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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8219861 No.8219861 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8219923
File: 81 KB, 1024x678, perfectlysafe2eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember kids, it's only ok to be critical of this stuff if it's happening in another country.

>> No.8219935

There's a massive difference, torturing farm animals is illegal and kept hidden, live sashimi is out in the open and approved of.

>> No.8219968

True, also factory farming involves about 20,000,000x as much animal torture as sushi

But buzzfeed said they have panties in the vending machines lmao so foreign!

>> No.8219978

> factory farming involves about 20,000,000x as much animal torture as sushi

Are you trying to say that the existence of factory farming means that you shouldn't be critical of live sashimi? Really not getting your point

Japanese people laugh at and/or exclude gaijin, so it's all fair.

>> No.8219979

>citation needed

>> No.8220192


>> No.8220562

Are there any good places in the States to get ikizukuri? Or is that something you have to fly to Asia for?

>> No.8220597

It takes a lot of skill but adds nothing to the dish. Just unnecessary.

>> No.8220626
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>> No.8220687

This. I want some so badly.
Fish don't have souls btw

>> No.8220749

I've eaten still-live fish on fishing trips. Is it the presentation that unnerves people or is it the prolonged death? A lot of animals in factory processing don't get killed instantly you know.

>> No.8220780

>A lot of animals in factory processing don't get killed instantly you know

At least those are accidental rather than intentional

>> No.8220782

>eaten still-live fish
the number of internal parasites you are currently carrying is pretty disgusting.

>> No.8220790

Jesus. Christ.

The music. The smile.


>> No.8220820

Knowing the type of people getting jobs at slaughterhouses, yeah nah.

Low maintenance pets :3

>> No.8220835

PEPE :'(

>> No.8220873


>> No.8220963

This kills the frog

>> No.8221865

Not intended by the system but we acknowledge the psychopathy behind those people and it's looked down on

This sashimi practice on the other hand is not looked down upon there

>> No.8221921

A lot of japs find it disgusting, actually. Just because it's done doesn't mean everyone approves.

>> No.8222459

I meant that it was out in the open

>> No.8222632

What he means to say is, sometimes Japanese people do racist things. This blows his weeb mind, because they were supposed to be enlightened superior beings and also everyone knows whites are the best and everyone everywhere loves them unconditionally. I mean what did white people ever do to anyone.

>> No.8222707

You're an idiot and don't know English grammar, but the truth is, Japs are as racist as /pol/.

>> No.8222719

>vegefag and a tripfag wew
Into the filter you go

>> No.8222764

You forgot to turn of your trip so you could samefag successfully. Or you just talk in the third person, which is equal;ly as embarrasing

>> No.8222773

>You're an idiot, and don't know English grammar. But the truth is: Jap's are as racist as /pol./

Turn on spell check next time.

>> No.8222822
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>> No.8222880

Who gives a shit. Its a fucking fish. If its delicious I'm going to eat it.