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File: 147 KB, 448x440, hero_coke_zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8226763 No.8226763 [Reply] [Original]

Why does McDonald's have the best Coca Cola? I swear they made a deal a long time ago that gave Mickey D's the perfect mixture.

>> No.8226768

no they don't

clearly the best coke is that which comes in glass bottles

>> No.8226771
File: 102 KB, 750x812, t-mcdonalds-Coca-Cola-Classic-Small[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The burger’s companion. A cold and refreshing complement to all of our menu items. Available in Extra Small, Small, Medium, and Large.

>> No.8226772

Sorry. I meant the best from a fountain.

>> No.8226774

Your best chances of getting sick at McDonald's is using their soda fountain. It is the nastiest piece of disease ridden equipment in the restaurant.

>> No.8226775

ah i suppose you're right then

>> No.8226793

They have their own version of Coke that Coka makes for them, same deal with their heinz ketchup and such, companies make McDonals specific versions for the restaurant

>> No.8226834

Almost anyone who has worked at a place with a soda fountain can confirm this.
They're a bitch to clean and even at the best places you still have nasty soda residue clogging it up between cleanings.
But if you don't have flies buzzing around it won't hurt you, so drink up.

>> No.8227060


Fountain drinks are better than bottle.

>> No.8227066

10 Cents have been added to your account.

>> No.8227075

OP are you chinese?

>> No.8227092
File: 67 KB, 480x358, 1454608969749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP this is not some delusion, it is FACT

for your listening pleasure, Ron Bently and Fez Whatley address the McDonald's Coke issue

>> No.8227095

Its the same the machine just adds more carbon

>> No.8227268

what the fuck are you kidding me ?
Mcdonalds cola is fucking garbage, its 60% water with no flavor in it.

>> No.8227272

But can his cat say "coke" ?

>> No.8227285

I can't believe I've never thought of this before...

Oh well. I pretty much never drink soda anymore anyways

>> No.8227289

their coke is amazing, definitely better than bottled/canned, or maybe it is the serving than makes this illusion

>> No.8227548

Where I work we sanitize the soda fountains every night, it's not that hard.

>> No.8227564

best coca cola is Mexican because they use real sugar and actual coca

>> No.8227642

I read an article a few years ago that craft beer bars should look towards macdonalds in proper dispensing of drinks. The article said that macdonalds instruments every single variable makes sure it is within spec in the soda delivery system. And that is why its the best place to get cokes.

>> No.8227659


I'm not sure how much of that would transfer over? A soda system is somewhat complex because it has to mix the syrup with the carbonated water. The machines have to be adjusted to get the ratio correct otherwise the soda tastes either watered down or too strong, which is the classic issue for a "soda fountain".

Beer dispensing doesn't have that issue, the beer just goes straight from the keg to the tap. No mixing. AFIK the only critical issue is how regularly the lines are cleaned, but that's a well-known thing in beer circles.

>> No.8227667

temperature and pressure also affect the beer. You need enough pressure to keep the beer from going flat and enough line length to dispense properly without giving too much head. Since we are talking about dissolving a gas into a liquid the temperature must but be pretty exact.

>> No.8227671

Coke tastes great at McDonalds because the syrup is always fresh per se. The syrup is always fresh because the Coke at McDonalds has a high turnover, compared to the Coke in the soda fountain at, for example, the neighborhood diner.

>> No.8227672

Bullshit. You might sanitize the dispenser part but you don't pull and clean all the hoses and shit every night.

>> No.8227695
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>> No.8227747

Just yesterday I watched a man fill a cup, take a sip and spit it back out all over the fountain because the drink was flat. I yelled at him and called him an asshole. I dont even work there.

>> No.8227759

putting the fountain drink into public access, not even really in direct supervision of the staff is the most plebeian cost saving measure a place can do

>> No.8228101

Arby's has the best Pepsi. It tastes lime-y as fuck from there for some reason.

>> No.8228106

I've heard they put slightly more syrup in their soda drinks to account for the melting ice watering it down

>> No.8228144

>I've heard
sums up this shit thread pretty well, no source no nothing. where is the mod?

>> No.8228147

That's not against the site rules you chapped asshole fucking faggot

>> No.8228153

you seem mad

>> No.8228155

Yeah, I have an anger problem and it gives me lots of health issues

>> No.8228163

>I have an anger problem and it gives me lots of health issues
american detected. nice dubs

>> No.8228165

And yet if the soda fountain is behind the counter it tends to have an unsanitary ice machine. It's a no-win disease vector.

