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8218405 No.8218405 [Reply] [Original]

Where did this retarded meme come from that in order to be a "real" man, one is only allowed to drink macro lagers and whiskey? Is Mad Men responsible for this?

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some pretentious fedora wearing asshole alcohol shame me into arbitrarily only enjoying two kinds of it because he only drinks for the image.

>> No.8218410

Real men only drink ciders. All other alcohol is for pussies.

>> No.8218413
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Also red pill me on pic related. Is it any good? I've seen a lot of people dismiss it but also an equal amount praise it.

>> No.8218417

>let some pretentious fedora wearing asshole alcohol shame me
Yea, you'd have to be an idiot to do that

>> No.8218419

>red pill me
Welp, you're a faggot

>> No.8218437
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>i'm a real man, that's why drinking this cosmopolitan doesn't make me any less manly

>> No.8218439

Youre white so you couldnt be a man even if you tried.

>> No.8218446

>"real" man, one is only allowed to drink macro lagers and whiskey? Is Mad Men responsible for this?

its been that way for a long longer than mad men, son.

and its still true.

>> No.8218463

Put cucks in camps.

>> No.8218472

I'm black.

>> No.8218473

this is because the american (and perhaps western) ideal of masculinity is of an unpretentious, capable, rugged individual. He likes things simple, practical, and uncomplicated. He generally knows some sort of trade and can work with his hands.

Micro-brews are perceived as pretentious, needlessly complicated, and in general needlessly pricey. Therefore, they make you look unmasculine.

>> No.8218481

That's not very kino of you (((friend)))

>> No.8218519

Blended whisky with soda water is pretty tasty if whisky neat scares ya.

>> No.8218539

Isn't that in and of itself just a more socially acceptable form of pretension built around marketing driven associations that don't hold up to any close scrutiny?

I mean it's hard to take statements like this >>8218446
at face value as anything other than willful ignorance.

>> No.8218546


It is ok, but honestly for the price of Japanese whiskeys, they arent worth it to me. I greatly prefer even lower end Islay's and Speysides that anything Ive ever had from Suntory

>> No.8218552


This is one of the rare cases where marketing seems to have followed an already ingrained perception in society.

Its why Lumbersexuals exist.

>> No.8218556

I am a walking meme on this subject. I drive an American car, I drink Bourbon chased with an American beer (usually MGD or Coors Light)

At least in my experience, if you order a craft beer of any kind someone is going to make fun of you for it.

>> No.8218585

There are several cocktails that are considered manly as well:

Martini - the time-honored classic
Rum and Coke - simple, and easy to drink
Jack & Coke - An American staple
Boilermaker - Whiskey and beer? Doubly manly.
Gin & Tonic - A gentleman's old friend
Tom Collins - Great after a summer day at the golf course
Classic Manhattan - Older than Prohibition, and about as manly as they come. Give your girl the cherry.
Old Fashioned - Sits next to the Manhattan in the history books, old reliable.
Godfather - It was good enough for Marlon Brando.
Sidecar - a WW1 classic even a lady could enjoy with some sugar on the rim.
Stinger - good enough for Sinatra.
Whiskey Sour - Your Great Grandad probably enjoyed this on a hot summer day while he told your dad about how he shot fifty men in Germany.

>> No.8218595

A real man drinks whatever the fuck he wants without giving 2 shits about what others think.

>> No.8218600
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Scotch is shit and smoked malts are shit to be desu

>> No.8218603

t. Shaquann

>> No.8218604


I have a bottle of that, got it a good few years ago when it was £35 a bottle. Mine is the 12 year old so possibly slightly different, the one you posted is the newer one I am sure.

It is very nice, I am looking forward to finishing it off in the near future. However, it is absolutely not worth what they are charging for it now. Looking on Amazon the 12 is now well over £100 a bottle if you can get it which is insane.

The new one without the age statement is now £54, which is too steep in my opinion. You can get a much better Scottish single malt in that price bracket. It is a shame really, I would love to have it again but it just isn't worth that. I see Costco sell the other one (Yamazaki or something?) at a reasonable price so I might give that a go next.

>> No.8218626

Screwdrivers are fine, right? I just like some vodka and OJ sometimes. It's nice way to start the day

>> No.8218640

This, if you're judging others by what they drink you're pretty fucking insecure

>> No.8218739

Put black nationalists in camps, you mad your shitty continent couldn't produce half of what some dirt farmers in Europe did? You mad that you're the world's trashcan and not even close to relevant anymore?

>> No.8219034

>few months ago
>out at bar looking to hook up
>get a girl a drink, order an apple martini for myself
>she laughs and calls me a fag then leaves
>10 minutes later some guy comes up to me puts his hand low on my back and asks me if he can get me another
>he's really fucking big
>panic because I don't think he would take rejection well
>start planning my great escape
>say sure and excuse myself to the bathroom
>no window because it isn't a fucking sitcom
>decide to make a dash out
>walk out, casually move towards door, when big guy starts to look in my direction bolt for it
>Barkeep sees me running and yells "you gotta pay"
>obviously not stopping to pay
>get out the door and run as fast as I can
>Look back see barkeep at the door looking fucking livid
>15 minutes later I'm out of sight
>cop car sirens
>he pulls over and stops me
>asks to see my ID
>oh shit the barkeep saw my name on my ID
>give it to the officer
>he says "alright, you're gonna have to come with me"

ended up at the holding station after that, got fined like $80.

never ordering a feminine drink again.

