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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.43 MB, 2183x1359, Fried-Chicken-Leg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8227407 No.8227407 [Reply] [Original]

Cold fried chicken is great, so is ham, ribs, and turkey, but I never eat anything else this way

What other meats are good right out of the fridge?

>> No.8227410

All of them

>> No.8227455


>> No.8227465

All pastries.

>> No.8227478

Mac and cheese
Many soups

>> No.8227482

cured meats such as salami are good chilled. and now I've got to go downstairs and get some, thanks bruh

>> No.8227488

I had a chilled chicken tendie pubsub the other day. It was surprisingly good

>> No.8227534

Cold turkey smells like a fart.

>> No.8228089
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>> No.8228109

'go 'za

>> No.8228117

anything but tasteless shit like whiting

>> No.8228132
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This and other canned shit.

>> No.8228136
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Can eat cold and not die.

>> No.8228138


>> No.8228151
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>> No.8228209

Cold curry

>> No.8228212

dick is better chilled tbqh

>> No.8228213

left over roast beef sandwich, brah. Just the meat, bread, maybe a bit of mustard.

And meatloaf sandwich. Smother that shit in ketchup.

>> No.8228223

>/ck/ doesn't know what meat is

>> No.8228229

taco bell leftovers

>> No.8228362
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>> No.8228378
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Chinese Food

>> No.8228410

A calzone and sriracha to dip it in.

>> No.8228461

thats a vegetable moron

>> No.8229343

my nigg

>> No.8229351
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>> No.8229373

A British Melton Mowbray pork pie with either some pickled onions or Branston pickle. Or proper Colman's English mustard.

>> No.8229377

Cold Indian curry, any type. With lime pickle and mango chutney.

>> No.8229528

When I was looking to add as much protein to my diet as possible I roasted up beef or lamb, sliced it up thickly and then put it into tupperware in my fridge. Whenever I wanted a snack would just get a chunk or two from that and munch down. Not as good as hot and fresh but pretty good.

>> No.8229599

Grilled pork chops

>> No.8229630

I miss these so much after having to move to germany! I remember the last one i ate was in the car on the drive over, thinking about it still brings a smile to my face...

>> No.8229691

>Cold fried chicken is great
What the fuck kind of a savage are you? Fucking monster who doesn't like crispy chicken, you disgust me sir.

>> No.8229706
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hot dogs

>> No.8229717

Not OP but when I make up fried chicken I always make up way too much. I end up with a plate of it in the fridge and whilst it is great to reheat it it's still awesome cold and I often just eat a piece cold here and there as a snack because it cuts down on anything to wash up.

>> No.8229723

Pure barbarism that you don't reheat your chicken cause you're too lazy. Shame on you.

>> No.8229758

Ironically reheating it in the microwave results in it being soggier than straight from the fridge.

Try it sometime, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.8229778

toaster oven or bust mein nigga
bake at 350 to warm it up, broil at max for a couple minutes at the end to crisp the fuck out of that skin

perfect every time

>> No.8230048

>he owns a microwave


>> No.8230099

lamp shank

small cuts of steak

mmm delicious s

>> No.8230701

>Re-heating chicken

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8230713


>> No.8230723


Or a few mins in the NuWave..

>> No.8230731
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cold meatloaf sandwiches are great. also most lunch meat, I guess?

>> No.8230749

christ, they suck

>> No.8231196

Corned beef

>> No.8231203

You put it in the oven you simple fool, or is that too hard to operate?

>eating it cold like some kind of wild animal
Savage beast.

>> No.8231212

I fried up a batch last night and I'm eating leftovers tonight and they will be cold. But I am making hot biscuits from scratch to go with them.