547

"liquor then beer you are in the clear"
"beer then liquor is a kicker"

In short as you get more intoxicated it is easier to go overboard. By going down the ABV you lessen the chances of harm.

>> No.8234554

Oh, this one explains it very good.

>> No.8234558

I would recommend a pub for other reasons. Pub food as a food category for a reason. They are cheap foods that both let you hold alcohol longer yet taste good. While not good from a caloric standpoint, it certainly helps you not get sick.

Of course, don't eat the food then feel like you can triple your intake. Also, for your own sake, drink some water. Your future self will thank you.

>> No.8234573

Idk man, I've had plenty of of terrible experiences from mixing grapes and grain. Doesnt matter which order.

Whisky and beer mixes well though.

>> No.8234581

I will assume you are telling the truth. Not shitposting. So I wonder how wine varies from other alcohols.

Is it the sulfates? About the only variable I can think of. Perhaps they cause a bad reaction.

>> No.8234592

I've experienced it. I've had friends experiencing the same. What causes it idk. It's just a very queezy and sure fire way to get sick.

On a different level, I will say that being wine drunk is a more happy drunk than beer or liquor drunk.

Again, what are the variables,idk. But plenty of people have agreed with me and feel the same difference in drunk.

>> No.8234602

>tfw greentext really is a quote

>> No.8234603

All i can say then is do what works for you. Wine is cheap enough if you shop smart.

For OP's point of view. Experimentation leads to your happiest results. It is easier to start basic and work up to fancy than the reverse. But it is a journey.

>> No.8234618

Btw, talking about wine. Yesterday I had a pretty chill evening. I had a bottle of rather cheap red wine in my closet. Decided to get rid of it, so I was watching movies while mixing it half and half with coke (the softdrink). A really easy and tasty way to get drunk. Don't mix good wine, but cheap wine is fine to mix drinks like that with.

>> No.8235756



You're in Oz, split a crate of VB stubbies, XXXX, carlton etc. as long as it's shite beer, it has to be shite and drink with your mates while listening to tunes

drink until you pass out or just can't stay awake any longer

Wake up, feel like death, survive the day, do it again next week

keep doing it for a while, learning your limits and how to function while drunk

THEN go to the pub and start asking for cocktails if you still feel you have to

White Russians are nice but I get this image in my head of some drungo barman laughing you out the door

>> No.8235759
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What? you don't drink buckie from a glass, you drink it by the bottle ye mad eejit

>> No.8236193

Ew, red wine and coke?

>> No.8236203

Was going to correct this muppet until I saw you had - good shout big son.

There'll be nothing bad said about the nectar of the gods, courtesy of the good Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey

>> No.8236216

You want to get pissed drunk? Then just buy rum and cola plus a six pack

If you want to feel like a little pretentious faggot then just use that stupid cocktail app you have in your iPhone. I hate you so much faggot.

>> No.8236240

I don't want to get too drunk, since it's my first time. I just want to drink enough to feel it a little, and to give myself a little confidence if I end up having my first drink at a club or something.

And I don't recall my phone having a cocktail app. So I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.8236246

I always say start with the easier stuff, try a nice glass of rum since that's stuff is easy to drink as a first timer.

>> No.8236247
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Do not drink alcohol my good friends.


>> No.8236259

Also, try a little bit of any liquor you're thinking of trying straight first before you mix them together with anything. I've had times where the Vodka was just perfectly fine by itself.

>> No.8236279

>White Russian as your first drink

why not have a Chocolate Choo-Choo?

>> No.8236319


>> No.8236324


>> No.8236329

eat a dick you hag i'll drink myself to death if i damn well please

>> No.8236821


>> No.8236840

You are mistaken if you think death is where it ends, and you are mistaken further if you think you'll have a say in what comes next.

I most humbly suggest you to stop drinking.

>> No.8236886

if you're turning 18 and looking for a first drink then you don't deserve one.

>> No.8236891


>> No.8236926

Can religioustards please shove their illogical propaganda somewhere else

>> No.8236957


>> No.8236994

On a related note, I have a jacket with medium-sized inside pockets. I've been prepping it to be my jacket for parties (cigars, lighter, etc.), and I'm looking for a small container to hold a few shots worth of good-quality alcohol. Any recommendations?

>> No.8237046


>> No.8237073

You sure you didn't get your first drink in the womb?

>> No.8237098

A small container on the cheap would be those tiny 3 oz hotel listerine bottles they give you.

A small container on the fly: Stanley adventure stainless steel cask, but if you want the built in shot glass, go for the Stone Cask Shot Flask.

Need to go through a metal detector? They make plastic bag ones, too.

Oh, you wanted recommendations for booze? Literally anything.

>> No.8237106

fucking aye mate

>> No.8237107


white russians are nice but don't ever get em at bars

>> No.8237119

No, you were right with the containers. Thanks for the advice, those are some good ones.