>> No.8228174

This place is actually the best fountain coke. That is unless we are talking mexican restaurants that actually use the mexican coke syrup (sugar not HFCS). They're somewhat hard to find, but well above bottled mexican coke in every regard.

>> No.8228177
File: 13 KB, 278x305, QuikTrip-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.8228179

Don't need to. The nozzles are the only place in the whole system open to contamination.

I used to do both. Clean the nozzles nightly when I worked as a regular McD worker, then I got promoted to maintenance staff and I occasionally worked on the actual plumbing system.

To answer your question, OP, we get recommended mixture settings from the bottlers, but it's adjustable. I guess if you get it just right, it's perfect. Tiny differences in mixture make a huge difference in taste.

>> No.8228180

>unsanitary ice machine
i used to work in fast food, the ice machines are cleaned often enough with a special routine. once a week it is sanitized. central europe here, our water is always up to code

>> No.8228182

Try living surrounded by Americans and not getting mad, I dare you.

Nice assumption though.

>> No.8228191

yeah but in america people think they deserve more money for what they're doing because all the fun things are expensive

so they don't clean the ice machine

>> No.8228198

>Try living surrounded by Americans
I'd rather not

>> No.8228215

don't get me started with what workers think they deserve, ungrateful motherfuckers

>> No.8228231

i dunno, if i was on their side of the counter i'd want better things

though i don't know how i'd achieve them with a fast food job

>> No.8228250

of course you want better things in live. me, too. but you have never witnessed those lazy motherfuckers that think they deserve life on a silver spoon although they never worked for a better live

>> No.8228583

I'm willing to bet McDonalds franchises are probably one of the few places that actually maintain their machines properly, because running a franchise is as expensive as fuck.

>> No.8228614

Yeeeup. Plus the filters for the water that go into the ice machines rarely if ever get changed out leading the ice and soda dispensers to contain fecal bacteria.

Granted this article is from Virginia, but I've seen other reports of similar bacterial contamination.


>> No.8228629
File: 90 KB, 720x635, 3b3efa09a110a0466326f3d5d08d4def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had ants come out of ours all the time. They got washed inside the tubes via crawling inside the sweet softdrink syrup bags, and came out all the way out to the dispenser. I wonder if it still happens there. The operators of that store just seemed helpless about it no matter what we told them. We accidentally handed out ant filled cups all the time.

>> No.8228636

Didn't see your post

Read >>8228629
Contamination does occur. I said ants but I forgot to mention the baby cockroachs.

You're right. They have so many machines too. Around the time I quit they brought in 3 new apparatuses for their store. Everything was all broken after running nonstop for 24hrs a day and the maintenance guy got a full time job out of it.

>> No.8228638

McDonald's runs the tightest ship out of any of the fast food places. I bet they just pay closer attention to the machines or something.

>> No.8228674
File: 27 KB, 501x369, food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started working out a month ago
>Decided it's time to get on a diet/track what I eat

Been looking at random groceries and recipes online and trying to come up with some sort of plan, so I can go and buy for a week in advance and try to eat healthy overall (hopefully I can avoid snacks etc if I got an actual plan of what I'm going to eat that day and when) but I've been having some trouble thinking of ideas of what I can make, and how to.

Bare in mind I'm not lazy to cook but don't expect me to be able to make anything complicated, since I really have not cooked anything serious in the past. I can do stuff like put some chicken breasts in the oven, cook that, put some vegtable steampacks in the microwave and boil some rice, but still have a couple of questions regarding that.

If you got any suggestions for some easy to make meals, let me know. My goal is to eat around 1900-2200cal a day. Apart from chicken breasts what else can I really do? (I don't think I'll be able to eat the same exact meal 7 times a week).

>Also, what's the best way to marinate/season chicken and how can I season my rice (yellow rice etc) so it actually has some sort of taste, rather than just plain white basmati rice.

>pic related my current list lol

>> No.8228681


>Going to McD's and NOT getting Fruitopia

I don't know how; it's just the perfect beverage.

>> No.8228697

Try to squeeze in some McDonald's coke you faggot.

>> No.8229259

For me it is the McDonald's Fountain Diet Coke. The best fast food beverage.

