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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8222372 No.8222372 [Reply] [Original]

Does your pup go nuts over a certain type of food? When i make meatballs, this bastard goes nuts. I can be making food all day but the moment the maranara sauce is on these and they are ready to eat it is like nothing he has seen before

>> No.8222426

My cat begs relentlessly whenever I have food but almost never eats any that I offer to her. Though I love the offended, how-dare-you look when she's offered coffee grounds.

>> No.8222427

dogs love toast

>> No.8222437

You can train them not to beg if they're assholes about it by offering them something catnasty every time they do it. Citrus peels, onions, and minty gum work pretty well.

>> No.8222446

He is not a jerk. He dosent care about any other food. Only meatballs, with maranara. It is kind of ridiculous. He dosent beg at all. He sits in another room when I eat usually.

>> No.8222450


>> No.8222457
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My doggo doesn't give a fuck about human food

If I'm buttering some toast with peanut butter or eating an apple she'll come up to investigate, but she won't beg

>> No.8222468

Cat beggar training. It's more difficult than dog training because they're mildly retarded (not really, but they don't operate on the same social intelligence plane of existence as dogs and humans. For instance, cats don't understand most human facial expressions).

Your dog has somehow developed a meatball fetish. That a pic of yours? BC mix? Now I wonder what happened to him.

>> No.8222470

No. He almost never gets human food and if he does, it's in his bowl, not from the table or the counter

>> No.8222486

Yup. Border Collie. I feed him really good dog food. "Natural evolutionary: duck recipe" He loves it and his coat is nice. Does not give a shit about any other food we cook. Pretty funny.

>> No.8222489

That is a nice looking dog. 10/10

>> No.8222493

They're smart little shits. There's got to have been some kind of fond meatball memory that made him love them.

>> No.8222494
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Not a mix. He looks like a skunk sometimes

>> No.8222497

Lol. Now you make me think....

>> No.8222515

Yeah, when I boil pasta. The dogs want it before I put it into the sauce. They're nuts, but in a lovable way, unlike almost all humans.

I have a feeling it could be because I make my own pasta: "00" flour, egg and olive oil.

>> No.8222521
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Forgot to post my pasta lovers.

>> No.8222536

>"00" flour, egg and olive oil.


Such a nice thread until that

>> No.8222546

My dog likes tacos.

>> No.8222605

I honestly don't get it. I posted the simple recipe the dogs go nuts over in a "dogs going nuts over" thread on a cooking board and I'm hammered as a thread killer. Where am I, Breitbart?

>> No.8222606

When I was about 15 I used cheese to teach her to high-five me.
For the last 8 years every time she smells food she goes mental and starts randomly swatting at the air...

>> No.8222608

What's wrong with that? I was gonna borrow an extruder from a friend and that's pretty much my recipe, though using durum flour if I could find it.

>> No.8222620
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My dog will usually come around the kitchen and investigate when I'm cooking something or messing around in there. But holy shit, the second he hears me start breaking the shell of a hard boiled egg he tears his ass in there.

That little shit LOVES eggs.

>> No.8222626

I dunno, where are you? Nebraska?

>> No.8222644

My GSD loves crackers.

>> No.8222664

>Get new pupper
>Two days later, perfectly poached egg rolls off my plate as I walk to table
>He gets it
Can't make an egg now without him pressing his face into my shins. What's strange is, he won't eat scrambled or well-done eggs. They have to have runny yolks.

He also loves cayenne. My dog has better taste than some humans.

>> No.8222693

My dog absolutely LOVES chocolate-covered onion.

>> No.8222786



>> No.8222792

Goodbye. Have a good night.

>> No.8222808

that kills the dog

>> No.8222971

my old pug was the chillest, most laid back, lax to the max, dandy ol gentleman you'd ever meet. he could sleep through an earthquake, nothing would faze him or over excite him. except for when i grilled. as soon as sees me walking in through the back door with a plate of sizzling hot steaks, he'd start running in circles and not settle down till i sit at the table and cut up a few pieces for him

>> No.8222984


I love dogs.