>> No.8237124

desu that menu looks pretty terrible, screams try-hard but without any creativity - all of the drinks seem *twists* on something that would be better without the twist. What you should be looking for is simplicity, esp. if you're only starting to drink cocktails

and a whisky sour with egg white is the way to go, fucking godly

>> No.8237128


>> No.8237276

if you like milkshakes heaps then this is a good idea. It's a very easy drink to down if you're a little experienced with vodka. My younger brother thought it was insanely potent though when i gave him a sip when he was 16. Beer is easy, not everyone likes that flavour though. Gin & tonic, rum & coke or vodka & lemonade might be the easiest at this point.

>> No.8237311

ok that actually sounds good af

bailey's has a consistency similar to mucus

>> No.8237446

just straight chilled whiskey, cool to the touch not cold. from a tin/steel cup or glass.

a mans first drink should be something with decent bite and simple taste, it should be something refined, but rough enough to feel in as it goes down.

A good rum or bourbon is acceptable if you can't find good whiskey

>> No.8237448


vodka, tequila and whiskey one after another. pick your brand it don't matter just dont get the cheap stuff. thats what i did my first time and I became very sick, but the 3 hours before that were awesome

>> No.8237469

Jesus turned water into wine though

>> No.8237491

>tfw raised as catholic
>tfw ambivalent towards drinking b/c church wine
Feels good, man.

>> No.8237501

rum and coke
malibu rum and orange juice
vodka and any soda (except for ginger ale; it doesn't mask the taste of vodka, only makes it worse)
stay safe and try not to drink alone, remember to have fun :)

>> No.8237502
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Take your higher cause and stuff it, you lousy charlatan!

>> No.8237507
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alcohol tastes nothing like you expect it to. start slow or you're just going to permanently ruin good drinks for yourself.

go beer -> straight hard liquor (with chasers) -> cocktails/mixed drinks

if you think you're too good for beer, then start off with like coke and whiskey then, that's probably the only alcoholic mixed drink you can have a chance of enjoying when you don't know what liquor tastes like

>> No.8237523

Bourbon, straight bourbon
You pussy

>> No.8237534

>Raised as a catholic
>Still thinks alcohol is a bigger problem than faith

Fuck me, I'd start sucking it back now to pad your fall.

>> No.8237540

You misunderstand me, mate. I'm no longer catholic, and I couldn't give two shits if you drink.

>> No.8237565

room temperature guinness, on tap. actually, a really fresh ale, like Firestone Luponic Distortion #1, is really tasty. i mean really tasty. or, a Trappist Ale like Chimay. or Mead, honey wine. go for classics. wine is good too, of course. fuck hard alcohol, its too harsh. single pot, alembic brandy, with a dash of water to soften it, is the best hard liquor.

>> No.8237568

neat whiskey is also good, i agree (mead guy)

>> No.8237569

Try sangria.
It's a good entry point for red wines.

>> No.8237572

drug alcohol counselor here: if you really like what etoh does to you, and dont feel normal wihout it, do not take another drink as long as you live. tobacco and alcohol are the worst drugs in the world, hands down. but with alcohol, small amounts, occasionally, can be fun, esp. if its with good people and its a good flavor, not something to get shit faced with. a full 5 course italian or french meal, over 2 hours, with 3 or 4 wines, is wonderful. 18-24 yr olds should not drink, but it should be legal, to avoid binge and hidden drinking.

>> No.8237574

Don't knock it until you try it.
It makes gutterwine slightly better.
Also, replace red wine with dry ginger ale for an even better meme.

>> No.8237577

you want a mixed drink? gimlets are fun. how about be classy and order a vodka martini? and, as always, whiskey, neat, also known as bourbon and branch water. try to be a man about this. fuck etoh with juice, thats for pussies.

>> No.8237581

abso fucking lutely. make your ancestors proud. choose the drink of your forefathers. russians for instance will drink vodka, room temperature, with a clove of garlic. turns you into Putin.

>> No.8237584

>come back to thread like 12 hours later
>nobody got the joke

y'all gay

>> No.8237592

What's the joke

>> No.8237593


>> No.8237596


>> No.8237624


>> No.8237977

your friends have never drunk beer. corona and heineken are so far removed from one another.

just have a beer ya cunt!

>> No.8237996

So which one doesn't taste like yeast? What's a good tasting beer?

>> No.8237999

don't order white russians, make them yourself. the milk at bars and shit is always stale

>> No.8238003

no but they force themselves to like it

>> No.8238004


Corona is light and kinda skunky to smell, but is very light and refreshing, you can jam a lime down the throat of the bottle if you want. Heineken is good solid lager that has a clean aftertaste.

Do a dr pepper shooter. They taste exactly like dr pepper.

>> No.8238010

Surprisingly easy to do since it taste exactly like chocolate cake. It's like chugging down a glass of chocolate milk.

>> No.8238012

>any mixed drink with everclear in it, the more sugar the better
>alternatively get some four loko and mix it with red bull

Slow down there Satan

>> No.8238018

>beton a fernet

>> No.8238057

If you've never got properly drunk before start with beer, take it slow and don't drink on an empty stomach. After that Gin and Tonic.