>> No.8219066

didn't draper drink beefeater neat often?

>> No.8219197

Gayest poster in the thread.

>> No.8219281

Real men don't drink alcohol

>> No.8220096

It's cultural.

In Italy, red wine is manly. In Belgium, craft beer is manly. In India, chai tea is manly. In San Francisco, white wine spritzers are manly.

>> No.8220142

>bourbon chased with pisswater beer
You're not a meme, friend. You're just a trashy American throwing darts while blind.

For me, drinking like a man entails drinking whatever beer you prefer straight from the bottle. If you're drinking beer from a can, it better be at a party. And if you brought said canned beer to someone else's party, you're a piece of shit.
For alcohol, you either take shots back to back, or you drink your choice of brown liquor on the rocks, or straight.

Literally any other type of flavored beer, cocktail, or whatever fruity shit is socially acceptable to drink if you're out with your friends having a good time.

But when you're at a bar, or at home, you drink like a man. You don't need to prove anything to anybody but yourself. If you drink gay shit alone, then you're essentially gay,

>> No.8220243


honestly if you care enough about what people think that you're self conscious about drinking "manly" drinks, you'll never be a real man anyway

>> No.8220280


Stingers are fucking disgusting.

>> No.8220287

>Is Mad Men responsible for this?
No, it's mostly poorfags. Don Draper's usual drink has a literal cherry in it.

>> No.8220299


>where did it come from?

It's been like that ever since. There are just things that are universally manly like whiskey, cigars, red meat, boxing, hunting etc. Sure you can drink fairy rainbow piss in a glass and enjoy it but it looks retarded. From experience in bartending I can safely say that the only guys that drink seeet cocktails are those oddly feminine types that use hair gel and act tough at any given moment. Sure just drinking strong alcohol straight and smoking cigars doesn't make you a man but you won't see a lumber jack or a marine drinking a Tom Collins

>> No.8220304

>you won't see a lumber jack or a marine drinking a Tom Collins
Because they can't afford to live in cities with cocktail bars, let alone go to cocktail bars.

Generally the only mixed drink I go for is gin and tonic, but let's be real here.

>> No.8220328

Generally enjoying overly sugary things is considered not manly, don't know why but I myself stopped enjoying most sugary things when I grew up.

What I find most irritating is that people like you have forced your personal taste through so much that liking beer is considered to be "fake" and everyone just "pretends"

Again, it is okay that you don't like beer or "manly" alcohol. But you don't need to be so insecure that you have to turn it into a "I AM SUPERIOR THAT'S WHY" thing. Even in cities with an active night time culture and plenty of young men, they never go for the sweet fruity drinks.

>> No.8220344

I'm a cow milker/ calf feeder. Half of my job is wading through cow shit. I live in a small sized town compared to most areas, and we have a cocktail bar. I guarantee you the only people who order sweet/ fruity drinks here are metrosexuals and women. I can easily afford a daiquiri or Margarita if I wanted to. But I'm a purist.

I don't need cream and sugar to enjoy my coffee.
I don't need vermouth and sweet new sour mix to enjoy a drink.

You seem like the kind of person who needs to add sugar to his cereal. Sometimes, you need to feel that bite from a strong drink after a hard days/ nights work.

>> No.8220369

The thread subject is about restricting yourself to beer and whisky, not the fact that men have less of a sweet tooth than women.

Despite the fact that cabernet sauvignon tastes like leather compared to the comfortable chicken soup sedative that is beer, you'll find it classified as "girly" by people who have a lot to say against materialism, and who will also do absolutely anything for a buck.

I don't drink sweet cocktails. Or eat cereal.

>> No.8220405

>being an insecure faggot who thinks anything he doesn't like is fedora.
What's it like to have pallet of a man child bro-montana?

>> No.8220411

>thinking only two beers is american.
Ohh... gr8 b8 m8! You got me!

>> No.8220413

you're only a real man if you beat your wife and kids after that whiskey

>> No.8220427

I love to be able to just go into a bar and order what I want without having to be so insecure to care what people think.

>> No.8220431

The third post is literally me asking for a whiskey recommendation you fucking tard. I drink cheap beer, I like bourbon I don't limit myself solely to those things which you would understand if you had any reading comprehension faggot.

advocating that people drink what they want instead of arbitrarily limiting oneself to a small fraction of possibilities is somehow forcing my personal taste on others by encouraging them to decide for themselves rather than rely on peer pressure. Got it.

>> No.8220436

Chill out Chad bro. Did beer chugging baby drop is natty ice and fireball?

>> No.8220459

People can think whatever the fuck they want about me but I doubt they'd say anything to my face when I order a moscow mule or long island, so fuck them for being judgemental pussies.

>> No.8220488

This isn't a confrontation thread.
It's an intervention thread.

We're concerned about your saggy tits and flappy vagina. We're gonna say a few things, then you're gonna say a few things, and then we're done.


>> No.8220505

And since you'd never actually say that in real life, there's no reason to take it seriously, fag.

>> No.8220617
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>in real life

>> No.8220833

So what if a man likes/orders a cosmopolitan?

>> No.8220838

long island is definately man-tier cos its basically booze poured onto booze x4.

moscow mule is for butch homos signalling their gayness.

>> No.8220842

>I mean it's hard to take statements like this >>8218446 (You)
at face value as anything other than willful ignorance.

Im 35.

Its this way atleast as long as I've been alive.