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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8226373 No.8226373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey you maggots, its me. The 50 pound apple man from a month ago.
This time, I got FIVE shopping bags full of crabapples, of about the same weight.

>> No.8226394

Put them in your butt one by one and become a human pop gun.

>> No.8226405

Make дipiлдeк.

>> No.8226413

don't bother with him, he's an idiot. sage

>> No.8226433

Aren't they a little tart? Maybe cook them exactly like you would for cranberry sauce. Pop it in the fridge for a few weeks, one less thing to do on Thanksgiving

>> No.8226436

Whats dirildek?

>> No.8226646

OP on it.
Making dried sugared apples because none of you have creativity.
>>8226413 if you have no contribution, please kindly shove yourself off my thread.

>> No.8226648

>its a fucking dinosaur

>> No.8226656
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>> No.8226660

oh shit, he's back.

>> No.8226695

Make apple jam since they're probably sour

>> No.8226753

Blend every single one of them into a fine sauce, then mix it with five pounds of spinach; add 1 pound of chocolate ice cream and blend it all again.


>> No.8226755

Lots of jelly and jam has been made already.
About 5 small mason jars each

>> No.8226776
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You're buying this much apples and you're not making any jam, jelly, or kompot? Babushka will kill you

>> No.8226791

hard cider

>> No.8226879

Put one in your mouth and roast yourself like the pig you are.

>> No.8226888

No you dip, they grow outside.
Honestly people.

>> No.8226891

Its a bloody crabapple, too small

>> No.8226913

Try and make some cider

>> No.8226920

Am on it already. Waiting for some more Camden Tablets and yeast nutrient to come.

>> No.8226987

Go to a bakery ask them to make pie crusts and buy them, or buy the shitty premade ones or make your own if you know how. Make pies try the usual cinnamon nutmeg sugar or try just vanilla extract sugar. Try finely minced so the filling ends up like apple sauce or large chunks so it has texture.

>> No.8226992

Give pies away or sell em. I sometimes bake and sell them to an owner of a farmers market stand a good 6 hours of work can make me $300 just making and selling 14 pies I don't even make the pie crust I buy it from a bakery.

>> No.8227021
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> become a human pop gun.

>> No.8227045
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>> No.8227115


>> No.8227116

fatty detected

>> No.8227140
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>> No.8227212
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Make a batch of applesauce. Make dehydrated apple slices. Make fruit leather. On second thought crab apples would probably suck for any of those. Dehydrated I suppose would keep them without having to can. Use them in trail mix or something later. You could mash them into a paste and lay it out on your sidewalk on a dry day, leave for a few hours, then rinse off as a nice way to remove mildew and brighten the concrete. Crab apples have a high level of ascorbic acid.

>> No.8227220

hey reddit

>> No.8227226


>> No.8227234
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I'd make wine or juice out of them, perhaps even sparkling drinks

>> No.8227238

Eat them OP
Eat them all

>> No.8227290

I think there was this old river cottage episode where they made a bunch of things out of crabapples. There was some sort of alcoholic drink and jellies that he blended with other berries too.

>> No.8227298

Sun dry em with a sprinkle of sugar and make sweet and sour fruit jerky

>> No.8227752

>anon, why do you have all of these rotten apple slices in your yard

>> No.8227978

Thanks anon!

>> No.8227988

I'm doing somthing similar to that, except it involves glazing them in a pot and drying

>>8227238 Bu-but I'd burst a gut!

>> No.8228023

Juice those bitches out and make apple syrup for pancakes.

>> No.8228028

OP again, gonna take >>8226405's advice and make a brontosaurus outta crabapples.
Will post results

>> No.8228071
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You know, I don't know how it happened, but I translated jelly into a Cyrillic language, I thought it was Russian, but the result comes out different now. So I'm at a loss as to what language it was that told me дipiлдeк meant jelly.

>> No.8228171

dick pics or gtfo