>> No.8238059

Or if you're a little bitch/woman start with a sweet cider (assuming you get that in Australia). Any of the Scadenavian-style cider, for example.

>> No.8238070
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 150-lashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 Lashes is a great beer for a first time. Has a bit if a fruity flavour and is available pretty much everywhere in Australia.
Also, just take it slow and have fun. Don't feel pressured to get wasted your first time.

>> No.8238075

>I've put off drinking any kind of alcohol up until this point
You fucking what?

>> No.8238077

Most of this thread is retard as fuck.
Cider is good to start
Beer is god but takes a while to enjoy it. Start with heinikin.
I also enjoy mojitos.

>> No.8238082

I though the only thing you're legally allowed to drink in Australia is lager?

>> No.8238084

It's called being autistic anon. I didn't touch any drink until I was 18 either. I made up for lost time pretty quickly though.
They wanted to ban Vegemite in some places because the Abbos were using it to brew beer to get around alcohol bans.

>> No.8238087

At one point rum was used for currency in Australia.
Are you American or from the UK? I swear to god those fuckwits have some of the strangest ideas about Australia, despite having access to the Internet to remove their ignorance.

>> No.8238088

Yeah, kinda weird I know. I've got a pretty religious family and if they found out that I drank any kind of alcohol at the parties I went to then they'd disown me.

So now that I'm an adult and legally allowed to purchase alcohol, I'm able to go do whatever I want and stay out long enough so that by the time I get home the effects have worn off.

Nope. As far as I know, once you're 18 you can purchase and smoke cigarettes, and purchase whatever kind of alcohol you want.

>> No.8238089
File: 231 KB, 768x1024, guinness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking good

>> No.8238096

I was making a Foster's joke.

>> No.8238103

>So now that I'm an adult and legally allowed to purchase alcohol, I'm able to go do whatever I want and stay out long enough so that by the time I get home the effects have worn off.
You'd be better to find a friend's house to stay at overnight if possible. Certainly don't start with anything stronger than beer or cider if you want to keep your drunkenness to manageable levels.

>> No.8238115

The first time I drank alcohol I downed half a bottle of vodka and ended up wrestling some dude three times my weight in the middle of my friend's front lawn and pissing in a closet. Drinking responsibly is boring.

>> No.8238122

never mix wine with something! that's rape

>> No.8238130

desu just don't drink wine period. Wine drunk is the worst kind of drunk from all the acid and sugar. A glass or two is fine, but if you're looking to get tipsy beer or liquor is better.

>> No.8238134

I didn't say desu, what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.8238142

never mix wine, even if it's cheap

>> No.8238148

You're tripping the negro filters.

>> No.8238531


>> No.8239525

This or a bloody mary. Shit is so cash desu

>> No.8239537

>and now I want to go all out
My best advice to you is not to go overboard - in one sitting at least.

You don't want to be like me when I turned 21, sucking down an entire bottle of Peppermint Schnapps, getting hungry enough to eat two pounds of beef and vomiting all over the toilet before climbing in my bed to pass out with my pants around my ankles and an unwiped ass.

>> No.8239661

Vodka and sprite

>> No.8239790

The best way to learn to drink is by getting dangerously fucked up once. You'll never do it again.

>> No.8239799

liquid meme. but white russians are fantastic. use a good vodka and some form of cream or whole milk.

bad vodka ruins it so bad

>> No.8239801


You won't be disappointed. Just watch how much you drink. It's a bit deceptive since it really doesn't taste very boozy. You'll be 3 or 4 in before you start to feel the effects and by then you're beyond the "Oh shit I drank too much" stage.

>> No.8239809

>You'll never do it again
HA, good one.

>> No.8239819

We aren't all retarded/alcoholics.

>> No.8239821

Not true

>> No.8239825

Bundy OP rum, m8.

>> No.8239826

Get an ale of some sort and a shot of whiskey.

>> No.8239830

Get some self-control.

>> No.8239958


"Liquor before beer, you're in the clear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker."

>> No.8241302

Why shouldn't someone enjoy a nice wine coctail?

If you are mixing Moutoun Rothschild you should have your ass removed, but nothing wrong with mixing up a 3 dollar wine with coke.

>> No.8241306

Thats called a boilermaker. My fave drink.

>> No.8242883

A White Russian with a splash of vanilla coke.

>> No.8243558


>> No.8244731

ahhh good memories!

>> No.8244744

about fucking time

>> No.8244770

Not OP, but I've never had a cocktail before. I've had all kinds of beer, and shots of vodka and some other spirits, and had some wine before.

What should my first cocktail be? I was thinking something like Old Fashioned.

>> No.8244775


>> No.8244815

Raging alcoholic here. This guy is correct. I still love booze in almost every way, even though it led me to crashing my life into the ground. I also smoke and I sincerely hope I don't make it to 40.