>> No.8222990

yeeshh bro that blue buffalo stuff is expensive. i gave it to my doggo to while he was still a puppy but now that he's grown i just give him iams pro health and spike it with either canned beef chunks with gravy or whatever proteins i'm having for dinner (shredded roast chicken or ground meat, etc)

>> No.8222993

Nice doggo
I give it a 9/11

>> No.8223007

I play Pet Chef for my cavalier king charles spaniels (3rd time owner now). They're spoiled and expect some people food. Whatever protein I'm making, I'll set aside some unseasoned amount to grace the top of the dog food. I don't see much preference for types of food, just some aversions occasionally.

My friend had an orange tabby that didn't beg whatsoever, no people food ever, but one single thing. Chicken from pollo tropical, with all the garlic on it. The begging was so furiously frustrating if that was brought home in takeout, she would buy the cat a kid's meal to be left alone. And, she had to wrap up the kitchen trash liner and take it out to the outside can right away, or the cat would even get into the garbage after bedtime. The cat was insane, purring, hitting her with the paws, pacing, just neurotically intense like hyper on speed and ravenous. Some kind of catnip in the cuban mojo seasoning! Hahah.

>> No.8223011

>can't determine what region of the US I live in based on the angle of the sun and timestamp.

Son, you need to enroll in remedial 6th grade science before you ever attempt to post again.

Oooohh, you were educated in amerilardland; cancel that.

>> No.8223166
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>Whatever protein I'm making, I'll set aside some unseasoned amount to grace the top of the dog food.

This is what good dog owners do and its its what dogs love. Godbless you. And me. And everyone who does this

>> No.8223168

Garlic and onion are bad for dogs, js.

>> No.8223195

Wish I wasn't so deathly afraid of dogs. Really want to have one later on.

>> No.8223200

My family had German Shepherd once, she loves bananas and candy canes for some odd reason.
We didn't have the time to train her properly or deal with the shedding, we had to find her a new home after a few months....

>> No.8223211

My dog LOVES mushrooms. The little fucker practically vibrates with excitement when he hears a package of mushrooms open. He doesn't do this with any other food.

>> No.8223219

Once I was at a friend's place incredibly stoned and he had a few kittens. I was eating some raisins and one walked up to me so I gave it one.

That cat fucking loved them so for the next fifteen minutes or so I sat there giggling like a retard feeding that kitten raisin.

>> No.8223222

>Does your pup go nuts over a certain type of food?

literally anything that isn't the dried shit i feed him every day with water. being a pet is suffering

>> No.8223235

grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs and cats. a dose as small as .05 ounces of raisins per lbs body weight of cat is roughly a toxic dose. for a 5 lbs kitten that would be as little as 8-10 raisins. shit damages their kidneys

>> No.8223242

>not owning a great siberian dachshund

>> No.8223251

i suffered from a trauma induced phobia of dogs when i was young. this phobia persisted to early adulthood, and was so strong i could not even tolerate small dogs. (as a grown teen, i ran away screaming like a little girl once while being chased by a 5 lbs terrier). when a relative became sick tho my family had to temporarily take in the family members doggo. he was a little lap dog and very well mannered. just being around him for a couple days and helping feed him, clean him, and look after him helped me eventually overcome my fear. i've owned 4 dogs since (raised 2 from puppyhood). my current dog is 60 lbs and bundle of cuddles.

>> No.8223258

And now I'm sad. I hope I didn't kill that kitty he got rid of them a little while after that.

>> No.8223259

99% of what I cook is vegetarian. The dogs pay attention and see if I drop anything while cooking or eating. On the occasion when I do cook meat, the dogs go crazy. They know as soon as it is unwrapped or starts cooking and start running around and pestering me for some.

>> No.8223276

Guess we're in the same boat since even new borns scare me. Had a traumatic incident with a dog although I wasn't hurt.
I think it's the fact that they're faster than me and probably stronger. Maybe one day I'll overcome my fear m