>> No.8229271

>Bare in mind

Stop reading there. English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

>> No.8229272

>always fresh because the Coke at McDonalds has a high turnover
About 25 years ago or so I remember a group of coffee snubs trying all the chains and they actually rated mcd's within the top 3 on a blind test taste. It really came down the shear amount of coffee mcd's used on a daily basis.

>> No.8229324

I used to drink soda and the Dr pepper at McDonalds taste sweeter and I mean sweeter than usual.

>> No.8229325

I worked with a guy who used to install the Coke dispensers at local franchises.
He said the secret was each location charcoal filters the water that goes into them.
Clean water = tasty soda.

>> No.8229611

This so much

>> No.8229652
File: 2.42 MB, 2800x1620, 1476244364245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's also has the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich. It makes sense that McDonald's serves only the best, ice cold Coca-Cola®.

>> No.8229724

wrong thread?

>> No.8230542
File: 268 KB, 720x1280, 1403651668739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watched a man fill a cup, take a sip and spit it back out all over the fountain
> man
That's not how you spell "animal".

>> No.8230545
File: 58 KB, 650x650, 1448318193088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always.

>> No.8230797

You niggers have it all wrong.

Pepsi Maxx (now Pepsi 0)

Better taste
Shit ton of caffeine
0 cal

Go fucking try it you sheep

>> No.8230800

Yes always. Soda is a loss leader. It's ridiculously cheap.

>> No.8230808

I'm very happy I live in a 97% white town.
Though we are getting a lot of muzzies from uni and they keep leaving trash all over the restaurants they visit

>> No.8230824
File: 165 KB, 326x377, kevin nash pertrubed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's getting his value, I don't see the problem
It's all about the money and the miles

>> No.8230850

I don't think the restaurant sells it in jugs or lets you come back days later.

>> No.8230906

Not exactly the appropriate thread, but I just got back from Wendys and my burger is Medium Rare.

>> No.8230925

It's just extra syrup in the mix. It's not hard to do if you have ever worked a drink machine.

>> No.8231065

This, because it's freshly carbonated

>> No.8231071

>Why does McDonald's have the best Coca Cola
but mexico does and i say this an an amerifat

>> No.8231076

At my store our maintenance person is responsible for taking apart the machine, spraying them out, rinsing in soap water, then clean water, and soaking them in sanitizer. They are paid 17 maple syrup dollars for their job, and if they are caught cutting corners they are 1)sent home early ans 2)written up.

I've personally fired 2 people for not taking care of the pop machine. I drink from that shit, it better be done right.

>> No.8231084

Waffle House has the best fountain Coca-Cola

>> No.8232561

I work at a different fast food place than McDonald's, but this isn't true for most other places.
It's very very easy to clean the soda fountain, its just takes time, literally anyone can do it.

>> No.8232571

Isn't it like 50% water?

>> No.8232578

>anyone can do it
But most people either don't do it or half-ass it. We're talking about lazy teenagers, don't forget.

>> No.8232603

Still wrong.

>> No.8232863


rarely though, it can get watered down badly


you're also wrong, the best is in a can

>> No.8234053

>We're talking about lazy teenagers
at the McD i used to work while in college, the teenagers or early 20s people were some of the best workers in the store. those people were mostly parttimers and still had dreams and ambitions. the lazy ones were those who were over 30/40 and would never make anything out of themselves. they had given up long ago and just don't care for their work (nor their life)

>> No.8234123

So, as a guy who frequents a McDonalds Drive thru regularly, I can tell you I've had three entirely different experiences

>McDonalds 1
way too sweet, almost doesn't taste like coke. this applies to all their fountain drinks
>McDonalds 2
it's fine, nothing special
>McDonalds 3
waay better than any coke I've had that didn't either have natural sugar or came from a glass bottle(that last one may be placebo though)

But McDonalds 1 has cheaper food than 2 and 3. they still have a dollar menu

>> No.8234160

They filter their water
They do high volume so the syrup is fresh
They have specially made vats full of the stuff. Everybody else gets it sent to them in these small boxes

That's it

>> No.8234181

>Mcdonalds that don't have dollar menus

>> No.8234183

around these parts almost all dollar menu items have been moved to a "2 for 2.50" menu

>> No.8234942

taco bell pepsi
mcdonalds has the best sweet tea though followed by zaxbys and chik fil a